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from nevow import livetest
all_suites = dict( most_basic=[ ('visit', '/most_basic/', ''), ('assert', 'foo', 'foo'), ('follow', 'foo', ''), ('assert', 'heading', 'You are in Foo'), ('follow', 'baz', ''), ('assert', 'heading', 'You are in Baz')], hellostan=[ ('visit', '/hellostan/', ''), ('assert', 'body', 'Welcome to the wonderful world of Nevow!')], hellohtml=[ ('visit', '/hellohtml/', ''), ('assert', 'body', 'Welcome to the wonderful world of Nevow!')], simple=[ ('visit', '/simple/', ''), ('assert', 'count', '1'), ('visit', '/simple/', ''), ('assert', 'count', '2'), ('visit', '/simple/reset', ''), ('assert', 'reset', 'Count reset')], simplehtml=[ ('visit', '/simplehtml/', ''), ('assert', 'count', '1'), ('visit', '/simplehtml/', ''), ('assert', 'count', '2'), ('visit', '/simplehtml/reset', ''), ('assert', 'reset', 'Count reset')], tables=[ ('visit', '/tablehtml/', ''), ('assert', 'firstHeader', 'First Column'), ('assert', 'secondHeader', 'Second Column'), ('assert', 'firstFooter', 'First Footer'), ('assert', 'secondFooter', 'Second Footer')], disktemplates_stan=[ ('visit', '/disktemplates_stan/', ''), ('assert', 'header', 'Welcome')], disktemplates=[ ('visit', '/disktemplates/', ''), ('assert', 'header', 'Welcome')], children=[ ('visit', '/children/', ''), ('follow', 'foo', ''), ('assert', 'name', 'foo'), ('follow', 'child', ''), ('assert', 'parentName', 'foo'), ('visit', '/children/', ''), ('follow', 'bar', ''), ('assert', 'name', 'bar'), ('follow', 'child', ''), ('assert', 'parentName', 'bar'), ('visit', '/children/', ''), ('follow', 'd1', ''), ('assert', 'name', '1'), ('follow', 'child', ''), ('assert', 'parentName', '1'), ('visit', '/children/', ''), ('follow', 'd2', ''), ('assert', 'name', '2'), ('follow', 'child', ''), ('assert', 'parentName', '2'), ('visit', '/children/', ''), ('follow', 'd3', ''), ('assert', 'name', '3'), ('follow', 'child', ''), ('assert', 'parentName', '3'), ('visit', '/children/', ''), ('follow', 'd4', ''), ('assert', 'name', '4'), ('visit', '/children/', ''), ('follow', 'd5', ''), ('assert', 'name', '5'), ('visit', '/children/', ''), ('follow', 'd6/7', ''), ('assert', 'name', '6/7')], objcontainer=[ ('visit', '/objcontainer/', ''), ], manualform=[ ('visit', '/manualform/', ''), ], advanced_manualform=[ ('visit', '/advanced_manualform/', ''), ], formpost=[ ('visit', '/formpost/', ''), ], formpost2=[ ('visit', '/formpost2/', ''), ], db=[ ('visit', '/db/', ''), ], http_auth=[ ('visit', '/http_auth/', ''), ], guarded=[ ('visit', '/guarded/', ''), ], guarded2=[ ('visit', '/guarded2/', ''), ], logout_guard=[ ('visit', '/logout_guard/', ''), ], logout_guard2=[ ('visit', '/logout_guard2/', ''), ], customform=[ ('visit', '/customform/', ''), ], formbuilder=[ ('visit', '/formbuilder/', ''), ], simple_irenderer=[ ('visit', '/simple_irenderer/', ''), ], irenderer=[ ('visit', '/irenderer/', ''), ], tree=[ ('visit', '/tree/', ''), ], i18n=[ ('visit', '/i18n/', ''), ], xmli18n=[ ('visit', '/xmli18n/', ''), ], # Tag Library Examples calendar=[ ('visit', '/calendar/', ''), ], tabbed=[ ('visit', '/tabbed/', ''), ], progress=[ ('visit', '/progress/', ''), ], ## TODO: There are many more tests to be written here, but it is boring )
live_suites = dict( ## Now the fun stuff: The livepage example tests. liveanimal=[ ('visit', '/liveanimal/?fresh=true', ''), ('assert', 'question', 'I give up. What is the animal, and what question describes it?'), ('submit', 'new-question', {'animal': "Monkey", 'new-question': 'is it crazy'}), ('assert', 'question', 'is it crazy'), ('click', 'yes-response', ''), ('assert', 'question', 'Is it Monkey?'), ('click', 'no-response', ''), ('assert', 'question', 'I give up. What is the animal, and what question describes it?'), ('submit', 'new-question', {'animal': 'Mongoose', 'new-question': 'does it eat snakes'}), ('assert', 'question', 'is it crazy'), ('click', 'yes-response', ''), ('assert', 'question', 'does it eat snakes'), ('click', 'yes-response', ''), ('assert', 'question', 'Is it Mongoose?'), ('click', 'yes-response', ''), ('assert', 'question', 'I win!'), ('click', 'start-over', ''), ('assert', 'question', 'is it crazy') ], #chatola=[ # ('visit', '/chatola/', ''), # ('submit', 'topicform', {'change-topic': 'Hello, world!'}), # ('submit', 'inputform', {'inputline': 'Greetings humans of earth'}), # ('submit', 'inputform', {'inputline': 'Take me to your leader'}), #] )
def createResource(whichOne=None): if whichOne is None: suite = [] for subsuite in all_suites.values(): suite.extend(subsuite) return livetest.Tester(suite)
return livetest.Tester(all_suites[whichOne])
def createLiveSuite(whichOne=None): suite = [] for subsuite in live_suites.values(): suite.extend(subsuite) return livetest.Tester(suite)