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# Copyright 2006-2009 Divmod, Inc. See LICENSE file for details
""" Tests for L{axiom.scripts.axiomatic}. """
import sys, os, signal, StringIO
from zope.interface import implements
from twisted.python.log import msg from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath from twisted.python.procutils import which from twisted.python.runtime import platform from twisted.trial.unittest import SkipTest, TestCase from twisted.plugin import IPlugin from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.task import deferLater from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred from twisted.internet.error import ProcessTerminated from twisted.application.service import IService, IServiceCollection
from import Store from axiom.item import Item from axiom.attributes import boolean from axiom.scripts import axiomatic from axiom.listversions import SystemVersion from axiom.iaxiom import IAxiomaticCommand from twisted.plugins.axiom_plugins import AxiomaticStart
from axiom.test.reactorimporthelper import SomeItem
class RecorderService(Item): """ Minimal L{IService} implementation which remembers if it was ever started. This is used by tests to make sure services get started when they should be. """ implements(IService)
started = boolean( doc=""" A flag which is initially false and set to true once C{startService} is called. """, default=False)
name = "recorder"
def setServiceParent(self, parent): """ Do the standard Axiom thing to make sure this service becomes a child of the top-level store service. """ IServiceCollection(parent).addService(self)
def startService(self): """ Remember that this method was called. """ self.started = True
def stopService(self): """ Ignore this event. """
class StartTests(TestCase): """ Test the axiomatic start sub-command. """ def setUp(self): """ Work around Twisted #3178 by tricking trial into thinking something asynchronous is happening. """ return deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda: None)
def _getRunDir(self, dbdir): return dbdir.child("run")
def _getLogDir(self, dbdir): return self._getRunDir(dbdir).child("logs")
def test_getArguments(self): """ L{Start.getArguments} adds a I{--pidfile} argument if one is not present and a I{--logfile} argument if one is not present and daemonization is enabled and adds a I{--dbdir} argument pointing at the store it is passed. """ dbdir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) store = Store(dbdir) run = self._getRunDir(dbdir) logs = self._getLogDir(dbdir) start = axiomatic.Start()
logfileArg = ["--logfile", logs.child("axiomatic.log").path]
# twistd on Windows doesn't support PID files, so on Windows, # getArguments should *not* add --pidfile. if platform.isWindows(): pidfileArg = [] else: pidfileArg = ["--pidfile", run.child("").path] restArg = ["axiomatic-start", "--dbdir", dbdir.path]
self.assertEqual( start.getArguments(store, []), logfileArg + pidfileArg + restArg) self.assertEqual( start.getArguments(store, ["--logfile", "foo"]), ["--logfile", "foo"] + pidfileArg + restArg) self.assertEqual( start.getArguments(store, ["-l", "foo"]), ["-l", "foo"] + pidfileArg + restArg) self.assertEqual( start.getArguments(store, ["--nodaemon"]), ["--nodaemon"] + pidfileArg + restArg) self.assertEqual( start.getArguments(store, ["-n"]), ["-n"] + pidfileArg + restArg) self.assertEqual( start.getArguments(store, ["--pidfile", "foo"]), ["--pidfile", "foo"] + logfileArg + restArg)
def test_logDirectoryCreated(self): """ If L{Start.getArguments} adds a I{--logfile} argument, it creates the necessary directory. """ dbdir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) store = Store(dbdir) start = axiomatic.Start() start.getArguments(store, ["-l", "foo"]) self.assertFalse(self._getLogDir(dbdir).exists()) start.getArguments(store, []) self.assertTrue(self._getLogDir(dbdir).exists())
def test_parseOptions(self): """ L{Start.parseOptions} adds axiomatic-suitable defaults for any unspecified parameters and then calls L{} with the modified argument list. """ argv = [] def fakeRun(): argv.extend(sys.argv) options = axiomatic.Options() options['dbdir'] = dbdir = self.mktemp() start = axiomatic.Start() start.parent = options = fakeRun original = sys.argv[:] try: start.parseOptions(["-l", "foo", "--pidfile", "bar"]) finally: sys.argv[:] = original self.assertEqual( argv, [sys.argv[0], "-l", "foo", "--pidfile", "bar", "axiomatic-start", "--dbdir", os.path.abspath(dbdir)])
def test_parseOptionsHelp(self): """ L{Start.parseOptions} writes usage information to stdout if C{"--help"} is in the argument list it is passed and L{} is not called. """ start = axiomatic.Start() = None original = sys.stdout sys.stdout = stdout = StringIO.StringIO() try: self.assertRaises(SystemExit, start.parseOptions, ["--help"]) finally: sys.stdout = original
# Some random options that should be present. This is a bad test # because we don't control what C{opt_help} actually does and we don't # even really care as long as it's the same as what I{twistd --help} # does. We could try running them both and comparing, but then we'd # still want to do some sanity check against one of them in case we end # up getting the twistd version incorrectly somehow... -exarkun self.assertIn("--reactor", stdout.getvalue()) if not platform.isWindows(): # This isn't an option on Windows, so it shouldn't be there. self.assertIn("--uid", stdout.getvalue())
# Also, we don't want to see twistd plugins here. self.assertNotIn("axiomatic-start", stdout.getvalue())
def test_checkSystemVersion(self): """ The L{IService} returned by L{AxiomaticStart.makeService} calls L{checkSystemVersion} with its store when it is started.
