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################################################################################# # Example of using patterns to change the appearance of a webform.
#from twisted.application import internet, service #from twisted.web import static
from zope.interface import implements
from nevow import rend from nevow import url from nevow import loaders from nevow import tags as T
from formless import annotate from formless import webform
################################################################################# # This beasty defines how I want the form to look. It's a table (eek!). # webform looks for patterns to use when rendering parts of the form and fills # slots with key information. # # Key patterns are: # freeform-form -- the form itself, mostly just the structure # argument -- the pattern to use for arguments when nothing better # is found # argument!!fo -- the pattern to use for the 'fo' argument # # Inside the patterns the following slots are filled: # freeform-form: # form-action -- action attribute, where the form will be posted # form-id -- id of the form # form-name -- name of the form # form-label -- form label, extracted from the docstring # form-description -- description, also extracted from the docstring # form-error -- "global" error # form-arguments -- insertion point for the arguments' HTML # argument: # label -- label # input -- the form element (input, textarea, etc) # error -- error message (if any) # description -- description of argument # # Note that you do not have to provide slots for all of the above. For # instance, you may not want to display the descriptions. # # Chances are that this block of text would be in a disk template or # perhaps defined using stan in a taglib module.
FORM_LAYOUT = loaders.xmlstr( """<?xml version="1.0"?> <form xmlns:n="" n:pattern="freeform-form"> <!-- Replace/fill the form attributes --> <n:attr name="action"><n:slot name="form-action"/></n:attr> <n:attr name="id"><n:slot name="form-id"/></n:attr> <n:attr name="name"><n:slot name="form-name"/></n:attr> <!-- General form information --> <p><strong><n:slot name="form-label"/></strong></p> <p><em><n:slot name="form-description"/></em></p> <p><strong><em><n:slot name="form-error"/></em></strong></p> <!-- Start of the form layout table --> <table style="background: #eee; border: 1px solid #bbb; padding: 1em;" > <!-- Mark location arguments will be added --> <n:slot name="form-arguments"/> <!-- General argument layout pattern --> <n:invisible n:pattern="argument" n:render="remove"> <tr> <th><n:slot name="label"/>:</th> <td><n:slot name="input"/><span class="freeform-error"><n:slot name="error"/></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><n:slot name="description"/></td> </tr> </n:invisible> <!-- Argument layout, just for fum --> <n:invisible n:pattern="argument!!fo" n:render="remove"> <tr> <th><n:slot name="label"/>:</th> <td> <textarea cols="40" rows="5"><n:attr name="id"><n:slot name="id"/></n:attr><n:attr name="name"><n:slot name="name"/></n:attr><n:slot name="value"/></textarea> <span class="freeform-error"><n:slot name="error"/></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><n:slot name="description"/></td> </tr> </n:invisible> <!-- Button row --> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <n:slot name="form-button"/> </td> </tr> </table> </form> """).load()
################################################################################# # ISomething and Page are just something to test the form rendering on.
class ISomething(annotate.TypedInterface): def doSomething( ctx = annotate.Context(), fee = annotate.String(required=True, description="Wee!"), fi = annotate.Integer(description="Tra-la-la"), fo = annotate.Text(), fum = annotate.String(), ): """Do Something Really Exciting
Normally you would put a useful description of the interface here but, since the inteface is useless anyway, I cannot think of anything useful to say about it. Although ... did I mention it is useless?""" doSomething = annotate.autocallable(doSomething)
class Root(rend.Page): """Render a custom and normal form for an ISomething. """ implements(ISomething) addSlash = True child_webform_css = webform.defaultCSS def render_normalForm(self, ctx, data): return webform.renderForms() def render_customForm(self, ctx, data): return webform.renderForms()[FORM_LAYOUT] def doSomething(self, ctx, **kwargs): print '***** doSomething called with:', kwargs docFactory = loaders.stan( T.html[ T.head[ T.title['Example :: Custom Form Layout'],'stylesheet', type='text/css',"webform_css")), ], T.body[ T.h1['Custom'], render_customForm, T.h1['Default'], render_normalForm, ] ] )
#application = service.Application('hellostan') #webServer = internet.TCPServer(8080, appserver.NevowSite(Root())) #webServer.setServiceParent(application)