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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the MIT license #
# Copyright 2008, Frank Scholz <>
""" transcoder classes to be used in combination with a Coherence MediaServer
using GStreamer pipelines for the actually work and feeding the output into a http response """
import pygst pygst.require('0.10') import gst import gobject gobject.threads_init()
import os.path import urllib
from twisted.web import resource, server from twisted.internet import protocol
from coherence import log
import struct
def get_transcoder_name(transcoder): return
class InternalTranscoder(object): """ just a class to inherit from and which we can look for upon creating our list of available transcoders """
class FakeTransformer(gst.Element, log.Loggable): logCategory = 'faker_datasink'
_sinkpadtemplate = gst.PadTemplate ("sinkpadtemplate", gst.PAD_SINK, gst.PAD_ALWAYS, gst.caps_new_any())
_srcpadtemplate = gst.PadTemplate ("srcpadtemplate", gst.PAD_SRC, gst.PAD_ALWAYS, gst.caps_new_any())
def __init__(self, destination=None, request=None): gst.Element.__init__(self) self.sinkpad = gst.Pad(self._sinkpadtemplate, "sink") self.srcpad = gst.Pad(self._srcpadtemplate, "src") self.add_pad(self.sinkpad) self.add_pad(self.srcpad)
self.buffer = '' self.buffer_size = 0 self.proxy = False self.got_new_segment = False self.closed = False
def get_fake_header(self): return struct.pack(">L4s", 32, 'ftyp') + \ "mp42\x00\x00\x00\x00mp42mp41isomiso2"
def chainfunc(self, pad, buffer): if self.proxy: # we are in proxy mode already self.srcpad.push(buffer) return gst.FLOW_OK
self.buffer = self.buffer + if not self.buffer_size: try: self.buffer_size, a_type = struct.unpack(">L4s", self.buffer[:8]) except: return gst.FLOW_OK
if len(self.buffer) < self.buffer_size: # we need to buffer more return gst.FLOW_OK
buffer = self.buffer[self.buffer_size:] fake_header = self.get_fake_header() n_buf = gst.Buffer(fake_header + buffer) self.proxy = True self.srcpad.push(n_buf)
return gst.FLOW_OK
class DataSink(gst.Element, log.Loggable):
logCategory = 'transcoder_datasink'
_sinkpadtemplate = gst.PadTemplate ("sinkpadtemplate", gst.PAD_SINK, gst.PAD_ALWAYS, gst.caps_new_any())
def __init__(self, destination=None, request=None): gst.Element.__init__(self) self.sinkpad = gst.Pad(self._sinkpadtemplate, "sink") self.add_pad(self.sinkpad)
self.sinkpad.set_chain_function(self.chainfunc) self.sinkpad.set_event_function(self.eventfunc) self.destination = destination self.request = request
if self.destination is not None: self.destination = open(self.destination, 'wb') self.buffer = '' self.data_size = 0 self.got_new_segment = False self.closed = False
def chainfunc(self, pad, buffer): if self.closed: return gst.FLOW_OK if self.destination is not None: self.destination.write( elif self.request is not None: self.buffer += if len(self.buffer) > 200000: self.request.write(self.buffer) self.buffer = '' else: self.buffer +=
self.data_size += buffer.size return gst.FLOW_OK
def eventfunc(self, pad, event): if event.type == gst.EVENT_NEWSEGMENT: if not self.got_new_segment: self.got_new_segment = True else: self.closed = True elif event.type == gst.EVENT_EOS: if self.destination is not None: self.destination.close() elif self.request is not None: if len(self.buffer) > 0: self.request.write(self.buffer) self.request.finish() return True
class GStreamerPipeline(resource.Resource, log.Loggable): logCategory = 'gstreamer' addSlash = True
def __init__(self, pipeline, content_type): self.pipeline_description = pipeline self.contentType = content_type self.requests = [] # if stream has a streamheader (something that has to be prepended # before any data), then it will be a tuple of GstBuffers self.streamheader = None self.parse_pipeline() resource.Resource.__init__(self)
def parse_pipeline(self): self.pipeline = gst.parse_launch(self.pipeline_description) self.appsink = gst.element_factory_make("appsink", "sink") self.appsink.set_property('emit-signals', True) self.pipeline.add(self.appsink) enc = self.pipeline.get_by_name("enc") self.appsink.connect("new-preroll", self.new_preroll) self.appsink.connect("new-buffer", self.new_buffer) self.appsink.connect("eos", self.eos)
def start(self, request=None):"GStreamerPipeline start %r %r", request, self.pipeline_description) self.requests.append(request) self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
d = request.notifyFinish() d.addBoth(self.requestFinished, request)
def new_preroll(self, appsink): self.debug("new preroll") buffer = appsink.emit('pull-preroll') if not self.streamheader: # check caps for streamheader buffer caps = buffer.get_caps() s = caps[0] if s.has_key("streamheader"): self.streamheader = s["streamheader"] self.debug("setting streamheader") for r in self.requests: self.debug("writing streamheader") for h in self.streamheader: r.write( for r in self.requests: self.debug("writing preroll") r.write(
