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# Licensed under the MIT license #
# Copyright 2006-2009 Frank Scholz <> # Modified by Colin Laplace, added is_watched() function # Copyright 2008 and Valentino Volonghi <> # Modified by Valentino Volonghi. # * Increased isWatched efficiency, now it's O(1) # * Code reorganization, added docstrings, Twisted coding style # * Introduced an hack to partially solve a race condition in auto_add. # * Removed code that didn't use libc 2.4 but magic hacks # -> reverted, as it might still be needed somewhere (fs) # * Used fdesc.readFromFD to read during doRead
import os import struct
try: import ctypes import ctypes.util except ImportError: raise SystemError("ctypes not detected on this system, can't use INotify")
from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.abstract import FileDescriptor from twisted.internet import fdesc from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
# from /usr/src/linux/include/linux/inotify.h
IN_ACCESS = 0x00000001L # File was accessed IN_MODIFY = 0x00000002L # File was modified IN_ATTRIB = 0x00000004L # Metadata changed IN_CLOSE_WRITE = 0x00000008L # Writtable file was closed IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE = 0x00000010L # Unwrittable file closed IN_OPEN = 0x00000020L # File was opened IN_MOVED_FROM = 0x00000040L # File was moved from X IN_MOVED_TO = 0x00000080L # File was moved to Y IN_CREATE = 0x00000100L # Subfile was created IN_DELETE = 0x00000200L # Subfile was delete IN_DELETE_SELF = 0x00000400L # Self was deleted IN_MOVE_SELF = 0x00000800L # Self was moved IN_UNMOUNT = 0x00002000L # Backing fs was unmounted IN_Q_OVERFLOW = 0x00004000L # Event queued overflowed IN_IGNORED = 0x00008000L # File was ignored
IN_ONLYDIR = 0x01000000 # only watch the path if it is a directory IN_DONT_FOLLOW = 0x02000000 # don't follow a sym link IN_MASK_ADD = 0x20000000 # add to the mask of an already existing watch IN_ISDIR = 0x40000000 # event occurred against dir IN_ONESHOT = 0x80000000 # only send event once
_FLAG_TO_HUMAN = { IN_ACCESS: 'access', IN_MODIFY: 'modify', IN_ATTRIB: 'attrib', IN_CLOSE_WRITE: 'close_write', IN_CLOSE_NOWRITE: 'close_nowrite', IN_OPEN: 'open', IN_MOVED_FROM: 'moved_from', IN_MOVED_TO: 'moved_to', IN_CREATE: 'create', IN_DELETE: 'delete', IN_DELETE_SELF: 'delete_self', IN_MOVE_SELF: 'move_self', IN_UNMOUNT: 'unmount', IN_Q_OVERFLOW: 'queue_overflow', IN_IGNORED: 'ignored', IN_ONLYDIR: 'only_dir', IN_DONT_FOLLOW: 'dont_follow', IN_MASK_ADD: 'mask_add', IN_ISDIR: 'is_dir', IN_ONESHOT: 'one_shot' }
# system call numbers are architecture-specific # see /usr/include/linux/asm/unistd.h and look for inotify _inotify_syscalls = { 'i386': (291,292,293), # FIXME, there has to be a better way for this 'i486': (291,292,293), 'i586': (291,292,293), 'i686': (291,292,293), 'x86_64': (253,254,255), # gotten from FC-6 and F-7 'armv6l':(316,317,318), # Nokia N800 'armv5tej1':(316,317,318), # Nokia N770 'ppc': (275,276,277), # PPC, like PS3 }
def flag_to_human(mask): """ Auxiliary function that converts an hexadecimal mask into a series of human readable flags. """ s = [] for (k, v) in _FLAG_TO_HUMAN.iteritems(): if k & mask: s.append(v) return s
class Watch(object): """ Watch object that represents a Watch point in the filesystem.
