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mechanize documentation

mechanize handlers

This documentation is in need of reorganisation!

This page is the old ClientCookie documentation. It deals with operation on the level of urllib2 Handler objects, and also with adding headers, debugging, and cookie handling. Documentation for the higher-level browser-style interface is elsewhere.


import mechanize
response = mechanize.urlopen("http://foo.bar.com/")

This function behaves identically to urllib2.urlopen(), except that it deals with cookies automatically.

Here is a more complicated example, involving Request objects (useful if you want to pass Requests around, add headers to them, etc.):

import mechanize
request = mechanize.Request("http://www.acme.com/")
# note we're using the urlopen from mechanize, not urllib2
response = mechanize.urlopen(request)
# let's say this next request requires a cookie that was set in response
request2 = mechanize.Request("http://www.acme.com/flying_machines.html")
response2 = mechanize.urlopen(request2)

print response2.geturl()
print response2.info()  # headers
print response2.read()  # body (readline and readlines work too)

(The above example would also work with urllib2.Request objects too, since mechanize.HTTPRequestUpgradeProcessor knows about that class, but don't if you can avoid it, because this is an obscure hack for compatibility purposes only).

In these examples, the workings are hidden inside the mechanize.urlopen() function, which is an extension of urllib2.urlopen(). Redirects, proxies and cookies are handled automatically by this function (note that you may need a bit of configuration to get your proxies correctly set up: see urllib2 documentation).

Cookie processing (etc.) is handled by processor objects, which are an extension of urllib2's handlers: HTTPCookieProcessor, HTTPRefererProcessor etc. They are used like any other handler. There is quite a bit of other urllib2-workalike code, too. Note: This duplication has gone away in Python 2.4, since 2.4's urllib2 contains the processor extensions from mechanize, so you can simply use mechanize's processor classes direct with 2.4's urllib2; also, mechanize's cookie functionality is included in Python 2.4 as module cookielib and urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor.

There is also a urlretrieve() function, which works like urllib.urlretrieve().

An example at a slightly lower level shows how the module processes cookies more clearly:

# Don't copy this blindly!  You probably want to follow the examples
# above, not this one.
import mechanize

# Build an opener that *doesn't* automatically call .add_cookie_header()
# and .extract_cookies(), so we can do it manually without interference.
class NullCookieProcessor(mechanize.HTTPCookieProcessor):
    def http_request(self, request): return request
    def http_response(self, request, response): return response
opener = mechanize.build_opener(NullCookieProcessor)

request = mechanize.Request("http://www.acme.com/")
response = mechanize.urlopen(request)
cj = mechanize.CookieJar()
cj.extract_cookies(response, request)
# let's say this next request requires a cookie that was set in response
request2 = mechanize.Request("http://www.acme.com/flying_machines.html")
response2 = mechanize.urlopen(request2)

The CookieJar class does all the work. There are essentially two operations: .extract_cookies() extracts HTTP cookies from Set-Cookie (the original Netscape cookie standard) and Set-Cookie2 (RFC 2965) headers from a response if and only if they should be set given the request, and .add_cookie_header() adds Cookie headers if and only if they are appropriate for a particular HTTP request. Incoming cookies are checked for acceptability based on the host name, etc. Cookies are only set on outgoing requests if they match the request's host name, path, etc.

Note that if you're using mechanize.urlopen() (or if you're using mechanize.HTTPCookieProcessor by some other means), you don't need to call .extract_cookies() or .add_cookie_header() yourself. If, on the other hand, you don't want to use urllib2, you will need to use this pair of methods. You can make your own request and response objects, which must support the interfaces described in the docstrings of .extract_cookies() and .add_cookie_header().

There are also some CookieJar subclasses which can store cookies in files and databases. FileCookieJar is the abstract class for CookieJars that can store cookies in disk files. LWPCookieJar saves cookies in a format compatible with the libwww-perl library. This class is convenient if you want to store cookies in a human-readable file:

import mechanize
cj = mechanize.LWPCookieJar()
opener = mechanize.build_opener(mechanize.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
r = opener.open("http://foobar.com/")

The .revert() method discards all existing cookies held by the CookieJar (it won't lose any existing cookies if the load fails). The .load() method, on the other hand, adds the loaded cookies to existing cookies held in the CookieJar (old cookies are kept unless overwritten by newly loaded ones).

