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gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor — Compose a GtkSourceBuffer for printing.


class gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor(gobject.GObject):
def draw_page(context, page_nr)
def get_body_font_name()
def get_bottom_margin(unit)
def get_buffer()
def get_footer_font_name()
def get_header_font_name()
def get_highlight_syntax()
def get_left_margin(unit)
def get_line_numbers_font_name()
def get_n_pages()
def get_pagination_progress()
def get_print_footer()
def get_print_header()
def get_print_line_numbers()
def get_right_margin(unit)
def get_tab_width()
def get_top_margin(unit)
def get_wrap_mode()
def paginate(context)
def set_body_font_name(font_name)
def set_bottom_margin(margin, unit)
def set_footer_font_name(font_name)
def set_footer_format(separator, left, center, right)
def set_header_font_name(font_name)
def set_header_format(separator, left, center, right)
def set_highlight_syntax(highlight)
def set_left_margin(margin, unit)
def set_line_numbers_font_name(font_name)
def set_print_footer(print)
def set_print_header(print)
def set_print_line_numbers(interval)
def set_right_margin(margin, unit)
def set_tab_width(width)
def set_top_margin(margin, unit)
def set_wrap_mode(wrap_mode)

    def gtksourceview2.print_compositor_new_from_view(view)


"body-font-name"Read-WriteName of the font used for the text body. Accepted values are strings representing a font description Pango can understand. (e.g. "Monospace 10"). See pango.FontDescription() constructor for a description of the format of the string representation. The value of this property cannot be changed anymore after the firstcall to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method. Default value: None. Since 2.2.
"buffer"Read-Write-ConstructThe gtksourceview2.Buffer object to print. Since 2.2.
"footer-font-name"Read-WriteName of the font used to print page footer. If this property is unspecified, the text body font is used. Accepted values are strings representing a font description Pango can understand. (e.g. "Monospace 10"). See pango.FontDescription() constructor for a description of the format of the string representation. The value of this property cannot be changed anymore after the first callto the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method. Default value: None. Since 2.2.
"header-font-name"Read-WriteName of the font used to print page footer. If this property is unspecified, the text body font is used. Accepted values are strings representing a font description Pango can understand. (e.g. "Monospace 10"). See pango.FontDescription() constructor for a description of the format of the string representation. The value of this property cannot be changed anymore after the first callto the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method. Default value: None. Since 2.2.
"highlight-syntax"Read-WriteWhether to print the document with highlighted syntax. The value of this property cannot be changed anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method. Default value: True. Since 2.2.
"line-numbers-font-name"Read-WriteName of the font used to print page footer. If this property is unspecified, the text body font is used. Accepted values are strings representing a font description Pango can understand. (e.g. "Monospace 10"). See pango.FontDescription() constructor for a description of the format of the string representation. The value of this property cannot be changed anymore after the first callto the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method. Default value: None. Since 2.2.
"n-pages"ReadThe number of pages in the document or -1 if the document has not been completely paginated. Allowed values: >= -1. Default value: -1. Since 2.2
"print-footer"Read-WriteWhether to print a footer in each page. Note that by default the footer format is unspecified, and if it is unspecified the footer will not be printed, regardless of the value of this property. The value of this property cannot be changed anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method. Default value: False. Since 2.2.
"print-header"Read-WriteWhether to print a header in each page. Note that by default the header format is unspecified, and if it is unspecified the header will not be printed, regardless of the value of this property. The value of this property cannot be changed anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method. Default value: False. Since 2.2.
"print-line-numbers"Read-WriteInterval of printed line numbers. If this property is set to 0 no numbers will be printed. If greater than 0, a number will be printed every "print-line-numbers" lines (i.e. 1 will print all line numbers). The value of this property cannot be changed anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method. Allowed values: <= 100. Default value: 1. Since 2.2.
"tab-width"Read-WriteWidth of a tab character expressed in spaces. The value of this property cannot be changed anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method. Allowed values: [1,32]. Default value: 8. Since 2.2.
"wrap-mode"Read-WriteWhether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries. The value of this property cannot be changed anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method. Default value: gtk.WRAP_NONE. Since 2.2.


The gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor object is used to compose a gtksourceview2.buffer for printing. You can set various configuration options to customize the printed output. gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor is designed to be used with the high-level printing API of gtk+, i.e. gtk.PrintOperation.

The margins specified in this object are the layout margins: they define the blank space bordering the printed area of the pages. They must not be confused with the "print margins", i.e. the parts of the page that the printer cannot print on, defined in the gtk.PageSetup objects. If the specified layout margins are smaller than the "print margins", the latter ones are used as a fallback by the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor object, so that the printed area is not clipped.



buffer :

a gtksourceview2.Buffer

Returns :

a new gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.

Creates a new gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor that can be used to print buffer.



    def draw_page(context, page_nr)

context :

the gtk.PrintContext encapsulating the context information that is required when drawing the page for printing.

page_nr :

the number of the page to print.

