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# -*- test-case-name: axiom.test.test_batch -*-
""" Utilities for performing repetitive tasks over potentially large sets of data over an extended period of time. """
import weakref, datetime, os, sys
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.python import reflect, failure, log, procutils, util, runtime from twisted.internet import task, defer, reactor, error, protocol from twisted.application import service
from epsilon import extime, process, cooperator, modal, juice
from axiom import iaxiom, errors as eaxiom, item, attributes from axiom.scheduler import Scheduler, SubScheduler from axiom.upgrade import registerUpgrader, registerDeletionUpgrader from axiom.dependency import installOn
_processors = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
class _NoWorkUnits(Exception): """ Raised by a _ReliableListener's step() method to indicate it didn't do anything. """
class _ProcessingFailure(Exception): """ Raised when processItem raises any exception. This is never raised directly, but instances of the three subclasses are. """ def __init__(self, reliableListener, workUnit, failure): Exception.__init__(self) self.reliableListener = reliableListener self.workUnit = workUnit self.failure = failure
# Get rid of all references this failure is holding so that it doesn't # cause any crazy object leaks. See also the comment in # BatchProcessingService.step's except suite. self.failure.cleanFailure()
def mark(self): """ Mark the unit of work as failed in the database and update the listener so as to skip it next time. """ self.reliableListener.lastRun = extime.Time() BatchProcessingError(, processor=self.reliableListener.processor, listener=self.reliableListener.listener, item=self.workUnit, error=self.failure.getErrorMessage())
class _ForwardProcessingFailure(_ProcessingFailure): """ An error occurred in a reliable listener while processing items forward from the mark. """
def mark(self): _ProcessingFailure.mark(self) self.reliableListener.forwardMark = self.workUnit.storeID
class _BackwardProcessingFailure(_ProcessingFailure): """ An error occurred in a reliable listener while processing items backwards from the mark. """ def mark(self): _ProcessingFailure.mark(self) self.reliableListener.backwardMark = self.workUnit.storeID
class _TrackedProcessingFailure(_ProcessingFailure): """ An error occurred in a reliable listener while processing items specially added to the batch run. """
class BatchProcessingError(item.Item): processor = attributes.reference(doc=""" The batch processor which owns this failure. """)
listener = attributes.reference(doc=""" The listener which caused this error. """)
item = attributes.reference(doc=""" The item which actually failed to be processed. """)
error = attributes.bytes(doc=""" The error message which was associated with this failure. """)
class _ReliableTracker(item.Item): """ A tracking item for an out-of-sequence item which a reliable listener should be given to process.
These are created when L{_ReliableListener.addItem} is called and the specified item is in the range of items which have already been processed. """
processor = attributes.reference(doc=""" The batch processor which owns this tracker. """)
listener = attributes.reference(doc=""" The listener which is responsible for this tracker's item. """)
item = attributes.reference(doc=""" The item which this is tracking. """)
class _ReliableListener(item.Item): processor = attributes.reference(doc=""" The batch processor which owns this listener. """)
listener = attributes.reference(doc=""" The item which is actually the listener. """)
backwardMark = attributes.integer(doc=""" Store ID of the first Item after the next Item to be processed in the backwards direction. Usually, the Store ID of the Item previously processed in the backwards direction. """)
forwardMark = attributes.integer(doc=""" Store ID of the first Item before the next Item to be processed in the forwards direction. Usually, the Store ID of the Item previously processed in the forwards direction. """)
lastRun = attributes.timestamp(doc=""" Time indicating the last chance given to this listener to do some work. """)