@ivar path: The path over which this watch point is monitoring @ivar mask: The events monitored by this watchpoint @ivar auto_add: Flag that determines whether this watch point should automatically add created subdirectories @ivar callbacks: C{list} of C{tuples} of callbacks that should be called synchronously on the events monitored. """ def __init__(self, path, mask=IN_WATCH_MASK, auto_add=False, callbacks=[]): self.path = path self.mask = mask self.auto_add = auto_add self.callbacks = [] if not isinstance(callbacks, list): callbacks = [callbacks] self.callbacks = callbacks
def addCallback(self, callback, args=None): """ Add a new callback to the list with the given auxiliary optional argument. """ self.callbacks.append((callback, args))
def notify(self, filename, events): """ Callback function used by L{INotify} to dispatch an event. """ for callback in self.callbacks: if callback is not None: #wrap that so our loop isn't aborted by a faulty callback try: callback[0](self, filename, events, callback[1]) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc()
class INotify(FileDescriptor, object): """ The INotify file descriptor, it basically does everything related to INotify, from reading to notifying watch points. """ _instance_ = None # Singleton
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): obj = getattr(cls, '_instance_', None) if obj is not None: return obj else: obj = super(INotify, cls).__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
# Check inotify support by checking for the required functions obj.libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(ctypes.util.find_library('c')) if len([function for function in "inotify_add_watch inotify_init inotify_rm_watch".split() if hasattr(obj.libc, function)]) == 3: obj.inotify_init = obj.libc.inotify_init obj.inotify_add_watch = obj.libc_inotify_add_watch obj.inotify_rm_watch = obj.libc_inotify_rm_watch else: print(" - can't use libc6, 2.4 or higher needed") import platform if platform.system() != 'Linux': raise SystemError, "unknown system '%r', INotify support disabled" % platform.uname() machine = platform.machine() try: obj._init_syscall_id = _inotify_syscalls[machine][0] obj._add_watch_syscall_id = _inotify_syscalls[machine][1] obj._rm_watch_syscall_id = _inotify_syscalls[machine][2]
obj.inotify_init = obj._inotify_init obj.inotify_add_watch = obj._inotify_add_watch obj.inotify_rm_watch = obj._inotify_rm_watch except: raise SystemError, "unknown system '%s', INotify support disabled" % machine
obj._fd = obj.inotify_init() if obj._fd < 0: raise SystemError("INotify initialization error.") fdesc.setNonBlocking(obj._fd) reactor.addReader(obj)
obj._buffer = '' # Mapping from wds to Watch objects obj._watchpoints = {} # Mapping from paths to wds obj._watchpaths = {} cls._instance_ = obj return obj
def _addWatch(self, path, mask, auto_add, callbacks): """ Private helpers that abstract the use of ctypes and help managing state related to those calls. """ wd = self.inotify_add_watch( os.path.normpath(path), mask )
if wd < 0: raise IOError("Failed to add watch on '%r' - (%r)" % (path, wd))
iwp = Watch(path, mask, auto_add, callbacks)
self._watchpoints[wd] = iwp self._watchpaths[path] = wd
return wd
def _rmWatch(self, wd): """ Private helpers that abstract the use of ctypes and help managing state related to those calls. """ self.inotify_rm_watch(wd) iwp = self._watchpoints.pop(wd) self._watchpaths.pop(iwp.path) del iwp
def _inotify_init(self): return self.libc.syscall(self._init_syscall_id)
def _inotify_add_watch(self, path, mask): if type(path) is unicode: path = path.encode('utf-8') self.libc.syscall.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int] else: self.libc.syscall.argtypes = None return self.libc.syscall(self._add_watch_syscall_id, self._fd, path, mask)
def _inotify_rm_watch(self, wd): return self.libc.syscall(self._rm_watch_syscall_id, self._fd, wd)
def libc_inotify_add_watch(self, path, mask): if type(path) is unicode: path = path.encode('utf-8') self.libc.inotify_add_watch.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_char_p, ctypes.c_int] else: self.libc.inotify_add_watch.argtypes = None return self.libc.inotify_add_watch(self._fd, path, mask)
def libc_inotify_rm_watch(self, wd): return self.libc.inotify_rm_watch(self._fd, wd)
def release(self): """ Release the inotify file descriptor and do the necessary cleanup """ reactor.removeReader(self) if hasattr(self, '_fd') and self._fd >= 0: try: os.close(self._fd) except OSError: pass
if hasattr(INotify, '_instance_'): del INotify._instance_
# I'd rather not have this... __del__ = release
def fileno(self): """ Get the underlying file descriptor from this inotify observer. """ return self._fd
def notify(self, iwp, filename, mask, *args): """ A simple callback that you can use for tests """ print "event %s on %s %s" % ( ', '.join(flag_to_human(mask)), iwp.path, filename)
def doRead(self): """ Read some data from the observed file descriptors """ fdesc.readFromFD(self._fd, self._doRead)
def _doRead(self, in_): """ Work on the data just read from the file descriptor. """ self._buffer += in_ while True: if len(self._buffer) < 16: break
wd, mask, cookie, size = struct.unpack("=LLLL", self._buffer[0:16])
if size: name = self._buffer[16:16+size].rstrip('\0') else: name = None
self._buffer = self._buffer[16+size:]
try: iwp = self._watchpoints[wd] except: continue # can this happen?
