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## system-config-printer
## Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Red Hat, Inc. ## Copyright (C) 2006 Florian Festi <> ## Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Tim Waugh <>
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
import cups, pprint, os, tempfile, re, string import locale from . import _debugprint
class Printer: _flags_blacklist = ["options", "local"]
def __init__(self, name, connection, **kw): """ @param name: printer name @type name: string @param connection: CUPS connection @type connection: CUPS.Connection object @param kw: printer attributes @type kw: dict indexed by string """ = name self.connection = connection self.class_members = [] self.update (**kw) self._ppd = None # load on demand
def __del__ (self): if self._ppd != None: os.unlink(self._ppd)
def __repr__ (self): return "<cupshelpers.Printer \"%s\">" %
def _expand_flags(self):
def _ascii_lower(str): return str.translate(string.maketrans(string.ascii_uppercase, string.ascii_lowercase));
prefix = "CUPS_PRINTER_" prefix_length = len(prefix)
# loop over cups constants for name in cups.__dict__: if name.startswith(prefix): attr_name = \ _ascii_lower(name[prefix_length:]) if attr_name in self._flags_blacklist: continue if attr_name == "class": attr_name = "is_class" # set as attribute setattr(self, attr_name, bool(self.type & getattr(cups, name)))
def update(self, **kw): """ Update object from printer attributes.
@param kw: printer attributes @type kw: dict indexed by string """ self.state = kw.get('printer-state', 0) self.enabled = self.state != cups.IPP_PRINTER_STOPPED self.device_uri = kw.get('device-uri', "") = kw.get('printer-info', "") self.is_shared = kw.get('printer-is-shared', None) self.location = kw.get('printer-location', "") self.make_and_model = kw.get('printer-make-and-model', "") self.type = kw.get('printer-type', 0) self.uri_supported = kw.get('printer-uri-supported', "") if type (self.uri_supported) != list: self.uri_supported = [self.uri_supported] self._expand_flags() if self.is_shared is None: self.is_shared = not self.not_shared del self.not_shared self.other_attributes = kw
def getAttributes(self): """ Fetch further attributes for the printer.
Normally only a small set of attributes is fetched. This method is for fetching more. """ attrs = self.connection.getPrinterAttributes( self.attributes = {} self.other_attributes = {} self.possible_attributes = { 'landscape' : ('False', ['True', 'False']), 'page-border' : ('none', ['none', 'single', 'single-thick', 'double', 'double-thick']), }
for key, value in attrs.iteritems(): if key.endswith("-default"): name = key[:-len("-default")] if name in ["job-sheets", "printer-error-policy", "printer-op-policy", # handled below "notify-events", # cannot be set "document-format", # cannot be set "notify-lease-duration"]: # cannot be set continue
supported = attrs.get(name + "-supported", None) or \ self.possible_attributes.get(name, None) or \ ""
# Convert a list into a comma-separated string, since # it can only really have been misinterpreted as a list # by CUPS. if isinstance (value, list): value = reduce (lambda x, y: x+','+y, value)
self.attributes[name] = value if attrs.has_key(name+"-supported"): supported = attrs[name+"-supported"] self.possible_attributes[name] = (value, supported) elif (not key.endswith ("-supported") and key != 'job-sheets-default' and key != 'printer-error-policy' and key != 'printer-op-policy' and not key.startswith ('requesting-user-name-')): self.other_attributes[key] = value self.job_sheet_start, self.job_sheet_end = attrs.get( 'job-sheets-default', ('none', 'none')) self.job_sheets_supported = attrs.get('job-sheets-supported', ['none']) self.error_policy = attrs.get('printer-error-policy', 'none') self.error_policy_supported = attrs.get( 'printer-error-policy-supported', ['none']) self.op_policy = attrs.get('printer-op-policy', "") or "default" self.op_policy_supported = attrs.get( 'printer-op-policy-supported', ["default"])
self.default_allow = True self.except_users = [] if attrs.has_key('requesting-user-name-allowed'): self.except_users = attrs['requesting-user-name-allowed'] self.default_allow = False elif attrs.has_key('requesting-user-name-denied'): self.except_users = attrs['requesting-user-name-denied'] self.except_users_string = ', '.join(self.except_users) self.update (**attrs)
def getServer(self): """ Find out which server defines this printer.
