Viewing file: Downloader.php (64.95 KB) -rw-r--r-- Select action/file-type: (+) | (+) | (+) | Code (+) | Session (+) | (+) | SDB (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) | (+) |
<?php /** * PEAR_Downloader, the PEAR Installer's download utility class * * PHP versions 4 and 5 * * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Greg Beaver <> * @author Stig Bakken <> * @author Tomas V. V. Cox <> * @author Martin Jansen <> * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license New BSD License * @version CVS: $Id: Downloader.php 296767 2010-03-25 00:58:33Z dufuz $ * @link * @since File available since Release 1.3.0 */
/** * Needed for constants, extending */ require_once 'PEAR/Common.php';
/** * Administration class used to download anything from the internet (PEAR Packages, * static URLs, xml files) * * @category pear * @package PEAR * @author Greg Beaver <> * @author Stig Bakken <> * @author Tomas V. V. Cox <> * @author Martin Jansen <> * @copyright 1997-2009 The Authors * @license New BSD License * @version Release: 1.9.1 * @link * @since Class available since Release 1.3.0 */ class PEAR_Downloader extends PEAR_Common { /** * @var PEAR_Registry * @access private */ var $_registry;
/** * Preferred Installation State (snapshot, devel, alpha, beta, stable) * @var string|null * @access private */ var $_preferredState;
/** * Options from command-line passed to Install. * * Recognized options:<br /> * - onlyreqdeps : install all required dependencies as well * - alldeps : install all dependencies, including optional * - installroot : base relative path to install files in * - force : force a download even if warnings would prevent it * - nocompress : download uncompressed tarballs * @see PEAR_Command_Install * @access private * @var array */ var $_options;
/** * Downloaded Packages after a call to download(). * * Format of each entry: * * <code> * array('pkg' => 'package_name', 'file' => '/path/to/local/file', * 'info' => array() // parsed package.xml * ); * </code> * @access private * @var array */ var $_downloadedPackages = array();
/** * Packages slated for download. * * This is used to prevent downloading a package more than once should it be a dependency * for two packages to be installed. * Format of each entry: * * <pre> * array('package_name1' => parsed package.xml, 'package_name2' => parsed package.xml, * ); * </pre> * @access private * @var array */ var $_toDownload = array();
/** * Array of every package installed, with names lower-cased. * * Format: * <code> * array('package1' => 0, 'package2' => 1, ); * </code> * @var array */ var $_installed = array();
/** * @var array * @access private */ var $_errorStack = array();
/** * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_internalDownload = false;
/** * Temporary variable used in sorting packages by dependency in {@link sortPkgDeps()} * @var array * @access private */ var $_packageSortTree;
/** * Temporary directory, or configuration value where downloads will occur * @var string */ var $_downloadDir;
/** * @param PEAR_Frontend_* * @param array * @param PEAR_Config */ function PEAR_Downloader(&$ui, $options, &$config) { parent::PEAR_Common(); $this->_options = $options; $this->config = &$config; $this->_preferredState = $this->config->get('preferred_state'); $this->ui = &$ui; if (!$this->_preferredState) { // don't inadvertantly use a non-set preferred_state $this->_preferredState = null; }
if (isset($this->_options['installroot'])) { $this->config->setInstallRoot($this->_options['installroot']); } $this->_registry = &$config->getRegistry();
if (isset($this->_options['alldeps']) || isset($this->_options['onlyreqdeps'])) { $this->_installed = $this->_registry->listAllPackages(); foreach ($this->_installed as $key => $unused) { if (!count($unused)) { continue; } $strtolower = create_function('$a','return strtolower($a);'); array_walk($this->_installed[$key], $strtolower); } } }
/** * Attempt to discover a channel's remote capabilities from * its server name * @param string * @return boolean */ function discover($channel) { $this->log(1, 'Attempting to discover channel "' . $channel . '"...'); PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $callback = $this->ui ? array(&$this, '_downloadCallback') : null; if (!class_exists('System')) { require_once 'System.php'; }
$tmpdir = $this->config->get('temp_dir'); $tmp = System::mktemp("-d -t $tmpdir"); $a = $this->downloadHttp('http://' . $channel . '/channel.xml', $this->ui, $tmp, $callback, false); PEAR::popErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($a)) { // Attempt to fallback to https automatically. PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $this->log(1, 'Attempting fallback to https instead of http on channel "' . $channel . '"...'); $a = $this->downloadHttp('https://' . $channel . '/channel.xml', $this->ui, $tmp, $callback, false); PEAR::popErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($a)) { return false; } }
list($a, $lastmodified) = $a; if (!class_exists('PEAR_ChannelFile')) { require_once 'PEAR/ChannelFile.php'; }
$b = new PEAR_ChannelFile; if ($b->fromXmlFile($a)) { unlink($a); if ($this->config->get('auto_discover')) { $this->_registry->addChannel($b, $lastmodified); $alias = $b->getName(); if ($b->getName() == $this->_registry->channelName($b->getAlias())) { $alias = $b->getAlias(); }
$this->log(1, 'Auto-discovered channel "' . $channel . '", alias "' . $alias . '", adding to registry'); }
return true; }
unlink($a); return false; }
