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import gtk, gobject, gconf import colorblind, colorblind.keybinder
class Keybinder(gobject.GObject): __gsignals__ = { "activated" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, []), # When the keybinding changes, passes a boolean indicating wether the keybinding is successful "changed" : (gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, [gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN]), }
def __init__(self, keybinding): gobject.GObject.__init__(self) self.bound = False self.prevbinding = None # Set and retreive global keybinding from gconf self.keybinding = colorblind.GCONF_CLIENT.get_string(keybinding) colorblind.GCONF_CLIENT.notify_add(keybinding, lambda x, y, z, a: self.on_config_keybinding(z.value)) self.bind() def on_config_keybinding(self, value=None): if value != None and value.type == gconf.VALUE_STRING: self.prevbinding = self.keybinding self.keybinding = value.get_string() self.bind()
def on_keyboard_shortcut(self): print "Keyboard shortcut" self.emit ("activated") def bind(self): if self.bound: self.unbind() try: print 'Binding Global shortcut %s to focus the colorblind' % self.keybinding colorblind.keybinder.tomboy_keybinder_bind(self.keybinding, self.on_keyboard_shortcut) self.bound = True except (KeyError, TypeError): # if the requested keybinding conflicts with an existing one, a KeyError will be thrown self.bound = False self.emit('changed', self.bound) def unbind(self): try: colorblind.keybinder.tomboy_keybinder_unbind(self.prevbinding) self.bound = False except KeyError: # if the requested keybinding is not bound, a KeyError will be thrown pass
if gtk.pygtk_version < (2,8,0): gobject.type_register(Keybinder)
keybinder_on_off = Keybinder(colorblind.GCONF_KEYBINDING_ONOFF) keybinder_switch = Keybinder(colorblind.GCONF_KEYBINDING_SWITCH) def get_colorblind_keybinder_on_off(): return keybinder_on_off
def get_colorblind_keybinder_switch(): return keybinder_switch