@returns: server URI or None """ if not self.uri_supported[0].startswith('ipp://'): return None uri = self.uri_supported[0][6:] uri = uri.split('/')[0] uri = uri.split(':')[0] if uri == "localhost.localdomain": uri = "localhost" return uri
def getPPD(self): """ Obtain the printer's PPD.
@returns: cups.PPD object, or False for raw queues @raise cups.IPPError: IPP error """ result = None if self._ppd is None: try: self._ppd = self.connection.getPPD( result = cups.PPD (self._ppd) except cups.IPPError, (e, m): if e == cups.IPP_NOT_FOUND: result = False else: raise
if result != False and self._ppd != None: result = cups.PPD (self._ppd)
return result
def setOption(self, name, value): """ Set a printer's option.
@param name: option name @type name: string @param value: option value @type value: option-specific """ if isinstance (value, float): radixchar = locale.nl_langinfo (locale.RADIXCHAR) if radixchar != '.': # Convert floats to strings, being careful with decimal points. value = str (value).replace (radixchar, '.') self.connection.addPrinterOptionDefault(, name, value)
def unsetOption(self, name): """ Unset a printer's option.
@param name: option name @type name: string """ self.connection.deletePrinterOptionDefault(, name)
def setEnabled(self, on, reason=None): """ Set the printer's enabled state.
@param on: whether it will be enabled @type on: bool @param reason: reason for this state @type reason: string """ if on: self.connection.enablePrinter( else: if reason: self.connection.disablePrinter(, reason=reason) else: self.connection.disablePrinter(
def setAccepting(self, on, reason=None): """ Set the printer's accepting state.
@param on: whether it will be accepting @type on: bool @param reason: reason for this state @type reason: string """ if on: self.connection.acceptJobs( else: if reason: self.connection.rejectJobs(, reason=reason) else: self.connection.rejectJobs(
def setShared(self,on): """ Set the printer's shared state.
@param on: whether it will be accepting @type on: bool """ self.connection.setPrinterShared(, on)
def setErrorPolicy (self, policy): """ Set the printer's error policy.
@param policy: error policy @type policy: string """ self.connection.setPrinterErrorPolicy(, policy)
def setOperationPolicy(self, policy): """ Set the printer's operation policy.
@param policy: operation policy @type policy: string """ self.connection.setPrinterOpPolicy(, policy)
def setJobSheets(self, start, end): """ Set the printer's job sheets.
@param start: start sheet @type start: string @param end: end sheet @type end: string """ self.connection.setPrinterJobSheets(, start, end)
def setAccess(self, allow, except_users): """ Set access control list.
@param allow: whether to allow by default, otherwise deny @type allow: bool @param except_users: exception list @type except_users: string list """ if isinstance(except_users, str): users = except_users.split() users = [u.split(",") for u in users] except_users = [] for u in users: except_users.extend(u) except_users = [u.strip() for u in except_users] except_users = filter(None, except_users) if allow: self.connection.setPrinterUsersDenied(, except_users) else: self.connection.setPrinterUsersAllowed(, except_users)
def jobsQueued(self, only_tests=False, limit=None): """ Find out whether jobs are queued for this printer.
@param only_tests: whether to restrict search to test pages @type only_tests: bool @returns: list of job IDs """ ret = [] try: jobs = self.connection.getJobs () except cups.IPPError: return ret
for id, attrs in jobs.iteritems(): try: uri = attrs['job-printer-uri'] uri = uri[uri.rindex ('/') + 1:] except: continue if uri != continue
if (not only_tests or (attrs.has_key ('job-name') and attrs['job-name'] == 'Test Page')): ret.append (id)
if limit != None and len (ret) == limit: break return ret
def jobsPreserved(self, limit=None): """ Find out whether there are preserved jobs for this printer.
