Viewing file: texytext.php (9.67 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */ /** * Export to Texy! text. * * @package phpMyAdmin-Export-Texy */ if (! defined('PHPMYADMIN')) { exit; }
/** * */ if (isset($plugin_list)) { $plugin_list['texytext'] = array( 'text' => 'strTexyText', 'extension' => 'txt', 'mime_type' => 'text/plain', 'options' => array( array('type' => 'bool', 'name' => 'structure', 'text' => 'strStructure', 'force' => 'data'), array('type' => 'bgroup', 'name' => 'data', 'text' => 'strData', 'force' => 'structure'), array('type' => 'text', 'name' => 'null', 'text' => 'strReplaceNULLBy'), array('type' => 'bool', 'name' => 'columns', 'text' => 'strPutColNames'), array('type' => 'egroup'), ), 'options_text' => 'strOptions', ); } else {
/** * Outputs comment * * @param string Text of comment * * @return bool Whether it suceeded */ function PMA_exportComment($text) { return TRUE; }
/** * Outputs export footer * * @return bool Whether it suceeded * * @access public */ function PMA_exportFooter() { return true; }
/** * Outputs export header * * @return bool Whether it suceeded * * @access public */ function PMA_exportHeader() { return true; }
/** * Outputs database header * * @param string Database name * * @return bool Whether it suceeded * * @access public */ function PMA_exportDBHeader($db) { return PMA_exportOutputHandler('===' . $GLOBALS['strDatabase'] . ' ' . $db . "\n\n"); }
/** * Outputs database footer * * @param string Database name * * @return bool Whether it suceeded * * @access public */ function PMA_exportDBFooter($db) { return TRUE; }
/** * Outputs create database database * * @param string Database name * * @return bool Whether it suceeded * * @access public */ function PMA_exportDBCreate($db) { return TRUE; }
/** * Outputs the content of a table in CSV format * * @param string the database name * @param string the table name * @param string the end of line sequence * @param string the url to go back in case of error * @param string SQL query for obtaining data * * @return bool Whether it suceeded * * @access public */ function PMA_exportData($db, $table, $crlf, $error_url, $sql_query) { global $what;
if (! PMA_exportOutputHandler('== ' . $GLOBALS['strDumpingData'] . ' ' . $table . "\n\n")) { return FALSE; }
// Gets the data from the database $result = PMA_DBI_query($sql_query, null, PMA_DBI_QUERY_UNBUFFERED); $fields_cnt = PMA_DBI_num_fields($result);
// If required, get fields name at the first line if (isset($GLOBALS[$what . '_columns'])) { $text_output = "|------\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $fields_cnt; $i++) { $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars(stripslashes(PMA_DBI_field_name($result, $i))); } // end for $text_output .= "\n|------\n"; if (! PMA_exportOutputHandler($text_output)) { return FALSE; } } // end if
// Format the data while ($row = PMA_DBI_fetch_row($result)) { $text_output = ''; for ($j = 0; $j < $fields_cnt; $j++) { if (! isset($row[$j]) || is_null($row[$j])) { $value = $GLOBALS[$what . '_null']; } elseif ($row[$j] == '0' || $row[$j] != '') { $value = $row[$j]; } else { $value = ' '; } $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars($value); } // end for $text_output .= "\n"; if (! PMA_exportOutputHandler($text_output)) { return FALSE; } } // end while PMA_DBI_free_result($result);
return TRUE; }
function PMA_exportStructure($db, $table, $crlf, $error_url, $do_relation = false, $do_comments = false, $do_mime = false, $dates = false, $dummy) { global $cfgRelation;
if (! PMA_exportOutputHandler('== ' . $GLOBALS['strTableStructure'] . ' ' .$table . "\n\n")) { return FALSE; }
/** * Get the unique keys in the table */ $keys_query = 'SHOW KEYS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($table) . ' FROM '. PMA_backquote($db); $keys_result = PMA_DBI_query($keys_query); $unique_keys = array(); while ($key = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($keys_result)) { if ($key['Non_unique'] == 0) { $unique_keys[] = $key['Column_name']; } } PMA_DBI_free_result($keys_result);