The draw_page() method draws page page_nr for printing on the the Cairo context encapsuled in context. This method has been designed to be called in the handler of the "draw_page" signal as shown in the following example:

# Signal handler for the GtkPrintOperation::draw_page signal

def draw_page(operation, context, page_nr, compositor)
    compositor.draw_page(context, page_nr)


    def get_body_font_name()

Returns :

a new string containing the name of the font used to print the text body.

The get_body_font_name() method returns the name of the font used to print the text body.


    def get_bottom_margin(unit)

unit :

the unit for the return value.

Returns :

the bottom margin.

The get_bottom_margin() method gets the bottom margin in units of unit.


    def get_buffer()

Returns :

the gtksourceview2.Buffer associated with the compositor.

The get_buffer() method gets the gtksourceview2.Buffer associated with the compositor.


    def (get_footer_font_name)

Returns :

a new string containing the name of the font used to print the page footer.

The get_footer_font_name() method returns the name of the font used to print the page footer.


    def get_header_font_name()

Returns :

a new string containing the name of the font used to print the page header.

The get_header_font_name() method Returns the name of the font used to print the page header


    def get_highlight_syntax()

Returns :

True if the printed output will be highlighted.

The get_highlight_syntax() method determines whether the printed text will be highlighted according to the buffer rules. Note that highlighting will happen only if the buffer to print has highlighting activated.


    def get_left_margin(unit)

unit :

the unit for the return value.

Returns :

the left margin

The get_left_margin() method gets the left margin in units of unit.


    def get_line_numbers_font_name()

Returns :

a new string containing the name of the font used to print line numbers on the left margin.

The get_line_numbers_font_name() method returns the name of the font used to print line numbers on the left margin.


    def get_n_pages()

Returns :

the number of pages in the document or -1 if the document has not been completely paginated.

The get_n_pages() method returns the number of pages in the document or -1 if the document has not been completely paginated.


    def get_pagination_progress()

Returns :

a fraction from 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive

The get_pagination_progress() method returns the current fraction of the document pagination that has been completed.


    def get_print_footer()

Returns :

True if the footer is set to be printed.

The get_print_footer() method determines if a footer is set to be printed for each page. A footer will be printed if this function returns True and some format strings have been specified with gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.set_footer_format().


    def get_print_header()

Returns :

True if the header is set to be printed.

The get_print_header() method determines if a header is set to be printed for each page. A header will be printed if this function returns True and some format strings have been specified with gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.set_header_format().


    def get_print_line_numbers()

Returns :

the interval of printed line numbers.

The get_print_line_numbers() method returns the interval used for line number printing. If the value is 0, no line numbers will be printed. The default value is 1 (i.e. numbers printed in all lines).


    def get_right_margin(unit)

unit :

the unit for the return value.

Returns :

the right margin

The get_right_margin() method gets the right margin in units of unit.


    def get_tab_width()

Returns :

width of tab.

The get_tab_width() method returns the width of tabulation in characters for printed text.


    def get_top_margin(unit)

unit :

the unit for the return value.

Returns :

the top margin

The get_top_margin() method gets the top margin in units of unit.


    def get_wrap_mode()

Returns :

the line wrap mode.

The get_wrap_mode() method gets the line wrapping mode for the printed text.


    def paginate(context)

context :

the gtk.PrintContext encapsulating the context information that is required when drawing the page for printing.

Returns :

True if the document has been completely paginated, False otherwise.

The paginate() method paginate the document associated with the compositor.

In order to support non-blocking pagination, document is paginated in small chunks. Each time gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() is invoked, a chunk of the document is paginated. To paginate the entire document, gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() must be invoked multiple times. It returns True if the document has been completely paginated, otherwise it returns False.

This method has been designed to be invoked in the handler of the "paginate" signal, as shown in the following example:

# Signal handler for the GtkPrintOperation::paginate signal

def paginate(operation, context, compositor)
    if compositor.paginate(context):
        n_pages = compositor.get_n_pages()
        return True
        return False

If you don't need to do pagination in chunks, you can simply do it all in the "begin-print" handler, and set the number of pages from there, like in the following example:

# Signal handler for the GtkPrintOperation::begin-print signal

def begin_print(operation, context, compositor)
    while compositor.paginate(context):
        n_pages = compositor.get_n_pages()


    def set_body_font_name(font_name)

font_name :

the name of the default font for the body of text.

The set_body_font_name() method sets the default font for the printed text. font_name should be a string representation of a font description Pango can understand. (e.g. "Monospace 10"). See pango.FontDescription() for a description of the format of the string representation. This function cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.


    def set_bottom_margin(margin, unit)

margin :

the new bottom margin in units of unit

unit :

the units for margin

The set_bottom_margin() method sets the bottom margin used by compositor.


    def set_footer_font_name(font_name)

font_name :

the name of the default font for the footer text. or None.