def new_buffer(self, appsink): buffer = appsink.emit('pull-buffer') if not self.streamheader: # check caps for streamheader buffers caps = buffer.get_caps() s = caps[0] if s.has_key("streamheader"): self.streamheader = s["streamheader"] self.debug("setting streamheader") for r in self.requests: self.debug("writing streamheader") for h in self.streamheader: r.write( for r in self.requests: r.write(
def eos(self, appsink):"eos") for r in self.requests: r.finish() self.cleanup()
def getChild(self, name, request):'getChild %s, %s' % (name, request)) return self
def render_GET(self, request):'render GET %r' % (request)) request.setResponseCode(200) if hasattr(self, 'contentType'): request.setHeader('Content-Type', self.contentType) request.write('')
headers = request.getAllHeaders() if('connection' in headers and headers['connection'] == 'close'): pass if self.requests: if self.streamheader: self.debug("writing streamheader") for h in self.streamheader: request.write( self.requests.append(request) else: self.parse_pipeline() self.start(request) return server.NOT_DONE_YET
def render_HEAD(self, request):'render HEAD %r' % (request)) request.setResponseCode(200) request.setHeader('Content-Type', self.contentType) request.write('')
def requestFinished(self, result, request):"requestFinished %r" % result) """ we need to find a way to destroy the pipeline here """ #from twisted.internet import reactor #reactor.callLater(0, self.pipeline.set_state, gst.STATE_NULL) self.requests.remove(request) if not self.requests: self.cleanup()
def on_message(self, bus, message): t = message.type print "on_message", t if t == gst.MESSAGE_ERROR: #err, debug = message.parse_error() #print "Error: %s" % err, debug self.cleanup() elif t == gst.MESSAGE_EOS: self.cleanup()
def cleanup(self):"pipeline cleanup") self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL) self.requests = [] self.streamheader = None
class BaseTranscoder(resource.Resource, log.Loggable): logCategory = 'transcoder' addSlash = True
def __init__(self, uri, destination=None):'uri %s %r' % (uri, type(uri))) if uri[:7] not in ['file://', 'http://']: uri = 'file://' + urllib.quote(uri) #FIXME self.uri = uri self.destination = destination resource.Resource.__init__(self)
def getChild(self, name, request):'getChild %s, %s' % (name, request)) return self
def render_GET(self, request):'render GET %r' % (request)) request.setResponseCode(200) if hasattr(self, 'contentType'): request.setHeader('Content-Type', self.contentType) request.write('')
headers = request.getAllHeaders() if('connection' in headers and headers['connection'] == 'close'): pass
self.start(request) return server.NOT_DONE_YET
def render_HEAD(self, request):'render HEAD %r' % (request)) request.setResponseCode(200) request.setHeader('Content-Type', self.contentType) request.write('')
def requestFinished(self, result):"requestFinished %r" % result) """ we need to find a way to destroy the pipeline here """ #from twisted.internet import reactor #reactor.callLater(0, self.pipeline.set_state, gst.STATE_NULL) gobject.idle_add(self.cleanup)
def on_message(self, bus, message): t = message.type print "on_message", t if t == gst.MESSAGE_ERROR: #err, debug = message.parse_error() #print "Error: %s" % err, debug self.cleanup() elif t == gst.MESSAGE_EOS: self.cleanup()
def cleanup(self): self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_NULL)
class PCMTranscoder(BaseTranscoder, InternalTranscoder): contentType = 'audio/L16;rate=44100;channels=2' name = 'lpcm'
def start(self, request=None):"PCMTranscoder start %r %r", request, self.uri) self.pipeline = gst.parse_launch( "%s ! decodebin ! audioconvert name=conv" % self.uri)
conv = self.pipeline.get_by_name('conv') caps = gst.Caps("audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,endianness=4321,channels=2,width=16,depth=16,signed=true") #FIXME: UGLY. 'filter' is a python builtin! filter = gst.element_factory_make("capsfilter", "filter") filter.set_property("caps", caps) self.pipeline.add(filter)
sink = DataSink(destination=self.destination, request=request) self.pipeline.add(sink) self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
d = request.notifyFinish() d.addBoth(self.requestFinished)
class WAVTranscoder(BaseTranscoder, InternalTranscoder):
contentType = 'audio/x-wav' name = 'wav'
def start(self, request=None):"start %r", request) self.pipeline = gst.parse_launch( "%s ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! wavenc name=enc" % self.uri) enc = self.pipeline.get_by_name('enc') sink = DataSink(destination=self.destination, request=request) self.pipeline.add(sink) #bus = self.pipeline.get_bus() #bus.connect('message', self.on_message) self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
d = request.notifyFinish() d.addBoth(self.requestFinished)
class MP3Transcoder(BaseTranscoder, InternalTranscoder):