/** * For simpler unit-testing * @param PEAR_Downloader * @return PEAR_Downloader_Package */ function &newDownloaderPackage(&$t) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Downloader_Package')) { require_once 'PEAR/Downloader/Package.php'; } $a = &new PEAR_Downloader_Package($t); return $a; }
/** * For simpler unit-testing * @param PEAR_Config * @param array * @param array * @param int */ function &getDependency2Object(&$c, $i, $p, $s) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_Dependency2')) { require_once 'PEAR/Dependency2.php'; } $z = &new PEAR_Dependency2($c, $i, $p, $s); return $z; }
function &download($params) { if (!count($params)) { $a = array(); return $a; }
if (!isset($this->_registry)) { $this->_registry = &$this->config->getRegistry(); }
$channelschecked = array(); // convert all parameters into PEAR_Downloader_Package objects foreach ($params as $i => $param) { $params[$i] = &$this->newDownloaderPackage($this); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $err = $params[$i]->initialize($param); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (!$err) { // skip parameters that were missed by preferred_state continue; }
if (PEAR::isError($err)) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft']) && $err->getMessage() !== '') { $this->log(0, $err->getMessage()); }
$params[$i] = false; if (is_object($param)) { $param = $param->getChannel() . '/' . $param->getPackage(); }
if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(2, 'Package "' . $param . '" is not valid'); }
// Message logged above in a specific verbose mode, passing null to not show up on CLI $this->pushError(null, PEAR_INSTALLER_SKIPPED); } else { do { if ($params[$i] && $params[$i]->getType() == 'local') { // bug #7090 skip channel.xml check for local packages break; }
if ($params[$i] && !isset($channelschecked[$params[$i]->getChannel()]) && !isset($this->_options['offline']) ) { $channelschecked[$params[$i]->getChannel()] = true; PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); if (!class_exists('System')) { require_once 'System.php'; }
$curchannel = &$this->_registry->getChannel($params[$i]->getChannel()); if (PEAR::isError($curchannel)) { PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); return $this->raiseError($curchannel); }
if (PEAR::isError($dir = $this->getDownloadDir())) { PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); break; }
$mirror = $this->config->get('preferred_mirror', null, $params[$i]->getChannel()); $url = 'http://' . $mirror . '/channel.xml'; $a = $this->downloadHttp($url, $this->ui, $dir, null, $curchannel->lastModified());
PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($a) || !$a) { // Attempt fallback to https automatically PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $a = $this->downloadHttp('https://' . $mirror . '/channel.xml', $this->ui, $dir, null, $curchannel->lastModified());
PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($a) || !$a) { break; } } $this->log(0, 'WARNING: channel "' . $params[$i]->getChannel() . '" has ' . 'updated its protocols, use "' . PEAR_RUNTYPE . ' channel-update ' . $params[$i]->getChannel() . '" to update'); } } while (false);
if ($params[$i] && !isset($this->_options['downloadonly'])) { if (isset($this->_options['packagingroot'])) { $checkdir = $this->_prependPath( $this->config->get('php_dir', null, $params[$i]->getChannel()), $this->_options['packagingroot']); } else { $checkdir = $this->config->get('php_dir', null, $params[$i]->getChannel()); }
while ($checkdir && $checkdir != '/' && !file_exists($checkdir)) { $checkdir = dirname($checkdir); }
if ($checkdir == '.') { $checkdir = '/'; }
if (!is_writeable($checkdir)) { return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot install, php_dir for channel "' . $params[$i]->getChannel() . '" is not writeable by the current user'); } } } }
unset($channelschecked); PEAR_Downloader_Package::removeDuplicates($params); if (!count($params)) { $a = array(); return $a; }
if (!isset($this->_options['nodeps']) && !isset($this->_options['offline'])) { $reverify = true; while ($reverify) { $reverify = false; foreach ($params as $i => $param) { //PHP Bug 40768 / PEAR Bug #10944 //Nested foreaches fail in PHP 5.2.1 key($params); $ret = $params[$i]->detectDependencies($params); if (PEAR::isError($ret)) { $reverify = true; $params[$i] = false; PEAR_Downloader_Package::removeDuplicates($params); if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $ret->getMessage()); } continue 2; } } } }
if (isset($this->_options['offline'])) { $this->log(3, 'Skipping dependency download check, --offline specified'); }
if (!count($params)) { $a = array(); return $a; }
while (PEAR_Downloader_Package::mergeDependencies($params)); PEAR_Downloader_Package::removeDuplicates($params, true); $errorparams = array(); if (PEAR_Downloader_Package::detectStupidDuplicates($params, $errorparams)) { if (count($errorparams)) { foreach ($errorparams as $param) { $name = $this->_registry->parsedPackageNameToString($param->getParsedPackage()); $this->pushError('Duplicate package ' . $name . ' found', PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED); } $a = array(); return $a; } }
PEAR_Downloader_Package::removeInstalled($params); if (!count($params)) { $this->pushError('No valid packages found', PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED); $a = array(); return $a; }
PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $err = $this->analyzeDependencies($params); PEAR::popErrorHandling(); if (!count($params)) { $this->pushError('No valid packages found', PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED); $a = array(); return $a; }
