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import sys, os
from twisted.trial import unittest from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.internet import error, protocol, defer, reactor from twisted.protocols import policies from twisted.python import log, filepath
from axiom import store, item from import Store from axiom.item import Item, declareLegacyItem from axiom.errors import ChangeRejected from axiom.test import itemtest, itemtestmain from axiom.attributes import integer, text, inmemory
class ProcessFailed(Exception): pass
class ProcessOutputCollector(protocol.ProcessProtocol, policies.TimeoutMixin): TIMEOUT = 60
def __init__(self, onCompletion): self.output = [] self.error = [] self.onCompletion = onCompletion self.onCompletion.addCallback(self.processOutput)
def processOutput(self, output): return output
def timeoutConnection(self): self.transport.signalProcess('KILL')
def connectionMade(self): self.setTimeout(self.TIMEOUT)
def outReceived(self, bytes): self.resetTimeout() self.output.append(bytes)
def errReceived(self, bytes): self.resetTimeout() self.error.append(bytes)
def processEnded(self, reason): self.setTimeout(None) if reason.check(error.ProcessTerminated): self.onCompletion.errback(ProcessFailed(self, reason)) elif self.error: self.onCompletion.errback(ProcessFailed(self, None)) else: self.onCompletion.callback(self.output)
class NoAttrsItem(item.Item): typeName = 'noattrsitem' schemaVersion = 1
class TransactedMethodItem(item.Item): """ Helper class for testing the L{axiom.item.transacted} decorator. """ value = text() calledWith = inmemory()
def method(self, a, b, c): self.value = u"changed" self.calledWith = [a, b, c] raise Exception("TransactedMethodItem.method test exception") method.attribute = 'value' method = item.transacted(method)
class StoredNoticingItem(item.Item): """ Test item which just remembers whether or not its C{stored} method has been called. """ storedCount = integer(doc=""" The number of times C{stored} has been called on this item. """, default=0)
activatedCount = integer(doc=""" The number of times C{stored} has been called on this item. """, default=0)
activated = inmemory(doc=""" A value set in the C{activate} callback and nowhere else. Used to determine the ordering of C{activate} and C{stored} calls. """)
def activate(self): self.activated = True
def stored(self): self.storedCount += 1 self.activatedCount += getattr(self, 'activated', 0)
class ItemWithDefault(item.Item): """ Item with an attribute having a default value. """ value = integer(default=10)
class ItemTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for L{Item}. """
def test_repr(self): """ L{Item.__repr__} should return a C{str} giving the name of the subclass and the names and values of all the item's attributes. """ reprString = repr(ItemWithDefault(value=123)) self.assertIn('value=123', reprString) self.assertIn('storeID=None', reprString) self.assertIn('ItemWithDefault', reprString)
store = Store() item = ItemWithDefault(store=store, value=321) reprString = repr(item) self.assertIn('value=321', reprString) self.assertIn('storeID=%d' % (item.storeID,), reprString) self.assertIn('ItemWithDefault', reprString)
def test_partiallyInitializedRepr(self): """ L{Item.__repr__} should return a C{str} giving some information, even if called before L{Item.__init__} has run completely. """ item = ItemWithDefault.__new__(ItemWithDefault) reprString = repr(item) self.assertIn('ItemWithDefault', reprString)
def test_itemClassOrdering(self): """ Test that L{Item} subclasses (not instances) sort by the Item's typeName. """ A = TransactedMethodItem B = NoAttrsItem
self.failUnless(A < B) self.failUnless(B >= A) self.failIf(A >= B) self.failIf(B <= A) self.failUnless(A != B) self.failUnless(B != A) self.failIf(A == B) self.failIf(B == A)
def test_legacyItemComparison(self): """ Legacy items with different versions must not compare equal. """ legacy1 = declareLegacyItem('test_type', 1, {}) legacy2 = declareLegacyItem('test_type', 2, {}) self.assertNotEqual(legacy1, legacy2) self.assertEqual(legacy1, legacy1) self.assertEqual(legacy2, legacy2)
def testCreateItem(self): st = store.Store() self.assertRaises(item.CantInstantiateItem, item.Item, store=st)
def testCreateItemWithDefault(self): """ Test that attributes with default values can be set to None properly. """ st = store.Store() it = ItemWithDefault() it.value = None self.assertEqual(it.value, None)
def test_storedCallbackAfterActivateCallback(self): """ Test that L{Item.stored} is only called after L{Item.activate} has been called. """ st = store.Store() i = StoredNoticingItem(store=st) self.assertEquals(i.activatedCount, 1)