style = attributes.integer(doc=""" Either L{iaxiom.LOCAL} or L{iaxiom.REMOTE}. Indicates where the batch processing should occur, in the main process or a subprocess. """)
def __repr__(self): return '<ReliableListener %s %r #%r>' % ({iaxiom.REMOTE: 'remote', iaxiom.LOCAL: 'local'}[], self.listener, self.storeID)
def addItem(self, item): assert type(item) is self.processor.workUnitType, \ "Adding work unit of type %r to listener for type %r" % ( type(item), self.processor.workUnitType) if item.storeID >= self.backwardMark and item.storeID <= self.forwardMark: _ReliableTracker(, listener=self, item=item)
def _forwardWork(self, workUnitType): if VERBOSE: log.msg("%r looking forward from %r" % (self, self.forwardMark,)) return workUnitType, workUnitType.storeID > self.forwardMark, sort=workUnitType.storeID.ascending, limit=2)
def _backwardWork(self, workUnitType): if VERBOSE: log.msg("%r looking backward from %r" % (self, self.backwardMark,)) if self.backwardMark == 0: return [] return workUnitType, workUnitType.storeID < self.backwardMark, sort=workUnitType.storeID.descending, limit=2)
def _extraWork(self): return, _ReliableTracker.listener == self, limit=2)
def _doOneWork(self, workUnit, failureType): if VERBOSE: log.msg("Processing a unit of work: %r" % (workUnit,)) try: self.listener.processItem(workUnit) except: f = failure.Failure() if VERBOSE: log.msg("Processing failed: %s" % (f.getErrorMessage(),)) log.err(f) raise failureType(self, workUnit, f)
def step(self): first = True for workTracker in self._extraWork(): if first: first = False else: return True item = workTracker.item workTracker.deleteFromStore() self._doOneWork(item, _TrackedProcessingFailure)
for workUnit in self._forwardWork(self.processor.workUnitType): if first: first = False else: return True self.forwardMark = workUnit.storeID self._doOneWork(workUnit, _ForwardProcessingFailure)
for workUnit in self._backwardWork(self.processor.workUnitType): if first: first = False else: return True self.backwardMark = workUnit.storeID self._doOneWork(workUnit, _BackwardProcessingFailure)
if first: raise _NoWorkUnits() if VERBOSE: log.msg("%r.step() returning False" % (self,)) return False
class _BatchProcessorMixin:
def step(self, style=iaxiom.LOCAL, skip=()): now = extime.Time() first = True
for listener in, attributes.AND(_ReliableListener.processor == self, == style, _ReliableListener.listener.notOneOf(skip)), sort=_ReliableListener.lastRun.ascending): if not first: if VERBOSE: log.msg("Found more work to do, returning True from %r.step()" % (self,)) return True listener.lastRun = now try: if listener.step(): if VERBOSE: log.msg("%r.step() reported more work to do, returning True from %r.step()" % (listener, self)) return True except _NoWorkUnits: if VERBOSE: log.msg("%r.step() reported no work units" % (listener,)) else: first = False if VERBOSE: log.msg("No listeners left with work, returning False from %r.step()" % (self,)) return False
def run(self): """ Try to run one unit of work through one listener. If there are more listeners or more work, reschedule this item to be run again in C{self.busyInterval} milliseconds, otherwise unschedule it.
@rtype: L{extime.Time} or C{None} @return: The next time at which to run this item, used by the scheduler for automatically rescheduling, or None if there is no more work to do. """ now = extime.Time() if self.step(): self.scheduled = now + datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=self.busyInterval) else: self.scheduled = None return self.scheduled
def timedEventErrorHandler(self, timedEvent, failureObj): failureObj.trap(_ProcessingFailure) log.msg("Batch processing failure") log.err(failureObj.value.failure) failureObj.value.mark() return extime.Time() + datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=self.busyInterval)
def addReliableListener(self, listener, style=iaxiom.LOCAL): """ Add the given Item to the set which will be notified of Items available for processing.
Note: Each Item is processed synchronously. Adding too many listeners to a single batch processor will cause the L{step} method to block while it sends notification to each listener.
@param listener: An Item instance which provides a C{processItem} method.
