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# -*- test-case-name: axiom.test.test_pysqlite2 -*-
""" Test code for any cursor implementation which is to work with Axiom.
This probably isn't complete. """
from axiom.errors import TimeoutError, TableAlreadyExists, SQLError
class StubCursor(object): """ Stand in for an actual database-backed cursor. Used by tests to assert the right calls are made to execute and to make sure errors from execute are handled correctly.
@ivar statements: A list of SQL strings which have been executed. @ivar connection: A reference to the L{StubConnection} which created this cursor. """ def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection self.statements = []
def execute(self, statement, args=()): """ Capture some SQL for later inspection. """ self.statements.append(statement)
class StubConnection(object): """ Stand in for an actual database-backed connection. Used by tests to create L{StubCursors} to easily test behavior of code which interacts with cursors.
@ivar cursors: A list of all cursors ever created with this connection. """ def __init__(self): self.cursors = []
def cursor(self): """ Create and return a new L{StubCursor}. """ self.cursors.append(StubCursor(self)) return self.cursors[-1]
def timeout(self): """ Induce behavior indicative of a database-level transient failure which might lead to a timeout. """ raise NotImplementedError
class ConnectionTestCaseMixin:
# The number of seconds we will allow for timeouts in this test suite. TIMEOUT = 5.0
# The amount of time beyond the specified timeout we will allow Axiom to # waste sleeping. This number shouldn't be changed very often, if ever. # We're testing a particular performance feature which we should be able to # rely on. ALLOWED_SLOP = 0.2
def createAxiomConnection(self): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot create Axiom Connection instance.")
def createStubConnection(self): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot create Axiom Connection instance.")
def createRealConnection(self): """ Create a memory-backed database connection for integration testing. """ raise NotImplementedError("Real connection creation not implemented.")
def test_identifyTableCreationError(self): """ When the same table is created twice, we should get a TableAlreadyExists exception. """ con = self.createRealConnection() cur = con.cursor() CREATE_TABLE = "create table foo (bar integer)" cur.execute(CREATE_TABLE) e = self.assertRaises(TableAlreadyExists, cur.execute, CREATE_TABLE)
def test_identifyGenericError(self): """ When invalid SQL is issued, we should get a SQLError exception. """ con = self.createRealConnection() cur = con.cursor() INVALID_STATEMENT = "not an SQL string" e = self.assertRaises(SQLError, cur.execute, INVALID_STATEMENT)
def test_cursor(self): """ Test that the cursor method can actually create a cursor object. """ stubConnection = self.createStubConnection() axiomConnection = self.createAxiomConnection(stubConnection) axiomCursor = axiomConnection.cursor()
self.assertEquals(len(stubConnection.cursors), 1) statement = "SELECT foo FROM bar" axiomCursor.execute(statement) self.assertEquals(len(stubConnection.cursors[0].statements), 1) self.assertEquals(stubConnection.cursors[0].statements[0], statement)
def test_timeoutExceeded(self): """ Test that the timeout we pass to the Connection is respected. """ clock = [0] def time(): return clock[0] def sleep(n): clock[0] += n
stubConnection = self.createStubConnection() axiomConnection = self.createAxiomConnection(stubConnection, timeout=self.TIMEOUT) axiomCursor = axiomConnection.cursor()
axiomCursor.time = time axiomCursor.sleep = sleep
def execute(statement, args=()): if time() < self.TIMEOUT * 2: return stubConnection.timeout() return object()
stubConnection.cursors[0].execute = execute
statement = 'SELECT foo FROM bar' timeoutException = self.assertRaises( TimeoutError, axiomCursor.execute, statement)
self.failUnless( self.TIMEOUT <= time() <= self.TIMEOUT + self.ALLOWED_SLOP, "Wallclock duration of execute() call out of bounds.")
self.assertEquals(timeoutException.statement, statement) self.assertEquals(timeoutException.timeout, self.TIMEOUT) self.failUnless(isinstance( timeoutException.underlying, self.expectedUnderlyingExceptionClass))