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"""Wrapper/Implementation of the GLU tessellator objects for PyOpenGL""" from OpenGL.raw import GLU as simple from OpenGL.platform import GLU,createBaseFunction from OpenGL.GLU import glustruct from OpenGL import arrays, constants from OpenGL.platform import PLATFORM from OpenGL.lazywrapper import lazy import ctypes
class GLUtesselator( glustruct.GLUStruct, simple.GLUtesselator): """Implementation class for GLUTessellator structures in OpenGL-ctypes""" FUNCTION_TYPE = PLATFORM.functionTypeFor(PLATFORM.GLU) CALLBACK_TYPES = { # mapping from "which" GLU enumeration to a ctypes function type simple.GLU_TESS_BEGIN: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, simple.GLenum ), simple.GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, simple.GLenum, ctypes.c_void_p ), simple.GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, simple.GLboolean), simple.GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG_DATA: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, simple.GLboolean, ctypes.c_void_p ), simple.GLU_TESS_VERTEX: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, ctypes.c_void_p ), simple.GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p ), simple.GLU_TESS_END: FUNCTION_TYPE( None ), simple.GLU_TESS_END_DATA: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, ctypes.c_void_p), simple.GLU_TESS_COMBINE: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, ctypes.POINTER(simple.GLdouble), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.POINTER(simple.GLfloat), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p) ), simple.GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, ctypes.POINTER(simple.GLdouble), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.POINTER(simple.GLfloat), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_void_p, ), simple.GLU_TESS_ERROR: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, simple.GLenum), simple.GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA: FUNCTION_TYPE( None, simple.GLenum, ctypes.c_void_p ), simple.GLU_ERROR : FUNCTION_TYPE( None, simple.GLenum ) } WRAPPER_METHODS = { simple.GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA: 'dataWrapper', simple.GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG_DATA: 'dataWrapper', simple.GLU_TESS_VERTEX: 'vertexWrapper', simple.GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA: 'vertexWrapper', simple.GLU_TESS_END_DATA: 'dataWrapper', simple.GLU_TESS_COMBINE: 'combineWrapper', simple.GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA: 'combineWrapper', simple.GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA: 'dataWrapper', } def gluTessVertex( self, location, data=None ): """Add a vertex to this tessellator, storing data for later lookup""" vertexCache = getattr( self, 'vertexCache', None ) if vertexCache is None: self.vertexCache = [] vertexCache = self.vertexCache location = arrays.GLdoubleArray.asArray( location, constants.GL_DOUBLE ) if arrays.GLdoubleArray.arraySize( location ) != 3: raise ValueError( """Require 3 doubles for array location, got: %s"""%(location,)) oorValue = self.noteObject(data) vp = ctypes.c_void_p( oorValue ) self.vertexCache.append( location ) return gluTessVertexBase( self, location, vp ) def gluTessBeginPolygon( self, data ): """Note the object pointer to return it as a Python object""" return simple.gluTessBeginPolygon( self, ctypes.c_void_p(self.noteObject( data )) ) def combineWrapper( self, function ): """Wrap a Python function with ctypes-compatible wrapper for combine callback For a Python combine callback, the signature looks like this: def combine( GLdouble coords[3], void *vertex_data[4], GLfloat weight[4] ): return data While the C signature looks like this: void combine( GLdouble coords[3], void *vertex_data[4], GLfloat weight[4], void **outData ) """ if (function is not None) and (not hasattr( function,'__call__' )): raise TypeError( """Require a callable callback, got: %s"""%(function,)) def wrap( coords, vertex_data, weight, outData, *args ): """The run-time wrapper around the function""" coords = self.ptrAsArray( coords, 3, arrays.GLdoubleArray ) weight = self.ptrAsArray( weight, 4, arrays.GLfloatArray ) # find the original python objects for vertex data vertex_data = [ self.originalObject( vertex_data[i] ) for i in range(4) ] args = tuple( [ self.originalObject( x ) for x in args ] ) try: result = function( coords, vertex_data, weight, *args ) except Exception, err: raise err.__class__( """Failure during combine callback %r with args( %s,%s,%s,*%s):\n%s"""%( function, coords, vertex_data, weight, args, str(err), ) ) outP = ctypes.c_void_p(self.noteObject(result)) outData[0] = outP return None return wrap def dataWrapper( self, function ): """Wrap a function which only has the one data-pointer as last arg""" if (function is not None) and (not hasattr( function,'__call__' )): raise TypeError( """Require a callable callback, got: %s"""%(function,)) def wrap( *args ): """Just return the original object for polygon_data""" args = args[:-1] + ( self.originalObject(args[-1]), ) try: return function( *args ) except Exception, err: err.args += (function,args) raise return wrap def dataWrapper2( self, function ): """Wrap a function which has two data-pointers as last args""" if (function is not None) and (not hasattr( function,'__call__' )): raise TypeError( """Require a callable callback, got: %s"""%(function,)) def wrap( *args ): """Just return the original object for polygon_data""" args = args[:-2] + ( self.originalObject(args[-2]), self.originalObject(args[-1]), ) try: return function( *args ) except Exception, err: err.args += (function,args) raise return wrap def vertexWrapper( self, function ): """Converts a vertex-pointer into an OOR vertex for processing""" if (function is not None) and (not hasattr( function,'__call__' )): raise TypeError( """Require a callable callback, got: %s"""%(function,)) def wrap( vertex, data=None ): """Just return the original object for polygon_data""" vertex = self.originalObject(vertex) try: if data is not None: data = self.originalObject(data) return function( vertex, data ) else: return function( vertex ) except Exception, err: err.args += (function,(vertex,data)) raise return wrap
GLUtesselator.CALLBACK_FUNCTION_REGISTRARS = dict([ (c,createBaseFunction( 'gluTessCallback', dll=GLU, resultType=None, argTypes=[ctypes.POINTER(GLUtesselator), simple.GLenum,funcType], doc='gluTessCallback( POINTER(GLUtesselator)(tess), GLenum(which), _GLUfuncptr(CallBackFunc) ) -> None', argNames=('tess', 'which', 'CallBackFunc'), )) for (c,funcType) in GLUtesselator.CALLBACK_TYPES.items() ]) del c, funcType
def gluTessCallback( tess, which, function ): """Set a given gluTessellator callback for the given tessellator""" return tess.addCallback( which, function ) def gluTessBeginPolygon( tess, data ): """Start definition of polygon in the tessellator""" return tess.gluTessBeginPolygon( data ) def gluTessVertex( tess, location, data=None ): """Add a vertex to the tessellator's current polygon""" return tess.gluTessVertex( location, data )
# /usr/include/GL/glu.h 293 @lazy( createBaseFunction( 'gluNewTess', dll=GLU, resultType=ctypes.POINTER(GLUtesselator), doc='gluNewTess( ) -> POINTER(GLUtesselator)', ) ) def gluNewTess( baseFunction ): """Get a new tessellator object (just unpacks the pointer for you)""" return baseFunction()[0]
@lazy( simple.gluGetTessProperty ) def gluGetTessProperty( baseFunction, tess, which, data=None ): """Retrieve single double for a tessellator property""" if data is None: data = simple.GLdouble( 0.0 ) baseFunction( tess, which, data ) return data.value else: return baseFunction( tess, which, data )
gluTessVertexBase = arrays.setInputArraySizeType( simple.gluTessVertex, 3, arrays.GLdoubleArray, 'location', )
__all__ = ( 'gluNewTess', 'gluGetTessProperty', 'gluTessBeginPolygon', 'gluTessCallback', 'gluTessVertex', )