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# Copyright 2008 Divmod, Inc. See LICENSE for details
import sys import os
from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.internet import protocol, defer from twisted.python.util import sibpath from twisted.python import log, filepath
from epsilon import extime from axiom import attributes, item, store, errors from axiom.iaxiom import IStatEvent
from pysqlite2.dbapi2 import sqlite_version_info
class RevertException(Exception): pass
class TestItem(item.Item): schemaVersion = 1 typeName = 'TestItem' foo = attributes.integer(indexed=True, default=10) bar = attributes.text() baz = attributes.timestamp() other = attributes.reference() booleanT = attributes.boolean() booleanF = attributes.boolean()
activated = attributes.inmemory() checkactive = attributes.inmemory() checked = attributes.inmemory()
myStore = attributes.reference()
attributes.compoundIndex(bar, baz)
def activate(self): self.activated = True if getattr(self, 'checkactive', False): assert isinstance(self.other, TestItem), repr(self.other) assert self.other != self, repr(self.other) self.checked = True
class StoreTests(unittest.TestCase): def testCreation(self): dbdir = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) s = store.Store(dbdir) s.close()
def testReCreation(self): dbdir = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) s = store.Store(dbdir) s.close() s = store.Store(dbdir) s.close()
def test_onlyOneDir(self): """ A Store should raise an error if both dbdir and filesdir are specified. """ self.assertRaises(ValueError, store.Store, filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()), filesdir=filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()))
def testTableQueryCaching(self): """ Ensure that the identity of the string returned by the mostly-private getTableQuery method is the same when it is invoked for the same type and version, rather than a newly constructed string. """ s = store.Store() self.assertIdentical( s.getTableQuery(TestItem.typeName, 1), s.getTableQuery(TestItem.typeName, 1))
def testTypeToDatabaseNames(self): # The real purpose of this test is to have the new get*Name # methods explicitely called somewhere in the test suite. The # effect itself does not actually matter much. These functions # are proven right by the fact that item creation, querying # and update are working.
# I think the following should be ok for anything that vaguely # ressembles SQL.
s = store.Store() tn = s.getTableName(TestItem)
assert tn.startswith(s.databaseName)
cn = s.getColumnName( scn = s.getShortColumnName(
assert len(tn) < len(cn) assert len(scn) < len(cn) assert cn.endswith(scn) assert cn.startswith(tn)
icn = s.getColumnName(TestItem.storeID) sicn = s.getShortColumnName(TestItem.storeID)
assert len(tn) < len(icn) assert len(sicn) < len(icn) assert icn.endswith(sicn) assert icn.startswith(tn)
def testGetTableName(self): """ Item instances were getting into the table name cache. Make sure only classes are accepted. """ s = store.Store() self.assertRaises(errors.ItemClassesOnly, s.getTableName, TestItem(store=s))
def testTableNameCacheDoesntGrow(self): """ Make sure the table name cache doesn't grow out of control anymore. """ s = store.Store() tn = s.getTableName(TestItem) x = len(s.typeToTableNameCache) for i in range(10): s.getTableName(TestItem) self.assertEquals(x, len(s.typeToTableNameCache))
def testStoreIDComparerIdentity(self): # We really want this to hold, because the storeID object is # used like a regular attribute as a key for various caching # within store. a0 = TestItem.storeID a1 = TestItem.storeID self.assertIdentical(a0, a1)
def test_loadTypeSchema(self): """ L{Store._loadTypeSchema} returns a C{dict} mapping item type names and versions to a list of tuples giving information about the on-disk schema information for each attribute of that version of that type. """ s = store.Store() TestItem(store=s)