The set_footer_font_name() method Sets the font for printing the page footer. If None is supplied, the default font (i.e. the one being used for the text) will be used instead. font_name should be a string representation of a font description Pango can understand. (e.g. "Monospace 10"). See pango.FontDescription() for a description of the format of the string representation. This function cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.


    def set_footer_format(separator, left, center, right)

separator :

True if you want a separator line to be printed.

left :

a format string to print on the left of the footer.

center :

a format string to print on the center of the footer.

right :

a format string to print on the right of the footer.

The set_footer_format() method sets strftime like header format strings, to be printed on the left, center and right of the bottom of each page. The strings may include strftime(3) codes which will be expanded at print time. All strftime() codes are accepted, with the addition of N for the page number and Q for the page count.

separator specifies if a solid line should be drawn to separate the footer from the document text.

If None is given for any of the three arguments, that particular string will not be printed.

For the footer to be printed, in addition to specifying format strings, you need to enable footer printing with gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.set_print_footer().

This method cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.


    def set_header_font_name(font_name)

font_name :

the name of the default font for the footer text. or None.

The set_header_font_name() method Sets the font for printing the page header. If None is supplied, the default font (i.e. the one being used for the text) will be used instead. font_name should be a string representation of a font description Pango can understand. (e.g. "Monospace 10"). See pango.FontDescription() for a description of the format of the string representation. This function cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.


    def set_header_format(separator, left, center, right)

separator :

True if you want a separator line to be printed.

left :

a format string to print on the left of the header.

center :

a format string to print on the center of the header.

right :

a format string to print on the right of the header.

The set_header_format() method sets strftime like header format strings, to be printed on the left, center and right of the top of each page. The strings may include strftime(3) codes which will be expanded at print time. All strftime() codes are accepted, with the addition of N for the page number and Q for the page count.

separator specifies if a solid line should be drawn to separate the footer from the document text.

If None is given for any of the three arguments, that particular string will not be printed.

For the header to be printed, in addition to specifying format strings, you need to enable header printing with gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.set_print_header().

This method cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.


    def set_highlight_syntax(highlight)

highlight :

whether syntax should be highlighted.

The set_highlight_syntax() method sets whether the printed text will be highlighted according to the buffer rules. Both color and font style are applied. This function cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.


    def set_left_margin(margin, unit)

margin :

the new left margin in units of unit

unit :

the units for margin

The set_left_margin() method sets the left margin used by compositor.


    def set_line_numbers_font_name(font_name)

font_name :

the name of the default font for the line numbers. or None.

The set_line_numbers_font_name() method sets the font for printing the line numbers. If None is supplied, the default font (i.e. the one being used for the text) will be used instead. font_name should be a string representation of a font description Pango can understand. (e.g. "Monospace 10"). See pango.FontDescription() for a description of the format of the string representation. This function cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.


    def set_print_footer(print)

print :

True if you want the footer to be printed.

The set_print_footer method sets whether you want to print a footer in each page. The footer consists of three pieces of text and an optional line separator, configurable with gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.set_footer_format().

Note that by default the footer format is unspecified, and if it's empty it will not be printed, regardless of this setting.

This function cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.


    def set_print_header(print)

print :

True if you want the header to be printed.

The set_print_header() method sets whether you want to print a header in each page. The footer consists of three pieces of text and an optional line separator, configurable with gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.set_header_format().

Note that by default the header format is unspecified, and if it's empty it will not be printed, regardless of this setting.

This function cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.


    def set_print_line_numbers(interval)

interval :

interval for printed line numbers.

The set_print_line_numbers() method sets the interval for printed line numbers. If interval is 0 no numbers will be printed. If greater than 0, a number will be printed every interval lines (i.e. 1 will print all line numbers).

Maximum accepted value for interval is 100.

This function cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.


    def set_right_margin(margin, unit)

margin :

the new left margin in units of unit

unit :

the units for margin

The set_right_margin() method sets the right margin used by compositor.


    def set_tab_width(width)

width :

width of tab.

The set_right_margin() method returns the width of tabulation in characters for printed text.


    def set_top_margin(margin, unit)

margin :

the new left margin in units of unit

unit :

the units for margin

The set_top_margin() method sets the top margin used by compositor.


    def set_wrap_mode(wrap_mode)

wrap_mode :


The set_right_margin() method sets the line wrapping mode for the printed text.

This function cannot be called anymore after the first call to the gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.paginate() method.



    def gtksourceview2.print_compositor_new_from_view()

wrap_mode :

a gtksourceview2.View to get configuration from.

Returns :

a gtksourceview2.PrintCompositor.

The print_compositor_new_from_view() function creates a new print compositor that can be used to print the buffer associated with view. This constructor sets some configuration properties to make the printed output match view as much as possible. The properties set are "tab-width", "highlight-syntax", "wrap-mode", "body-font-name" and "print-line-numbers".

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019] maintained by KaizenLouie | C99Shell Github | Generation time: 0.0084 ]--