Viewing file: List_Database.class.php (18.17 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * holds the PMA_List_Database class * * @version $Id$ * @package phpMyAdmin */
/** * the list base class */ require_once './libraries/List.class.php';
/** * handles database lists * * <code> * $PMA_List_Database = new PMA_List_Database($userlink, $controllink); * </code> * * @todo this object should be attached to the PMA_Server object * @todo ? make use of INFORMATION_SCHEMA * @todo ? support --skip-showdatabases and user has only global rights * @access public * @since phpMyAdmin 2.9.10 * @package phpMyAdmin */ /*public*/ class PMA_List_Database extends PMA_List { /** * @var mixed database link resource|object to be used */ protected $_db_link = null;
/** * @var mixed user database link resource|object */ protected $_db_link_user = null;
/** * @var mixed controluser database link resource|object */ protected $_db_link_control = null;
/** * @var boolean whether SHOW DATABASES is disabled or not * @access protected */ protected $_show_databases_disabled = false;
/** * @var string command to retrieve databases from server */ protected $_command = null;
/** * Constructor * * @uses PMA_List_Database::$_db_link * @uses PMA_List_Database::$_db_link_user * @uses PMA_List_Database::$_db_link_control * @uses PMA_List_Database::build() * @param mixed $db_link_user user database link resource|object * @param mixed $db_link_control control database link resource|object */ public function __construct($db_link_user = null, $db_link_control = null) { $this->_db_link = $db_link_user; $this->_db_link_user = $db_link_user; $this->_db_link_control = $db_link_control;
parent::__construct(); $this->build(); }
/** * checks if the configuration wants to hide some databases * * @todo temporaly use this docblock to test how to doc $GLOBALS * @uses PMA_List_Database::$items * @uses preg_match() * @uses $cfg['Server']['hide_db'] */ protected function _checkHideDatabase() { if (empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['hide_db'])) { return; }
foreach ($this->getArrayCopy() as $key => $db) { if (preg_match('/' . $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['hide_db'] . '/', $db)) { $this->offsetUnset($key); } } }
/** * retrieves database list from server * * @todo we could also search mysql tables if all fail? * @uses PMA_List_Database::$_show_databases_disabled for not retrying if SHOW DATABASES is disabled * @uses PMA_List_Database::$_db_link * @uses PMA_List_Database::$_db_link_control in case of SHOW DATABASES is disabled for userlink * @uses PMA_DBI_fetch_result() * @uses PMA_DBI_getError() * @uses natsort() * @uses sort() * @uses $cfg['NaturalOrder'] * @uses $GLOBALS['error_showdatabases'] * @uses $GLOBALS['errno'] * @param string $like_db_name usally a db_name containing wildcards */ protected function _retrieve($like_db_name = null) { if ($this->_show_databases_disabled) { return array(); }
if (null !== $like_db_name) { $command = "SHOW DATABASES LIKE '" . $like_db_name . "'"; } elseif (null === $this->_command) { $command = str_replace('#user#', $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user'], $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['ShowDatabasesCommand']); $this->_command = $command; } else { $command = $this->_command; }
$database_list = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($command, null, null, $this->_db_link); PMA_DBI_getError();
if ($GLOBALS['errno'] !== 0) { // failed to get database list, try the control user // (hopefully there is one and he has SHOW DATABASES right) $this->_db_link = $this->_db_link_control; $database_list = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($command, null, null, $this->_db_link);
if ($GLOBALS['errno'] !== 0) { // failed! we will display a warning that phpMyAdmin could not safely // retrieve database list, the admin has to setup a control user or // allow SHOW DATABASES $GLOBALS['error_showdatabases'] = true; $this->_show_databases_disabled = true; } } if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['NaturalOrder']) { natsort($database_list); } else { // need to sort anyway, otherwise information_schema // goes at the top sort($database_list); }
return $database_list; }
/** * builds up the list * * @uses PMA_List_Database::$items to initialize it * @uses PMA_List_Database::_checkOnlyDatabase() * @uses PMA_List_Database::_retrieve() * @uses PMA_List_Database::_checkHideDatabase() * @uses exchangeArray() */ public function build() { if (! $this->_checkOnlyDatabase()) { $items = $this->_retrieve(); $this->exchangeArray($items); }
$this->_checkHideDatabase(); }