$ret = array(); $newparams = array(); if (isset($this->_options['pretend'])) { return $params; }
$somefailed = false; foreach ($params as $i => $package) { PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $pf = &$params[$i]->download(); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (PEAR::isError($pf)) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(1, $pf->getMessage()); $this->log(0, 'Error: cannot download "' . $this->_registry->parsedPackageNameToString($package->getParsedPackage(), true) . '"'); } $somefailed = true; continue; }
$newparams[] = &$params[$i]; $ret[] = array( 'file' => $pf->getArchiveFile(), 'info' => &$pf, 'pkg' => $pf->getPackage() ); }
if ($somefailed) { // remove params that did not download successfully PEAR::pushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $err = $this->analyzeDependencies($newparams, true); PEAR::popErrorHandling(); if (!count($newparams)) { $this->pushError('Download failed', PEAR_INSTALLER_FAILED); $a = array(); return $a; } }
$this->_downloadedPackages = $ret; return $newparams; }
/** * @param array all packages to be installed */ function analyzeDependencies(&$params, $force = false) { if (isset($this->_options['downloadonly'])) { return; }
PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $redo = true; $reset = $hasfailed = $failed = false; while ($redo) { $redo = false; foreach ($params as $i => $param) { $deps = $param->getDeps(); if (!$deps) { $depchecker = &$this->getDependency2Object($this->config, $this->getOptions(), $param->getParsedPackage(), PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING); $send = $param->getPackageFile();
$installcheck = $depchecker->validatePackage($send, $this, $params); if (PEAR::isError($installcheck)) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $installcheck->getMessage()); } $hasfailed = true; $params[$i] = false; $reset = true; $redo = true; $failed = false; PEAR_Downloader_Package::removeDuplicates($params); continue 2; } continue; }
if (!$reset && $param->alreadyValidated() && !$force) { continue; }
if (count($deps)) { $depchecker = &$this->getDependency2Object($this->config, $this->getOptions(), $param->getParsedPackage(), PEAR_VALIDATE_DOWNLOADING); $send = $param->getPackageFile(); if ($send === null) { $send = $param->getDownloadURL(); }
$installcheck = $depchecker->validatePackage($send, $this, $params); if (PEAR::isError($installcheck)) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $installcheck->getMessage()); } $hasfailed = true; $params[$i] = false; $reset = true; $redo = true; $failed = false; PEAR_Downloader_Package::removeDuplicates($params); continue 2; }
$failed = false; if (isset($deps['required'])) { foreach ($deps['required'] as $type => $dep) { // note: Dependency2 will never return a PEAR_Error if ignore-errors // is specified, so soft is needed to turn off logging if (!isset($dep[0])) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $depchecker->{"validate{$type}Dependency"}($dep, true, $params))) { $failed = true; if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e->getMessage()); } } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e[0]); } } } else { foreach ($dep as $d) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $depchecker->{"validate{$type}Dependency"}($d, true, $params))) { $failed = true; if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e->getMessage()); } } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e[0]); } } } } }
if (isset($deps['optional'])) { foreach ($deps['optional'] as $type => $dep) { if (!isset($dep[0])) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $depchecker->{"validate{$type}Dependency"}($dep, false, $params))) { $failed = true; if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e->getMessage()); } } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e[0]); } } } else { foreach ($dep as $d) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $depchecker->{"validate{$type}Dependency"}($d, false, $params))) { $failed = true; if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e->getMessage()); } } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e[0]); } } } } } }
$groupname = $param->getGroup(); if (isset($deps['group']) && $groupname) { if (!isset($deps['group'][0])) { $deps['group'] = array($deps['group']); }
$found = false; foreach ($deps['group'] as $group) { if ($group['attribs']['name'] == $groupname) { $found = true; break; } }
if ($found) { unset($group['attribs']); foreach ($group as $type => $dep) { if (!isset($dep[0])) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $depchecker->{"validate{$type}Dependency"}($dep, false, $params))) { $failed = true; if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e->getMessage()); } } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e[0]); } } } else { foreach ($dep as $d) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $depchecker->{"validate{$type}Dependency"}($d, false, $params))) { $failed = true; if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e->getMessage()); } } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e[0]); } } } } } } } } else { foreach ($deps as $dep) { if (PEAR::isError($e = $depchecker->validateDependency1($dep, $params))) { $failed = true; if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e->getMessage()); } } elseif (is_array($e) && !$param->alreadyValidated()) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $e[0]); } } } } $params[$i]->setValidated(); }