def test_storedCallbackOnAttributeSet(self): """ Test that L{Item.stored} is called when an item is actually added to a store and not before. """ st = store.Store() i = StoredNoticingItem() self.assertEquals(i.storedCount, 0) = st self.assertEquals(i.storedCount, 1)
def test_storedCallbackOnItemCreation(self): """ Test that L{Item.stored} is called when an item is created with a store. """ st = store.Store() i = StoredNoticingItem(store=st) self.assertEquals(i.storedCount, 1)
def test_storedCallbackNotOnLoad(self): """ Test that pulling an item out of a store does not invoke its stored callback again. """ st = store.Store() storeID = StoredNoticingItem(store=st).storeID self.assertEquals(st.getItemByID(storeID).storedCount, 1)
def testTransactedTransacts(self): """ Test that a method wrapped in C{axiom.item.transacted} is automatically run in a transaction. """ s = store.Store() i = TransactedMethodItem(store=s, value=u"unchanged") exc = self.assertRaises(Exception, i.method, 'a', 'b', 'c') self.assertEquals(exc.args, ("TransactedMethodItem.method test exception",)) self.assertEquals(i.value, u"unchanged")
def testTransactedPassedArguments(self): """ Test that position and keyword arguments are passed through L{axiom.item.transacted}-wrapped methods correctly. """ s = store.Store() i = TransactedMethodItem(store=s) exc = self.assertRaises(Exception, i.method, 'a', b='b', c='c') self.assertEquals(exc.args, ("TransactedMethodItem.method test exception",)) self.assertEquals(i.calledWith, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
def testTransactedPreservesAttributes(self): """ Test that the original function attributes are available on a L{axiom.item.transacted}-wrapped function. """ self.assertEquals(TransactedMethodItem.method.attribute, 'value')
def testPersistentValues(self): st = store.Store() pi = itemtest.PlainItem(store=st, plain=u'hello') self.assertEqual(pi.persistentValues(), {'plain': u'hello'})
def testPersistentValuesWithoutValue(self): st = store.Store() pi = itemtest.PlainItem(store=st) self.assertEqual(pi.persistentValues(), {'plain': None})
def testCreateItemWithNoAttrs(self): st = store.Store() self.assertRaises(store.NoEmptyItems, NoAttrsItem, store=st)
def testCreatePlainItem(self): st = store.Store() s = itemtest.PlainItem(store=st)
def testLoadLoadedPlainItem(self): """ Test that loading an Item out of the store by its Store ID when a Python object representing that Item already exists in memory returns the same object as the one which already exists. """ st = store.Store() item = itemtest.PlainItem(store=st) self.assertIdentical(item, st.getItemByID(item.storeID))
def testLoadUnimportedPlainItem(self): """ Test that an Item in the database can be loaded out of the database, even if the module defining its Python class has not been imported, as long as its class definition has not moved since it was added to the database. """ storePath = filepath.FilePath(self.mktemp()) st = store.Store(storePath) itemID = itemtest.PlainItem(store=st, plain=u'Hello, world!!!').storeID st.close()
e = os.environ.copy() # Kind of a heuristic - hmmm e['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path) # os.pathsep.join([dir for dir in sys.path if not dir.startswith(sys.prefix)]) d = defer.Deferred() p = ProcessOutputCollector(d) try: reactor.spawnProcess(p, sys.executable, ["python", '-Wignore', itemtestmain.__file__.rstrip('co'), storePath.path, str(itemID)], e) except NotImplementedError: raise unittest.SkipTest("Implement processes here")
def cbOutput(output): self.assertEquals(''.join(output).strip(), 'Hello, world!!!')
def ebBlah(err): log.err(err)''.join(err.value.args[0].error))
return d.addCallbacks(cbOutput, ebBlah)
def testDeleteCreatePair(self): # Test coverage for a bug which was present in Axiom: deleting # the newest item in a database and then creating a new item # re-used the deleted item's oid causing all manner of # ridiculuousness. st = store.Store()
i = itemtest.PlainItem(store=st)
oldStoreID = i.storeID i.deleteFromStore() j = itemtest.PlainItem(store=st) self.failIfEqual(oldStoreID, j.storeID)
def testDeleteThenLoad(self): st = store.Store() i = itemtest.PlainItem(store=st) oldStoreID = i.storeID self.assertEquals(st.getItemByID(oldStoreID, default=1234), i) i.deleteFromStore() self.assertEquals(st.getItemByID(oldStoreID+100, default=1234), 1234) self.assertEquals(st.getItemByID(oldStoreID, default=1234), 1234)
def test_duplicateDefinition(self): """ When the same typeName is defined as an item class multiple times in memory, the second definition fails with a L{RuntimeError}. """ class X(Item): dummy = integer() try: class X(Item): dummy = integer() except RuntimeError: pass else:"Duplicate definition should have failed.")