@return: list of job IDs """ ret = [] try: jobs = self.connection.getJobs (which_jobs='completed') except cups.IPPError: return ret
for id, attrs in jobs.iteritems(): try: uri = attrs['job-printer-uri'] uri = uri[uri.rindex ('/') + 1:] except: continue if uri != continue if (attrs.get ('job-state', cups.IPP_JOB_PENDING) < cups.IPP_JOB_COMPLETED): continue ret.append (id) if limit != None and len (ret) == limit: break
return ret
def testsQueued(self, limit=None): """ Find out whether test jobs are queued for this printer.
@returns: list of job IDs """ return self.jobsQueued (only_tests=True, limit=limit)
def setAsDefault(self): """ Set this printer as the system default. """ self.connection.setDefault(
# Also need to check system-wide lpoptions because that's how # previous Fedora versions set the default (bug #217395). (tmpfd, tmpfname) = tempfile.mkstemp () os.remove (tmpfname) try: resource = "/admin/conf/lpoptions" self.connection.getFile(resource, fd=tmpfd) except cups.HTTPError, (s,): if s == cups.HTTP_NOT_FOUND: return False
raise cups.HTTPError (s)
f = os.fdopen (tmpfd, 'r+') (0) lines = f.readlines () changed = False i = 0 for line in lines: if line.startswith ("Default "): # This is the system-wide default. name = line.split (' ')[1] if name != # Stop it from over-riding the server default. lines[i] = "Dest " + line[8:] changed = True i += 1
if changed: (0) f.writelines (lines) f.truncate () os.lseek (tmpfd, 0, os.SEEK_SET) try: self.connection.putFile (resource, fd=tmpfd) except cups.HTTPError, (s,): return False
return changed
def getPrinters(connection): """ Obtain a list of printers.
@param connection: CUPS connection @type connection: CUPS.Connection object @returns: L{Printer} list """ printers = connection.getPrinters() classes = connection.getClasses() for name, printer in printers.iteritems(): printer = Printer(name, connection, **printer) printers[name] = printer if classes.has_key(name): printer.class_members = classes[name] printer.class_members.sort() return printers
def parseDeviceID (id): """ Parse an IEEE 1284 Device ID, so that it may be indexed by field name.
@param id: IEEE 1284 Device ID, without the two leading length bytes @type id: string @returns: dict indexed by field name """ id_dict = {} pieces = id.split(";") for piece in pieces: if piece.find(":") == -1: continue name, value = piece.split(":",1) id_dict[name] = value if id_dict.has_key ("MANUFACTURER"): id_dict.setdefault("MFG", id_dict["MANUFACTURER"]) if id_dict.has_key ("MODEL"): id_dict.setdefault("MDL", id_dict["MODEL"]) if id_dict.has_key ("COMMAND SET"): id_dict.setdefault("CMD", id_dict["COMMAND SET"]) for name in ["MFG", "MDL", "CMD", "CLS", "DES", "SN", "S", "P", "J"]: id_dict.setdefault(name, "") if id_dict["CMD"] == '': id_dict["CMD"] = [] else: id_dict["CMD"] = id_dict["CMD"].split(',') return id_dict
class Device: """ This class represents a CUPS device. """
def __init__(self, uri, **kw): """ @param uri: device URI @type uri: string @param kw: device attributes @type kw: dict """ self.uri = uri self.device_class = kw.get('device-class', '') = kw.get('device-info', '') self.make_and_model = kw.get('device-make-and-model', '') = kw.get('device-id', '') self.location = kw.get('device-location', '')
uri_pieces = uri.split(":") self.type = uri_pieces[0] self.is_class = len(uri_pieces)==1 = 'MFG:HEWLETT-PACKARD;MDL:DESKJET 990C;CMD:MLC,PCL,PML;CLS:PRINTER;DES:Hewlett-Packard DeskJet 990C;SN:US05N1J00XLG;S:00808880800010032C1000000C2000000;P:0800,FL,B0;J: ;'
self.id_dict = parseDeviceID (
def __repr__ (self): return "<cupshelpers.Device \"%s\">" % self.uri
def __cmp__(self, other): """ Compare devices by order of preference. """ if other == None: return -1
if self.is_class != other.is_class: if other.is_class: return -1 return 1 if not self.is_class and (self.type != other.type): # "hp"/"hpfax" before "usb" before * before "parallel" before # "serial" if other.type == "serial": return -1 if self.type == "serial": return 1 if other.type == "parallel": return -1 if self.type == "parallel": return 1 if other.type == "hp" or other.type == "hpfax": return 1 if self.type == "hp" or self.type == "hpfax": return -1 if other.type == "usb": return 1 if self.type == "usb": return -1 result = cmp(bool(, bool( if not result: result = cmp(, return result
class _GetDevicesCall(object): def call (self, connection, kwds): if kwds.has_key ("reply_handler"): self._client_reply_handler = kwds.get ("reply_handler") kwds["reply_handler"] = self._reply_handler return connection.getDevices (**kwds)
self._client_reply_handler = None result = connection.getDevices (**kwds) return self._reply_handler (connection, result)
def _reply_handler (self, connection, devices): for uri, data in devices.iteritems(): device = Device(uri, **data) devices[uri] = device if != '' and device.make_and_model == '': device.make_and_model =
if self._client_reply_handler: self._client_reply_handler (connection, devices) else: return devices def getDevices(connection, **kw): """ Obtain a list of available CUPS devices.