@return: An Item representing L{listener}'s persistent tracking state. """ existing =, attributes.AND(_ReliableListener.processor == self, _ReliableListener.listener == listener), default=None) if existing is not None: return existing
for work in, sort=self.workUnitType.storeID.descending, limit=1): forwardMark = work.storeID backwardMark = work.storeID + 1 break else: forwardMark = 0 backwardMark = 0
if self.scheduled is None: self.scheduled = extime.Time() iaxiom.IScheduler(, self.scheduled)
return _ReliableListener(, processor=self, listener=listener, forwardMark=forwardMark, backwardMark=backwardMark, style=style)
def removeReliableListener(self, listener): """ Remove a previously added listener. """, attributes.AND(_ReliableListener.processor == self, _ReliableListener.listener == listener)).deleteFromStore(), attributes.AND(BatchProcessingError.processor == self, BatchProcessingError.listener == listener)).deleteFromStore()
def getReliableListeners(self): """ Return an iterable of the listeners which have been added to this batch processor. """ for rellist in, _ReliableListener.processor == self): yield rellist.listener
def getFailedItems(self): """ Return an iterable of two-tuples of listeners which raised an exception from C{processItem} and the item which was passed as the argument to that method. """ for failed in, BatchProcessingError.processor == self): yield (failed.listener, failed.item)
def itemAdded(self): """ Called to indicate that a new item of the type monitored by this batch processor is being added to the database.
If this processor is not already scheduled to run, this will schedule it. """ localCount = _ReliableListener, attributes.AND(_ReliableListener.processor == self, == iaxiom.LOCAL), limit=1).count()
if localCount and self.scheduled is None: self.scheduled = extime.Time() iaxiom.IScheduler(, self.scheduled)
def upgradeProcessor1to2(oldProcessor): """ Batch processors stopped polling at version 2, so they no longer needed the idleInterval attribute. They also gained a scheduled attribute which tracks their interaction with the scheduler. Since they stopped polling, we also set them up as a timed event here to make sure that they don't silently disappear, never to be seen again: running them with the scheduler gives them a chance to figure out what's up and set up whatever other state they need to continue to run.
Since this introduces a new dependency of all batch processors on a powerup for the IScheduler, install a Scheduler or a SubScheduler if one is not already present. """ newProcessor = oldProcessor.upgradeVersion( oldProcessor.typeName, 1, 2, busyInterval=oldProcessor.busyInterval) newProcessor.scheduled = extime.Time()
s = sch = iaxiom.IScheduler(s, None) if sch is None: if s.parent is None: # Only site stores have no parents. sch = Scheduler(store=s) else: # Substores get subschedulers. sch = SubScheduler(store=s) installOn(sch, s)
# And set it up to run. sch.schedule(newProcessor, newProcessor.scheduled) return newProcessor
def processor(forType): """ Create an Axiom Item type which is suitable to use as a batch processor for the given Axiom Item type.
Processors created this way depend on a L{iaxiom.IScheduler} powerup on the on which store they are installed.
@type forType: L{item.MetaItem} @param forType: The Axiom Item type for which to create a batch processor type.
@rtype: L{item.MetaItem}
@return: An Axiom Item type suitable for use as a batch processor. If such a type previously existed, it will be returned. Otherwise, a new type is created. """ MILLI = 1000 if forType not in _processors: def __init__(self, *a, **kw): item.Item.__init__(self, *a, **kw), iaxiom.IBatchProcessor)
attrs = { '__name__': 'Batch_' + forType.__name__,
'__module__': forType.__module__,
'__init__': __init__,
'__repr__': lambda self: '<Batch of %s #%d>' % (reflect.qual(self.workUnitType), self.storeID),
'schemaVersion': 2,
'workUnitType': forType,
'scheduled': attributes.timestamp(doc=""" The next time at which this processor is scheduled to run. """, default=None),
# MAGIC NUMBERS AREN'T THEY WONDERFUL? 'busyInterval': attributes.integer(doc="", default=MILLI / 10), } _processors[forType] = item.MetaItem( attrs['__name__'], (item.Item, _BatchProcessorMixin), attrs)
registerUpgrader( upgradeProcessor1to2, _processors[forType].typeName, 1, 2)
return _processors[forType]
class ProcessUnavailable(Exception): """Indicates the process is not available to perform tasks.