/** * checks the only_db configuration * * @uses PMA_List_Database::$_show_databases_disabled * @uses PMA_List_Database::$items * @uses PMA_List_Database::_retrieve() * @uses PMA_unescape_mysql_wildcards() * @uses preg_match() * @uses array_diff() * @uses array_merge() * @uses is_array() * @uses strlen() * @uses is_string() * @uses $cfg['Server']['only_db'] * @return boolean false if there is no only_db, otherwise true */ protected function _checkOnlyDatabase() { if (is_string($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['only_db']) && strlen($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['only_db'])) { $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['only_db'] = array( $GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['only_db'] ); }
if (! is_array($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['only_db'])) { return false; }
$items = array();
foreach ($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['only_db'] as $each_only_db) { if ($each_only_db === '*' && ! $this->_show_databases_disabled) { // append all not already listed dbs to the list $items = array_merge($items, array_diff($this->_retrieve(), $items)); // there can only be one '*', and this can only be last break; }
// check if the db name contains wildcard, // thus containing not escaped _ or % if (! preg_match('/(^|[^\\\\])(_|%)/', $each_only_db)) { // ... not contains wildcard $items[] = PMA_unescape_mysql_wildcards($each_only_db); continue; }
if (! $this->_show_databases_disabled) { $items = array_merge($items, $this->_retrieve($each_only_db)); continue; }
// @todo induce error, about not using wildcards with SHOW DATABASE disabled? }
return true; }
/** * returns default item * * @uses PMA_List::getEmpty() * @uses $GLOBALS['db'] * @uses strlen() * @return string default item */ public function getDefault() { if (strlen($GLOBALS['db'])) { return $GLOBALS['db']; }
return $this->getEmpty(); }
/** * returns array with dbs grouped with extended infos * * @uses $GLOBALS['PMA_List_Database'] * @uses $GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['commwork'] * @uses $cfg['ShowTooltip'] * @uses $cfg['LeftFrameDBTree'] * @uses $cfg['LeftFrameDBSeparator'] * @uses $cfg['ShowTooltipAliasDB'] * @uses PMA_getTableCount() * @uses PMA_getDbComment() * @uses is_array() * @uses implode() * @uses strstr() * @uses explode() * @param integer $offset * @param integer $count * @return array db list */ public function getGroupedDetails($offset, $count) { $dbgroups = array(); $parts = array();
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowTooltip'] && $GLOBALS['cfgRelation']['commwork']) { $db_tooltips = PMA_getDbComments(); }
if (!$GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameDBTree']) { $separators = array(); } elseif (is_array($GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameDBSeparator'])) { $separators = $GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameDBSeparator']; } elseif (!empty($GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameDBSeparator'])) { $separators = array($GLOBALS['cfg']['LeftFrameDBSeparator']); } else { $separators = array(); }
foreach ($this->getLimitedItems($offset, $count) as $key => $db) { // garvin: Get comments from PMA comments table $db_tooltip = '';
if (isset($db_tooltips[$db])) { $db_tooltip = $db_tooltips[$db]; }
$pos = false;
foreach($separators as $separator) { // use strpos instead of strrpos; it seems more common to // have the db name, the separator, then the rest which // might contain a separator // like dbname_the_rest $pos = strpos($db, $separator);
if ($pos !== false) { break; } }
if ($pos !== false) { $group = substr($db, 0, $pos); $disp_name_cut = substr($db, $pos); } else { $group = $db; $disp_name_cut = $db; }
$disp_name = $db; if ($db_tooltip && $GLOBALS['cfg']['ShowTooltipAliasDB']) { $disp_name = $db_tooltip; $disp_name_cut = $db_tooltip; $db_tooltip = $db; }
$dbgroups[$group][$db] = array( 'name' => $db, 'disp_name_cut' => $disp_name_cut, 'disp_name' => $disp_name, 'comment' => $db_tooltip, );
if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['CountTables']) { $dbgroups[$group][$db]['num_tables'] = PMA_getTableCount($db); } } // end foreach ($GLOBALS['PMA_List_Database']->items as $db) return $dbgroups; }
/** * returns a part of the items * * @uses array_slice() * @param integer $offset * @param integer $count * @return array some items */ public function getLimitedItems($offset, $count) { return array_slice($this->getArrayCopy(), $offset, $count); }
/** * returns html code for list with dbs * * @return string html code list */ public function getHtmlListGrouped($selected = '', $offset, $count) { if (true === $selected) { $selected = $this->getDefault(); }