MozillaCookieJar can load and save to the Mozilla/Netscape/lynx-compatible 'cookies.txt' format. This format loses some information (unusual and nonstandard cookie attributes such as comment, and also information specific to RFC 2965 cookies). The subclass MSIECookieJar can load (but not save, yet) from Microsoft Internet Explorer's cookie files (on Windows). BSDDBCookieJar (NOT FULLY TESTED!) saves to a BSDDB database using the standard library's bsddb module. There's an unfinished MSIEDBCookieJar, which uses (reads and writes) the Windows MSIE cookie database directly, rather than storing copies of cookies as MSIECookieJar does.

Important note

Only use names you can import directly from the mechanize package, and that don't start with a single underscore. Everything else is subject to change or disappearance without notice.

Cooperating with Mozilla/Netscape, lynx and Internet Explorer

The subclass MozillaCookieJar differs from CookieJar only in storing cookies using a different, Mozilla/Netscape-compatible, file format. The lynx browser also uses this format. This file format can't store RFC 2965 cookies, so they are downgraded to Netscape cookies on saving. LWPCookieJar itself uses a libwww-perl specific format (`Set-Cookie3') - see the example above. Python and your browser should be able to share a cookies file (note that the file location here will differ on non-unix OSes):

WARNING: you may want to backup your browser's cookies file if you use MozillaCookieJar to save cookies. I think it works, but there have been bugs in the past!

import os, mechanize
cookies = mechanize.MozillaCookieJar()
cookies.load(os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "/.netscape/cookies.txt"))
# see also the save and revert methods

Note that cookies saved while Mozilla is running will get clobbered by Mozilla - see MozillaCookieJar.__doc__.

MSIECookieJar does the same for Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) 5.x and 6.x on Windows, but does not allow saving cookies in this format. In future, the Windows API calls might be used to load and save (though the index has to be read directly, since there is no API for that, AFAIK; there's also an unfinished MSIEDBCookieJar, which uses (reads and writes) the Windows MSIE cookie database directly, rather than storing copies of cookies as MSIECookieJar does).

import mechanize
cj = mechanize.MSIECookieJar(delayload=True)
cj.load_from_registry()  # finds cookie index file from registry

A true delayload argument speeds things up.

On Windows 9x (win 95, win 98, win ME), you need to supply a username to the .load_from_registry() method:


Konqueror/Safari and Opera use different file formats, which aren't yet supported.

Saving cookies in a file

If you have no need to co-operate with a browser, the most convenient way to save cookies on disk between sessions in human-readable form is to use LWPCookieJar. This class uses a libwww-perl specific format (`Set-Cookie3'). Unlike MozilliaCookieJar, this file format doesn't lose information.

Using your own CookieJar instance

You might want to do this to use your browser's cookies, to customize CookieJar's behaviour by passing constructor arguments, or to be able to get at the cookies it will hold (for example, for saving cookies between sessions and for debugging).

If you're using the higher-level urllib2-like interface (urlopen(), etc), you'll have to let it know what CookieJar it should use:

import mechanize
cookies = mechanize.CookieJar()
# build_opener() adds standard handlers (such as HTTPHandler and
# HTTPCookieProcessor) by default.  The cookie processor we supply
# will replace the default one.
opener = mechanize.build_opener(mechanize.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies))

r = opener.open("http://acme.com/")  # GET
r = opener.open("http://acme.com/", data)  # POST

The urlopen() function uses a global OpenerDirector instance to do its work, so if you want to use urlopen() with your own CookieJar, install the OpenerDirector you built with build_opener() using the mechanize.install_opener() function, then proceed as usual:

r = mechanize.urlopen("http://www.acme.com/")

Of course, everyone using urlopen is using the same global CookieJar instance!

You can set a policy object (must satisfy the interface defined by mechanize.CookiePolicy), which determines which cookies are allowed to be set and returned. Use the policy argument to the CookieJar constructor, or use the .set_policy() method. The default implementation has some useful switches:

from mechanize import CookieJar, DefaultCookiePolicy as Policy
cookies = CookieJar()
# turn on RFC 2965 cookies, be more strict about domains when setting and
# returning Netscape cookies, and block some domains from setting cookies
# or having them returned (read the DefaultCookiePolicy docstring for the
# domain matching rules here)
policy = Policy(rfc2965=True, strict_ns_domain=Policy.DomainStrict,
                blocked_domains=["ads.net", ".ads.net"])

Optional extras: robots.txt, HTTP-EQUIV, Refresh, Referer

These are implemented as processor classes. Processors are an extension of urllib2's handlers (now a standard part of urllib2 in Python 2.4): you just pass them to build_opener() (example code below).