loadedSchema = s._loadTypeSchema() self.assertEqual( loadedSchema[(TestItem.typeName, TestItem.schemaVersion)], [('bar', 'TEXT COLLATE NOCASE', False, attributes.text, ''), ('baz', 'INTEGER', False, attributes.timestamp, ''), ('booleanF', 'BOOLEAN', False, attributes.boolean, ''), ('booleanT', 'BOOLEAN', False, attributes.boolean, ''), ('foo', 'INTEGER', True, attributes.integer, ''), ('myStore', 'INTEGER', True, attributes.reference, ''), ('other', 'INTEGER', True, attributes.reference, ''), ])
def test_checkInconsistentTypeSchema(self): """ L{Store._checkTypeSchemaConsistency} raises L{RuntimeError} if the in memory schema of the type passed to it differs from the schema stored in the database for that type, either by including too few attributes, too many attributes, or the wrong type for one of the attributes. """ s = store.Store()
schema = [ (name, attr.sqltype, attr.indexed, attr, attr.doc) for (name, attr) in TestItem.getSchema()]
# Test a missing attribute self.assertRaises( RuntimeError, s._checkTypeSchemaConsistency, TestItem, {(TestItem.typeName, TestItem.schemaVersion): schema[:-1]})
# And an extra attribute self.assertRaises( RuntimeError, s._checkTypeSchemaConsistency, TestItem, {(TestItem.typeName, TestItem.schemaVersion): schema + [schema[0]]})
# And the wrong type for one of the attributes self.assertRaises( RuntimeError, s._checkTypeSchemaConsistency, TestItem, {(TestItem.typeName, TestItem.schemaVersion): [(schema[0], 'VARCHAR(64) (this is made up)', schema[2], schema[3], schema[4])] + schema[1:]})
def test_inMemorySchemaCacheReset(self): """ The global in-memory table schema cache should not change the behavior of consistency checking with respect to the redefinition of in-memory schemas.
This test is verifying the behavior which is granted by the use of a WeakKeyDictionary for _inMemorySchemaCache. If that cache kept strong references to item types or used a (typeName, schemaVersion) key, either the second C{SoonToChange} class definition in this method would fail or the schema defined by the first C{SoonToChange} class would be used, even after it should have been replaced by the second definition. """ class SoonToChange(item.Item): attribute = attributes.integer()
dbpath = self.mktemp() s = store.Store(dbpath) SoonToChange(store=s) s.close()
# This causes a Store._checkTypeSchemaConsistency to cache # SoonToChange. s = store.Store(dbpath) s.close()
del SoonToChange, s
class SoonToChange(item.Item): attribute = attributes.boolean()
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, store.Store, dbpath)
def test_checkOutdatedTypeSchema(self): """ L{Store._checkTypeSchemaConsistency} raises L{RuntimeError} if the type passed to it is the most recent in-memory version of that type and is older than the newest on disk schema for that type. """ s = store.Store()
schema = [ (name, attr.sqltype, attr.indexed, attr, attr.doc) for (name, attr) in TestItem.getSchema()]
self.assertRaises( RuntimeError, s._checkTypeSchemaConsistency, TestItem, {(TestItem.typeName, TestItem.schemaVersion): schema, (TestItem.typeName, TestItem.schemaVersion + 1): schema})
def test_checkConsistencyWhenOpened(self): """ L{Store.__init__} checks the consistency of the schema and raises L{RuntimeError} for any inconsistency. """ class SoonToChange(item.Item): attribute = attributes.integer()
dbpath = self.mktemp() s = store.Store(dbpath) SoonToChange(store=s) s.close()
# Get rid of both the type and the store so that we can define a new # incompatible version. It might be nice if closed stores didn't keep # references to types, but whatever. This kind of behavior isn't # really supported, only the unit tests need to do it for now. del SoonToChange, s
class SoonToChange(item.Item): attribute = attributes.boolean()
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, store.Store, dbpath)