This is a transient error. Calling code should handle it by arranging to do the work they planned on doing at a later time. """
class Shutdown(juice.Command): """ Abandon, belay, cancel, cease, close, conclude, cut it out, desist, determine, discontinue, drop it, end, finish, finish up, give over, go amiss, go astray, go wrong, halt, have done with, hold, knock it off, lay off, leave off, miscarry, perorate, quit, refrain, relinquish, renounce, resolve, scrap, scratch, scrub, stay, stop, terminate, wind up. """ commandName = "Shutdown" responseType = juice.QuitBox
def _childProcTerminated(self, err): self.mode = 'stopped' err = ProcessUnavailable(err) for d in self.waitingForProcess: d.errback(err) del self.waitingForProcess
class ProcessController(object): """ Stateful class which tracks a Juice connection to a child process.
Communication occurs over stdin and stdout of the child process. The process is launched and restarted as necessary. Failures due to the child process terminating, either unilaterally of by request, are represented as a transient exception class,
Mode is one of::
- 'stopped' (no process running or starting) - 'starting' (process begun but not ready for requests) - 'ready' (process ready for requests) - 'stopping' (process being torn down) - 'waiting_ready' (process beginning but will be shut down as soon as it starts up)
Transitions are as follows::
getProcess: stopped -> starting: launch process create/save in waitingForStartup/return Deferred starting -> starting: create/save/return Deferred ready -> ready: return saved process stopping: return failing Deferred indicating transient failure waiting_ready: return failing Deferred indicating transient failure
stopProcess: stopped -> stopped: return succeeding Deferred starting -> waiting_ready: create Deferred, add transient failure errback handler, return ready -> stopping: call shutdown on process return Deferred which fires when shutdown is done
childProcessCreated: starting -> ready: callback saved Deferreds clear saved Deferreds waiting_ready: errback saved Deferred indicating transient failure return _shutdownIndexerProcess()
childProcessTerminated: starting -> stopped: errback saved Deferreds indicating transient failure waiting_ready -> stopped: errback saved Deferreds indicating transient failure ready -> stopped: drop reference to process object stopping -> stopped: Callback saved shutdown deferred
@ivar process: A reference to the process object. Set in every non-stopped mode.
@ivar juice: A reference to the juice protocol. Set in all modes.
@ivar connector: A reference to the process protocol. Set in every non-stopped mode.
@ivar onProcessStartup: None or a no-argument callable which will be invoked whenever the connection is first established to a newly spawned child process.
@ivar onProcessTermination: None or a no-argument callable which will be invoked whenever a Juice connection is lost, except in the case where process shutdown was explicitly requested via stopProcess(). """
__metaclass__ = modal.ModalType
initialMode = 'stopped' modeAttribute = 'mode'
# A reference to the Twisted process object which corresponds to # the child process we have spawned. Set to a non-None value in # every state except stopped. process = None
# A reference to the process protocol object via which we # communicate with the process's stdin and stdout. Set to a # non-None value in every state except stopped. connector = None
def __init__(self, name, juice, tacPath, onProcessStartup=None, onProcessTermination=None, logPath=None, pidPath=None): = name self.juice = juice self.tacPath = tacPath self.onProcessStartup = onProcessStartup self.onProcessTermination = onProcessTermination if logPath is None: logPath = name + '.log' if pidPath is None: pidPath = name + '.pid' self.logPath = logPath self.pidPath = pidPath
def _startProcess(self): executable = sys.executable env = os.environ env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
twistdBinaries = procutils.which("twistd2.4") + procutils.which("twistd") if not twistdBinaries: return"Couldn't find twistd to start subprocess")) twistd = twistdBinaries[0]