/** * Gets fields properties */ PMA_DBI_select_db($db); $local_query = 'SHOW FIELDS FROM ' . PMA_backquote($db) . '.' . PMA_backquote($table); $result = PMA_DBI_query($local_query); $fields_cnt = PMA_DBI_num_rows($result);
// Check if we can use Relations (Mike Beck) if ($do_relation && ! empty($cfgRelation['relation'])) { // Find which tables are related with the current one and write it in // an array $res_rel = PMA_getForeigners($db, $table);
if ($res_rel && count($res_rel) > 0) { $have_rel = TRUE; } else { $have_rel = FALSE; } } else { $have_rel = FALSE; } // end if
/** * Displays the table structure */
$columns_cnt = 4; if ($do_relation && $have_rel) { $columns_cnt++; } if ($do_comments && $cfgRelation['commwork']) { $columns_cnt++; } if ($do_mime && $cfgRelation['mimework']) { $columns_cnt++; }
$text_output = "|------\n"; $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['strField']); $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['strType']); $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['strNull']); $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['strDefault']); if ($do_relation && $have_rel) { $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['strLinksTo']); } if ($do_comments) { $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars($GLOBALS['strComments']); $comments = PMA_getComments($db, $table); } if ($do_mime && $cfgRelation['mimework']) { $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars('MIME'); $mime_map = PMA_getMIME($db, $table, true); } $text_output .= "\n|------\n";
if (! PMA_exportOutputHandler($text_output)) { return FALSE; }
while ($row = PMA_DBI_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$text_output = ''; $type = $row['Type']; // reformat mysql query output - staybyte - 9. June 2001 // loic1: set or enum types: slashes single quotes inside options if (preg_match('/^(set|enum)\((.+)\)$/i', $type, $tmp)) { $tmp[2] = substr(preg_replace('/([^,])\'\'/', '\\1\\\'', ',' . $tmp[2]), 1); $type = $tmp[1] . '(' . str_replace(',', ', ', $tmp[2]) . ')'; $type_nowrap = '';
$binary = 0; $unsigned = 0; $zerofill = 0; } else { $type_nowrap = ' nowrap="nowrap"'; $type = preg_replace('/BINARY/i', '', $type); $type = preg_replace('/ZEROFILL/i', '', $type); $type = preg_replace('/UNSIGNED/i', '', $type); if (empty($type)) { $type = ' '; }
$binary = preg_match('/BINARY/i', $row['Type']); $unsigned = preg_match('/UNSIGNED/i', $row['Type']); $zerofill = preg_match('/ZEROFILL/i', $row['Type']); } $strAttribute = ' '; if ($binary) { $strAttribute = 'BINARY'; } if ($unsigned) { $strAttribute = 'UNSIGNED'; } if ($zerofill) { $strAttribute = 'UNSIGNED ZEROFILL'; } if (! isset($row['Default'])) { if ($row['Null'] != 'NO') { $row['Default'] = 'NULL'; } } else { $row['Default'] = $row['Default']; }
$fmt_pre = ''; $fmt_post = ''; if (in_array($row['Field'], $unique_keys)) { $fmt_pre = '**' . $fmt_pre; $fmt_post = $fmt_post . '**'; } if ($row['Key']=='PRI') { $fmt_pre = '//' . $fmt_pre; $fmt_post = $fmt_post . '//'; } $text_output .= '|' . $fmt_pre . htmlspecialchars($row['Field']) . $fmt_post; $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars($type); $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars(($row['Null'] == '' || $row['Null'] == 'NO') ? $GLOBALS['strNo'] : $GLOBALS['strYes']); $text_output .= '|' . htmlspecialchars(isset($row['Default']) ? $row['Default'] : '');
$field_name = $row['Field'];
if ($do_relation && $have_rel) { $text_output .= '|' . (isset($res_rel[$field_name]) ? htmlspecialchars($res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_table'] . ' (' . $res_rel[$field_name]['foreign_field'] . ')') : ''); } if ($do_comments && $cfgRelation['commwork']) { $text_output .= '|' . (isset($comments[$field_name]) ? htmlspecialchars($comments[$field_name]) : ''); } if ($do_mime && $cfgRelation['mimework']) { $text_output .= '|' . (isset($mime_map[$field_name]) ? htmlspecialchars(str_replace('_', '/', $mime_map[$field_name]['mimetype'])) : ''); }
$text_output .= "\n";
if (! PMA_exportOutputHandler($text_output)) { return FALSE; } } // end while PMA_DBI_free_result($result);
return true; }
} ?>