@param connection: CUPS connection @type connection: cups.Connection object @returns: a list of L{Device} objects @raise cups.IPPError: IPP Error """ op = _GetDevicesCall () return (connection, kw)
def activateNewPrinter(connection, name): """ Set a new printer enabled, accepting jobs, and (if necessary) the default printer.
@param connection: CUPS connection @type connection: cups.Connection object @param name: printer name @type name: string @raise cups.IPPError: IPP error """ connection.enablePrinter (name) connection.acceptJobs (name)
# Set as the default if there is not already a default printer. if connection.getDefault () == None: connection.setDefault (name)
def copyPPDOptions(ppd1, ppd2): """ Copy default options between PPDs.
@param ppd1: source PPD @type ppd1: cups.PPD object @param ppd2: destination PPD @type ppd2: cups.PPD object """ def getPPDGroupOptions(group): options = group.options[:] for g in group.subgroups: options.extend(getPPDGroupOptions(g)) return options
def iteratePPDOptions(ppd): for group in ppd.optionGroups: for option in getPPDGroupOptions(group): yield option
for option in iteratePPDOptions(ppd1): if option.keyword == "PageRegion": continue new_option = ppd2.findOption(option.keyword) if new_option and option.ui==new_option.ui: value = option.defchoice for choice in new_option.choices: if choice["choice"]==value: ppd2.markOption(new_option.keyword, value) _debugprint ("set %s = %s" % (new_option.keyword, value)) def setPPDPageSize(ppd, language): """ Set the PPD page size according to locale.
@param ppd: PPD @type ppd: cups.PPD object @param language: language, as given by the first element of locale.setlocale @type language: string """ # Just set the page size to A4 or Letter, that's all. # Use the same method CUPS uses. size = 'A4' letter = [ 'C', 'POSIX', 'en', 'en_US', 'en_CA', 'fr_CA' ] for each in letter: if language == each: size = 'Letter' try: ppd.markOption ('PageSize', size) _debugprint ("set PageSize = %s" % size) except: _debugprint ("Failed to set PageSize (%s not available?)" % size)
def missingPackagesAndExecutables(ppd): """ Check that all relevant executables for a PPD are installed.