if ($failed) { $hasfailed = true; $params[$i] = false; $reset = true; $redo = true; $failed = false; PEAR_Downloader_Package::removeDuplicates($params); continue 2; } } }
PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if ($hasfailed && (isset($this->_options['ignore-errors']) || isset($this->_options['nodeps']))) { // this is probably not needed, but just in case if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, 'WARNING: dependencies failed'); } } }
/** * Retrieve the directory that downloads will happen in * @access private * @return string */ function getDownloadDir() { if (isset($this->_downloadDir)) { return $this->_downloadDir; }
$downloaddir = $this->config->get('download_dir'); if (empty($downloaddir) || (is_dir($downloaddir) && !is_writable($downloaddir))) { if (is_dir($downloaddir) && !is_writable($downloaddir)) { $this->log(0, 'WARNING: configuration download directory "' . $downloaddir . '" is not writeable. Change download_dir config variable to ' . 'a writeable dir to avoid this warning'); }
if (!class_exists('System')) { require_once 'System.php'; }
if (PEAR::isError($downloaddir = System::mktemp('-d'))) { return $downloaddir; } $this->log(3, '+ tmp dir created at ' . $downloaddir); }
if (!is_writable($downloaddir)) { if (PEAR::isError(System::mkdir(array('-p', $downloaddir))) || !is_writable($downloaddir)) { return PEAR::raiseError('download directory "' . $downloaddir . '" is not writeable. Change download_dir config variable to ' . 'a writeable dir'); } }
return $this->_downloadDir = $downloaddir; }
function setDownloadDir($dir) { if (!@is_writable($dir)) { if (PEAR::isError(System::mkdir(array('-p', $dir)))) { return PEAR::raiseError('download directory "' . $dir . '" is not writeable. Change download_dir config variable to ' . 'a writeable dir'); } } $this->_downloadDir = $dir; }
function configSet($key, $value, $layer = 'user', $channel = false) { $this->config->set($key, $value, $layer, $channel); $this->_preferredState = $this->config->get('preferred_state', null, $channel); if (!$this->_preferredState) { // don't inadvertantly use a non-set preferred_state $this->_preferredState = null; } }
function setOptions($options) { $this->_options = $options; }
function getOptions() { return $this->_options; }
/** * @param array output of {@link parsePackageName()} * @access private */ function _getPackageDownloadUrl($parr) { $curchannel = $this->config->get('default_channel'); $this->configSet('default_channel', $parr['channel']); // getDownloadURL returns an array. On error, it only contains information // on the latest release as array(version, info). On success it contains // array(version, info, download url string) $state = isset($parr['state']) ? $parr['state'] : $this->config->get('preferred_state'); if (!$this->_registry->channelExists($parr['channel'])) { do { if ($this->config->get('auto_discover') && $this->discover($parr['channel'])) { break; }
$this->configSet('default_channel', $curchannel); return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown remote channel: ' . $parr['channel']); } while (false); }
$chan = &$this->_registry->getChannel($parr['channel']); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; }
PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $version = $this->_registry->packageInfo($parr['package'], 'version', $parr['channel']); $stability = $this->_registry->packageInfo($parr['package'], 'stability', $parr['channel']); // package is installed - use the installed release stability level if (!isset($parr['state']) && $stability !== null) { $state = $stability['release']; } PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); $base2 = false;
$preferred_mirror = $this->config->get('preferred_mirror'); if (!$chan->supportsREST($preferred_mirror) || ( !($base2 = $chan->getBaseURL('REST1.3', $preferred_mirror)) && !($base = $chan->getBaseURL('REST1.0', $preferred_mirror)) ) ) { return $this->raiseError($parr['channel'] . ' is using a unsupported protocol - This should never happen.'); }
if ($base2) { $rest = &$this->config->getREST('1.3', $this->_options); $base = $base2; } else { $rest = &$this->config->getREST('1.0', $this->_options); }
$downloadVersion = false; if (!isset($parr['version']) && !isset($parr['state']) && $version && !PEAR::isError($version) && !isset($this->_options['downloadonly']) ) { $downloadVersion = $version; }
$url = $rest->getDownloadURL($base, $parr, $state, $downloadVersion, $chan->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($url)) { $this->configSet('default_channel', $curchannel); return $url; }
if ($parr['channel'] != $curchannel) { $this->configSet('default_channel', $curchannel); }
if (!is_array($url)) { return $url; }
$url['raw'] = false; // no checking is necessary for REST if (!is_array($url['info'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('Invalid remote dependencies retrieved from REST - ' . 'this should never happen'); }
if (!isset($this->_options['force']) && !isset($this->_options['downloadonly']) && $version && !PEAR::isError($version) && !isset($parr['group']) ) { if (version_compare($version, $url['version'], '=')) { return PEAR::raiseError($this->_registry->parsedPackageNameToString( $parr, true) . ' is already installed and is the same as the ' . 'released version ' . $url['version'], -976); }
if (version_compare($version, $url['version'], '>')) { return PEAR::raiseError($this->_registry->parsedPackageNameToString( $parr, true) . ' is already installed and is newer than detected ' . 'released version ' . $url['version'], -976); } }