setsid = procutils.which("setsid")
self.connector = JuiceConnector(self.juice, self)
args = [ sys.executable, twistd, '--logfile=%s' % (self.logPath,)]
if not runtime.platform.isWindows(): args.append('--pidfile=%s' % (self.pidPath,))
args.extend(['-noy', self.tacPath])
if setsid: args = ['setsid'] + args executable = setsid[0]
self.process = process.spawnProcess( self.connector, executable, tuple(args), env=env)
class stopped(modal.mode): def getProcess(self): self.mode = 'starting' self.waitingForProcess = []
# Mode has changed, this will call some other # implementation of getProcess. return self.getProcess()
def stopProcess(self): return defer.succeed(None)
class starting(modal.mode): def getProcess(self): d = defer.Deferred() self.waitingForProcess.append(d) return d
def stopProcess(self): def eb(err): err.trap(ProcessUnavailable)
d = defer.Deferred().addErrback(eb) self.waitingForProcess.append(d)
self.mode = 'waiting_ready' return d
def childProcessCreated(self): self.mode = 'ready'
if self.onProcessStartup is not None: self.onProcessStartup()
for d in self.waitingForProcess: d.callback(self.juice) del self.waitingForProcess
def childProcessTerminated(self, reason): _childProcTerminated(self, reason) if self.onProcessTermination is not None: self.onProcessTermination()
class ready(modal.mode): def getProcess(self): return defer.succeed(self.juice)
def stopProcess(self): self.mode = 'stopping' self.onShutdown = defer.Deferred() Shutdown().do(self.juice) return self.onShutdown
def childProcessTerminated(self, reason): self.mode = 'stopped' self.process = self.connector = None if self.onProcessTermination is not None: self.onProcessTermination()
class stopping(modal.mode): def getProcess(self): return"Shutting down"))
def stopProcess(self): return self.onShutdown
def childProcessTerminated(self, reason): self.mode = 'stopped' self.process = self.connector = None self.onShutdown.callback(None)
class waiting_ready(modal.mode): def getProcess(self): return"Shutting down"))
def childProcessCreated(self): # This will put us into the stopped state - no big deal, # we are going into the ready state as soon as it returns. _childProcTerminated(self, RuntimeError("Shutting down"))
# Dip into the ready mode for ever so brief an instant so # that we can shut ourselves down. self.mode = 'ready' return self.stopProcess()
def childProcessTerminated(self, reason): _childProcTerminated(self, reason) if self.onProcessTermination is not None: self.onProcessTermination()
class JuiceConnector(protocol.ProcessProtocol):
def __init__(self, proto, controller): self.juice = proto self.controller = controller
def connectionMade(self): log.msg("Subprocess started.") self.juice.makeConnection(self) self.controller.childProcessCreated()
# Transport disconnecting = False
def write(self, data): self.transport.write(data)
def writeSequence(self, data): self.transport.writeSequence(data)
def loseConnection(self): self.transport.loseConnection()
def getPeer(self): return ('omfg what are you talking about',)
def getHost(self): return ('seriously it is a process this makes no sense',)
def inConnectionLost(self): log.msg("Standard in closed") protocol.ProcessProtocol.inConnectionLost(self)
def outConnectionLost(self): log.msg("Standard out closed") protocol.ProcessProtocol.outConnectionLost(self)
def errConnectionLost(self): log.msg("Standard err closed") protocol.ProcessProtocol.errConnectionLost(self)
def outReceived(self, data): self.juice.dataReceived(data)
def errReceived(self, data): log.msg("Received stderr from subprocess: " + repr(data))
def processEnded(self, status): log.msg("Process ended") self.juice.connectionLost(status) self.controller.childProcessTerminated(status)
class JuiceChild(juice.Juice): """ Protocol class which runs in the child process
This just defines one behavior on top of a regular juice protocol: the shutdown command, which drops the connection and stops the reactor. """ shutdown = False
def connectionLost(self, reason): juice.Juice.connectionLost(self, reason) if self.shutdown: reactor.stop()
