Viewing file: (4.23 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * * @version $Id$ * @package phpMyAdmin */ if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) { exit; }
/** * */ require_once './libraries/';
require_once './libraries/relation.lib.php'; /** * Gets the relation settings */ $cfgRelation = PMA_getRelationsParam();
/** * If coming from a Show MySQL link on the home page, * put something in $sub_part */ if (empty($sub_part)) { $sub_part = '_structure'; }
/** * Checks for superuser privileges */ $is_superuser = PMA_isSuperuser();
/** * Prepares links */ // Drop link if allowed // rabus: Don't even try to drop information_schema. You won't be able to. Believe me. You won't. // nijel: Don't allow to easilly drop mysql database, RFE #1327514. if (($is_superuser || $GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowUserDropDatabase']) && ! $db_is_information_schema && ($db != 'mysql')) { $tab_drop['link'] = 'sql.php'; $tab_drop['args']['sql_query'] = 'DROP DATABASE ' . PMA_backquote($db); $tab_drop['args']['zero_rows'] = sprintf($GLOBALS['strDatabaseHasBeenDropped'], htmlspecialchars(PMA_backquote($db))); $tab_drop['args']['goto'] = 'main.php'; $tab_drop['args']['back'] = 'db' . $sub_part . '.php'; $tab_drop['args']['reload'] = 1; $tab_drop['args']['purge'] = 1; $tab_drop['attr'] = 'onclick="return confirmLinkDropDB(this, \'DROP DATABASE ' . PMA_jsFormat($db) . '\')"'; }
/** * export, search and qbe links if there is at least one table */ if ($num_tables == 0) { $tab_qbe['warning'] = $strDbIsEmpty; $tab_search['warning'] = $strDbIsEmpty; $tab_export['warning'] = $strDbIsEmpty; }
$tab_structure['link'] = 'db_structure.php'; $tab_structure['text'] = $GLOBALS['strStructure']; $tab_structure['icon'] = 'b_props.png';
$tab_sql['link'] = 'db_sql.php'; $tab_sql['args']['db_query_force'] = 1; $tab_sql['text'] = $GLOBALS['strSQL']; $tab_sql['icon'] = 'b_sql.png';
$tab_export['text'] = $GLOBALS['strExport']; $tab_export['icon'] = 'b_export.png'; $tab_export['link'] = 'db_export.php';
$tab_search['text'] = $GLOBALS['strSearch']; $tab_search['icon'] = 'b_search.png'; $tab_search['link'] = 'db_search.php';
if(PMA_Tracker::isActive()) { $tab_tracking['text'] = $GLOBALS['strTracking']; $tab_tracking['icon'] = 'eye.png'; $tab_tracking['link'] = 'db_tracking.php'; }
$tab_qbe['text'] = $GLOBALS['strQBE']; $tab_qbe['icon'] = 's_db.png'; $tab_qbe['link'] = 'db_qbe.php';
if ($cfgRelation['designerwork']) { $tab_designer['text'] = $GLOBALS['strDesigner']; $tab_designer['icon'] = 'b_relations.png'; $tab_designer['link'] = 'pmd_general.php'; }
if (! $db_is_information_schema) { $tab_import['link'] = 'db_import.php'; $tab_import['text'] = $GLOBALS['strImport']; $tab_import['icon'] = 'b_import.png'; $tab_drop['text'] = $GLOBALS['strDrop']; $tab_drop['icon'] = 'b_deltbl.png'; $tab_drop['class'] = 'caution'; $tab_operation['link'] = 'db_operations.php'; $tab_operation['text'] = $GLOBALS['strOperations']; $tab_operation['icon'] = 'b_tblops.png'; if ($is_superuser) { $tab_privileges['link'] = 'server_privileges.php'; $tab_privileges['args']['checkprivs'] = $db; // stay on database view $tab_privileges['args']['viewing_mode'] = 'db'; $tab_privileges['text'] = $GLOBALS['strPrivileges']; $tab_privileges['icon'] = 's_rights.png'; } }
/** * Displays tab links */ $tabs = array(); $tabs[] =& $tab_structure; $tabs[] =& $tab_sql; $tabs[] =& $tab_search; if (PMA_Tracker::isActive()) { $tabs[] =& $tab_tracking; } $tabs[] =& $tab_qbe; $tabs[] =& $tab_export; if (! $db_is_information_schema) { $tabs[] =& $tab_import; if ($cfgRelation['designerwork']) { $tabs[] =& $tab_designer; } $tabs[] =& $tab_operation; if ($is_superuser) { $tabs[] =& $tab_privileges; } if ($is_superuser || $GLOBALS['cfg']['AllowUserDropDatabase']) { $tabs[] =& $tab_drop; } }
$url_params['db'] = $db;
echo PMA_generate_html_tabs($tabs, $url_params); unset($tabs);
/** * Displays a message */ if (!empty($message)) { PMA_showMessage($message); unset($message); } ?>