Viewing file: (6.68 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * finishes HTML output * * updates javascript variables in index.php for correct working with querywindow * and navigation frame refreshing * * send buffered data if buffered * * WARNING: This script has to be included at the very end of your code because * it will stop the script execution! * * always use $GLOBALS, as this script is also included by functions * * @uses $_REQUEST['no_history'] * @uses $GLOBALS['lang'] * @uses $GLOBALS['collation_connection'] * @uses $GLOBALS['server'] * @uses $GLOBALS['db'] * @uses $GLOBALS['table'] * @uses $GLOBALS['error_message'] * @uses $GLOBALS['reload'] * @uses $GLOBALS['sql_query'] * @uses $GLOBALS['focus_querywindow'] * @uses $GLOBALS['checked_special'] * @uses $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] * @uses $GLOBALS['controllink'] to close it * @uses $GLOBALS['userlink'] to close it * @uses $cfg['Server']['user'] * @uses $cfg['NavigationBarIconic'] * @uses $cfg['DBG']['enable'] * @uses $cfg['DBG']['profile']['enable'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strOpenNewWindow'] * @uses $cfg['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL'] * @uses PMA_isValid() * @uses PMA_setHistory() * @uses PMA_ifSetOr() * @uses PMA_escapeJsString() * @uses PMA_getenv() * @uses PMA_generate_common_url() * @uses basename() * @uses file_exists() * @version $Id$ * @package phpMyAdmin */ if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) { exit; }
/** * for PMA_setHistory() */ require_once './libraries/relation.lib.php';
if (! PMA_isValid($_REQUEST['no_history']) && empty($GLOBALS['error_message']) && ! empty($GLOBALS['sql_query'])) { PMA_setHistory(PMA_ifSetOr($GLOBALS['db'], ''), PMA_ifSetOr($GLOBALS['table'], ''), $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user'], $GLOBALS['sql_query']); }
if ($GLOBALS['error_handler']->hasDisplayErrors()) { echo '<div>'; $GLOBALS['error_handler']->dispErrors(); echo '</div>'; }
if (count($GLOBALS['footnotes'])) { echo '<div class="notice">'; foreach ($GLOBALS['footnotes'] as $footnote) { echo '<span id="footnote_' . $footnote['nr'] . '"><sup>' . $footnote['nr'] . '</sup> ' . $footnote['note'] . '</span><br />'; } echo '</div>'; }
if (! empty($_SESSION['debug'])) { $sum_time = 0; $sum_exec = 0; foreach ($_SESSION['debug']['queries'] as $query) { $sum_time += $query['count'] * $query['time']; $sum_exec += $query['count']; }
echo '<div>'; echo count($_SESSION['debug']['queries']) . ' queries executed' . $sum_exec . ' times in ' . $sum_time . ' seconds'; echo '<pre>'; print_r($_SESSION['debug']); echo '</pre>'; echo '</div>'; $_SESSION['debug'] = array(); }
?> <script type="text/javascript"> //<![CDATA[ <?php if (empty($GLOBALS['error_message'])) { ?> // updates current settings if (window.parent.setAll) { window.parent.setAll('<?php echo PMA_escapeJsString($GLOBALS['lang']) . "', '"; echo PMA_escapeJsString($GLOBALS['collation_connection']) . "', '"; echo PMA_escapeJsString($GLOBALS['server']) . "', '"; echo PMA_escapeJsString(PMA_ifSetOr($GLOBALS['db'], '')) . "', '"; echo PMA_escapeJsString(PMA_ifSetOr($GLOBALS['table'], '')) . "', '"; echo PMA_escapeJsString($_SESSION[' PMA_token ']);?>'); } <?php if (! empty($GLOBALS['reload'])) { ?> // refresh navigation frame content if (window.parent.refreshNavigation) { window.parent.refreshNavigation(); } <?php } ?> // set current db, table and sql query in the querywindow if (window.parent.reload_querywindow) { window.parent.reload_querywindow( '<?php echo PMA_escapeJsString(PMA_ifSetOr($GLOBALS['db'], '')) ?>', '<?php echo PMA_escapeJsString(PMA_ifSetOr($GLOBALS['table'], '')) ?>', '<?php echo strlen($GLOBALS['sql_query']) > $GLOBALS['cfg']['MaxCharactersInDisplayedSQL'] ? PMA_escapeJsString($GLOBALS['sql_query']) : ''; ?>'); } <?php }
if (! empty($GLOBALS['focus_querywindow'])) { ?> // set focus to the querywindow if (parent.querywindow && !parent.querywindow.closed && parent.querywindow.location) { self.focus(); } <?php } ?>
if (window.parent.frame_content) { // reset content frame name, as querywindow needs to set a unique name // before submitting form data, and navigation frame needs the original name if (typeof( != 'undefined' && != 'frame_content') { = 'frame_content'; } if (typeof( != 'undefined' && != 'frame_content') { = 'frame_content'; } //window.parent.frame_content.setAttribute('name', 'frame_content'); //window.parent.frame_content.setAttribute('id', 'frame_content'); } //]]> </script> <?php
// Link to itself to replicate windows including frameset if (!isset($GLOBALS['checked_special'])) { $GLOBALS['checked_special'] = false; }
if (PMA_getenv('SCRIPT_NAME') && empty($_POST) && !$GLOBALS['checked_special']) { echo '<div id="selflink" class="print_ignore">' . "\n"; $url_params['target'] = basename(PMA_getenv('SCRIPT_NAME')); echo '<a href="index.php' . PMA_generate_common_url($url_params) . '"' . ' title="' . $GLOBALS['strOpenNewWindow'] . '" target="_blank">'; /* echo '<a href="index.php?target=' . basename(PMA_getenv('SCRIPT_NAME')); $url = PMA_generate_common_url($GLOBALS['db'], $GLOBALS['table']); if (!empty($url)) { echo '&' . $url; } echo '" target="_blank">'; */ if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationBarIconic']) { echo '<img class="icon" src="'. $GLOBALS['pmaThemeImage'] . 'window-new.png"' . ' alt="' . $GLOBALS['strOpenNewWindow'] . '" />'; } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NavigationBarIconic'] !== true) { echo $GLOBALS['strOpenNewWindow']; } echo '</a>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; }
// Include possible custom footers if (file_exists('./')) { require './'; }
/** * Generates profiling data if requested */
// profiling deactivated due to licensing issues if (! empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['DBG']['php']) && ! empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['DBG']['profile']['enable'])) { //run the basic setup code first require_once './libraries/dbg/setup.php'; //if the setup ran fine, then do the profiling /* if (! empty($GLOBALS['DBG'])) { require_once './libraries/dbg/profiling.php'; dbg_dump_profiling_results(); } */ }
?> </body> </html> <?php /** * Stops the script execution */ exit; ?>