Viewing file: (9.58 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
from deskbar.core.GconfStore import GconfStore from deskbar.handlers.actions.CopyToClipboardAction import CopyToClipboardAction from deskbar.handlers.actions.ShowUrlAction import ShowUrlAction from gettext import gettext as _ import cgi import deskbar import deskbar.core.Utils import deskbar.interfaces.Action import deskbar.interfaces.Match import gobject import gtk import logging import os import os.path import re import urllib
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_preferred_browser(): http_handler = GconfStore.get_instance().get_client().get_string("/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/command") if http_handler == None: return None http_handler = http_handler.strip().lower() if not GconfStore.get_instance().get_client().get_bool("/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/enabled"): return None return http_handler.split(" ")[0]
def is_preferred_browser(test): # We will import only if the user's preferred browser is mozilla http_handler = get_preferred_browser() if http_handler == None: return False if http_handler.find(test) != -1: return True
paths = [path for path in os.getenv("PATH").split(os.path.pathsep) if path.strip() != "" and os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path)] for directory in paths: if http_handler.startswith("/"): program_path = http_handler else: program_path = os.path.join(directory, http_handler) while os.path.islink(program_path): program_path = os.path.join(directory, os.readlink(program_path)) directory = os.path.dirname(program_path) if program_path.find(test) != -1: return True return False
class OpenBrowserItemAction(ShowUrlAction): HISTORY_TYPE, BOOKMARK_TYPE = range(2) def __init__(self, name, url, item_type): ShowUrlAction.__init__(self, name, url) self._item_type = item_type def get_verb(self): if self._item_type == self.HISTORY_TYPE: return _("Open History Item %s") % "<b>%(name)s</b>" elif self._item_type == self.BOOKMARK_TYPE: return _("Open Bookmark %s") % "<b>%(name)s</b>" else: raise ValueError("Unknown type") class OpenSmartBookmarkAction(deskbar.interfaces.Action): def __init__(self, name, url, prefix_to_strip): deskbar.interfaces.Action.__init__(self, name) self._url = url self._prefix_to_strip = prefix_to_strip def get_icon(self): return "web-search.png" def get_verb(self): #translators: First %s is the search engine name, second %s is the search term return _("Search <b>%(name)s</b> for <i>%(text)s</i>") def get_name(self, text=None): m = deskbar.interfaces.Action.get_name(self, text) if self._prefix_to_strip != None and text.startswith(self._prefix_to_strip): m["text"] = text[len(self._prefix_to_strip):] return m def activate(self, text=None): if self._prefix_to_strip != None and text.startswith(self._prefix_to_strip): text = text[len(self._prefix_to_strip):] real_url = re.sub("%s", urllib.quote(text), self._url) deskbar.core.Utils.url_show(real_url) class BrowserMatch(deskbar.interfaces.Match): def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, is_history=False, **args): deskbar.interfaces.Match.__init__(self, name=cgi.escape(name), category="web", **args) self._priority = 10 self.url = url if is_history: item_type = OpenBrowserItemAction.HISTORY_TYPE else: item_type = OpenBrowserItemAction.BOOKMARK_TYPE self.add_action( OpenBrowserItemAction(name, self.url, item_type) ) self.add_action( CopyToClipboardAction( _("URL"), self.url) ) def get_hash(self, text=None): return self.url class BrowserSmartMatch(deskbar.interfaces.Match): def __init__(self, name=None, url=None, prefix_to_strip=None, bookmark=None, serialized_bookmark=None, **args): deskbar.interfaces.Match.__init__(self, name=cgi.escape(name), category="websearch", **args) self._priority = 0 self.url = url if prefix_to_strip != None and not prefix_to_strip.endswith(" "): prefix_to_strip += " " if bookmark != None: self._bookmark = bookmark else: self._bookmark = BrowserMatch(**serialized_bookmark) self.add_action( OpenSmartBookmarkAction(name, url, prefix_to_strip) ) def get_bookmark(self): return self._bookmark def get_hash(self): return self.url def get_url_host(url): try: #Remove http: needed by splithost clean = url[url.find(":")+1:] #Remove the www part so we have more matches if clean.startswith("//www."): clean = "//"+clean[6:] return urllib.splithost(clean)[0] except Exception, msg: LOGGER.error('get_url_host(%s):%s', url, msg) return url
# FIXME: Begins nastyness: # Definitions from here down deal with shortcuts for smart bookmarks - both # managing the UI for customizing shortcuts, and methods for activating them # on the right triggers (e.g. Ctrl-something).
