Viewing file: Theme.class.php (9.34 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * hold PMA_Theme class * * @version $Id$ * @package phpMyAdmin */
/** * handles theme * * @todo add the possibility to make a theme depend on another theme and by default on original * @todo make all components optional - get missing components from 'parent' theme * @todo make css optionally replacing 'parent' css or extending it (by appending at the end) * @todo add an optional global css file - which will be used for both frames * * @package phpMyAdmin */ class PMA_Theme { /** * @var string theme version * @access protected */ var $version = '';
/** * @var string theme name * @access protected */ var $name = '';
/** * @var string theme id * @access protected */ var $id = '';
/** * @var string theme path * @access protected */ var $path = '';
/** * @var string image path * @access protected */ var $img_path = '';
/** * @var array valid css types * @access protected */ var $types = array('left', 'right', 'print');
/** * @var integer last modification time for info file * @access protected */ var $mtime_info = 0;
/** * needed because sometimes, the mtime for different themes * is identical * @var integer filesize for info file * @access protected */ var $filesize_info = 0;
/** * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::getPath() * @uses PMA_Theme::$mtime_info * @uses PMA_Theme::setVersion() * @uses PMA_Theme::setName() * @uses filemtime() * @uses filesize() * @uses file_exists() * @return boolean whether loading them info was successful or not */ function loadInfo() { if (! file_exists($this->getPath() . '/')) { return false; }
if ($this->mtime_info === filemtime($this->getPath() . '/')) { return true; }
@include $this->getPath() . '/';
// was it set correctly? if (! isset($theme_name)) { return false; }
$this->mtime_info = filemtime($this->getPath() . '/'); $this->filesize_info = filesize($this->getPath() . '/');
if (isset($theme_full_version)) { $this->setVersion($theme_full_version); } elseif (isset($theme_generation, $theme_version)) { $this->setVersion($theme_generation . '.' . $theme_version); } $this->setName($theme_name);
return true; }
/** * returns theme object loaded from given folder * or false if theme is invalid * * @static * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme * @uses PMA_Theme::setPath() * @uses PMA_Theme::loadInfo() * @uses PMA_Theme::checkImgPath() * @param string $folder path to theme * @return object PMA_Theme */ static public function load($folder) { $theme = new PMA_Theme();
if (! $theme->loadInfo()) { return false; }
return $theme; }
/** * checks image path for existance - if not found use img from original theme * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::getPath() * @uses PMA_Theme::setImgPath() * @uses PMA_Theme::getName() * @uses $GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemePath'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strThemeNoValidImgPath'] * @uses is_dir() * @uses sprintf() */ function checkImgPath() { if (is_dir($this->getPath() . '/img/')) { $this->setImgPath($this->getPath() . '/img/'); return true; } elseif (is_dir($GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemePath'] . '/original/img/')) { $this->setImgPath($GLOBALS['cfg']['ThemePath'] . '/original/img/'); return true; } else { trigger_error( sprintf($GLOBALS['strThemeNoValidImgPath'], $this->getName()), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } }
/** * returns path to theme * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::$path as return value * @return string $path path to theme */ function getPath() { return $this->path; }
/** * returns layout file * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::getPath() * @return string layout file */ function getLayoutFile() { return $this->getPath() . '/'; }
/** * set path to theme * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::$path to set it * @param string $path path to theme */ function setPath($path) { $this->path = trim($path); }
/** * sets version * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::$version * @param string new version */ function setVersion($version) { $this->version = trim($version); }
/** * returns version * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::$version * @return string version */ function getVersion() { return $this->version; }
/** * checks theme version agaisnt $version * returns true if theme version is equal or higher to $version * * @access public * @uses version_compare() * @uses PMA_Theme::getVersion() * @param string $version version to compare to * @return boolean */ function checkVersion($version) { return version_compare($this->getVersion(), $version, 'lt'); }
/** * sets name * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::$name to set it * @uses trim() * @param string $name new name */ function setName($name) { $this->name = trim($name); }
/** * returns name * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::$name as return value * @return string name */ function getName() { return $this->name; }
/** * sets id * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::$id to set it * @param string $id new id */ function setId($id) { $this->id = trim($id); }
/** * returns id * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::$id as return value * @return string id */ function getId() { return $this->id; }
/** * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::$img_path to set it * @param string path to images for this theme */ function setImgPath($path) { $this->img_path = $path; }
/** * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::$img_path as retunr value * @return string image path for this theme */ function getImgPath() { return $this->img_path; }
/** * load css (send to stdout, normally the browser) * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::getPath() * @uses PMA_Theme::$types * @uses PMA_SQP_buildCssData() * @uses file_exists() * @uses in_array() * @param string $type left, right or print */ function loadCss(&$type) { if (empty($type) || ! in_array($type, $this->types)) { $type = 'left'; }
if ($type == 'right') { echo PMA_SQP_buildCssData(); }
$_css_file = $this->getPath() . '/css/theme_' . $type . '.css.php';
if (! file_exists($_css_file)) { return false; }
if ($GLOBALS['text_dir'] === 'ltr') { $right = 'right'; $left = 'left'; } else { $right = 'left'; $left = 'right'; }
include $_css_file; return true; }
/** * prints out the preview for this theme * * @access public * @uses PMA_Theme::getName() * @uses PMA_Theme::getVersion() * @uses PMA_Theme::getId() * @uses PMA_Theme::getPath() * @uses $GLOBALS['strThemeNoPreviewAvailable'] * @uses $GLOBALS['strTakeIt'] * @uses PMA_generate_common_url() * @uses addslashes() * @uses file_exists() * @uses htmlspecialchars() */ function printPreview() { echo '<div class="theme_preview">'; echo '<h2>' . htmlspecialchars($this->getName()) .' (' . htmlspecialchars($this->getVersion()) . ')</h2>' .'<p>' .'<a target="_top" href="index.php' .PMA_generate_common_url(array('set_theme' => $this->getId())) . '"' .' onclick="takeThis(\'' . addslashes($this->getId()) . '\');' .' return false;">'; if (@file_exists($this->getPath() . '/screen.png')) { // if screen exists then output
echo '<img src="' . $this->getPath() . '/screen.png" border="1"' .' alt="' . htmlspecialchars($this->getName()) . '"' .' title="' . htmlspecialchars($this->getName()) . '" /><br />'; } else { echo $GLOBALS['strThemeNoPreviewAvailable']; }
echo '[ <strong>' . $GLOBALS['strTakeIt'] . '</strong> ]</a>' .'</p>' .'</div>'; } } ?>