def test_createAndLoadExistingIndexes(self): """ L{Store._loadExistingIndexes} returns a C{set} containing the names of all of the indexes which exist in the store. """ s = store.Store() before = s._loadExistingIndexes() TestItem(store=s) after = s._loadExistingIndexes() created = after - before
self.assertEqual( created, set([s._indexNameOf(TestItem, ['foo']), s._indexNameOf(TestItem, ['other']), s._indexNameOf(TestItem, ['myStore']), s._indexNameOf(TestItem, ['bar', 'baz'])]))
def test_loadExistingAttachedStoreIndexes(self): """ If a store is attached to its parent, L{Store._loadExistingIndexes} returns just the indexes which exist in the child store. """ secondaryPath = self.mktemp() main = store.Store() secondary = store.Store(secondaryPath, parent=main, idInParent=17)
TestItem(store=secondary) before = secondary._loadExistingIndexes() secondary.attachToParent() after = secondary._loadExistingIndexes()
self.assertEqual(before, after)
def test_createAttachedStoreIndexes(self): """ Indexes created by the insertion of the first item of a type into a store are created in the database which backs that store even if that store is attached to another store backed by a different database. """ secondaryPath = self.mktemp()
main = store.Store() secondary = store.Store(secondaryPath, parent=main, idInParent=23)
before = secondary._loadExistingIndexes() secondary.attachToParent() TestItem(store=secondary)
# Close it to detach from the parent. Detach from the parent so we can # re-open and hopefully avoid accidentally getting any results polluted # by the parent store (shouldn't happen, because the above test, # test_loadExistingAttachedStoreIndexes, makes sure we can inspect # indexes without worrying about an attached parent, but I'm being # paranoid). secondary.close() del secondary
secondary = store.Store(secondaryPath, parent=main, idInParent=23) after = secondary._loadExistingIndexes()
self.assertEqual( after - before, set([secondary._indexNameOf(TestItem, ['foo']), secondary._indexNameOf(TestItem, ['other']), secondary._indexNameOf(TestItem, ['myStore']), secondary._indexNameOf(TestItem, ['bar', 'baz'])]))
def test_inMemoryIndexCacheReset(self): """ The global in-memory index schema cache should not change the behavior of index creation with respect to the redefinition of in-memory schemas.
This test is verifying the behavior which is granted by the use of a WeakKeyDictionary for _requiredTableIndexes. If that cache kept strong references to item types or used a (typeName, schemaVersion) key, either the second C{SoonToChange} class definition in this method would fail or the indexes on the schema defined by the first C{SoonToChange} class would be used, even after it should have been replaced by the second definition. """ class SoonToChange(item.Item): attribute = attributes.integer()
dbpath = self.mktemp() s = store.Store(dbpath)
before = s._loadExistingIndexes() SoonToChange(store=s) after = s._loadExistingIndexes()
# Sanity check - this version of SoonToChange has no indexes. self.assertEqual(before, after)
s.close() del SoonToChange, s
class SoonToChange(item.Item): attribute = attributes.boolean(indexed=True)
s = store.Store() before = s._loadExistingIndexes() SoonToChange(store=s) after = s._loadExistingIndexes() self.assertEqual( after - before, set([s._indexNameOf(SoonToChange, ['attribute'])]))
def test_loadPythonModuleHint(self): """ If the Python definition of a type found in a Store has not yet been loaded, the hint in the I{module} column in type table is loaded. """ # Arbitrary constants used in multiple places and processes. typeCount = 3 magicOffset = 17 baseModuleName = "axiom_unloaded_module_"
# Path the temporary new modules will be created in. importPath = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) importPath.makedirs() sys.path.insert(0, importPath.path) self.addCleanup(sys.path.remove, importPath.path)
# Path the store will be created at. dbdir = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
# Create some source files, each defining an item type. for counter in range(typeCount): moduleName = baseModuleName + str(counter)
# Sanity check - the test can't work if any of the modules is # already imported. self.assertNotIn(moduleName, sys.modules)
# Write out the source. modulePath = importPath.child(moduleName + ".py") modulePath.setContent("""\ from axiom.item import Item from axiom.attributes import integer
class Unloaded(Item): value = integer() """)
