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gtksourceview2.Buffer — Text buffer object for gtksourceview2.View


class gtksourceview2.Buffer(gtk.TextBuffer):
def backward_iter_to_source_mark(iter, category=None)
def begin_not_undoable_action()
def can_redo()
def can_undo()
def create_source_mark(name, category, where)
def end_not_undoable_action()
def ensure_highlight(start, end)
def forward_iter_to_source_mark(iter, category=None)
def get_highlight_matching_brackets()
def get_highlight_syntax()
def get_language()
def get_source_marks_at_iter(iter, category=None)
def get_source_marks_at_line(line, category=None)
def get_max_undo_levels()
def get_style_scheme()
def redo()
def remove_source_marks(start, end, category=None)
def set_highlight_matching_brackets(highlight)
def set_highlight_syntax(highlight)
def set_language(language)
def set_max_undo_levels(max_undo_levels)
def set_style_scheme(scheme)
def undo()

    def gtksourceview2.iter_backward_search(iter, str, flags, limit)
def gtksourceview2.iter_forward_search(iter, str, flags, limit)


+-- gobject.GObject
    +-- gtk.TextBuffer
        +-- gtksourceview2.Buffer


"can-redo"ReadWhether Redo operation is possible. Default value: False.
"can-undo"ReadWhether Undo operation is possible. Default value: False.
"highlight-matching-brackets"Read-WriteWhether to highlight matching brackets in the buffer. Default value: True.
"highlight-syntax"Read-WriteWhether to highlight syntax in the buffer. Default value: True.
"language"Read-WriteLanguage object to get highlighting patterns from.
"max-undo-levels"Read-WriteNumber of undo levels for the buffer. -1 means no limit. Allowed values: >= -1 Default value: 1000.

Signal Prototypes


def callback(sourceview, arg1, arg2, user_param1, ...)


def callback(sourceview, arg1, user_param1, ...)


The gtksourceview2.Buffer is the model for gtksourceview.View widgets. It extends the gtk.TextBuffer object by adding features necessary to display and edit source code: syntax highlighting, bracket matching and markers. It also implements support for undo/redo operations.

To create a gtksourceview2.Buffer use the constructor.

By default highlighting is enabled, but you can disable it with set_highlight_syntax().


    gtksourceview2.Buffer(table=None, language=None)

table :

a gtk.TextTagTable or None

language :

a gtksourceview2.Language or None

Returns :

a new gtksourceview2.Buffer.

Creates a new gtksourceview2.Buffer object.



    def backward_iter_to_source_mark(iter, category=None)

iter :

a gtk.TextIter

category :

category to search for or None.

Returns :

whether iter moved.

The backward_iter_to_source_mark() method moves iter to the position of the previous gtksourceview2.Mark of the given category. Returns True if iter was moved. If category is None, the previous source mark can be of any category.


    def begin_not_undoable_action()

The begin_not_undoable_action() marks the beginning of a not undoable action on the buffer, disabling the undo manager. Typically you would call this function before initially setting the contents of the buffer (e.g. when loading a file in a text editor).

You may nest begin_not_undoable_action() / end_not_undoable_action() blocks.


    def can_redo()

Returns :

True if a redo is possible.

The can_redo() method Determines whether a source buffer can redo the last action (i.e. if the last operation was an undo).


    def can_undo()

Returns :

True if it's possible to undo the last action.

The can_undo() method determines whether a source buffer can undo the last action.


    def create_source_mark(name, category, where)

name :

the name of the mark, or None.

category :

a string defining the mark category.

where :

location to place the mark.

Returns :

a new gtksourceview2.Mark

The create_source_mark() method creates a mark in the gtksourceview2.Buffer of category category. A mark is semantically very similar to a gtk.TextMark, but organised into categories.

Like a gtk.TextMark, a gtksourceview2.Mark can be anonymous if the passed name is None.

Like a gtk.TextMark, a gtksourceview2.Marker can be anonymous if the passed name is None. Also, the buffer owns the markers so you shouldn't unreference it.

