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import os, string, random
from twisted.internet import task
from nevow import canvas, rend
DEBUG = False
try: words = open('/usr/share/dict/words').readlines() except: words = open(os.path.join('.','files','words')).readlines()
## Some random helpers rndpt = lambda w, h: (random.randint(-w/2, w/2), random.randint(-h/2, h/2)) rndrct = lambda w, h: rndpt(w, h) + rndpt(w, h) rndtxt = lambda: ''.join([random.choice(string.letters) for x in range(random.randint(5, 10))]) rndp = lambda: (random.randint(0, 100), )*2 mv = lambda: random.choice( [1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 5, -5] )
class Looper(object): def __init__(self, canvas): self.canvas = canvas self.stride = mv() self.looper = task.LoopingCall(self.loop) self.looper.start(0.25)
def loop(self): if self.canvas.closed: self.looper.stop() else: self.perform()
class Textorizer(Looper): firstTime = True def __init__(self, T, w, h): self.T = T self.w = w self.h = h self.hstride = mv() Looper.__init__(self, T.canvas)
def perform(self): T = self.T if not self.firstTime: hw = self.w/2 hh = self.h/2 if T.x < -hw or T.x+400>hw: self.hstride = -self.hstride if T.y < -hh or T.y+100>hh: self.stride = -self.stride T.move(T.x+self.hstride, T.y+self.stride) else: self.firstTime = False T.size(random.randint(9, 48)) T.listFonts().addCallback(lambda fnts: T.font(random.choice(fnts)))
class Rotatorizer(Looper): angle = 0 def perform(self): self.canvas.rotate(self.angle) self.angle += self.stride
class Alphaerizer(Looper): def __init__(self, canvas): canvas.alpha(random.randint(0, 100)) Looper.__init__(self, canvas)
def perform(self): self.canvas.alpha(self.canvas._alpha+self.stride) if self.canvas._alpha < 0 or self.canvas._alpha > 100: self.stride = -self.stride
class CanvasDemo(canvas.Canvas): def onload(self, canvas): """Demo of drawing with a CanvasSocket object. """ ## Create a bunch of groups for x in xrange(random.randint(5, 15)): newGroup = if random.choice([True, False]): Alphaerizer(newGroup) self.manipulateACanvas(newGroup) else: newGroup.pen(2, 0, 100) newGroup.reposition(*rndpt(self.width, self.height)) newGroup.move(-25, -25) newGroup.line(25, 25) newGroup.move(-25, 25) newGroup.line(25, -25) Rotatorizer(newGroup)
def manipulateACanvas(self, canvas): canvas.reposition(*rndpt(self.width, self.height)) canvas.S = S = canvas.sound('http://localhost/amen.mp3') for x in range(random.randint(1, 4)): canvas.pen( random.randint(1, 10), random.randint(0, 0xffffff), random.randint(0, 100)) canvas.move(*rndpt(self.width, self.height)) choice = random.randint(0, 4) if choice == 0: canvas.line(*rndpt(self.width, self.height)) elif choice == 1: canvas.fill(random.randint(0, 0xffffff), random.randint(0, 100)) for x in range(random.randint(3, 20)): if random.randint(0, 1): canvas.line(*rndpt(self.width, self.height)) else: canvas.curve(*rndrct(self.width, self.height)) canvas.close() elif choice == 2: canvas.curve(*rndrct(self.width, self.height)) elif choice == 3: T = canvas.text(random.choice(self.original), *(0,0,400,100)) # This is an example of how you can hold on to drawing objects and continue to # draw on them later, because the CanvasSocket holds itself open until done() is called Textorizer(T, self.width, self.height) else: # This demo requires a folder of images which I don't want to put in # the nevow source. Hooking this up is left as an exercise for the reader. continue imgname = random.choice(os.listdir("flsh/images")) I = canvas.image('/images/%s' % imgname) I.scale(*rndp()) I.alpha(random.randint(0, 100)) rotate = random.randint(-180, 180) I.rotate(rotate) I.move(*rndpt(self.width, self.height))
# See above comment #from nevow import static #child_images = static.File('images')
def onMouseDown(self, canvas, x, y): canvas.x = x canvas.y = y canvas.pen(10, 0xDF34AB, 50) canvas.move(x-25, y-25) canvas.line(x+25, y+25) canvas.move(x+25, y-25) canvas.line(x-25, y+25)
def onKeyDown(self, canvas, key): if hasattr(canvas, 'x'): T = canvas.text(key, canvas.x, canvas.y, 200, 200) T.size(random.randint(9, 48)) T.listFonts().addCallback(lambda fnts: T.font(random.choice(fnts))) canvas.x += 15
class Reloader(rend.Page): canvas = None def locateChild(self, ctx, segs): if segs == ('',): reload(__import__(__name__)) self.canvas = CanvasDemo(words) self.canvas.addSlash = True return self.canvas, segs return self.canvas, segs
def createResource(): if DEBUG: return Reloader() return CanvasDemo(words)