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#!/usr/bin/env python """Traditional PyOpenGL interface to Togl
This module provides access to the Tkinter Togl widget with a relatively "thick" wrapper API that creates a set of default "examination" operations.
Note that many (most) Linux distributions have now split out the Tkinter bindings into a separate package, and that Togl must be separately downloaded (a script is provided in the source distribution which downloads and installs Togl 2.0 binaries for you).
Because of the complexity and fragility of the installation, it is recommended that you use Pygame, wxPython, PyGtk, or PyQt for real-world projects, and GLUT or Pygame for simple demo/testing interfaces.
The Togl project is located here: """ # A class that creates an opengl widget. # Mike Hartshorn # Department of Chemistry # University of York, UK import os,sys, logging log = logging.getLogger( 'OpenGL.Tk' ) from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * try: from Tkinter import _default_root from Tkinter import * except ImportError, err: log.error( """Unable to import Tkinter, likely need to install a separate package (python-tk) to have Tkinter support. You likely also want to run the src/ script in the PyOpenGL source distribution to install the Togl widget""" ) raise import math
def glTranslateScene(s, x, y, mousex, mousey): glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) mat = glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX) glLoadIdentity() glTranslatef(s * (x - mousex), s * (mousey - y), 0.0) glMultMatrixd(mat)
def glRotateScene(s, xcenter, ycenter, zcenter, x, y, mousex, mousey): glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) mat = glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX) glLoadIdentity() glTranslatef(xcenter, ycenter, zcenter) glRotatef(s * (y - mousey), 1., 0., 0.) glRotatef(s * (x - mousex), 0., 1., 0.) glTranslatef(-xcenter, -ycenter, -zcenter) glMultMatrixd(mat)
def sub(x, y): return map(lambda a, b: a-b, x, y)
def dot(x, y): t = 0 for i in range(len(x)): t = t + x[i]*y[i] return t
def glDistFromLine(x, p1, p2): f = map(lambda x, y: x-y, p2, p1) g = map(lambda x, y: x-y, x, p1) return dot(g, g) - dot(f, g)**2/dot(f, f)
# Keith Junius <> provided many changes to Togl TOGL_NORMAL = 1 TOGL_OVERLAY = 2
def v3distsq(a,b): d = ( a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1], a[2] - b[2] ) return d[0]*d[0] + d[1]*d[1] + d[2]*d[2]
# new version from Daniel Faken ( for static # loading comptability if _default_root is None: _default_root = Tk()
# Add this file's directory to Tcl's search path # This code is intended to work with the src/ script # which will populate the directory with the appropriate # Binary Togl distribution. Note that Togl 2.0 and above # uses "stubs", so we don't care what Tk version we are using, # but that a different build is required for 64-bit Python. # Thus the directory structure is *not* the same as the # original PyOpenGL versions. import sys if sys.maxint > 2L**32: suffix = '-64' else: suffix = '' try: TOGL_DLL_PATH = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'togl-'+ sys.platform + suffix, ) except NameError, err: # no __file__, likely running as an egg TOGL_DLL_PATH = ""
if not os.path.isdir( TOGL_DLL_PATH ): log.warn( 'Expected Tk Togl installation in %s', TOGL_DLL_PATH ) 'Loading Togl from: %s', TOGL_DLL_PATH )'lappend', 'auto_path', TOGL_DLL_PATH)'package', 'require', 'Togl') try:'load {} Togl') except TclError, err: log.error( """Failure loading Togl package: %s""", err ) raise
# This code is needed to avoid faults on sys.exit() # [DAA, Jan 1998], updated by mcfletch 2009 import atexit def cleanup(): from Tkinter import _default_root, TclError import Tkinter try: if _default_root: _default_root.destroy() except TclError: pass Tkinter._default_root = None atexit.register( cleanup )
class Togl(Widget): """ Togl Widget Keith Junius Department of Biophysical Chemistry University of Groningen, The Netherlands Very basic widget which provides access to Togl functions. """ def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): Widget.__init__(self, master, 'togl', cnf, kw)
def render(self): return
def swapbuffers(self):, 'swapbuffers')
def makecurrent(self):, 'makecurrent')
def alloccolor(self, red, green, blue): return, 'alloccolor', red, green, blue))
def freecolor(self, index):, 'freecolor', index)
def setcolor(self, index, red, green, blue):, 'setcolor', index, red, green, blue)
