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"""Exceptional cases that need some extra wrapping""" from OpenGL.platform import GL,GLU,createBaseFunction from OpenGL import arrays, error, wrapper from OpenGL.arrays.arraydatatype import GLfloatArray, GLdoubleArray from OpenGL import constants as data_types from OpenGL.lazywrapper import lazy from OpenGL.raw import GL as simple from OpenGL.raw.GL import constants from OpenGL.raw.GL import annotations import OpenGL import ctypes
__all__ = [ 'glBegin', 'glCallLists', 'glColor', #'glColorTableParameterfv', 'glDeleteTextures', 'glEdgeFlagv', 'glEnd', 'glGenTextures', 'glIndexdv', 'glIndexfv', 'glIndexsv', 'glIndexubv', 'glMap1d', 'glMap1f', 'glMap2d', 'glMap2f', 'glMaterial', 'glRasterPos', 'glRectfv', 'glRectiv', 'glRectsv', 'glTexGenfv', 'glTexParameter', 'glVertex', 'glAreTexturesResident', ]
glRasterPosDispatch = { 2: simple.glRasterPos2d, 3: simple.glRasterPos3d, 4: simple.glRasterPos4d, }
if OpenGL.ERROR_CHECKING: @lazy( simple.glBegin ) def glBegin( baseFunction, mode ): """Begin GL geometry-definition mode, disable automatic error checking""" error.onBegin( ) return baseFunction( mode ) @lazy( simple.glEnd ) def glEnd( baseFunction ): """Finish GL geometry-definition mode, re-enable automatic error checking""" error.onEnd( ) return baseFunction( ) else: glBegin = simple.glBegin glEnd = simple.glEnd
@lazy( simple.glDeleteTextures ) def glDeleteTextures( baseFunction, array ): """Delete specified set of textures""" ptr = arrays.GLuintArray.asArray( array ) size = arrays.GLuintArray.arraySize( ptr ) return baseFunction( size, ptr )
def glMap2( baseFunction, arrayType ): def glMap2( target, u1, u2, v1, v2, points): """glMap2(target, u1, u2, v1, v2, points[][][]) -> None This is a completely non-standard signature which doesn't allow for most of the funky uses with strides and the like, but it has been like this for a very long time... """ ptr = arrayType.asArray( points ) uorder,vorder,vstride = arrayType.dimensions( ptr ) ustride = vstride*vorder return baseFunction( target, u1, u2, ustride, uorder, v1, v2, vstride, vorder, ptr ) glMap2.__name__ = baseFunction.__name__ glMap2.baseFunction = baseFunction return glMap2 glMap2d = glMap2( simple.glMap2d, arrays.GLdoubleArray ) glMap2f = glMap2( simple.glMap2f, arrays.GLfloatArray ) del glMap2
def glMap1( baseFunction, arrayType ): def glMap1(target,u1,u2,points): """glMap1(target, u1, u2, points[][][]) -> None This is a completely non-standard signature which doesn't allow for most of the funky uses with strides and the like, but it has been like this for a very long time... """ ptr = arrayType.asArray( points ) dims = arrayType.dimensions( ptr ) uorder = dims[0] ustride = dims[1] return baseFunction( target, u1,u2,ustride,uorder, ptr ) glMap1.__name__ == baseFunction.__name__ glMap1.baseFunction = baseFunction return glMap1 glMap1d = glMap1( simple.glMap1d, arrays.GLdoubleArray ) glMap1f = glMap1( simple.glMap1f, arrays.GLfloatArray ) del glMap1
def glRasterPos( *args ): """Choose glRasterPosX based on number of args""" if len(args) == 1: # v form... args = args[0] return glRasterPosDispatch[ len(args) ]( *args )
glVertexDispatch = { 2: simple.glVertex2d, 3: simple.glVertex3d, 4: simple.glVertex4d, } def glVertex( *args ): """Choose glVertexX based on number of args""" if len(args) == 1: # v form... args = args[0] return glVertexDispatch[ len(args) ]( *args )
@lazy( simple.glCallLists ) def glCallLists( baseFunction, lists, *args ): """glCallLists( str( lists ) or lists[] ) -> None Restricted version of glCallLists, takes a string or a GLuint compatible array data-type and passes into the base function. """ if not len(args): if isinstance( lists, str ): return baseFunction( len(lists), constants.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ctypes.c_void_p(arrays.GLubyteArray.dataPointer( lists )), ) ptr = arrays.GLuintArray.asArray( lists ) size = arrays.GLuintArray.arraySize( ptr ) return baseFunction( size, constants.GL_UNSIGNED_INT, ctypes.c_void_p( arrays.GLuintArray.dataPointer(ptr)) ) return baseFunction( lists, *args )
def glTexParameter( target, pname, parameter ): """Set a texture parameter, choose underlying call based on pname and parameter""" if isinstance( parameter, float ): return simple.glTexParameterf( target, pname, parameter ) elif isinstance( parameter, int ): return simple.glTexParameteri( target, pname, parameter ) else: value = GLfloatArray.asArray( parameter, constants.GL_FLOAT ) return simple.glTexParameterfv( target, pname, value )