def command_SHUTDOWN(self): log.msg("Shutdown message received, goodbye.") self.shutdown = True return {} command_SHUTDOWN.command = Shutdown
class SetStore(juice.Command): """ Specify the location of the site store. """ commandName = 'Set-Store' arguments = [('storepath', juice.Path())]
class SuspendProcessor(juice.Command): """ Prevent a particular reliable listener from receiving any notifications until a L{ResumeProcessor} command is sent or the batch process is restarted. """ commandName = 'Suspend-Processor' arguments = [('storepath', juice.Path()), ('storeid', juice.Integer())]
class ResumeProcessor(juice.Command): """ Cause a particular reliable listener to begin receiving notifications again. """ commandName = 'Resume-Processor' arguments = [('storepath', juice.Path()), ('storeid', juice.Integer())]
class CallItemMethod(juice.Command): """ Invoke a particular method of a particular item. """ commandName = 'Call-Item-Method' arguments = [('storepath', juice.Path()), ('storeid', juice.Integer()), ('method', juice.String())]
class BatchProcessingControllerService(service.Service): """ Controls starting, stopping, and passing messages to the system process in charge of remote batch processing. """
def __init__(self, store): = store self.setName("Batch Processing Controller")
def startService(self): service.Service.startService(self) tacPath = util.sibpath(__file__, "batch.tac") proto = BatchProcessingProtocol() rundir ="run") logdir = rundir.child("logs") for d in rundir, logdir: try: d.createDirectory() except OSError: pass self.batchController = ProcessController( "batch", proto, tacPath, self._setStore, self._restartProcess, logdir.child("batch.log").path, rundir.child("").path)
def _setStore(self): return SetStore(
def _restartProcess(self): reactor.callLater(1.0, self.batchController.getProcess)
def stopService(self): service.Service.stopService(self) d = self.batchController.stopProcess() d.addErrback(lambda err: err.trap(error.ProcessDone)) return d
def call(self, itemMethod): """ Invoke the given bound item method in the batch process.
Return a Deferred which fires when the method has been invoked. """ item = itemMethod.im_self method = itemMethod.im_func.func_name return self.batchController.getProcess().addCallback( CallItemMethod(, storeid=item.storeID, method=method).do)
def suspend(self, storepath, storeID): return self.batchController.getProcess().addCallback( SuspendProcessor(storepath=storepath, storeid=storeID).do)
def resume(self, storepath, storeID): return self.batchController.getProcess().addCallback( ResumeProcessor(storepath=storepath, storeid=storeID).do)
class _SubStoreBatchChannel(object): """ SubStore adapter for passing messages to the batch processing system process.
SubStores are adaptable to L{iaxiom.IBatchService} via this adapter. """ implements(iaxiom.IBatchService)
def __init__(self, substore): self.storepath = substore.dbdir self.service = iaxiom.IBatchService(substore.parent)
def call(self, itemMethod): return
def suspend(self, storeID): return self.service.suspend(self.storepath, storeID)
def resume(self, storeID): return self.service.resume(self.storepath, storeID)
def storeBatchServiceSpecialCase(st, pups): if st.parent is not None: return _SubStoreBatchChannel(st) return service.IService(st).getServiceNamed("Batch Processing Controller")
class BatchProcessingProtocol(JuiceChild): siteStore = None
def __init__(self, service=None, issueGreeting=False): juice.Juice.__init__(self, issueGreeting) self.storepaths = [] if service is not None: service.cooperator = cooperator.Cooperator() self.service = service
def connectionLost(self, reason): # In the child process, we are a server. In the child process, we # don't want to keep running after we can't talk to the client anymore. if self.isServer: reactor.stop()
def command_SET_STORE(self, storepath): from axiom import store
assert self.siteStore is None
self.siteStore = store.Store(storepath, debug=False) self.subStores = {} self.pollCall = task.LoopingCall(self._pollSubStores) self.pollCall.start(10.0)