@param ppd: PPD @type ppd: cups.PPD object @returns: string list pair, representing missing packages and missing executables """
# First, a local function. How to check that something exists # in a path: def pathcheck (name, path="/usr/bin:/bin"): if name == "-": # A filter of "-" means that no filter is required, # i.e. the device accepts the given format as-is. return "builtin" # Strip out foomatic '%'-style place-holders. p = name.find ('%') if p != -1: name = name[:p] if len (name) == 0: return "true" if name[0] == '/': if os.access (name, os.X_OK): _debugprint ("%s: found" % name) return name else: _debugprint ("%s: NOT found" % name) return None if name.find ("=") != -1: return "builtin" if name in [ ":", ".", "[", "alias", "bind", "break", "cd", "continue", "declare", "echo", "else", "eval", "exec", "exit", "export", "fi", "if", "kill", "let", "local", "popd", "printf", "pushd", "pwd", "read", "readonly", "set", "shift", "shopt", "source", "test", "then", "trap", "type", "ulimit", "umask", "unalias", "unset", "wait" ]: return "builtin" for component in path.split (':'): file = component.rstrip (os.path.sep) + os.path.sep + name if os.access (file, os.X_OK): _debugprint ("%s: found" % file) return file _debugprint ("%s: NOT found in %s" % (name,path)) return None
pkgs_to_install = [] exes_to_install = []
# Find a 'FoomaticRIPCommandLine' attribute. exe = exepath = None attr = ppd.findAttr ('FoomaticRIPCommandLine') if attr: # Foomatic RIP command line to check. cmdline = attr.value.replace ('&&\n', '') cmdline = cmdline.replace ('"', '"') cmdline = cmdline.replace ('<', '<') cmdline = cmdline.replace ('>', '>') if (cmdline.find ("(") != -1 or cmdline.find ("&") != -1): # Don't try to handle sub-shells or unreplaced HTML entities. cmdline = ""
# Strip out foomatic '%'-style place-holders pipes = cmdline.split (';') for pipe in pipes: cmds = pipe.strip ().split ('|') for cmd in cmds: args = cmd.strip ().split (' ') exe = args[0] exepath = pathcheck (exe) if not exepath: break
# Main executable found. But if it's 'gs', # perhaps there is an IJS server we also need # to check. if os.path.basename (exepath) == 'gs': argn = len (args) argi = 1 search = "-sIjsServer=" while argi < argn: arg = args[argi] if arg.startswith (search): exe = arg[len (search):] exepath = pathcheck (exe) break
argi += 1
if not exepath: # Next pipe. break
if exepath or not exe: # Look for '*cupsFilter' lines in the PPD and check that # the filters are installed. (tmpfd, tmpfname) = tempfile.mkstemp () os.unlink (tmpfname) ppd.writeFd (tmpfd) os.lseek (tmpfd, 0, os.SEEK_SET) f = os.fdopen (tmpfd, "r") search = "*cupsFilter:" for line in f.readlines (): if line.startswith (search): line = line[len (search):].strip ().strip ('"') try: (mimetype, cost, exe) = line.split (' ') except: continue
exepath = pathcheck (exe, "/usr/lib/cups/filter:" "/usr/lib64/cups/filter")
if exe and not exepath: # We didn't find a necessary executable. Complain.
# Strip out foomatic '%'-style place-holders. p = exe.find ('%') if p != -1: exe = exe[:p]
pkgs = { # The foomatic filter 'foomatic-rip': 'foomatic', # Foomatic command line executables 'gs': 'ghostscript', 'perl': 'perl', 'foo2oak-wrapper': None, 'pnm2ppa': 'pnm2ppa', 'c2050': 'c2050', 'c2070': None, 'cjet': 'cjet', 'lm1100': 'lx', 'esc-m': 'min12xxw', 'min12xxw': 'min12xxw', 'pbm2l2030': None, 'pbm2l7k': None, 'pbm2lex': None, # IJS servers (used by foomatic) 'hpijs': 'hpijs', 'ijsgutenprint.5.0': 'ijsgutenprint', 'ijsgutenprint.5.2': 'ijsgutenprint', # CUPS filters 'rastertogutenprint.5.0': 'cups-driver-gutenprint', 'rastertogutenprint.5.2': 'cups-driver-gutenprint', 'commandtoepson': 'cups-driver-gutenprint', 'commandtocanon': 'cups-driver-gutenprint', } try: pkg = pkgs[exe] except: pkg = None
if pkg: _debugprint ("%s included in package %s" % (exe, pkg)) pkgs_to_install.append (pkg) else: exes_to_install.append (exe)
return (pkgs_to_install, exes_to_install)
def _main(): c = cups.Connection() #printers = getPrinters(c) for device in getDevices(c).itervalues(): print device.uri, device.id_dict
if __name__=="__main__": _main()