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import os, time from os.path import * import gnomeapplet, gtk, gtk.gdk, gconf, gobject, bonobo, ORBit from gettext import gettext as _
import colorblind, colorblind.ui from colorblind.ui.About import show_about from colorblind.ui.ColorblindPreferencesUI import show_preferences from colorblind.ColorblindAppletPreferences import ColorblindAppletPreferences from colorblind.Keybinder import get_colorblind_keybinder_on_off, get_colorblind_keybinder_switch from colorblind.ui.WindowUI import WindowUI
_magnifierAvailable = False
try: #we don't seem to need this #ORBit.load_typelib ('Accessibility') ORBit.load_typelib ('GNOME_Magnifier') import GNOME.Magnifier _magnifierAvailable = True except: pass
class ColorblindApplet(object):
__instance = None
def __init__(self, applet): if ColorblindApplet.__instance == None: ColorblindApplet.__instance = self self.enabled = False self.shutdown = False self.magnifier = None self.zoomer = None self.zoomerPBag = None self.pref_ui_mapped = False
self.applet = applet self.start_query_id = 0 self.prefs = ColorblindAppletPreferences(applet) gtk.window_set_default_icon_name("colorblind-applet")
self.ui = WindowUI(applet, self.prefs) self.ui.connect('show-preferences', self.on_preferences, None) self.ui.connect('show-about', self.on_about, None) self.set_up_ui_signals () # Monitor global shortcut binding get_colorblind_keybinder_on_off().connect('activated', self.on_keybinding_button_press, "on_off") get_colorblind_keybinder_switch().connect('activated', self.on_keybinding_button_press, "switch") self.applet.connect('change-background', self.on_change_background)
self.image = gtk.Image() self.applet.add (self.image) self.applet.setup_menu_from_file ( colorblind.SHARED_DATA_DIR, "Colorblind_Applet.xml", None, [ ("About", self.on_about), ("Prefs", self.on_preferences), ]) self.on_change_size (self.applet) self.applet.show_all()
def _init_magnifier(): ORBit.load_typelib ('GNOME_Magnifier') import GNOME.Magnifier _magnifierAvailable = True def get_instance(): return ColorblindApplet.__instance get_instance = staticmethod(get_instance) def on_keyboard_shortcut (self, sender, qstring, shortcut): for modctx in self.module_list: if not modctx.enabled: continue match = modctx.module.on_key_press(qstring, shortcut) if match != None: self.on_match_selected(sender, qstring, match) break def on_about (self, component, verb): show_about(self.applet) def on_preferences (self, component, verb): show_preferences(self) self.pref_ui_mapped = True
def active_actual_filter (self): if self.enabled == True: filter = colorblind.GCONF_CLIENT.get_int(colorblind.GCONF_COLORBLIND_FILTER) bonobo.pbclient_set_short (self.zoomerPBag, "color-blind-filter", filter)
def activate_magnifier (self): self.magnifier = bonobo.get_object ("OAFIID:GNOME_Magnifier_Magnifier:0.9", "GNOME/Magnifier/Magnifier") magPBag = self.magnifier.getProperties () tdb = magPBag.getValue ("target-display-bounds").value () if tdb.x1 == 0 and tdb.y1 == 0 and tdb.x2 == 0 and tdb.y2 == 0: self.zoomer = self.magnifier.createZoomRegion (1, 1, GNOME.Magnifier.RectBounds (0, 0, gtk.gdk.screen_width (), gtk.gdk.screen_height ()), GNOME.Magnifier.RectBounds (0, 0, gtk.gdk.screen_width (), gtk.gdk.screen_height ())) self.magnifier.addZoomRegion (self.zoomer) bonobo.pbclient_set_long (magPBag, "crosswire-size", 0) self.shutdown = True if self.zoomer == None: self.zoomer = self.magnifier.getZoomRegions () self.zoomer = self.zoomer[0] self.zoomerPBag = self.zoomer.getProperties () if tdb.x1 == 0 and tdb.y1 == 0 and tdb.x2 == 0 and tdb.y2 == 0: bonobo.pbclient_set_boolean (self.zoomerPBag, "draw-cursor", False) cb_filter = colorblind.GCONF_CLIENT.get_int(colorblind.GCONF_DEFAULT_FILTER) bonobo.pbclient_set_short (self.zoomerPBag, "color-blind-filter", cb_filter) self.enabled = True def enable_disable_filters (self): global _magnifierAvailable
if _magnifierAvailable: if self.enabled == True: try: if self.shutdown: self.magnifier.clearAllZoomRegions () self.magnifier.dispose () self.magnifier = None self.zoomer = None except: pass if self.zoomer: try: bonobo.pbclient_set_short (self.zoomerPBag, "color-blind-filter", 0) except: self.activate_magnifier () return self.enabled = False self.shutdown = False save_actual_filter = colorblind.GCONF_CLIENT.get_bool (colorblind.GCONF_CHECK_DEFAULT) if save_actual_filter: af = colorblind.GCONF_CLIENT.get_int (colorblind.GCONF_COLORBLIND_FILTER) colorblind.GCONF_CLIENT.set_int (colorblind.GCONF_DEFAULT_FILTER, af) else: self.activate_magnifier () else: self._init_magnifier()
def next_filter (self): cb_filter = colorblind.GCONF_CLIENT.get_int (colorblind.GCONF_COLORBLIND_FILTER) cb_filter = ((cb_filter + 1) % 9) if cb_filter == 0: cb_filter += 1 colorblind.GCONF_CLIENT.set_int(colorblind.GCONF_COLORBLIND_FILTER, cb_filter) if self.enabled and self.pref_ui_mapped == False: bonobo.pbclient_set_short (self.zoomerPBag, "color-blind-filter", cb_filter)
def on_keybinding_button_press(self, widget, str): print "Keybinding activated ", str if str == "on_off": self.enable_disable_filters () elif str == "switch": self.next_filter () def on_keybinding_changed(self, binder, bound): # FIXME: provide visual clue when not bound # FIXME: should be used in the pref window pass
def set_up_ui_signals (self): self.applet.connect('change-size', lambda applet, orient: self.on_change_size(applet))
def set_image_from_file (self, filename, size): # We use an intermediate pixbuf to scale the image if self.applet.get_orient in [gnomeapplet.ORIENT_DOWN, gnomeapplet.ORIENT_UP]: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size (filename, -1, size) else: pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size (filename, size, -1) self.image.set_from_pixbuf (pixbuf)
def on_change_size (self, applet): # FIXME: This is ugly, but i don't know how to get it right image_name = "colorblind-applet"
if applet.get_size() <= 36: image_name += ".png" s = -1 else: image_name += ".svg" s = applet.get_size()-12 self.set_image_from_file (join(colorblind.ART_DATA_DIR, image_name), s)
def on_change_background (self, widget, background, colour, pixmap): if background == gnomeapplet.NO_BACKGROUND or background == gnomeapplet.PIXMAP_BACKGROUND: copy = self.applet.get_style().copy() copy.bg_pixmap[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] = pixmap copy.bg_pixmap[gtk.STATE_INSENSITIVE] = pixmap self.applet.set_style(copy) elif background == gnomeapplet.COLOR_BACKGROUND: self.applet.modify_bg(gtk.STATE_NORMAL, colour)
def active_actual_filter (): ColorblindApplet.get_instance ().active_actual_filter ()
def pref_ui_unmapped (): ColorblindApplet.get_instance ().pref_ui_mapped = False