# In another process, so as not to cause the unloaded modules to be # loaded in this process, create a store containing instances of the # Unloaded types. script = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) script.setContent("""\ from sys import argv from twisted.python.reflect import namedAny from import Store
dbdir, typeCount, moduleBase, magicOffset = argv[1:]
s = Store(dbdir) for i in range(int(typeCount)): moduleName = moduleBase + str(i) namedAny(moduleName).Unloaded(store=s, value=int(magicOffset) + i) s.close() """)
os.system(" ".join([ "PYTHONPATH=%s:$PYTHONPATH" % (importPath.path,), sys.executable, script.path, dbdir.path, str(typeCount), baseModuleName, str(magicOffset)]))
# Another sanity check. The modules still better not have been # imported in this process. for counter in range(typeCount): self.assertNotIn(baseModuleName + str(counter), sys.modules)
# Now open the store here. This only works if the Store figures out it # needs to import the modules defining the types. s = store.Store(dbdir.path)
# And to be sure, find the item and make sure it has the value we # expect. for counter in range(typeCount): Unloaded = sys.modules[baseModuleName + str(counter)].Unloaded self.assertEqual( s.query(Unloaded, Unloaded.value == magicOffset + counter).count(), 1)
class FailurePathTests(unittest.TestCase):
def testNoCrossStoreRefs(self): s1 = store.Store() s2 = store.Store()
t1 = TestItem(store=s1) self.assertRaises(errors.NoCrossStoreReferences, TestItem, store=s2, other=t1)
t2 = TestItem(store=s2)
self.assertRaises(errors.NoCrossStoreReferences, setattr, t2, 'other', t1)
self.assertRaises(errors.NoCrossStoreReferences, setattr, t2, 'other', s1)
t3 = TestItem(other=t1)
self.assertRaises(errors.NoCrossStoreReferences, setattr, t3, 'store', s2) = s1
self.assertEquals(list(s1.query(TestItem)), [t1, t3])
class ItemTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.dbdir = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) = store.Store(self.dbdir)
def tearDown(self):
def testFirstActivationHappensWhenAttributesAreSet(self): tio = TestItem( ti = TestItem(, checkactive=True, other=tio)
self.assertEquals(ti.checked, True)
def testItemCreation(self): timeval = extime.Time.fromISO8601TimeAndDate('2004-10-05T10:12:14.1234')
s = TestItem( foo = 42, bar = u'hello world', baz = timeval, booleanT = True, booleanF = False ) s.myStore = = sid = s.storeID = store.Store(self.dbdir) s2 = self.assertEquals(, self.assertEquals(s2.booleanT, s.booleanT) self.assertEquals(s2.booleanF, s.booleanF) self.assertIdentical(s2.myStore,
def testBasicQuery(self): def tt(): # !@#$ 3x+ speedup over not doing this in a transact() created = [TestItem(foo=x, bar=u"string-value-of-"+str(x)) for x in range(20)] for c in created: =
loaded =, >= 10)
self.assertEquals(len(list(loaded)), 10)
def testCreateThenDelete(self): timeval = extime.Time.fromISO8601TimeAndDate('2004-10-05T10:12:14.1234') sid = [] def txn(): s = TestItem( store =, foo = 42, bar = u'hello world', baz = timeval, booleanT = True, booleanF = False ) sid.append(s.storeID) self.assertEquals(list(, [s]) s.deleteFromStore() self.assertEquals(list(, []) # hmm. possibly due its own test. # self.assertRaises(KeyError,, sid[0]) self.assertRaises(KeyError,, sid[0]) self.assertEquals(list(, [])
def test_getNeverInsertedItem(self): """ Verify that using getItemByID with a default object to attempt to load by storeID an Item which was created and deleted within a single transaction results in the default object. """ def txn(): a = TestItem( storeID = a.storeID a.deleteFromStore() del a return storeID storeID = default = object() result =, default=default) self.assertIdentical(result, default)