return {}
command_SET_STORE.command = SetStore
def command_SUSPEND_PROCESSOR(self, storepath, storeid): return self.subStores[storepath.path].suspend(storeid).addCallback(lambda ign: {}) command_SUSPEND_PROCESSOR.command = SuspendProcessor
def command_RESUME_PROCESSOR(self, storepath, storeid): return self.subStores[storepath.path].resume(storeid).addCallback(lambda ign: {}) command_RESUME_PROCESSOR.command = ResumeProcessor
def command_CALL_ITEM_METHOD(self, storepath, storeid, method): return self.subStores[storepath.path].call(storeid, method).addCallback(lambda ign: {}) command_CALL_ITEM_METHOD.command = CallItemMethod
def _pollSubStores(self): from axiom import store, substore
# Any service which has encountered an error will have logged it and # then stopped. Prune those here, so that they are noticed as missing # below and re-added. for path, svc in self.subStores.items(): if not svc.running: del self.subStores[path]
try: paths = set([p.path for p in self.siteStore.query(substore.SubStore).getColumn("storepath")]) except eaxiom.SQLError, e: # Generally, database is locked. log.msg("SubStore query failed with SQLError: %r" % (e,)) except: # WTF? log.msg("SubStore query failed with bad error:") log.err() else: for removed in set(self.subStores) - paths: self.subStores[removed].disownServiceParent() del self.subStores[removed] if VERBOSE: log.msg("Removed SubStore " + removed) for added in paths - set(self.subStores): try: s = store.Store(added, debug=False) except eaxiom.SQLError, e: # Generally, database is locked. log.msg("Opening sub-Store failed with SQLError: %r" % (e,)) except: log.msg("Opening sub-Store failed with bad error:") log.err() else: self.subStores[added] = BatchProcessingService(s, style=iaxiom.REMOTE) self.subStores[added].setServiceParent(self.service) if VERBOSE: log.msg("Added SubStore " + added)
class BatchProcessingService(service.Service): """ Steps over the L{iaxiom.IBatchProcessor} powerups for a single L{}. """ def __init__(self, store, style=iaxiom.LOCAL): = store = style self.suspended = []
def suspend(self, storeID): item = self.suspended.append(item) return item.suspend()
def resume(self, storeID): item = self.suspended.remove(item) return item.resume()
def call(self, storeID, methodName): return defer.maybeDeferred(getattr(, methodName))
def items(self): return
def processWhileRunning(self): """ Run tasks until stopService is called. """ work = self.step() for result, more in work: yield result if not self.running: break if more: delay = 0.1 else: delay = 10.0 yield task.deferLater(reactor, delay, lambda: None)
def step(self): while True: items = list(self.items())
if VERBOSE: log.msg("Found %d processors for %s" % (len(items),
ran = False more = False while items: ran = True item = items.pop() if VERBOSE: log.msg("Stepping processor %r (suspended is %r)" % (item, self.suspended)) try: itemHasMore =,, skip=self.suspended) except _ProcessingFailure, e: log.msg("%r failed while processing %r:" % (e.reliableListener, e.workUnit)) log.err(e.failure) e.mark()
# _Fuck_. /Fuck/. If user-code in or below (*fuck*) # item.step creates a Failure on any future iteration # (-Fuck-) of this loop, it will get a reference to this # exception instance, since it's in locals and Failures # extract and save locals (Aaarrrrggg). Get rid of this so # that doesn't happen. See also the definition of # _ProcessingFailure.__init__. e = None else: if itemHasMore: more = True yield None, bool(more or items) if not ran: yield None, more
def startService(self): service.Service.startService(self) self.parent.cooperator.coiterate(self.processWhileRunning())
def stopService(self): service.Service.stopService(self)
class BatchManholePowerup(item.Item): """ Previously, an L{IConchUser} powerup. This class is only still defined for schema compatibility. Any instances of it will be deleted by an upgrader. See #1001. """ schemaVersion = 2 unused = attributes.integer( doc="Satisfy Axiom requirement for at least one attribute")
registerDeletionUpgrader(BatchManholePowerup, 1, 2)