if (isset($url['info']['required']) || $url['compatible']) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v2.php'; $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v2; $pf->setRawChannel($parr['channel']); if ($url['compatible']) { $pf->setRawCompatible($url['compatible']); } } else { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1; }
$pf->setRawPackage($url['package']); $pf->setDeps($url['info']); if ($url['compatible']) { $pf->setCompatible($url['compatible']); }
$pf->setRawState($url['stability']); $url['info'] = &$pf; if (!extension_loaded("zlib") || isset($this->_options['nocompress'])) { $ext = '.tar'; } else { $ext = '.tgz'; }
if (is_array($url) && isset($url['url'])) { $url['url'] .= $ext; }
return $url; }
/** * @param array dependency array * @access private */ function _getDepPackageDownloadUrl($dep, $parr) { $xsdversion = isset($dep['rel']) ? '1.0' : '2.0'; $curchannel = $this->config->get('default_channel'); if (isset($dep['uri'])) { $xsdversion = '2.0'; $chan = &$this->_registry->getChannel('__uri'); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; }
$version = $this->_registry->packageInfo($dep['name'], 'version', '__uri'); $this->configSet('default_channel', '__uri'); } else { if (isset($dep['channel'])) { $remotechannel = $dep['channel']; } else { $remotechannel = ''; }
if (!$this->_registry->channelExists($remotechannel)) { do { if ($this->config->get('auto_discover')) { if ($this->discover($remotechannel)) { break; } } return PEAR::raiseError('Unknown remote channel: ' . $remotechannel); } while (false); }
$chan = &$this->_registry->getChannel($remotechannel); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return $chan; }
$version = $this->_registry->packageInfo($dep['name'], 'version', $remotechannel); $this->configSet('default_channel', $remotechannel); }
$state = isset($parr['state']) ? $parr['state'] : $this->config->get('preferred_state'); if (isset($parr['state']) && isset($parr['version'])) { unset($parr['state']); }
if (isset($dep['uri'])) { $info = &$this->newDownloaderPackage($this); PEAR::staticPushErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); $err = $info->initialize($dep); PEAR::staticPopErrorHandling(); if (!$err) { // skip parameters that were missed by preferred_state return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot initialize dependency'); }
if (PEAR::isError($err)) { if (!isset($this->_options['soft'])) { $this->log(0, $err->getMessage()); }
if (is_object($info)) { $param = $info->getChannel() . '/' . $info->getPackage(); } return PEAR::raiseError('Package "' . $param . '" is not valid'); } return $info; } elseif ($chan->supportsREST($this->config->get('preferred_mirror')) && ( ($base2 = $chan->getBaseURL('REST1.3', $this->config->get('preferred_mirror'))) || ($base = $chan->getBaseURL('REST1.0', $this->config->get('preferred_mirror'))) ) ) { if ($base2) { $base = $base2; $rest = &$this->config->getREST('1.3', $this->_options); } else { $rest = &$this->config->getREST('1.0', $this->_options); }
$url = $rest->getDepDownloadURL($base, $xsdversion, $dep, $parr, $state, $version, $chan->getName()); if (PEAR::isError($url)) { return $url; }
if ($parr['channel'] != $curchannel) { $this->configSet('default_channel', $curchannel); }
if (!is_array($url)) { return $url; }
$url['raw'] = false; // no checking is necessary for REST if (!is_array($url['info'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('Invalid remote dependencies retrieved from REST - ' . 'this should never happen'); }
if (isset($url['info']['required'])) { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v2')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v2.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v2; $pf->setRawChannel($remotechannel); } else { if (!class_exists('PEAR_PackageFile_v1')) { require_once 'PEAR/PackageFile/v1.php'; } $pf = new PEAR_PackageFile_v1;
} $pf->setRawPackage($url['package']); $pf->setDeps($url['info']); if ($url['compatible']) { $pf->setCompatible($url['compatible']); }
$pf->setRawState($url['stability']); $url['info'] = &$pf; if (!extension_loaded("zlib") || isset($this->_options['nocompress'])) { $ext = '.tar'; } else { $ext = '.tgz'; }
if (is_array($url) && isset($url['url'])) { $url['url'] .= $ext; }
return $url; }
return $this->raiseError($parr['channel'] . ' is using a unsupported protocol - This should never happen.'); }
/** * @deprecated in favor of _getPackageDownloadUrl */ function getPackageDownloadUrl($package, $version = null, $channel = false) { if ($version) { $package .= "-$version"; } if ($this === null || $this->_registry === null) { $package = "$package"; } else { $chan = $this->_registry->getChannel($channel); if (PEAR::isError($chan)) { return ''; } $package = "http://" . $chan->getServer() . "/get/$package"; } if (!extension_loaded("zlib")) { $package .= '?uncompress=yes'; } return $package; }
/** * Retrieve a list of downloaded packages after a call to {@link download()}. * * Also resets the list of downloaded packages. * @return array */ function getDownloadedPackages() { $ret = $this->_downloadedPackages; $this->_downloadedPackages = array(); $this->_toDownload = array(); return $ret; }
function _downloadCallback($msg, $params = null) { switch ($msg) { case 'saveas': $this->log(1, "downloading $params ..."); break; case 'done': $this->log(1, '...done: ' . number_format($params, 0, '', ',') . ' bytes'); break; case 'bytesread': static $bytes; if (empty($bytes)) { $bytes = 0; } if (!($bytes % 10240)) { $this->log(1, '.', false); } $bytes += $params; break; case 'start': if($params[1] == -1) { $length = "Unknown size"; } else { $length = number_format($params[1], 0, '', ',')." bytes"; } $this->log(1, "Starting to download {$params[0]} ($length)"); break; } if (method_exists($this->ui, '_downloadCallback')) $this->ui->_downloadCallback($msg, $params); }