def testInMemoryRevert(self): item1 = TestItem(, foo=24, bar=u'Zoom', baz=extime.Time.fromISO8601TimeAndDate('2004-10-05T10:12:14.1234') )
def brokenFunction(): item2 = TestItem(, foo=42, bar=u'mooZ', baz=extime.Time.fromISO8601TimeAndDate('1970-03-12T05:05:11.5921') ) = 823 = u'this is the wrong answer' item1.baz = extime.Time()
raise RevertException(item2.storeID)
try: except RevertException, exc: [storeID] = exc.args
self.assertRaises(KeyError,, storeID) self.assertEquals(, 24) self.assertEquals(, u'Zoom') self.assertEquals(item1.baz.asISO8601TimeAndDate(), '2004-10-05T10:12:14.1234+00:00') else:"Transaction should have raised an exception")
class AttributefulItem(item.Item): schemaVersion = 1 typeName = 'test_attributeful_item'
withDefault = attributes.integer(default=42) withoutDefault = attributes.integer()
class StricterItem(item.Item): schemaVersion = 1 typeName = 'test_stricter_item'
aRef = attributes.reference(allowNone=False)
class AttributeTests(unittest.TestCase): def testGetAttribute(self): s = store.Store() def testGetAttribute(): x = AttributefulItem(store=s) y = AttributefulItem(store=s, withDefault=20) z = AttributefulItem(store=s, withoutDefault=30) for o in x, y, z: o.checkpoint()
self.assertEquals(x.withDefault, 42) self.assertEquals(x.withoutDefault, None) self.assertEquals(y.withDefault, 20) self.assertEquals(y.withoutDefault, None) self.assertEquals(z.withDefault, 42) self.assertEquals(z.withoutDefault, 30) s.transact(testGetAttribute)
def testIntegerAttribute_SQLiteBug(self): # SQLite 3.2.1 has a bug which causes various integers to be stored # incorrect. For example, 2 ** 48 - 1 is stored as -1. This is # fixed in 3.2.7.
for power in 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 63: s = store.Store() input = 2 ** power - 1 s.transact( AttributefulItem, store=s, withoutDefault=input) output = s.findFirst(AttributefulItem).withoutDefault self.assertEquals(input, output) s.close()
if sqlite_version_info < (3, 2, '7'): testIntegerAttribute_SQLiteBug.todo = ( "If this test fails on your system, you should really upgrade SQLite " "to at least 3.2.7. Not doing so will lead to corruption of your " "data.")
def testQueries(self): s = store.Store() def testQueries(): x = AttributefulItem(store=s, withDefault=50) y = AttributefulItem(store=s, withDefault=30) z = AttributefulItem(store=s, withoutDefault=30)
for o in x, y, z: o.checkpoint()
self.assertEquals( list(s.query(AttributefulItem, AttributefulItem.withoutDefault != None, sort=AttributefulItem.withoutDefault.desc)), [z])
self.assertEquals( list(s.query(AttributefulItem, sort=AttributefulItem.withDefault.desc)), [x, z, y])
def testDontAllowNone(self): s = store.Store() def testDontAllowNone(): try: x = StricterItem(store=s) except TypeError: pass else:"Creating a StricterItem without an aRef value should have failed")
a = AttributefulItem(store=s) x = StricterItem(store=s, aRef=a) self.assertEquals(x.aRef, a)
try: x.aRef = None except TypeError: pass else:"Setting aRef to None on a StricterItem should have failed") s.transact(testDontAllowNone)
class TestFindOrCreate(unittest.TestCase):
def testCreate(self): s = store.Store() ai = s.findOrCreate(AttributefulItem) self.assertEquals(ai.withDefault, 42) self.assertEquals(ai.withoutDefault, None)
def testFind(self): s = store.Store() ai = s.findOrCreate(AttributefulItem, withoutDefault=1234) ai2 = s.findOrCreate(AttributefulItem, withDefault=42) ai3 = s.findOrCreate(AttributefulItem)
ai4 = s.findOrCreate(AttributefulItem, withDefault=71) ai5 = s.findOrCreate(AttributefulItem, withDefault=71)
self.assertIdentical(ai, ai2) self.assertIdentical(ai3, ai2) self.assertIdentical(ai4, ai5) self.assertNotIdentical(ai, ai4)
def testIfNew(self): l = [] s = store.Store()