This is done for I{axiomatic start} rather than somewhere in the implementation of L{Store} so that it happens only once per server startup. The overhead of doing it whenever a store is opened is non-trivial. """ dbdir = self.mktemp() store = Store(dbdir) service = AxiomaticStart.makeService({'dbdir': dbdir, 'debug': False}) self.assertEqual(store.query(SystemVersion).count(), 0) service.startService() self.assertEqual(store.query(SystemVersion).count(), 1) return service.stopService()
def test_axiomOptions(self): """ L{AxiomaticStart.options} takes database location and debug setting parameters. """ options = AxiomaticStart.options() options.parseOptions([]) self.assertEqual(options['dbdir'], None) self.assertFalse(options['debug']) options.parseOptions(["--dbdir", "foo", "--debug"]) self.assertEqual(options['dbdir'], 'foo') self.assertTrue(options['debug'])
def test_makeService(self): """ L{AxiomaticStart.makeService} returns the L{IService} powerup of the L{Store} at the directory in the options object it is passed. """ dbdir = FilePath(self.mktemp()) store = Store(dbdir) recorder = RecorderService(store=store) self.assertFalse(recorder.started) store.powerUp(recorder, IService) store.close()
service = AxiomaticStart.makeService({"dbdir": dbdir, "debug": False}) service.startService() service.stopService()
store = Store(dbdir) self.assertTrue(store.getItemByID(recorder.storeID).started)
def test_reactorSelection(self): """ L{AxiomaticStart} optionally takes the name of a reactor and installs it instead of the default reactor. """ # Since this process is already hopelessly distant from the state in # which I{axiomatic start} operates, it would make no sense to try a # functional test of this behavior in this process. Since the # behavior being tested involves lots of subtle interactions between # lots of different pieces of code (the reactor might get installed # at the end of a ten-deep chain of imports going through as many # different projects), it also makes no sense to try to make this a # unit test. So, start a child process and try to use the alternate # reactor functionality there.
here = FilePath(__file__) # Try to find it relative to the source of this test. bin = here.parent().parent().parent().child("bin") axiomatic = bin.child("axiomatic") if axiomatic.exists(): # Great, use that one. axiomatic = axiomatic.path else: # Try to find it on the path, instead. axiomatics = which("axiomatic") if axiomatics: # Great, it was on the path. axiomatic = axiomatics[0] else: # Nope, not there, give up. raise SkipTest( "Could not find axiomatic script on path or at %s" % ( axiomatic.path,))
# Create a store for the child process to use and put an item in it. # This will force an import of the module that defines that item's # class when the child process starts. The module imports the default # reactor at the top-level, making this the worst-case for the reactor # selection code. storePath = self.mktemp() store = Store(storePath) SomeItem(store=store) store.close()
# Install select reactor because it available on all platforms, and # it is still an error to try to install the select reactor even if # the already installed reactor was the select reactor. argv = [ sys.executable, axiomatic, "-d", storePath, "start", "--reactor", "select", "-n"] expected = [ "reactor class: twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor.", "reactor class: <class 'twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor'>"] proto, complete = AxiomaticStartProcessProtocol.protocolAndDeferred(expected)
# Make sure the version of Axiom under test is found by the child # process. import axiom, epsilon environ = os.environ.copy() environ['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join([ FilePath(epsilon.__file__).parent().parent().path, FilePath(axiom.__file__).parent().parent().path, environ['PYTHONPATH']]) reactor.spawnProcess(proto, sys.executable, argv, env=environ) return complete
class AxiomaticStartProcessProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ L{AxiomaticStartProcessProtocol} watches an I{axiomatic start} process and fires a L{Deferred} when it sees either successful reactor installation or process termination.
@ivar _success: A flag which is C{False} until the expected text is found in the child's stdout and C{True} thereafter.
@ivar _output: A C{str} giving all of the stdout from the child received thus far. """ _success = False _output = ""
def protocolAndDeferred(cls, expected): """ Create and return an L{AxiomaticStartProcessProtocol} and a L{Deferred}. The L{Deferred} will fire when the protocol receives the given string on standard out or when the process ends, whichever comes first. """ proto = cls() proto._complete = Deferred() proto._expected = expected return proto, proto._complete protocolAndDeferred = classmethod(protocolAndDeferred)
def errReceived(self, bytes): """ Report the given unexpected stderr data. """ msg("Received stderr from axiomatic: %r" % (bytes,))
def outReceived(self, bytes): """ Add the given bytes to the output buffer and check to see if the reactor has been installed successfully, firing the completion L{Deferred} if so. """ msg("Received stdout from axiomatic: %r" % (bytes,)) self._output += bytes if not self._success: for line in self._output.splitlines(): for expectedLine in self._expected: if expectedLine in line: msg("Received expected output") self._success = True self.transport.signalProcess("TERM")
def processEnded(self, reason): """ Check that the process exited in the way expected and that the required text has been found in its output and fire the result L{Deferred} with either a value or a failure. """ self._complete, result = None, self._complete if self._success: if platform.isWindows() or ( # Windows can't tell that we SIGTERM'd it, so sorry. reason.check(ProcessTerminated) and reason.value.signal == signal.SIGTERM): result.callback(None) return # Something went wrong. result.errback(reason)
class TestMisc(TestCase): """ Test things not directly involving running axiomatic commands. """ def test_axiomaticCommandProvides(self): """ Test that AxiomaticCommand itself does not provide IAxiomaticCommand or IPlugin, but subclasses do. """ self.failIf(IAxiomaticCommand.providedBy(axiomatic.AxiomaticCommand), 'IAxiomaticCommand provided') self.failIf(IPlugin.providedBy(axiomatic.AxiomaticCommand), 'IPlugin provided')
class _TestSubClass(axiomatic.AxiomaticCommand): pass
self.failUnless(IAxiomaticCommand.providedBy(_TestSubClass), 'IAxiomaticCommand not provided') self.failUnless(IPlugin.providedBy(_TestSubClass), 'IPlugin not provided')