def on_entry_key_press(query, shortcut, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map): if shortcut > 255: return None else: key = chr(shortcut) try: bookmark = shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map[key] return bookmark except KeyError: # There was no shortcut defined for this keypress return None
def _sync_shortcuts_map_from_list_store(list_store, smart_bookmarks, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map): shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map.clear() for row in list_store: shortcut, smart_bookmark = row[0], row[1] if shortcut != None and len(shortcut) > 0: shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map[shortcut] = smart_bookmark
def _sync_list_store_from_shortcuts_map(list_store, smart_bookmarks, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map): # m is the inverse map of shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map m = {} for sc in shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map.keys(): m[shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map[sc]] = sc # FIXME: this is a major design flaw since not inited bookmarks will fail here # FIXME: Another fixme is to resolve conflicts in keybindings, and probably we # should provide an unified framework to bind shortcuts with register/unregiter things if smart_bookmarks == None: return for b in smart_bookmarks: try: list_store.append([m[b], b]) except KeyError: # The smart bookmark b did not have a shortcut list_store.append([None, b])
def load_shortcuts(smart_bookmarks, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map): shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map.clear() url_to_shortcuts = {} try: for line in file(os.path.join(deskbar.USER_CONFIG_DIR, "search-bookmarks-shortcuts.txt")): line = line.strip() if len(line) > 0: url, shortcut = line.split() url_to_shortcuts[url] = shortcut except IOError: # The file probably does not exist pass for b in smart_bookmarks: try: sc = url_to_shortcuts[b.url] shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map[sc] = b except KeyError: pass
def _save_shortcuts(shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map): f = open(os.path.join(deskbar.USER_CONFIG_DIR, "search-bookmarks-shortcuts.txt"), "w") for shortcut in shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map.keys(): bookmark = shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map[shortcut] f.write(bookmark.url) f.write("\t") f.write(shortcut) f.write("\n") f.close()
def _on_shortcut_edited(cell, path, new_text, (list_store, smart_bookmarks, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map)): new_text = new_text.strip() if len(new_text) == 0: new_text = None list_store[path][0] = new_text _sync_shortcuts_map_from_list_store(list_store, smart_bookmarks, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map) _save_shortcuts(shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map)
def on_customize_search_shortcuts(smart_bookmarks, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map): list_store = gtk.ListStore(str, gobject.TYPE_PYOBJECT) _sync_list_store_from_shortcuts_map(list_store, smart_bookmarks, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map) builder = gtk.Builder() builder.add_from_file(os.path.join(deskbar.SHARED_DATA_DIR, "smart-bookmarks.ui")) view = builder.get_object("bookmarks-view") view.set_model(list_store) crt_shortcut = gtk.CellRendererText() crt_shortcut.set_property("editable", True) crt_shortcut.connect("edited", _on_shortcut_edited, (list_store, smart_bookmarks, shortcuts_to_smart_bookmarks_map)) tvc_shortcut = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Shortcut"), crt_shortcut, text=0) view.append_column(tvc_shortcut) def bookmark_to_bookmark_name(tree_view_column, cell_renderer, model, iter): bookmark = model.get_value(iter, 1) cell_renderer.set_property("text", bookmark.get_name())
crt_name = gtk.CellRendererText() tvc_name = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Bookmark Name"), crt_name) tvc_name.set_cell_data_func(crt_name, bookmark_to_bookmark_name) view.append_column(tvc_name) dialog = builder.get_object("smart-bookmarks") dialog.set_icon_name("deskbar-applet") dialog.show_all() dialog.destroy()