Viewing file: plugin_interface.lib.php (14.44 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * Generic plugin interface. * * @version $Id$ * @package phpMyAdmin */
/** * array PMA_getPlugins(string $plugins_dir, mixed $plugin_param) * * Reads all plugin information from directory $plugins_dir. * * @uses ksort() * @uses opendir() * @uses readdir() * @uses is_file() * @uses preg_match() * @param string $plugins_dir directrory with plugins * @param mixed $plugin_param parameter to plugin by which they can decide whether they can work * @return array list of plugins */ function PMA_getPlugins($plugins_dir, $plugin_param) { /* Scan for plugins */ $plugin_list = array(); if ($handle = @opendir($plugins_dir)) { $is_first = 0; while ($file = @readdir($handle)) { // In some situations, Mac OS creates a new file for each file // (for example ._csv.php) so the following regexp // matches a file which does not start with a dot but ends // with ".php" if (is_file($plugins_dir . $file) && preg_match('@^[^\.](.)*\.php$@i', $file)) { include $plugins_dir . $file; } } } ksort($plugin_list); return $plugin_list; }
/** * string PMA_getString(string $name) * * returns locale string for $name or $name if no locale is found * * @uses $GLOBALS * @param string $name for local string * @return string locale string for $name */ function PMA_getString($name) { return isset($GLOBALS[$name]) ? $GLOBALS[$name] : $name; }
/** * string PMA_pluginCheckboxCheck(string $section, string $opt) * * returns html input tag option 'checked' if plugin $opt should be set by config or request * * @uses $_REQUEST * @uses $GLOBALS['cfg'] * @uses $GLOBALS['timeout_passed'] * @param string $section name of config section in * $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin * @param string $opt name of option * @return string hmtl input tag option 'checked' */ function PMA_pluginCheckboxCheck($section, $opt) { if ((isset($GLOBALS['timeout_passed']) && $GLOBALS['timeout_passed'] && isset($_REQUEST[$opt])) || (isset($GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt]) && $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt])) { return ' checked="checked"'; } return ''; }
/** * string PMA_pluginGetDefault(string $section, string $opt) * * returns default value for option $opt * * @uses htmlspecialchars() * @uses $_REQUEST * @uses $GLOBALS['cfg'] * @uses $GLOBALS['timeout_passed'] * @param string $section name of config section in * $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin * @param string $opt name of option * @return string default value for option $opt */ function PMA_pluginGetDefault($section, $opt) { if (isset($GLOBALS['timeout_passed']) && $GLOBALS['timeout_passed'] && isset($_REQUEST[$opt])) { return htmlspecialchars($_REQUEST[$opt]); } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt])) { $matches = array(); /* Possibly replace localised texts */ if (preg_match_all('/(str[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]*)/', $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt], $matches)) { $val = $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt]; foreach($matches[0] as $match) { if (isset($GLOBALS[$match])) { $val = str_replace($match, $GLOBALS[$match], $val); } } return htmlspecialchars($val); } else { return htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt]); } } return ''; }
/** * string PMA_pluginIsActive(string $section, string $opt, string $val) * * returns html input tag option 'checked' if option $opt should be set by config or request * * @uses $_REQUEST * @uses $GLOBALS['cfg'] * @uses $GLOBALS['timeout_passed'] * @param string $section name of config section in * $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin * @param string $opt name of option * @param string $val value of option to check against * @return string html input tag option 'checked' */ function PMA_pluginIsActive($section, $opt, $val) { if (! empty($GLOBALS['timeout_passed']) && isset($_REQUEST[$opt])) { if ($_REQUEST[$opt] == $val) { return ' checked="checked"'; } } elseif (isset($GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt]) && $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section][$opt] == $val) { return ' checked="checked"'; } return ''; }