contentType = 'audio/mpeg' name = 'mp3'
def start(self, request=None):"start %r", request) self.pipeline = gst.parse_launch( "%s ! decodebin ! audioconvert ! lame name=enc" % self.uri) enc = self.pipeline.get_by_name('enc') sink = DataSink(destination=self.destination, request=request) self.pipeline.add(sink) self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
d = request.notifyFinish() d.addBoth(self.requestFinished)
class MP4Transcoder(BaseTranscoder, InternalTranscoder): """ Only works if H264 inside Quicktime/MP4 container is input Source has to be a valid uri """ contentType = 'video/mp4' name = 'mp4'
def start(self, request=None):"start %r", request) self.pipeline = gst.parse_launch( "%s ! qtdemux name=d ! queue ! h264parse ! mp4mux name=mux d. ! queue ! mux." % self.uri) mux = self.pipeline.get_by_name('mux') sink = DataSink(destination=self.destination, request=request) self.pipeline.add(sink) self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
d = request.notifyFinish() d.addBoth(self.requestFinished)
class MP2TSTranscoder(BaseTranscoder, InternalTranscoder):
contentType = 'video/mpeg' name = 'mpegts'
def start(self, request=None):"start %r", request) ### FIXME mpeg2enc self.pipeline = gst.parse_launch( "mpegtsmux name=mux %s ! decodebin2 name=d ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! mpeg2enc ! queue ! mux. d. ! queue ! audioconvert ! twolame ! queue ! mux." % self.uri) enc = self.pipeline.get_by_name('mux') sink = DataSink(destination=self.destination, request=request) self.pipeline.add(sink) self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
d = request.notifyFinish() d.addBoth(self.requestFinished)
class ThumbTranscoder(BaseTranscoder, InternalTranscoder): """ should create a valid thumbnail according to the DLNA spec neither width nor height must exceed 160px """ contentType = 'image/jpeg' name = 'thumb'
def start(self, request=None):"start %r", request) """ what we actually want here is a pipeline that calls us when it knows about the size of the original image, and allows us now to adjust the caps-filter with the calculated values for width and height
new_width = 160 new_height = 160 if original_width > 160: new_heigth = int(float(original_height) * (160.0/float(original_width))) if new_height > 160: new_width = int(float(new_width) * (160.0/float(new_height))) elif original_height > 160: new_width = int(float(original_width) * (160.0/float(original_height))) """ try: type = request.args['type'][0] except: type = 'jpeg' if type == 'png': self.pipeline = gst.parse_launch( "%s ! decodebin2 ! videoscale ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=160,height=160 ! pngenc name=enc" % self.uri) self.contentType = 'image/png' else: self.pipeline = gst.parse_launch( "%s ! decodebin2 ! videoscale ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=160,height=160 ! jpegenc name=enc" % self.uri) self.contentType = 'image/jpeg' enc = self.pipeline.get_by_name('enc') sink = DataSink(destination=self.destination, request=request) self.pipeline.add(sink) self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
d = request.notifyFinish() d.addBoth(self.requestFinished)
class GStreamerTranscoder(BaseTranscoder): """ a generic Transcode based on GStreamer
the pipeline which will be parsed upon calling the start method, as to be set as the attribute pipeline_description to the instantiated class
same for the attribute contentType """
def start(self, request=None):"start %r", request) self.pipeline = gst.parse_launch(self.pipeline_description % self.uri) enc = self.pipeline.get_by_name('mux') sink = DataSink(destination=self.destination, request=request) self.pipeline.add(sink) self.pipeline.set_state(gst.STATE_PLAYING)
d = request.notifyFinish() d.addBoth(self.requestFinished)
class ExternalProcessProtocol(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
def __init__(self, caller): self.caller = caller
def connectionMade(self): print "pp connection made"
def outReceived(self, data): #print "outReceived with %d bytes!" % len(data) self.caller.write_data(data)
def errReceived(self, data): #print "errReceived! with %d bytes!" % len(data) print "pp (err):", data.strip()
def inConnectionLost(self): #print "inConnectionLost! stdin is closed! (we probably did it)" pass
def outConnectionLost(self): #print "outConnectionLost! The child closed their stdout!" pass
def errConnectionLost(self): #print "errConnectionLost! The child closed their stderr." pass
def processEnded(self, status_object): print "processEnded, status %d" % status_object.value.exitCode print "processEnded quitting" self.caller.ended = True self.caller.write_data('')
class ExternalProcessProducer(object): logCategory = 'externalprocess'
def __init__(self, pipeline, request): self.pipeline = pipeline self.request = request self.process = None self.written = 0 = '' self.ended = False request.registerProducer(self, 0)