@lazy( simple.glGenTextures ) def glGenTextures( baseFunction, count, textures=None ): """Generate count new texture names Note: for compatibility with PyOpenGL 2.x and below, a count of 1 will return a single integer, rather than an array of integers. """ if count <= 0: raise ValueError( """Can't generate 0 or fewer textures""" ) elif count == 1 and OpenGL.SIZE_1_ARRAY_UNPACK: # this traditionally returned a single int/long, so we'll continue to # do so, even though it would be easier not to bother. textures = simple.GLuint( 0 ) baseFunction( count, textures) return textures.value else: textures = arrays.GLuintArray.zeros( (count,)) baseFunction( count, textures) return textures
def glMaterial( faces, constant, *args ): """glMaterial -- convenience function to dispatch on argument type If passed a single argument in args, calls: glMaterialfv( faces, constant, args[0] ) else calls: glMaterialf( faces, constant, *args ) """ if len(args) == 1: arg = GLfloatArray.asArray( args[0] ) if arg is None: raise ValueError( """Null value in glMaterial: %s"""%(args,) ) return simple.glMaterialfv( faces, constant, arg ) else: return simple.glMaterialf( faces, constant, *args )
glColorDispatch = { 3: annotations.glColor3dv, 4: annotations.glColor4dv, }
def glColor( *args ): """glColor*f* -- convenience function to dispatch on argument type
dispatches to glColor3f, glColor2f, glColor4f, glColor3f, glColor2f, glColor4f depending on the arguments passed... """ arglen = len(args) if arglen == 1: arg = arrays.GLfloatArray.asArray( args[0] ) function = glColorDispatch[arrays.GLfloatArray.arraySize( arg )] return function( arg ) elif arglen == 2: return simple.glColor2d( *args ) elif arglen == 3: return simple.glColor3d( *args ) elif arglen == 4: return simple.glColor4d( *args ) else: raise ValueError( """Don't know how to handle arguments: %s"""%(args,))
# Rectagle coordinates, glRectfv = arrays.setInputArraySizeType( arrays.setInputArraySizeType( simple.glRectfv, 2, arrays.GLfloatArray, 'v1', ), 2, arrays.GLfloatArray, 'v2', ) glRectiv = arrays.setInputArraySizeType( arrays.setInputArraySizeType( simple.glRectiv, 2, arrays.GLintArray, 'v1', ), 2, arrays.GLintArray, 'v2', ) glRectsv = arrays.setInputArraySizeType( arrays.setInputArraySizeType( simple.glRectsv, 2, arrays.GLshortArray, 'v1', ), 2, arrays.GLshortArray, 'v2', )
glIndexsv = arrays.setInputArraySizeType( simple.glIndexsv, 1, arrays.GLshortArray, 'c', ) glIndexdv = arrays.setInputArraySizeType( simple.glIndexdv, 1, arrays.GLdoubleArray, 'c', ) glIndexfv = arrays.setInputArraySizeType( simple.glIndexfv, 1, arrays.GLfloatArray, 'c', ) glIndexubv = arrays.setInputArraySizeType( simple.glIndexubv, 1, arrays.GLbyteArray, 'c', ) glEdgeFlagv = arrays.setInputArraySizeType( simple.glEdgeFlagv, 1, arrays.GLubyteArray, 'flag', ) glTexGenfv = arrays.setInputArraySizeType( simple.glTexGenfv, None, arrays.GLfloatArray, 'params', )
#'glAreTexturesResident', @lazy( simple.glAreTexturesResident ) def glAreTexturesResident( baseFunction, *args ): """Allow both Pythonic and C-style calls to glAreTexturesResident glAreTexturesResident( arrays.GLuintArray( textures) ) or glAreTexturesResident( int(n), arrays.GLuintArray( textures), arrays.GLuboolean( output) ) or glAreTexturesResident( int(n), arrays.GLuintArray( textures) ) returns the output arrays.GLubooleanArray """ if len(args) == 1: # Pythonic form... textures = args[0] textures = arrays.GLuintArray.asArray( textures ) n = arrays.GLuintArray.arraySize(textures) output = arrays.GLbooleanArray.zeros( (n,)) elif len(args) == 2: try: n = int( args[0] ) except TypeError, err: textures = args[0] textures = arrays.GLuintArray.asArray( textures )
n = arrays.GLuintArray.arraySize(textures) output = args[1] output = arrays.GLbooleanArray.asArray( output ) else: textures = args[1] textures = arrays.GLuintArray.asArray( textures )
output = arrays.GLbooleanArray.zeros( (n,)) elif len(args) == 3: n,textures,output = args textures = arrays.GLuintArray.asArray( textures ) output = arrays.GLbooleanArray.asArray( output ) else: raise TypeError( """Expected 1 to 3 arguments to glAreTexturesResident""" ) texturePtr = arrays.GLuintArray.typedPointer( textures ) outputPtr = arrays.GLbooleanArray.typedPointer( output ) result = baseFunction( n, texturePtr, outputPtr ) if result: # weirdness of the C api, doesn't produce values if all are true for i in range(len(output)): output[i] = 1 return output
#glMap2f #glMap2d #glMap1f #glMap1d #glPixelMapusv #glTexGenfv #glLightfv #glFeedbackBuffer #glDrawRangeElements #glSelectBuffer #glAreTexturesResident #glPixelMapfv #glTexGeniv #glClipPlane #glTexParameterfv #glTexParameteriv #glReadPixels #glConvolutionParameterfv #glPolygonStipple #glFogiv #glTexEnviv #glRectdv #glMaterialiv #glColorTable #glColorTableParameteriv #glIndexiv #glLightModeliv #glDrawElements #glConvolutionFilter1D #glCallLists