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#! /usr/bin/python #Python Serial Port Extension for Win32, Linux, BSD, Jython #see # #(C) 2001-2003 Chris Liechti <> # this is distributed under a free software license, see license.txt
"""Some tests for the serial module. Part of pyserial ( (C)2002-2003
Intended to be run on different platforms, to ensure portability of the code.
For all these tests a simple hardware is required. Loopback HW adapter: Shortcut these pin pairs: TX <-> RX RTS <-> CTS DTR <-> DSR
On a 9 pole DSUB these are the pins (2-3) (4-6) (7-8) """
import unittest, threading, time import serial
#on which port should the tests be performed: PORT=0
class Test4_Nonblocking(unittest.TestCase): """Test with timeouts""" timeout=0 def setUp(self): self.s = serial.Serial(PORT,timeout=self.timeout) def tearDown(self): self.s.close()
def test0_Messy(self): """NonBlocking (timeout=0)""" #this is only here to write out the message in verbose mode #because Test3 and Test4 print the same messages
def test1_ReadEmpty(self): """timeout: After port open, the input buffer must be empty""" self.failUnless('', "expected empty buffer") def test2_Loopback(self): """timeout: each sent character should return (binary test). this is also a test for the binary capability of a port.""" for c in map(chr,range(256)): self.s.write(c) time.sleep(0.02) #there might be a small delay until the character is ready (especialy on win32) self.failUnless(self.s.inWaiting()==1, "expected exactly one character for inWainting()") self.failUnless(, "expected a '%s' which was written before" % c) self.failUnless('', "expected empty buffer after all sent chars are read") def test2_LoopbackTimeout(self): """timeout: test the timeout/immediate return. partial results should be returned.""" self.s.write("HELLO") time.sleep(0.02) #there might be a small delay until the character is ready (especialy on win32) #read more characters as are available to run in the timeout self.failUnless('HELLO', "expected an 'HELLO' which was written before") self.failUnless('', "expected empty buffer after all sent chars are read")
class Test3_Timeout(Test4_Nonblocking): """Same tests as the NonBlocking ones but this time with timeout""" timeout=1 def test0_Messy(self): """Blocking (timeout=1)""" #this is only here to write out the message in verbose mode #because Test3 and Test4 print the same messages
class SendEvent(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, serial, delay=1): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.serial = serial self.delay = delay self.x = threading.Event() self.stopped = 0 self.start() def run(self): time.sleep(self.delay) if not self.stopped: self.serial.write("E") self.x.set() def isSet(self): return self.x.isSet() def stop(self): self.stopped = 1 self.x.wait()
class Test1_Forever(unittest.TestCase): """Tests a port with no timeout. These tests require that a character is sent after some time to stop the test, this is done through the SendEvent class and the Loopback HW.""" def setUp(self): self.s = serial.Serial(PORT, timeout=None) self.event = SendEvent(self.s) def tearDown(self): self.event.stop() self.s.close()
def test2_ReadEmpty(self): """no timeout: after port open, the input buffer must be empty (read). a character is sent after some time to terminate the test (SendEvent).""" c = if not (self.event.isSet() and c == 'E'):"expected marker")
class Test2_Forever(unittest.TestCase): """Tests a port with no timeout""" def setUp(self): self.s = serial.Serial(PORT,timeout=None) def tearDown(self): self.s.close()
def test1_inWaitingEmpty(self): """no timeout: after port open, the input buffer must be empty (inWaiting)""" self.failUnless(self.s.inWaiting()==0, "expected empty buffer")
def test2_Loopback(self): """no timeout: each sent character should return (binary test). this is also a test for the binary capability of a port.""" for c in map(chr,range(256)): self.s.write(c) time.sleep(0.02) #there might be a small delay until the character is ready (especialy on win32) self.failUnless(self.s.inWaiting()==1, "expected exactly one character for inWainting()") self.failUnless(, "expected an '%s' which was written before" % c) self.failUnless(self.s.inWaiting()==0, "expected empty buffer after all sent chars are read")
class Test0_DataWires(unittest.TestCase): """Test modem control lines""" def setUp(self): self.s = serial.Serial(PORT) def tearDown(self): self.s.close()
def test1_RTS(self): """Test RTS/CTS""" self.s.setRTS(0) self.failUnless(self.s.getCTS()==0, "CTS -> 0") self.s.setRTS(1) self.failUnless(self.s.getCTS()==1, "CTS -> 1")
def test2_DTR(self): """Test DTR/DSR""" self.s.setDTR(0) self.failUnless(self.s.getDSR()==0, "DSR -> 0") self.s.setDTR(1) self.failUnless(self.s.getDSR()==1, "DSR -> 1")
def test3_RI(self): """Test RI""" self.failUnless(self.s.getRI()==0, "RI -> 0")
class Test_MoreTimeouts(unittest.TestCase): """Test with timeouts""" def setUp(self): self.s = serial.Serial() #create an closed serial port def tearDown(self): self.s.close()
def test_WriteTimeout(self): """Test write() timeout.""" #use xonxoff setting and the loopback adapter to switch traffic on hold self.s.port = PORT self.s.writeTimeout = 1 self.s.xonxoff = 1 self.s.write(serial.XOFF) time.sleep(0.1) #some systems need a little delay so that they can react on XOFF t1 = time.time() self.failUnlessRaises(serial.SerialTimeoutException, self.s.write, "timeout please"*100) t2 = time.time() self.failUnless( 1 <= (t2-t1) < 2, "Timeout not in the given intervall (%s)" % (t2-t1))
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys print __doc__ print "Testing port", PORT sys.argv.append('-v') # When this module is executed from the command-line, it runs all its tests unittest.main()