def loadbitmapfont(self, fontname): return, 'loadbitmapfont', fontname))
def unloadbitmapfont(self, fontbase):, 'unloadbitmapfont', fontbase)
def uselayer(self, layer):, 'uselayer', layer)
def showoverlay(self):, 'showoverlay')
def hideoverlay(self):, 'hideoverlay')
def existsoverlay(self): return, 'existsoverlay'))
def getoverlaytransparentvalue(self): return, 'getoverlaytransparentvalue'))
def ismappedoverlay(self): return, 'ismappedoverlay'))
def alloccoloroverlay(self, red, green, blue): return, 'alloccoloroverlay', red, green, blue))
def freecoloroverlay(self, index):, 'freecoloroverlay', index)
class RawOpengl(Widget, Misc): """Widget without any sophisticated bindings\ by Tom Schwaller"""
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): Widget.__init__(self, master, 'togl', cnf, kw) self.bind('<Map>', self.tkMap) self.bind('<Expose>', self.tkExpose) self.bind('<Configure>', self.tkExpose)
def tkRedraw(self, *dummy): # This must be outside of a pushmatrix, since a resize event # will call redraw recursively. self.update_idletasks(), 'makecurrent') _mode = glGetDoublev(GL_MATRIX_MODE) try: glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glPushMatrix() try: self.redraw() glFlush() finally: glPopMatrix() finally: glMatrixMode(_mode), 'swapbuffers')
def tkMap(self, *dummy): self.tkExpose()
def tkExpose(self, *dummy): self.tkRedraw()
class Opengl(RawOpengl): """\ Tkinter bindings for an Opengl widget. Mike Hartshorn Department of Chemistry University of York, UK """
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}, **kw): """\ Create an opengl widget. Arrange for redraws when the window is exposed or when it changes size."""
#Widget.__init__(self, master, 'togl', cnf, kw) apply(RawOpengl.__init__, (self, master, cnf), kw) self.initialised = 0
# Current coordinates of the mouse. self.xmouse = 0 self.ymouse = 0
# Where we are centering. self.xcenter = 0.0 self.ycenter = 0.0 self.zcenter = 0.0
# The _back color self.r_back = 1. self.g_back = 0. self.b_back = 1.
# Where the eye is self.distance = 10.0
# Field of view in y direction self.fovy = 30.0
# Position of clipping planes. self.near = 0.1 self.far = 1000.0
# Is the widget allowed to autospin? self.autospin_allowed = 0
# Is the widget currently autospinning? self.autospin = 0
# Basic bindings for the virtual trackball self.bind('<Map>', self.tkMap) self.bind('<Expose>', self.tkExpose) self.bind('<Configure>', self.tkExpose) self.bind('<Shift-Button-1>', self.tkHandlePick) #self.bind('<Button-1><ButtonRelease-1>', self.tkHandlePick) self.bind('<Button-1>', self.tkRecordMouse) self.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.tkTranslate) self.bind('<Button-2>', self.StartRotate) self.bind('<B2-Motion>', self.tkRotate) self.bind('<ButtonRelease-2>', self.tkAutoSpin) self.bind('<Button-3>', self.tkRecordMouse) self.bind('<B3-Motion>', self.tkScale)
def help(self): """Help for the widget."""
import Dialog d = Dialog.Dialog(None, {'title': 'Viewer help', 'text': 'Button-1: Translate\n' 'Button-2: Rotate\n' 'Button-3: Zoom\n' 'Reset: Resets transformation to identity\n', 'bitmap': 'questhead', 'default': 0, 'strings': ('Done', 'Ok')})
def activate(self): """Cause this Opengl widget to be the current destination for drawing.""", 'makecurrent')
# This should almost certainly be part of some derived class. # But I have put it here for convenience. def basic_lighting(self): """\ Set up some basic lighting (single infinite light source).
Also switch on the depth buffer.""" self.activate() light_position = (1, 1, 1, 0) glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light_position) glEnable(GL_LIGHTING) glEnable(GL_LIGHT0) glDepthFunc(GL_LESS) glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity()
def report_opengl_errors(message = "OpenGL error:"): """Report any opengl errors that occured while drawing."""
print 'report_opengl_errors is now useless. glGetError replaced by GLexception' # while 1: # err_value = glGetError() # if not err_value: break # print message, gluErrorString(err_value)
def set_background(self, r, g, b): """Change the background colour of the widget."""
self.r_back = r self.g_back = g self.b_back = b
def set_centerpoint(self, x, y, z): """Set the new center point for the model. This is where we are looking."""
self.xcenter = x self.ycenter = y self.zcenter = z
def set_eyepoint(self, distance): """Set how far the eye is from the position we are looking."""
self.distance = distance self.tkRedraw()
def reset(self): """Reset rotation matrix for this widget."""
glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity() self.tkRedraw()
def tkHandlePick(self, event): """Handle a pick on the scene."""
if hasattr(self, 'pick'): # here we need to use glu.UnProject
# Tk and X have their origin top left, # while Opengl has its origin bottom left. # So we need to subtract y from the window height to get # the proper pick position for Opengl
realy = self.winfo_height() - event.y
p1 = gluUnProject(event.x, realy, 0.) p2 = gluUnProject(event.x, realy, 1.)
if self.pick(self, p1, p2): """If the pick method returns true we redraw the scene."""
def tkRecordMouse(self, event): """Record the current mouse position."""
self.xmouse = event.x self.ymouse = event.y
def StartRotate(self, event): # Switch off any autospinning if it was happening
self.autospin = 0 self.tkRecordMouse(event)
def tkScale(self, event): """Scale the scene. Achieved by moving the eye position.
Dragging up zooms in, while dragging down zooms out """ scale = 1 - 0.01 * (event.y - self.ymouse) # do some sanity checks, scale no more than # 1:1000 on any given click+drag if scale < 0.001: scale = 0.001 elif scale > 1000: scale = 1000 self.distance = self.distance * scale self.tkRedraw() self.tkRecordMouse(event)
def do_AutoSpin(self): s = 0.5 self.activate()
glRotateScene(0.5, self.xcenter, self.ycenter, self.zcenter, self.yspin, self.xspin, 0, 0) self.tkRedraw()
if self.autospin: self.after(10, self.do_AutoSpin)
def tkAutoSpin(self, event): """Perform autospin of scene."""
self.after(4) self.update_idletasks()
# This could be done with one call to pointerxy but I'm not sure # it would any quicker as we would have to split up the resulting # string and then conv
x ='winfo', 'pointerx', self._w)) y ='winfo', 'pointery', self._w))
if self.autospin_allowed: if x != event.x_root and y != event.y_root: self.autospin = 1
self.yspin = x - event.x_root self.xspin = y - event.y_root
self.after(10, self.do_AutoSpin)
def tkRotate(self, event): """Perform rotation of scene."""
self.activate() glRotateScene(0.5, self.xcenter, self.ycenter, self.zcenter, event.x, event.y, self.xmouse, self.ymouse) self.tkRedraw() self.tkRecordMouse(event)
def tkTranslate(self, event): """Perform translation of scene."""
# Scale mouse translations to object viewplane so object tracks with mouse win_height = max( 1,self.winfo_height() ) obj_c = ( self.xcenter, self.ycenter, self.zcenter ) win = gluProject( obj_c[0], obj_c[1], obj_c[2]) obj = gluUnProject( win[0], win[1] + 0.5 * win_height, win[2]) dist = math.sqrt( v3distsq( obj, obj_c ) ) scale = abs( dist / ( 0.5 * win_height ) )
glTranslateScene(scale, event.x, event.y, self.xmouse, self.ymouse) self.tkRedraw() self.tkRecordMouse(event)
def tkRedraw(self, *dummy): """Cause the opengl widget to redraw itself."""
if not self.initialised: return self.activate()
glPushMatrix() # Protect our matrix self.update_idletasks() self.activate() w = self.winfo_width() h = self.winfo_height() glViewport(0, 0, w, h)
# Clear the background and depth buffer. glClearColor(self.r_back, self.g_back, self.b_back, 0.) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)
glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() gluPerspective(self.fovy, float(w)/float(h), self.near, self.far)
if 0: # Now translate the scene origin away from the world origin glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) mat = glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX) glLoadIdentity() glTranslatef(-self.xcenter, -self.ycenter, -(self.zcenter+self.distance)) glMultMatrixd(mat) else: gluLookAt(self.xcenter, self.ycenter, self.zcenter + self.distance, self.xcenter, self.ycenter, self.zcenter, 0., 1., 0.) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) # Call objects redraw method. self.redraw(self) glFlush() # Tidy up glPopMatrix() # Restore the matrix, 'swapbuffers') def redraw( self, *args, **named ): """Prevent access errors if user doesn't set redraw fast enough"""
def tkMap(self, *dummy): """Cause the opengl widget to redraw itself."""
def tkExpose(self, *dummy): """Redraw the widget. Make it active, update tk events, call redraw procedure and swap the buffers. Note: swapbuffers is clever enough to only swap double buffered visuals."""
self.activate() if not self.initialised: self.basic_lighting() self.initialised = 1 self.tkRedraw()
def tkPrint(self, file): """Turn the current scene into PostScript via the feedback buffer."""