path = iwp.path if name: path = os.path.join(path, name) iwp.notify(name, mask) else: iwp.notify(path, mask)
if (iwp.auto_add and mask & IN_ISDIR and mask & IN_CREATE): # Note that this is a fricking hack... it's because we # cannot be fast enough in adding a watch to a directory # and so we basically end up getting here too late if # some operations have already been going on in the # subdir, we basically need to catchup. # This eventually ends up meaning that we generate # double events, your app must be resistant. def _addChildren(iwp): try: listdir = os.listdir(iwp.path) except OSError: # Somebody or something (like a test) # removed this directory while we were in the # callLater(0...) waiting. It doesn't make # sense to process it anymore return
# note that it's true that listdir will only see # the subdirs inside path at the moment of the call # but path is monitored already so if something is # created we will receive an event. for f in listdir: inner = os.path.join(iwp.path, f)
# It's a directory, watch it and then add its # children if os.path.isdir(inner): wd = inner, mask=iwp.mask, auto_add=True, callbacks=iwp.callbacks ) iwp.notify(f, IN_ISDIR|IN_CREATE) # now inner is watched, we can add its children # the callLater is to avoid recursion reactor.callLater(0, _addChildren, self._watchpoints[wd])
# It's a file and we notify it. if os.path.isfile(inner): iwp.notify(f, IN_CREATE|IN_CLOSE_WRITE)
if os.path.isdir(path): new_wd = path, mask=iwp.mask, auto_add=True, callbacks=iwp.callbacks ) # This is very very very hacky and I'd rather # not do this but we have no other alternative # that is less hacky other than surrender # We use callLater because we don't want to have # too many events waiting while we process these # subdirs, we must always answer events as fast # as possible or the overflow might come. reactor.callLater(0, _addChildren, self._watchpoints[new_wd]) if mask & IN_DELETE_SELF: self._rmWatch(wd)
def watch(self, path, mask=IN_WATCH_MASK, auto_add=None, callbacks=[], recursive=False): """ Watch the 'mask' events in given path.
@param path: The path needing monitoring @type path: L{FilePath} or C{str} or C{unicode}
@param mask: The events that should be watched @type mask: C{hex}
@param auto_add: if True automatically add newly created subdirectories @type auto_add: C{boolean}
@param callbacks: A list of callbacks that should be called when an event happens in the given path. @type callbacks: C{list} of C{tuples}
@param recursive: Also add all the subdirectories in this path @type recursive: C{boolean} """ if isinstance(path, FilePath): path = path.path if type(path) is unicode: path = path.encode('utf-8') path = os.path.realpath(path)
if recursive: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):, mask, auto_add, callbacks, False) else: wd = self.isWatched(path) if wd: return wd
mask = mask | IN_DELETE_SELF
return self._addWatch(path, mask, auto_add, callbacks)
def ignore(self, path): """ Remove the watch point monitoring the given path
@param path: The path that should be ignored @type path: L{FilePath} or C{unicode} or C{str} """ if isinstance(path, FilePath): path = path.path if type(path) is unicode: path = path.encode('utf-8') path = os.path.realpath(path) wd = self.isWatched(path) if wd: self._rmWatch(wd)
def isWatched(self, path): """ Helper function that checks if the path is already monitored and returns its watchdescriptor if so.
@param path: The path that should be checked @type path: L{FilePath} or C{unicode} or C{str} """ if isinstance(path, FilePath): path = path.path if type(path) is unicode: path = path.encode('utf-8') return self._watchpaths.get(path, False)
def flag_to_human(self,mask): return flag_to_human(mask)
if __name__ == '__main__':
i = INotify() print i'/tmp'), auto_add=True, callbacks=(i.notify,None), recursive=True)
i2 = INotify() print i2'/', auto_add=True, callbacks=(i2.notify,None), recursive=False)