function _prependPath($path, $prepend) { if (strlen($prepend) > 0) { if (OS_WINDOWS && preg_match('/^[a-z]:/i', $path)) { if (preg_match('/^[a-z]:/i', $prepend)) { $prepend = substr($prepend, 2); } elseif ($prepend{0} != '\\') { $prepend = "\\$prepend"; } $path = substr($path, 0, 2) . $prepend . substr($path, 2); } else { $path = $prepend . $path; } } return $path; }
/** * @param string * @param integer */ function pushError($errmsg, $code = -1) { array_push($this->_errorStack, array($errmsg, $code)); }
function getErrorMsgs() { $msgs = array(); $errs = $this->_errorStack; foreach ($errs as $err) { $msgs[] = $err[0]; } $this->_errorStack = array(); return $msgs; }
/** * for BC * * @deprecated */ function sortPkgDeps(&$packages, $uninstall = false) { $uninstall ? $this->sortPackagesForUninstall($packages) : $this->sortPackagesForInstall($packages); }
/** * Sort a list of arrays of array(downloaded packagefilename) by dependency. * * This uses the topological sort method from graph theory, and the * Structures_Graph package to properly sort dependencies for installation. * @param array an array of downloaded PEAR_Downloader_Packages * @return array array of array(packagefilename, package.xml contents) */ function sortPackagesForInstall(&$packages) { require_once 'Structures/Graph.php'; require_once 'Structures/Graph/Node.php'; require_once 'Structures/Graph/Manipulator/TopologicalSorter.php'; $depgraph = new Structures_Graph(true); $nodes = array(); $reg = &$this->config->getRegistry(); foreach ($packages as $i => $package) { $pname = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString( array( 'channel' => $package->getChannel(), 'package' => strtolower($package->getPackage()), )); $nodes[$pname] = new Structures_Graph_Node; $nodes[$pname]->setData($packages[$i]); $depgraph->addNode($nodes[$pname]); }
$deplinks = array(); foreach ($nodes as $package => $node) { $pf = &$node->getData(); $pdeps = $pf->getDeps(true); if (!$pdeps) { continue; }
if ($pf->getPackagexmlVersion() == '1.0') { foreach ($pdeps as $dep) { if ($dep['type'] != 'pkg' || (isset($dep['optional']) && $dep['optional'] == 'yes')) { continue; }
$dname = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString( array( 'channel' => '', 'package' => strtolower($dep['name']), ));
if (isset($nodes[$dname])) { if (!isset($deplinks[$dname])) { $deplinks[$dname] = array(); }
$deplinks[$dname][$package] = 1; // dependency is in installed packages continue; }
$dname = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString( array( 'channel' => '', 'package' => strtolower($dep['name']), ));
if (isset($nodes[$dname])) { if (!isset($deplinks[$dname])) { $deplinks[$dname] = array(); }
$deplinks[$dname][$package] = 1; // dependency is in installed packages continue; } } } else { // the only ordering we care about is: // 1) subpackages must be installed before packages that depend on them // 2) required deps must be installed before packages that depend on them if (isset($pdeps['required']['subpackage'])) { $t = $pdeps['required']['subpackage']; if (!isset($t[0])) { $t = array($t); }
$this->_setupGraph($t, $reg, $deplinks, $nodes, $package); }
if (isset($pdeps['group'])) { if (!isset($pdeps['group'][0])) { $pdeps['group'] = array($pdeps['group']); }
foreach ($pdeps['group'] as $group) { if (isset($group['subpackage'])) { $t = $group['subpackage']; if (!isset($t[0])) { $t = array($t); }
$this->_setupGraph($t, $reg, $deplinks, $nodes, $package); } } }
if (isset($pdeps['optional']['subpackage'])) { $t = $pdeps['optional']['subpackage']; if (!isset($t[0])) { $t = array($t); }
$this->_setupGraph($t, $reg, $deplinks, $nodes, $package); }
if (isset($pdeps['required']['package'])) { $t = $pdeps['required']['package']; if (!isset($t[0])) { $t = array($t); }
$this->_setupGraph($t, $reg, $deplinks, $nodes, $package); }
if (isset($pdeps['group'])) { if (!isset($pdeps['group'][0])) { $pdeps['group'] = array($pdeps['group']); }
foreach ($pdeps['group'] as $group) { if (isset($group['package'])) { $t = $group['package']; if (!isset($t[0])) { $t = array($t); }
$this->_setupGraph($t, $reg, $deplinks, $nodes, $package); } } } } }
$this->_detectDepCycle($deplinks); foreach ($deplinks as $dependent => $parents) { foreach ($parents as $parent => $unused) { $nodes[$dependent]->connectTo($nodes[$parent]); } }
$installOrder = Structures_Graph_Manipulator_TopologicalSorter::sort($depgraph); $ret = array(); for ($i = 0, $count = count($installOrder); $i < $count; $i++) { foreach ($installOrder[$i] as $index => $sortedpackage) { $data = &$installOrder[$i][$index]->getData(); $ret[] = &$nodes[$reg->parsedPackageNameToString( array( 'channel' => $data->getChannel(), 'package' => strtolower($data->getPackage()), ))]->getData(); } }
$packages = $ret; return; }
/** * Detect recursive links between dependencies and break the cycles * * @param array * @access private */ function _detectDepCycle(&$deplinks) { do { $keepgoing = false; foreach ($deplinks as $dep => $parents) { foreach ($parents as $parent => $unused) { // reset the parent cycle detector $this->_testCycle(null, null, null); if ($this->_testCycle($dep, $deplinks, $parent)) { $keepgoing = true; unset($deplinks[$dep][$parent]); if (count($deplinks[$dep]) == 0) { unset($deplinks[$dep]); }
continue 3; } } } } while ($keepgoing); }
function _testCycle($test, $deplinks, $dep) { static $visited = array(); if ($test === null) { $visited = array(); return; }