/** * string PMA_pluginGetChoice(string $section, string $name, array &$list, string $cfgname) * * returns html radio form element for plugin choice * * @uses PMA_pluginIsActive() * @uses PMA_getString() * @param string $section name of config section in * $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin * @param string $name name of radio element * @param array &$list array with plugin configuration defined in plugin file * @param string $cfgname name of config value, if none same as $name * @return string html input radio tag */ function PMA_pluginGetChoice($section, $name, &$list, $cfgname = NULL) { if (!isset($cfgname)) { $cfgname = $name; } $ret = ''; foreach ($list as $plugin_name => $val) { $ret .= '<!-- ' . $plugin_name . ' -->' . "\n"; $ret .= '<input type="radio" name="' . $name . '" value="' . $plugin_name . '"' . ' id="radio_plugin_' . $plugin_name . '"' . ' onclick="if(this.checked) { hide_them_all();'; if (isset($val['force_file'])) { $ret .= 'document.getElementById(\'checkbox_dump_asfile\').checked = true;'; } $ret .= ' document.getElementById(\'' . $plugin_name . '_options\').style.display = \'block\'; };' .' return true"' . PMA_pluginIsActive($section, $cfgname, $plugin_name) . '/>' . "\n"; $ret .= '<label for="radio_plugin_' . $plugin_name . '">' . PMA_getString($val['text']) . '</label>' . "\n"; $ret .= '<br />' . "\n"; } return $ret; }
/** * string PMA_pluginGetOneOption(string $section, string $plugin_name, string $id, array &$opt) * * returns single option in a table row * * @uses PMA_getString() * @uses PMA_pluginCheckboxCheck() * @uses PMA_pluginGetDefault() * @param string $section name of config section in * $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] for plugin * @param string $plugin_name unique plugin name * @param string $id option id * @param array &$opt plugin option details * @return string table row with option */ function PMA_pluginGetOneOption($section, $plugin_name, $id, &$opt) { $ret = "\n"; if ($opt['type'] == 'bool') { $ret .= '<div class="formelementrow">' . "\n"; $ret .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '"' . ' value="something" id="checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '"' . ' ' . PMA_pluginCheckboxCheck($section, $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name']); if (isset($opt['force'])) { /* Same code is also few lines lower, update both if needed */ $ret .= ' onclick="if (!this.checked && ' . '(!document.getElementById(\'checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' .$opt['force'] . '\') ' . '|| !document.getElementById(\'checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' .$opt['force'] . '\').checked)) ' . 'return false; else return true;"'; } $ret .= ' />'; $ret .= '<label for="checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '">' . PMA_getString($opt['text']) . '</label>'; $ret .= '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif ($opt['type'] == 'text') { $ret .= '<div class="formelementrow">' . "\n"; $ret .= '<label for="text_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '" class="desc">' . PMA_getString($opt['text']) . '</label>'; $ret .= '<input type="text" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '"' . ' value="' . PMA_pluginGetDefault($section, $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name']) . '"' . ' id="text_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '"' . (isset($opt['size']) ? ' size="' . $opt['size'] . '"' : '') . (isset($opt['len']) ? ' maxlength="' . $opt['len'] . '"' : '') . ' />'; $ret .= '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif ($opt['type'] == 'message_only') { $ret .= '<div class="formelementrow">' . "\n"; $ret .= '<p class="desc">' . PMA_getString($opt['text']) . '</p>'; $ret .= '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif ($opt['type'] == 'select') { $ret .= '<div class="formelementrow">' . "\n"; $ret .= '<label for="select_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '" class="desc">' . PMA_getString($opt['text']) . '</label>'; $ret .= '<select name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '"' . ' id="select_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '">'; $default = PMA_pluginGetDefault($section, $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name']); foreach($opt['values'] as $key => $val) { $ret .= '<option value="' . $key . '"'; if ($key == $default) { $ret .= ' selected="selected"'; } $ret .