Marks always have left gravity and are moved to the beginning of the line when the user deletes the line they were in. Also, if the user deletes a region of text which contained lines with markers, those are deleted.

Typical uses for marks are bookmarks, breakpoints, current executing instruction indication in a source file, etc..


    def end_not_undoable_action()

The end_not_undoable_action() method marks the end of a not undoable action on the buffer. When the last not undoable block is closed through the call to this function, the list of undo actions is cleared and the undo manager is re-enabled.


    def ensure_highlight(start, end)

start :

start of the area to highlight.

end :

end of the area to highlight.

The ensure_highlight() method forces buffer to analyze and highlight the given area synchronously.


    def forward_iter_to_source_mark(iter, category=None)

iter :

a gtk.TextIter

category :

category to search for or None.

Returns :

whether iter moved.

The forward_iter_to_source_mark() method moves iter to the position of the next gtksourceview2.Mark of the given category. Returns True if iter was moved. If category is None, the previous source mark can be of any category.


    def get_highlight_matching_brackets()

Returns :

True if the matching brackets highlight is active, False otherwise.

The get_highlight_matching_brackets() method determines whether bracket match highlighting is activated for the source buffer.


    def get_highlight_syntax()

Returns :

True if the source highlighting is activated in the buffer, False otherwise.

The get_highlight_syntax() method determines whether syntax highlighting is activated in the source buffer.


    def get_language()

Returns :

the gtksourceview2.Language set by set_language.

The get_language() method returns the gtksourceview2.Language associated with the buffer, see gtksourceview2.Buffer.set_language().


    def get_source_marks_at_iter(iter, category=None)

iter :

a gtk.TextIter.

category :

category to search for or None

Returns :

a list of gtksourceview2.Mark.

The get_source_marks_at_iter() method returns the list of marks of the given category at iter. If category is None it returns all marks at iter.


    def get_source_marks_at_line(iter, category=None)

iter :

a gtk.TextIter.

category :

category to search for or None

Returns :

a list of gtksourceview2.Mark.

The get_source_marks_at_line() method returns the list of marks of the given category at line. If category is None it returns all marks at line.


    def get_max_undo_levels()

Returns :

the maximum number of possible undo levels or -1 if no limit is set.

The get_max_undo_levels() method determines the number of undo levels the buffer will track for buffer edits.


    def get_style_scheme()

Returns :

the gtksourceview2.StyleScheme set by gtksourceview2.Buffer.set_style_scheme(), or None.

The get_style_scheme() method returns the nearest marker to the right of iter. If there are multiple markers at the same position, this function will always return the first one (from the internal linked list), even if starting the search exactly at its location. You can get the others using gtksourceview2.Marker.next().


    def redo()

The redo() method redoes the last undo operation. Use gtksourceview2.Buffer.can_redo to check whether a call to this function will have any effect.


    def remove_source_marks(start, end, category=None)

start :

a gtk.TextIter

end :

a gtk.TextIter

category :

category to search for or None.

The remove_source_marks() method remove all marks of category between start and end from the buffer. If category is None, all marks in the range will be removed.


    def set_highlight_matching_brackets(highlight)

highlight :

True if you want matching brackets highlighted.

The set_highlight_matching_brackets() method Controls the bracket match highlighting function in the buffer. If activated, when you position your ursor over a bracket character (a parenthesis, a square bracket, etc.) the matching opening or closing bracket character will be highlighted.


    def set_highlight_syntax(highlight)

highlight :

True to enable syntax highlighting, False to disable it.

The set_highlight_syntax() method controls whether syntax is highlighted in the buffer. If highlight is True, the text will be highlighted according to the syntax patterns specified in the language set with gtksourceview2.Buffer.set_language(). If highlight is False, syntax highlighting is disabled and all the GtkTextTag objects that have been added by the syntax highlighting engine are removed from the buffer.


    def set_language(language)

language :

A gtksourceview2.Language or None.