ai1 = s.findOrCreate(AttributefulItem, l.append, withDefault=1234) ai2 = s.findOrCreate(AttributefulItem, l.append, withDefault=1234) ai3 = s.findOrCreate(AttributefulItem, l.append, withDefault=4321) ai4 = s.findOrCreate(AttributefulItem, l.append, withDefault=4321)
self.assertEquals(len(l), 2) self.assertEquals(l, [ai1, ai3])
def testFindFirst(self): s = store.Store() a0 = ai = AttributefulItem(store=s) ai2 = s.findFirst(AttributefulItem, AttributefulItem.withDefault == 42) shouldBeNone = s.findFirst(AttributefulItem, AttributefulItem.withDefault == 99) self.assertEquals(ai, ai2) self.assertEquals(shouldBeNone, None)
ai = AttributefulItem(store=s, withDefault=24) ai2 = s.findFirst(AttributefulItem, AttributefulItem.withDefault == 24) self.assertEquals(ai, ai2)
ai = AttributefulItem(store=s, withDefault=55) ai2 = s.findFirst(AttributefulItem) self.assertEquals(a0, ai2)
class DeletedTrackingItem(item.Item): """ Helper class for testing that C{deleted} is called by ItemQuery.deleteFromStore. """ deletedTimes = 0 value = attributes.integer()
def deleted(self): DeletedTrackingItem.deletedTimes += 1
class DeleteFromStoreTrackingItem(item.Item): """ Helper class for testing that C{deleteFromStore} is called by ItemQuery.deleteFromStore. """ deletedTimes = 0 value = attributes.integer()
def deleteFromStore(self): DeleteFromStoreTrackingItem.deletedTimes += 1 item.Item.deleteFromStore(self)
class MassInsertDeleteTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self): self.storepath = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) = store.Store(self.storepath)
def testBatchInsert(self): """ Make sure that batchInsert creates all the items it's supposed to with appropriate attributes. """
dataRows = [(37, 93), (1, 2)], [AttributefulItem.withDefault, AttributefulItem.withoutDefault], dataRows) items = list( self.assertEquals(items[0].withDefault, 37) self.assertEquals(items[0].withoutDefault, 93) self.assertEquals(items[1].withDefault, 1) self.assertEquals(items[1].withoutDefault, 2)
def testTransactedBatchInsert(self): """ Test that batchInsert works in a transaction. """ dataRows = [(37, 93), (1, 2)], AttributefulItem, [AttributefulItem.withDefault, AttributefulItem.withoutDefault], dataRows)
items = list( self.assertEquals(items[0].withDefault, 37) self.assertEquals(items[0].withoutDefault, 93) self.assertEquals(items[1].withDefault, 1) self.assertEquals(items[1].withoutDefault, 2)
def testBatchInsertReference(self): """ Test that reference args are handled okay by batchInsert. """ itemA = AttributefulItem( itemB = AttributefulItem( dataRows = [(1, u"hello", extime.Time(), itemA, True, False,, (2, u"hoorj", extime.Time(), itemB, False, True,], [,, TestItem.baz, TestItem.other, TestItem.booleanT, TestItem.booleanF, TestItem.myStore], dataRows) items = list(
self.assertEquals(items[0].other, itemA) self.assertEquals(items[1].other, itemB) self.assertEquals(items[0].store, self.assertEquals(items[1].store,
def testMemoryBatchInsert(self): """ Test that batchInsert works on an in-memory store. """ = store.Store() self.testBatchInsert()
def testBatchInsertSelectedAttributes(self): """ Test that batchInsert does the right thing when only a few attributes are being set. """ dataRows = [(u"hello", 50, False,, (u"hoorj", None, True,], [,, TestItem.booleanF, TestItem.myStore], dataRows) items = list(
self.assertEquals(items[0].other, None) self.assertEquals(items[1].other, None) self.assertEquals(items[0].foo, 50) self.assertEquals(items[1].foo, None) self.assertEquals(items[0].bar, u"hello") self.assertEquals(items[1].bar, u"hoorj") self.assertEquals(items[0].store, self.assertEquals(items[1].store,
def testBatchDelete(self): """ Ensure that unqualified batchDelete removes all the items of a certain class. """ for i in xrange(10): AttributefulItem(, withoutDefault=i) self.assertEquals(list(, [])
def testBatchDeleteCondition(self): """ Ensure that conditions for batchDelete are honored properly. """ for i in xrange(10): AttributefulItem(, withoutDefault=i), AttributefulItem.withoutDefault > 4 ).deleteFromStore() self.assertEquals(, 5)
