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from time import time as now
import twisted.python.components as tpc
from nevow import rend, inevow, url, util, loaders, tags as t from nevow.rend import _CARRYOVER from formless import iformless
# # This example is meant to be of some inspiration to those people # who need to have some inspiration to handle forms without using # formless. It _WILL_ raise an exception when you submit a form # without filling all values. This example should NOT be used as-is # but should be modified and enhanced to fit one's need. # # To sum up: it's just a starting point. #
SUBMIT="_submit" BUTTON = 'post_btn'
class WebException(Exception): pass
class ManualFormMixin(rend.Page): def locateChild(self, ctx, segments): # Handle the form post if segments[0].startswith(SUBMIT): # Get a method name from the action in the form plus # the firt word in the button name (or simply the form action if # no button name is specified kwargs = {} args = inevow.IRequest(ctx).args bindingName = '' for key in args: if key != BUTTON: if args[key] != ['']: kwargs[key] = (args[key][0], args[key])[len(args[key])>1] else: bindingName = args[key][0] name_prefix = segments[0].split('!!')[1] if bindingName == '': name = name_prefix else: name = name_prefix + '_' + bindingName.split()[0].lower() method = getattr(self, 'form_'+name, None) if method is not None: return self.onManualPost(ctx, method, bindingName, kwargs) else: raise WebException("You should define a form_action_button method") return super(ManualFormMixin, self).locateChild(ctx, segments)
def onManualPost(self, ctx, method, bindingName, kwargs): # This is copied from rend.Page.onWebFormPost def redirectAfterPost(aspects): redirectAfterPost = request.getComponent(iformless.IRedirectAfterPost, None) if redirectAfterPost is None: ref = request.getHeader('referer') or '' else: ## Use the redirectAfterPost url ref = str(redirectAfterPost) from nevow import url refpath = url.URL.fromString(ref) magicCookie = str(now()) refpath = refpath.replace('_nevow_carryover_', magicCookie) _CARRYOVER[magicCookie] = C = tpc.Componentized() for k, v in aspects.iteritems(): C.setComponent(k, v) request.redirect(str(refpath)) from nevow import static return static.Data('You posted a form to %s' % bindingName, 'text/plain'), () request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) return util.maybeDeferred(method, **kwargs ).addCallback(self.onPostSuccess, request, ctx, bindingName,redirectAfterPost ).addErrback(self.onPostFailure, request, ctx, bindingName,redirectAfterPost)
class Page(ManualFormMixin, rend.Page): addSlash = True docFactory = loaders.stan( t.html[ t.head[ t.title['Advanced Manualform'] ], t.body[ t.p['Use the form to find out how to easily and manually handle them'], t.form('_submit!!post'), enctype="multipart/form-data", method='post' )[ t.input(type='text', name='what'), # the name attribute must be present and must be # post_btn for all the buttons in the form t.input(type='submit', value='btn1', name=BUTTON), t.input(type='submit', value='btn2', name=BUTTON) ] ] ] ) def form_post_btn1(self, what=None): # 'what' is a keyword argument, and must be the same name that you # give to the widget. print "btn1:", what def form_post_btn2(self, what=None): # see above for 'what'. print "btn2:", what