// this happens when a parent has a dep cycle on another dependency // but the child is not part of the cycle if (isset($visited[$dep])) { return false; }
$visited[$dep] = 1; if ($test == $dep) { return true; }
if (isset($deplinks[$dep])) { if (in_array($test, array_keys($deplinks[$dep]), true)) { return true; }
foreach ($deplinks[$dep] as $parent => $unused) { if ($this->_testCycle($test, $deplinks, $parent)) { return true; } } }
return false; }
/** * Set up the dependency for installation parsing * * @param array $t dependency information * @param PEAR_Registry $reg * @param array $deplinks list of dependency links already established * @param array $nodes all existing package nodes * @param string $package parent package name * @access private */ function _setupGraph($t, $reg, &$deplinks, &$nodes, $package) { foreach ($t as $dep) { $depchannel = !isset($dep['channel']) ? '__uri': $dep['channel']; $dname = $reg->parsedPackageNameToString( array( 'channel' => $depchannel, 'package' => strtolower($dep['name']), ));
if (isset($nodes[$dname])) { if (!isset($deplinks[$dname])) { $deplinks[$dname] = array(); } $deplinks[$dname][$package] = 1; } } }
function _dependsOn($a, $b) { return $this->_checkDepTree(strtolower($a->getChannel()), strtolower($a->getPackage()), $b); }
function _checkDepTree($channel, $package, $b, $checked = array()) { $checked[$channel][$package] = true; if (!isset($this->_depTree[$channel][$package])) { return false; }
if (isset($this->_depTree[$channel][$package][strtolower($b->getChannel())] [strtolower($b->getPackage())])) { return true; }
foreach ($this->_depTree[$channel][$package] as $ch => $packages) { foreach ($packages as $pa => $true) { if ($this->_checkDepTree($ch, $pa, $b, $checked)) { return true; } } }
return false; }
function _sortInstall($a, $b) { if (!$a->getDeps() && !$b->getDeps()) { return 0; // neither package has dependencies, order is insignificant } if ($a->getDeps() && !$b->getDeps()) { return 1; // $a must be installed after $b because $a has dependencies } if (!$a->getDeps() && $b->getDeps()) { return -1; // $b must be installed after $a because $b has dependencies } // both packages have dependencies if ($this->_dependsOn($a, $b)) { return 1; } if ($this->_dependsOn($b, $a)) { return -1; } return 0; }
/** * Download a file through HTTP. Considers suggested file name in * Content-disposition: header and can run a callback function for * different events. The callback will be called with two * parameters: the callback type, and parameters. The implemented * callback types are: * * 'setup' called at the very beginning, parameter is a UI object * that should be used for all output * 'message' the parameter is a string with an informational message * 'saveas' may be used to save with a different file name, the * parameter is the filename that is about to be used. * If a 'saveas' callback returns a non-empty string, * that file name will be used as the filename instead. * Note that $save_dir will not be affected by this, only * the basename of the file. * 'start' download is starting, parameter is number of bytes * that are expected, or -1 if unknown * 'bytesread' parameter is the number of bytes read so far * 'done' download is complete, parameter is the total number * of bytes read * 'connfailed' if the TCP/SSL connection fails, this callback is called * with array(host,port,errno,errmsg) * 'writefailed' if writing to disk fails, this callback is called * with array(destfile,errmsg) * * If an HTTP proxy has been configured (http_proxy PEAR_Config * setting), the proxy will be used. * * @param string $url the URL to download * @param object $ui PEAR_Frontend_* instance * @param object $config PEAR_Config instance * @param string $save_dir directory to save file in * @param mixed $callback function/method to call for status * updates * @param false|string|array $lastmodified header values to check against for caching * use false to return the header values from this download * @param false|array $accept Accept headers to send * @param false|string $channel Channel to use for retrieving authentication * @return string|array Returns the full path of the downloaded file or a PEAR * error on failure. If the error is caused by * socket-related errors, the error object will * have the fsockopen error code available through * getCode(). If caching is requested, then return the header * values. * * @access public */ function downloadHttp($url, &$ui, $save_dir = '.', $callback = null, $lastmodified = null, $accept = false, $channel = false) { static $redirect = 0; // always reset , so we are clean case of error $wasredirect = $redirect; $redirect = 0; if ($callback) { call_user_func($callback, 'setup', array(&$ui)); }
$info = parse_url($url); if (!isset($info['scheme']) || !in_array($info['scheme'], array('http', 'https'))) { return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot download non-http URL "' . $url . '"'); }
if (!isset($info['host'])) { return PEAR::raiseError('Cannot download from non-URL "' . $url . '"'); }
$host = isset($info['host']) ? $info['host'] : null; $port = isset($info['port']) ? $info['port'] : null; $path = isset($info['path']) ? $info['path'] : null;
if (isset($this)) { $config = &$this->config; } else { $config = &PEAR_Config::singleton(); }