def testSlowBatchDelete(self): """ Ensure that a 'deleted' method on an Item will be called if it exists. """ DeletedTrackingItem( self.assertEqual(DeletedTrackingItem.deletedTimes, 1)
def test_slowBatchDeleteBecauseDeletedFromStore(self): """ Ensure that a 'deleteFromStore' method on an Item will be called if it exists. """ DeleteFromStoreTrackingItem( self.assertEqual(DeleteFromStoreTrackingItem.deletedTimes, 1)
# Item types we will use to change the underlying database schema (by creating # them). class ConcurrentItemA(item.Item): anAttribute = attributes.text()
class ConcurrentItemB(item.Item): anotherAttribute = attributes.integer()
class ProcessConcurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase, protocol.ProcessProtocol):
def spawn(self, *args): self.d = defer.Deferred() from twisted.internet import reactor reactor.spawnProcess( self, sys.executable, [sys.executable] + list(args), os.environ) return self.d
ok = 0
def outReceived(self, data): if data == '1': # step 1: create an item cia = ConcurrentItemA(, anAttribute=u'aaa') # then tell the subprocess to load it self.transport.write(str(cia.storeID)+'\n') elif data == '2': # step 2: the subprocess has notified us that it has successfully # completed self.ok = 1
def errReceived(self, data): # we should never *really* get anything to stdout print data
def processEnded(self, reason): # total correctness would have us checking the exit code too, but we # got all the output we expected, so whatever. if self.ok: self.d.callback('OK') else: self.d.errback(reason)
def testNewItemTypeInSubprocess(self): dbdir = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) = store.Store(dbdir) # Open the store and leave its schema empty (don't create any items) # until the subprocess has opened it and loaded the bogus schema. return self.spawn(sibpath(__file__, ""), dbdir.path)
class ConcurrencyTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def testSchemaChange(self): """ When a statement is executed after the underlying schema has been changed (tables are added, database is vacuumed, etc) by another thread of execution, PySQLite2 will raise an OperationalError. This is basically harmless and the query will work if re-executed. This should be done transparently. """ dbdir = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
firstStore = store.Store(dbdir) ConcurrentItemA(store=firstStore)
secondStore = store.Store(dbdir)
self.assertNotIdentical(firstStore, secondStore) # if this line starts # breaking, rewrite # this test.
self.assertEquals(secondStore.query(ConcurrentItemA).count(), 1)
def testNewItemType(self): """ Creating the first instance of a of an Item subclass changes the underlying database schema as well as some Store-private state which tracks that schema. Test to make sure that creating the first instance of an Item subclass in one store is reflected in a second store. """ dbdir = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp())
firstStore = store.Store(dbdir) secondStore = store.Store(dbdir)
ConcurrentItemA(store=firstStore) self.assertEquals(secondStore.query(ConcurrentItemA).count(), 1)
class LoggingTests(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for log events emitted by L{}. """ def _openTest(self, dbdir, expectedValue): events = [] log.addObserver(events.append) self.addCleanup(log.removeObserver, events.append) store.Store(dbdir).close() for event in events: if event.get('interface') is not IStatEvent: continue if event.get('store_opened') != expectedValue: continue break else:"store_opened IStatEvent not emitted")
def test_openOnDisk(self): """ Opening a file-backed store logs an event including the path to the store. """ dbdir = self.mktemp() self._openTest(dbdir, os.path.abspath(dbdir))
def test_openInMemory(self): """ Opening a memory-backed store logs an event with an empty string for the path to the store. """ self._openTest(None, '')