def test_nonConflictingRedefinition(self): """ If the python item class associated with a typeName is garbage collected, a new python item class can re-use that type name. """ class X(Item): dummy = integer() del X class X(Item): dummy = integer()
class TestItem(Item): """ Boring, behaviorless Item subclass used when we just need an item someplace. """ attribute = integer()
class BrokenCommittedItem(Item): """ Item class which changes database state in its committed method. Don't write items like this, they're broken. """ attribute = integer() _committed = inmemory()
def committed(self): Item.committed(self) if getattr(self, '_committed', None) is not None: self._committed(self)
class CheckpointTestCase(TestCase): """ Tests for Item checkpointing. """ def setUp(self): self.checkpointed = [] def checkpoint(item): self.checkpointed.append(item) self.originalCheckpoint = TestItem.checkpoint.im_func TestItem.checkpoint = checkpoint
def tearDown(self): TestItem.checkpoint = self.originalCheckpoint
def _autocommitBrokenCommittedMethodTest(self, method): store = Store() item = BrokenCommittedItem(store=store) item._committed = method self.assertRaises(ChangeRejected, setattr, item, 'attribute', 0)
def _transactionBrokenCommittedMethodTest(self, method): store = Store() item = BrokenCommittedItem(store=store) item._committed = method
def txn(): item.attribute = 0 self.assertRaises(ChangeRejected, store.transact, txn)
def test_autocommitBrokenCommittedMethodMutate(self): """ Test changing a persistent attribute in the committed (even if the original change was made in autocommit mode) callback raises L{ChangeRejected}. """ def mutate(self): self.attribute = 0 return self._autocommitBrokenCommittedMethodTest(mutate)
def test_transactionBrokenCommittedMethodMutate(self): """ Test changing a persistent attribute in the committed callback raises L{ChangeRejected}. """ def mutate(item): item.attribute = 0 return self._transactionBrokenCommittedMethodTest(mutate)
def test_autocommitBrokenCommittedMethodDelete(self): """ Test deleting an item in the committed (even if the original change was made in autocommit mode) callback raises L{ChangeRejected}. """ def delete(item): item.deleteFromStore() return self._autocommitBrokenCommittedMethodTest(delete)
def test_transactionBrokenCommittedMethodDelete(self): """ Test changing a persistent attribute in the committed callback raises L{ChangeRejected}. """ def delete(item): item.deleteFromStore() return self._transactionBrokenCommittedMethodTest(delete)
def test_autocommitBrokenCommittedMethodCreate(self): """ Test that creating a new item in a committed (even if the original change was made in autocommit mode) callback raises L{ChangeRejected} """ def create(item): TestItem( return self._autocommitBrokenCommittedMethodTest(create)
def test_transactionBrokenCommittedMethodCreate(self): """ Test that creating a new item in a committed callback raises L{ChangeRejected}. """ def create(item): TestItem( return self._transactionBrokenCommittedMethodTest(create)
def test_autocommitCheckpoint(self): """ Test that an Item is checkpointed when it is created outside of a transaction. """ store = Store() item = TestItem(store=store) self.assertEquals(self.checkpointed, [item])
def test_transactionCheckpoint(self): """ Test that an Item is checkpointed when the transaction it is created within is committed. """ store = Store() def txn(): item = TestItem(store=store) self.assertEquals(self.checkpointed, []) return item item = store.transact(txn) self.assertEquals(self.checkpointed, [item])
def test_queryCheckpoint(self): """ Test that a newly created Item is checkpointed before a query is executed. """ store = Store() def txn(): item = TestItem(store=store) list(store.query(TestItem)) self.assertEquals(self.checkpointed, [item]) store.transact(txn)
def test_autocommitTouchCheckpoint(self): """ Test that an existing Item is checkpointed if it has an attribute changed on it. """ store = Store() item = TestItem(store=store)
# Get rid of the entry that's there from creation self.checkpointed = []
item.attribute = 0 self.assertEquals(self.checkpointed, [item])
def test_transactionTouchCheckpoint(self): """ Test that in a transaction an existing Item is checkpointed if it has touch called on it and the store it is in is checkpointed. """ store = Store() item = TestItem(store=store)
# Get rid of the entry that's there from creation self.checkpointed = []
def txn(): item.touch() store.checkpoint() self.assertEquals(self.checkpointed, [item]) store.transact(txn)
def test_twoQueriesOneCheckpoint(self): """ Test that if two queries are performed in a transaction, a touched item only has checkpoint called on it before the first. """ store = Store() item = TestItem(store=store)
# Get rid of the entry that's there from creation self.checkpointed = []
def txn(): item.touch() list(store.query(TestItem)) self.assertEquals(self.checkpointed, [item]) list(store.query(TestItem)) self.assertEquals(self.checkpointed, [item]) store.transact(txn)