$proxy_host = $proxy_port = $proxy_user = $proxy_pass = ''; if ($config->get('http_proxy') && $proxy = parse_url($config->get('http_proxy'))) { $proxy_host = isset($proxy['host']) ? $proxy['host'] : null; if (isset($proxy['scheme']) && $proxy['scheme'] == 'https') { $proxy_host = 'ssl://' . $proxy_host; } $proxy_port = isset($proxy['port']) ? $proxy['port'] : 8080; $proxy_user = isset($proxy['user']) ? urldecode($proxy['user']) : null; $proxy_pass = isset($proxy['pass']) ? urldecode($proxy['pass']) : null;
if ($callback) { call_user_func($callback, 'message', "Using HTTP proxy $host:$port"); } }
if (empty($port)) { $port = (isset($info['scheme']) && $info['scheme'] == 'https') ? 443 : 80; }
$scheme = (isset($info['scheme']) && $info['scheme'] == 'https') ? 'https' : 'http';
if ($proxy_host != '') { $fp = @fsockopen($proxy_host, $proxy_port, $errno, $errstr); if (!$fp) { if ($callback) { call_user_func($callback, 'connfailed', array($proxy_host, $proxy_port, $errno, $errstr)); } return PEAR::raiseError("Connection to `$proxy_host:$proxy_port' failed: $errstr", $errno); }
if ($lastmodified === false || $lastmodified) { $request = "GET $url HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $request .= "Host: $host\r\n"; } else { $request = "GET $url HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $request .= "Host: $host\r\n"; } } else { $network_host = $host; if (isset($info['scheme']) && $info['scheme'] == 'https') { $network_host = 'ssl://' . $host; }
$fp = @fsockopen($network_host, $port, $errno, $errstr); if (!$fp) { if ($callback) { call_user_func($callback, 'connfailed', array($host, $port, $errno, $errstr)); } return PEAR::raiseError("Connection to `$host:$port' failed: $errstr", $errno); }
if ($lastmodified === false || $lastmodified) { $request = "GET $path HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $request .= "Host: $host\r\n"; } else { $request = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $request .= "Host: $host\r\n"; } }
$ifmodifiedsince = ''; if (is_array($lastmodified)) { if (isset($lastmodified['Last-Modified'])) { $ifmodifiedsince = 'If-Modified-Since: ' . $lastmodified['Last-Modified'] . "\r\n"; }
if (isset($lastmodified['ETag'])) { $ifmodifiedsince .= "If-None-Match: $lastmodified[ETag]\r\n"; } } else { $ifmodifiedsince = ($lastmodified ? "If-Modified-Since: $lastmodified\r\n" : ''); }
$request .= $ifmodifiedsince . "User-Agent: PEAR/1.9.1/PHP/" . PHP_VERSION . "\r\n";
if (isset($this)) { // only pass in authentication for non-static calls $username = $config->get('username', null, $channel); $password = $config->get('password', null, $channel); if ($username && $password) { $tmp = base64_encode("$username:$password"); $request .= "Authorization: Basic $tmp\r\n"; } }
if ($proxy_host != '' && $proxy_user != '') { $request .= 'Proxy-Authorization: Basic ' . base64_encode($proxy_user . ':' . $proxy_pass) . "\r\n"; }
if ($accept) { $request .= 'Accept: ' . implode(', ', $accept) . "\r\n"; }
$request .= "Connection: close\r\n"; $request .= "\r\n"; fwrite($fp, $request); $headers = array(); $reply = 0; while (trim($line = fgets($fp, 1024))) { if (preg_match('/^([^:]+):\s+(.*)\s*\\z/', $line, $matches)) { $headers[strtolower($matches[1])] = trim($matches[2]); } elseif (preg_match('|^HTTP/1.[01] ([0-9]{3}) |', $line, $matches)) { $reply = (int)$matches[1]; if ($reply == 304 && ($lastmodified || ($lastmodified === false))) { return false; }
if (!in_array($reply, array(200, 301, 302, 303, 305, 307))) { return PEAR::raiseError("File $scheme://$host:$port$path not valid (received: $line)"); } } }
if ($reply != 200) { if (!isset($headers['location'])) { return PEAR::raiseError("File $scheme://$host:$port$path not valid (redirected but no location)"); }
if ($wasredirect > 4) { return PEAR::raiseError("File $scheme://$host:$port$path not valid (redirection looped more than 5 times)"); }
$redirect = $wasredirect + 1; return $this->downloadHttp($headers['location'], $ui, $save_dir, $callback, $lastmodified, $accept); }
if (isset($headers['content-disposition']) && preg_match('/\sfilename=\"([^;]*\S)\"\s*(;|\\z)/', $headers['content-disposition'], $matches)) { $save_as = basename($matches[1]); } else { $save_as = basename($url); }
if ($callback) { $tmp = call_user_func($callback, 'saveas', $save_as); if ($tmp) { $save_as = $tmp; } }
$dest_file = $save_dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $save_as; if (is_link($dest_file)) { return PEAR::raiseError('SECURITY ERROR: Will not write to ' . $dest_file . ' as it is symlinked to ' . readlink($dest_file) . ' - Possible symlink attack'); }
if (!$wp = @fopen($dest_file, 'wb')) { fclose($fp); if ($callback) { call_user_func($callback, 'writefailed', array($dest_file, $php_errormsg)); } return PEAR::raiseError("could not open $dest_file for writing"); }
$length = isset($headers['content-length']) ? $headers['content-length'] : -1;
$bytes = 0; if ($callback) { call_user_func($callback, 'start', array(basename($dest_file), $length)); }
while ($data = fread($fp, 1024)) { $bytes += strlen($data); if ($callback) { call_user_func($callback, 'bytesread', $bytes); } if (!@fwrite($wp, $data)) { fclose($fp); if ($callback) { call_user_func($callback, 'writefailed', array($dest_file, $php_errormsg)); } return PEAR::raiseError("$dest_file: write failed ($php_errormsg)"); } }
fclose($fp); fclose($wp); if ($callback) { call_user_func($callback, 'done', $bytes); }
if ($lastmodified === false || $lastmodified) { if (isset($headers['etag'])) { $lastmodified = array('ETag' => $headers['etag']); }
if (isset($headers['last-modified'])) { if (is_array($lastmodified)) { $lastmodified['Last-Modified'] = $headers['last-modified']; } else { $lastmodified = $headers['last-modified']; } } return array($dest_file, $lastmodified, $headers); } return $dest_file; } }