def write_data(self, data): if data: #print "write %d bytes of data" % len(data) self.written += len(data) # this .write will spin the reactor, calling .doWrite and then # .resumeProducing again, so be prepared for a re-entrant call self.request.write(data) if self.request and self.ended: print "closing" self.request.unregisterProducer() self.request.finish() self.request = None
def resumeProducing(self): #print "resumeProducing", self.request if not self.request: return if self.process is None: argv = self.pipeline.split() executable = argv[0] argv[0] = os.path.basename(argv[0]) from twisted.internet import reactor self.process = reactor.spawnProcess(ExternalProcessProtocol(self), executable, argv, {})
def pauseProducing(self): pass
def stopProducing(self): print "stopProducing", self.request self.request.unregisterProducer() self.process.loseConnection() self.request.finish() self.request = None
class ExternalProcessPipeline(resource.Resource, log.Loggable): logCategory = 'externalprocess' addSlash = False
def __init__(self, uri): self.uri = uri
def getChildWithDefault(self, path, request): return self
def render(self, request): print "ExternalProcessPipeline render" try: if self.contentType: request.setHeader('Content-Type', self.contentType) except AttributeError: pass
ExternalProcessProducer(self.pipeline_description % self.uri, request) return server.NOT_DONE_YET
def transcoder_class_wrapper(klass, content_type, pipeline): def create_object(uri): transcoder = klass(uri) transcoder.contentType = content_type transcoder.pipeline_description = pipeline return transcoder return create_object
class TranscoderManager(log.Loggable):
""" singleton class which holds information about all available transcoders
they are put into a transcoders dict with their id as the key
we collect all internal transcoders by searching for all subclasses of InternalTranscoder, the class will be the value
transcoders defined in the config are parsed and stored as a dict in the transcoders dict
in the config a transcoder description has to look like this:
*** preliminary, will be extended and might even change without further notice ***
<transcoder> <pipeline>%s ...</pipeline> <!-- we need a %s here to insert the source uri (or can we have all the times pipelines we can prepend with a '%s !') and an element named mux where we can attach our sink --> <type>gstreamer</type> <!-- could be gstreamer or process --> <name>mpegts</name> <target>video/mpeg</target> <fourth_field> <!-- value for the 4th field of the protocolInfo phalanx, default is '*' --> </transcoder>
logCategory = 'transcoder_manager' _instance_ = None # Singleton
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ creates the singleton """ if cls._instance_ is None: obj = super(TranscoderManager, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) cls._instance_ = obj return cls._instance_
def __init__(self, coherence=None): """ initializes the class
it should be called at least once with the main coherence class passed as an argument, so we have access to the config """ self.transcoders = {} for transcoder in InternalTranscoder.__subclasses__(): self.transcoders[get_transcoder_name(transcoder)] = transcoder
if coherence is not None: self.coherence = coherence try: transcoders_from_config = self.coherence.config['transcoder'] if isinstance(transcoders_from_config, dict): transcoders_from_config = [transcoders_from_config] except KeyError: transcoders_from_config = []
for transcoder in transcoders_from_config: # FIXME: is anyone checking if all keys are given ? pipeline = transcoder['pipeline'] if not '%s' in pipeline: self.warning("Can't create transcoder %r:" " missing placehoder '%%s' in 'pipeline'", transcoder) continue
try: transcoder_name = transcoder['name'].decode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: self.warning("Can't create transcoder %r:" " the 'name' contains non-ascii letters", transcoder) continue
transcoder_type = transcoder['type'].lower()
if transcoder_type == 'gstreamer': wrapped = transcoder_class_wrapper(GStreamerTranscoder, transcoder['target'], transcoder['pipeline']) elif transcoder_type == 'process': wrapped = transcoder_class_wrapper(ExternalProcessPipeline, transcoder['target'], transcoder['pipeline']) else: self.warning("unknown transcoder type %r", transcoder_type) continue
self.transcoders[transcoder_name] = wrapped
#FIXME reduce that to info later self.warning("available transcoders %r" % self.transcoders)
def select(self, name, uri, backend=None): # FIXME:why do we specify the name when trying to get it?
if backend is not None: """ try to find a transcoder provided by the backend and return that here, if there isn't one continue with the ones provided by the config or the internal ones """ pass
transcoder = self.transcoders[name](uri) return transcoder
if __name__ == '__main__': t = Transcoder(None)