$return = '<ul id="databaseList" xml:lang="en" dir="ltr">' . "\n"; foreach ($this->getGroupedDetails($offset, $count) as $group => $dbs) { if (count($dbs) > 1) { $return .= '<li>' . htmlspecialchars($group) . '<ul>' . "\n"; // whether display db_name cut by the group part $cut = true; } else { // .. or full $cut = false; } foreach ($dbs as $db) { $return .= '<li'; if ($db['name'] == $selected) { $return .= ' class="selected"'; } $return .= '><a'; if (! empty($db['comment'])) { $return .= ' title="' . htmlspecialchars($db['comment']) . '"'; } $return .= ' href="index.php?' . PMA_generate_common_url($db['name']) . '" target="_parent">'; if ($cut) { $return .= htmlspecialchars($db['disp_name_cut']); } else { $return .= htmlspecialchars($db['disp_name']); }
if (! empty($db['num_tables'])) { $return .= ' (' . $db['num_tables'] . ')'; } $return .= '</a></li>' . "\n"; } if (count($dbs) > 1) { $return .= '</ul></li>' . "\n"; } } $return .= '</ul>';
return $return; }
/** * returns html code for select form element with dbs * * @todo IE can not handle different text directions in select boxes so, * as mostly names will be in english, we set the whole selectbox to LTR * and EN * * @return string html code select */ public function getHtmlSelectGrouped($selected = '', $offset, $count) { if (true === $selected) { $selected = $this->getDefault(); }
$return = '<select name="db" id="lightm_db" xml:lang="en" dir="ltr"' . ' onchange="if (this.value != \'\') window.parent.openDb(this.value);">' . "\n" . '<option value="" dir="' . $GLOBALS['text_dir'] . '">' . '(' . $GLOBALS['strDatabases'] . ') ...</option>' . "\n"; foreach ($this->getGroupedDetails($offset, $count) as $group => $dbs) { if (count($dbs) > 1) { $return .= '<optgroup label="' . htmlspecialchars($group) . '">' . "\n"; // whether display db_name cuted by the group part $cut = true; } else { // .. or full $cut = false; } foreach ($dbs as $db) { $return .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($db['name']) . '"' .' title="' . htmlspecialchars($db['comment']) . '"'; if ($db['name'] == $selected) { $return .= ' selected="selected"'; } $return .= '>' . htmlspecialchars($cut ? $db['disp_name_cut'] : $db['disp_name']); if (! empty($db['num_tables'])) { $return .= ' (' . $db['num_tables'] . ')'; } $return .= '</option>' . "\n"; } if (count($dbs) > 1) { $return .= '</optgroup>' . "\n"; } } $return .= '</select>';
return $return; }
/** * this is just a backup, if all is fine this can be deleted later * * @deprecated */ protected function _checkAgainstPrivTables() { // 1. get allowed dbs from the "mysql.db" table // lem9: User can be blank (anonymous user) $local_query = " SELECT DISTINCT `Db` FROM `mysql`.`db` WHERE `Select_priv` = 'Y' AND `User` IN ('" . PMA_sqlAddslashes($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user']) . "', '')"; $tmp_mydbs = PMA_DBI_fetch_result($local_query, null, null, $GLOBALS['controllink']); if ($tmp_mydbs) { // Will use as associative array of the following 2 code // lines: // the 1st is the only line intact from before // correction, // the 2nd replaces $dblist[] = $row['Db'];
// Code following those 2 lines in correction continues // populating $dblist[], as previous code did. But it is // now populated with actual database names instead of // with regular expressions. $tmp_alldbs = PMA_DBI_query('SHOW DATABASES;', $GLOBALS['controllink']); // loic1: all databases cases - part 2 if (isset($tmp_mydbs['%'])) { while ($tmp_row = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($tmp_alldbs)) { $dblist[] = $tmp_row[0]; } // end while } else { while ($tmp_row = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($tmp_alldbs)) { $tmp_db = $tmp_row[0]; if (isset($tmp_mydbs[$tmp_db]) && $tmp_mydbs[$tmp_db] == 1) { $dblist[] = $tmp_db; $tmp_mydbs[$tmp_db] = 0; } elseif (!isset($dblist[$tmp_db])) { foreach ($tmp_mydbs as $tmp_matchpattern => $tmp_value) { // loic1: fixed bad regexp // TODO: db names may contain characters // that are regexp instructions $re = '(^|(\\\\\\\\)+|[^\])'; $tmp_regex = preg_replace('/' . addcslashes($re,'/') . '%/', '\\1.*', preg_replace('/' . addcslashes($re,'/') . '_/', '\\1.{1}', $tmp_matchpattern)); // Fixed db name matching // 2000-08-28 -- Benjamin Gandon if (preg_match('/^' . addcslashes($tmp_regex,'/') . '$/', $tmp_db)) { $dblist[] = $tmp_db; break; } } // end while } // end if ... elseif ... } // end while } // end else PMA_DBI_free_result($tmp_alldbs); unset($tmp_mydbs); } // end if
// 2. get allowed dbs from the "mysql.tables_priv" table $local_query = 'SELECT DISTINCT Db FROM mysql.tables_priv WHERE Table_priv LIKE \'%Select%\' AND User = \'' . PMA_sqlAddslashes($GLOBALS['cfg']['Server']['user']) . '\''; $rs = PMA_DBI_try_query($local_query, $GLOBALS['controllink']); if ($rs && @PMA_DBI_num_rows($rs)) { while ($row = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($rs)) { if (!in_array($row['Db'], $dblist)) { $dblist[] = $row['Db']; } } // end while PMA_DBI_free_result($rs); } // end if } } ?>