= '>' . PMA_getString($val) . '</option>'; } $ret .= '</select>'; $ret .= '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif ($opt['type'] == 'hidden') { $ret .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '"' . ' value="' . PMA_pluginGetDefault($section, $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name']) . '"' . ' />'; } elseif ($opt['type'] == 'bgroup') { $ret .= '<fieldset><legend>'; /* No checkbox without name */ if (!empty($opt['name'])) { $ret .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '"' . ' value="something" id="checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '"' . ' ' . PMA_pluginCheckboxCheck($section, $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name']); if (isset($opt['force'])) { /* Same code is also few lines higher, update both if needed */ $ret .= ' onclick="if (!this.checked && ' . '(!document.getElementById(\'checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' .$opt['force'] . '\') ' . '|| !document.getElementById(\'checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' .$opt['force'] . '\').checked)) ' . 'return false; else return true;"'; } $ret .= ' />'; $ret .= '<label for="checkbox_' . $plugin_name . '_' . $opt['name'] . '">' . PMA_getString($opt['text']) . '</label>'; } else { $ret .= PMA_getString($opt['text']); } $ret .= '</legend>'; } elseif ($opt['type'] == 'egroup') { $ret .= '</fieldset>'; } else { /* This should be seen only by plugin writers, so I do not thing this * needs translation. */ $ret .= 'UNKNOWN OPTION ' . $opt['type'] . ' IN IMPORT PLUGIN ' . $plugin_name . '!'; } if (isset($opt['doc'])) { if (count($opt['doc']) == 3) { $ret .= PMA_showMySQLDocu($opt['doc'][0], $opt['doc'][1], false, $opt['doc'][2]); } else { $ret .= PMA_showMySQLDocu($opt['doc'][0], $opt['doc'][1]); } } $ret .= "\n"; return $ret; }
/** * string PMA_pluginGetOptions(string $section, array &$list) * * return html fieldset with editable options for plugin * * @uses PMA_getString() * @uses PMA_pluginGetOneOption() * @param string $section name of config section in $GLOBALS['cfg'][$section] * @param array &$list array with plugin configuration defined in plugin file * @return string html fieldset with plugin options */ function PMA_pluginGetOptions($section, &$list) { $ret = ''; // Options for plugins that support them foreach ($list as $plugin_name => $val) { $ret .= '<fieldset id="' . $plugin_name . '_options" class="options">'; $ret .= '<legend>' . PMA_getString($val['options_text']) . '</legend>'; $count = 0; if (isset($val['options']) && count($val['options']) > 0) { foreach ($val['options'] as $id => $opt) { if ($opt['type'] != 'hidden') $count++; $ret .= PMA_pluginGetOneOption($section, $plugin_name, $id, $opt); } } if ($count == 0) { $ret .= $GLOBALS['strNoOptions']; } $ret .= '</fieldset>'; } return $ret; }
/** * string PMA_pluginGetJavascript(array &$list) * * return html/javascript code which is needed for handling plugin stuff * * @param array &$list array with plugin configuration defined in plugin file * @return string html fieldset with plugin options */ function PMA_pluginGetJavascript(&$list) { $ret = ' <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ function hide_them_all() { '; foreach ($list as $plugin_name => $val) { $ret .= 'document.getElementById("' . $plugin_name . '_options").style.display = "none";' . "\n"; } $ret .= ' }
function init_options() { hide_them_all(); '; foreach ($list as $plugin_name => $val) { $ret .= 'if (document.getElementById("radio_plugin_' . $plugin_name . '").checked) {' . "\n"; if (isset($val['force_file'])) { $ret .= 'document.getElementById(\'checkbox_dump_asfile\').checked = true;' . "\n"; } $ret .= 'document.getElementById("' . $plugin_name . '_options").style.display = "block";' . "\n"; $ret .= ' } else ' . "\n"; } $ret .= ' { ; } }
function match_file(fname) { farr = fname.toLowerCase().split("."); if (farr.length != 0) { len = farr.length if (farr[len - 1] == "gz" || farr[len - 1] == "bz2" || farr[len -1] == "zip") len--; switch (farr[len - 1]) { '; foreach ($list as $plugin_name => $val) { $ret .= 'case "' . $val['extension'] . '" :'; $ret .= 'document.getElementById("radio_plugin_' . $plugin_name . '").checked = true;'; $ret .= 'init_options();'; $ret .= 'break;' . "\n"; } $ret .=' } } } //]]> </script> '; return $ret; } ?>