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# -*- test-case-name: axiom.test -*-
from twisted.cred.error import UnauthorizedLogin
class TimeoutError(Exception): """ A low-level SQL operation timed out.
@ivar statement: The SQL statement which timed out. @ivar timeout: The timeout, in seconds, which was exceeded. @ivar underlying: The backend exception which signaled this, or None. """ def __init__(self, statement, timeout, underlying): Exception.__init__(self, statement, timeout, underlying) self.statement = statement self.timeout = timeout self.underlying = underlying
class BadCredentials(UnauthorizedLogin): pass
class NoSuchUser(UnauthorizedLogin): pass
class MissingDomainPart(NoSuchUser): """ Raised when a login is attempted with a username which consists of only a local part. For example, "testuser" instead of "". """
class DuplicateUser(Exception): pass
class CannotOpenStore(RuntimeError): """ There is a problem such that the store cannot be opened. """
class NoUpgradePathAvailable(CannotOpenStore): """ No upgrade path is available, so the store cannot be opened. """
class NoCrossStoreReferences(AttributeError): """ References are not allowed between items within different Stores. """
class SQLError(RuntimeError): """ Axiom internally generated some bad SQL. """ def __init__(self, sql, args, underlying): RuntimeError.__init__(self, sql, args, underlying) self.sql, self.args, self.underlying = self.args
def __str__(self): return "<SQLError: %r(%r) caused %s: %s>" % ( self.sql, self.args, self.underlying.__class__, self.underlying)
class TableAlreadyExists(SQLError): """ Axiom internally created a table at the same time as another database. (User code should not need to catch this exception.) """
class UnknownItemType(Exception): """ Can't load an item: it's of a type that I don't see anywhere in Python. """
class SQLWarning(Warning): """ Axiom internally generated some CREATE TABLE SQL that ... probably wasn't bad """
class TableCreationConcurrencyError(RuntimeError): """ Woah, this is really bad. If you can get this please tell us how. """
class DuplicateUniqueItem(KeyError): """ Found 2 or more of an item which is supposed to be unique. """
class ItemNotFound(KeyError): """ Did not find even 1 of an item which was supposed to exist. """
class ItemClassesOnly(TypeError): """ An object was passed to a method that wasn't a subclass of Item. """
class ChangeRejected(Exception): """ Raised when an attempt is made to change the database at a time when database changes are disallowed for reasons of consistency.
This is raised when an application-level callback (for example, committed) attempts to change database state. """
class DependencyError(Exception): """ Raised when an item can't be installed or uninstalled. """
class DeletionDisallowed(ValueError): """ Raised when an attempt is made to delete an item that is referred to by reference attributes with whenDeleted == DISALLOW. """
class DataIntegrityError(RuntimeError): """ Data integrity seems to have been lost. """
class BrokenReference(DataIntegrityError): """ A reference to a nonexistent item was detected when this should be impossible. """
class UpgraderRecursion(RuntimeError): """ Upgraders are not allowed to recurse. """
class ItemUpgradeError(RuntimeError): """ Attempting to upgrade an Item resulted in an error.
@ivar originalFailure: The failure that caused the item upgrade to fail @ivar storeID: Store ID of the item that failed to upgrade @ivar oldType: The type of the item being upgraded @ivar newType: The type the item should've been upgraded to """ def __init__(self, originalFailure, storeID, oldType, newType): RuntimeError.__init__(self, originalFailure, storeID, oldType, newType) self.originalFailure = originalFailure self.storeID = storeID self.oldType = oldType self.newType = newType
class UnsatisfiedRequirement(AttributeError): """ A requirement described by a L{axiom.dependency.requiresFromSite} was not satisfied by the database, and could not be satisfied automatically at runtime by a default factory. """