The set_language() method associate a gtksourceview2.Language with the source buffer. If language is not-None and syntax highlighting is enabled (see gtksourceview2.Buffer.set_highlight_syntax()), the syntax patterns defined in language will be used to highlight the text contained in the buffer. If language is None, the text contained in the buffer is not highlighted.


    def set_max_undo_levels(max_undo_levels)

max_undo_levels :

the desired maximum number of undo levels.

The set_max_undo_levels() method sets the number of undo levels for user actions the buffer will track. If the number of user actions exceeds the limit set by this function, older actions will be discarded.

If max_undo_levels is -1, no limit is set.

A new action is started whenever the function gtk.TextBuffer.begin_user_action is called. In general, this happens whenever the user presses any key which modifies the buffer, but the undo manager will try to merge similar consecutive actions, such as multiple character insertions into one action. But, inserting a newline does start a new action.


    def set_style_scheme(scheme)

scheme :

a style scheme.

The set_style_scheme() method sets the style scheme used by the buffer.


    def undo()

The undo() Undoes the last user action which modified the buffer. Use gtksourceview2.Buffer.can_undo to check whether a call to this function will have any effect.

Actions are defined as groups of operations between a call to gtk.TextBuffer.begin_user_action() and gtk.TextBuffer.end_user_action(), or sequences of similar edits (inserts or deletes) on the same line.


The "highlight-updated" gtksourceview2.Buffer Signal

    def callback(sourcebuffer, start, end, user_param1, ...)

sourcebuffer :

the sourcebuffer that received the signal

start :

the gtk.TextIter at the start of the updated region.

end :

the gtk.TextIter at the end of the updated region.

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)

The "highlight-updated" signal is emitted whenever the syntax highlighting information has been updated, so that views can request a redraw if the region changed is visible. Usually only view widgets displaying this buffer will be interested in this signal.

The "marker-updated" gtksourceview2.Buffer Signal

    def callback(sourcebuffer, arg1, user_param1, ...)

sourcebuffer :

the sourcebuffer that received the signal

arg1 :

the gtk.TextMark at the location where the change occurred.

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)

The "source-mark-updated" signal is emitted whenever a mark is added to, moved or removed from the buffer.



    def gtksourceview2.iter_backward_search(iter, str, flags, limit)

iter :

a gtk.TextIter where the search begins.

str :

search string.

flags :

bitmask of flags affecting the search.

limit :

location of last possible match_start, or None for start of buffer.

Returns :

start of match and end of match

The iter_backward_search() function is the same as the gtksourceview2.iter_forward_search() function, except searches backward.


    def gtksourceview2.iter_forward_search(iter, str, flags, limit)

iter :

a gtk.TextIter where the search begins.

str :

search string.

flags :

bitmask of flags affecting the search.

limit :

bound for the search, or None for the end of the buffer.

Returns :

start of match and end of match

The iter_forward_search() function searches forward for str and returns a tuple containing gtk.TextIter objects that point at the start and end locations of the match. The search will not continue past limit. Note that a search is a linear or O(n) operation, so you may wish to use limit to avoid locking up your UI on large buffers.

If the gtksourceview2.SOURCE_SEARCH_VISIBLE_ONLY flag is present, the match may have invisible text interspersed in str. i.e. str will be a possibly-noncontiguous subsequence of the matched range. similarly, if you specify gtksourceview2.SOURCE_SEARCH_TEXT_ONLY, the match may have pixbufs or child widgets mixed inside the matched range. If these flags are not given, the match must be exact; the special 0xFFFC character in str will match embedded pixbufs or child widgets. If you specify the gtksourceview2.SOURCE_SEARCH_CASE_INSENSITIVE flag, the text will be matched regardless of what case it is in.

Same as gtk.TextIter.forward_search(), but supports case insensitive searching.

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019] maintained by KaizenLouie | C99Shell Github | Generation time: 0.0089 ]--