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"""Simplistic wrapper decorator for Python-coded wrappers""" from OpenGL.latebind import Curry
class _LazyWrapper( Curry ): """Marker to tell us that an object is a lazy wrapper"""
def lazy( baseFunction ): """Produce a lazy-binding decorator that uses baseFunction
Allows simple implementation of wrappers where the whole of the wrapper can be summed up as do 1 thing then call base function with the cleaned up result.
Passes baseFunction in as the first argument of the wrapped function, all other parameters are passed unchanged. The wrapper class created has __nonzero__ and similar common wrapper entry points defined. """ def wrap( wrapper ): """Wrap wrapper with baseFunction""" def __nonzero__( self ): return bool( baseFunction ) def __repr__( self ): return '%s( %r )'%( 'OpenGL.lazywrapper.lazy', baseFunction.__name__, ) _with_wrapper = type( wrapper.__name__, (_LazyWrapper,), { '__repr__': __repr__, '__doc__': wrapper.__doc__, '__nonzero__': __nonzero__, 'restype': getattr(wrapper, 'restype',getattr(baseFunction,'restype',None)), } ) with_wrapper = _with_wrapper(wrapper,baseFunction) with_wrapper.__name__ = wrapper.__name__ return with_wrapper return wrap
if __name__ == "__main__": from OpenGL.raw import GLU func = GLU.gluNurbsCallbackData output = [] def testwrap( base ): "Testing" output.append( base ) testlazy = lazy( func )( testwrap ) testlazy( ) assert testlazy.__doc__ == "Testing" assert testlazy.__class__.__name__ == 'testwrap' assert testlazy.__name__ == 'testwrap' assert testlazy.baseFunction is func assert testlazy.wrapperFunction is testwrap assert output