WWW Robots (also called wanderers or spiders) are programs that traverse many pages in the World Wide Web by recursively retrieving linked pages. This kind of program can place significant loads on web servers, so there is a standard for a robots.txt file by which web site operators can request robots to keep out of their site, or out of particular areas of it. This processor uses the standard Python library's robotparser module. It raises mechanize.RobotExclusionError (subclass of urllib2.HTTPError) if an attempt is made to open a URL prohibited by robots.txt. XXX ATM, this makes use of code in the robotparser module that uses urllib - this will likely change in future to use urllib2.


The <META HTTP-EQUIV> tag is a way of including data in HTML to be treated as if it were part of the HTTP headers. mechanize can automatically read these tags and add the HTTP-EQUIV headers to the response object's real HTTP headers. The HTML is left unchanged.


The Refresh HTTP header is a non-standard header which is widely used. It requests that the user-agent follow a URL after a specified time delay. mechanize can treat these headers (which may have been set in <META HTTP-EQUIV> tags) as if they were 302 redirections. Exactly when and how Refresh headers are handled is configurable using the constructor arguments.


The Referer HTTP header lets the server know which URL you've just visited. Some servers use this header as state information, and don't like it if this is not present. It's a chore to add this header by hand every time you make a request. This adds it automatically. NOTE: this only makes sense if you use each processor for a single chain of HTTP requests (so, for example, if you use a single HTTPRefererProcessor to fetch a series of URLs extracted from a single page, this will break). mechanize.Browser does this properly.

import mechanize
cookies = mechanize.CookieJar()

opener = mechanize.build_opener(mechanize.HTTPRefererProcessor,

Seekable responses

Response objects returned from (or raised as exceptions by) mechanize.SeekableResponseOpener, mechanize.UserAgent (if .set_seekable_responses(True) has been called) and mechanize.Browser() have .seek(), .get_data() and .set_data() methods:

import mechanize
opener = mechanize.OpenerFactory(mechanize.SeekableResponseOpener).build_opener()
response = opener.open("http://example.com/")
# same return value as .read(), but without affecting seek position
total_nr_bytes = len(response.get_data())
assert len(response.read()) == total_nr_bytes
assert len(response.read()) == 0  # we've already read the data
assert len(response.read()) == total_nr_bytes
assert response.get_data() == "blah\n"

This caching behaviour can be avoided by using mechanize.OpenerDirector (as long as SeekableProcessor, HTTPEquivProcessor and HTTPResponseDebugProcessor are not used). It can also be avoided with mechanize.UserAgent:

import mechanize
ua = mechanize.UserAgent()

Note that if you turn on features that use seekable responses (currently: HTTP-EQUIV handling and response body debug printing), returned responses may be seekable as a side-effect of these features. However, this is not guaranteed (currently, in these cases, returned response objects are seekable, but raised respose objects — mechanize.HTTPError instances — are not seekable). This applies regardless of whether you use mechanize.UserAgent or mechanize.OpenerDirector. If you explicitly request seekable responses by calling .set_seekable_responses(True) on a mechanize.UserAgent instance, or by using mechanize.Browser or mechanize.SeekableResponseOpener, which always return seekable responses, then both returned and raised responses are guaranteed to be seekable.

Handlers should call response = mechanize.seek_wrapped_response(response) if they require the .seek(), .get_data() or .set_data() methods.

Note that SeekableProcessor (and ResponseUpgradeProcessor) are deprecated since mechanize 0.1.6b. The reason for the deprecation is that these were really abuses of the response processing chain (the .process_response() support documented by urllib2). The response processing chain is sensibly used only for processing response headers and data, not for processing response objects, because the same data may occur as different Python objects (this can occur for example when HTTPError is raised by HTTPDefaultErrorHandler), but should only get processed once (during .open()).

Confusing fact about headers and Requests

mechanize automatically upgrades urllib2.Request objects to mechanize.Request, as a backwards-compatibility hack. This means that you won't see any headers that are added to Request objects by handlers unless you use mechanize.Request in the first place. Sorry about that.

Note also that handlers may create new Request instances (for example when performing redirects) rather than adding headers to existing Request objects.

Adding headers

Adding headers is done like so:

import mechanize, urllib2
req = urllib2.Request("http://foobar.com/")
req.add_header("Referer", "http://wwwsearch.sourceforge.net/mechanize/")
r = mechanize.urlopen(req)

You can also use the headers argument to the urllib2.Request constructor.

urllib2 (in fact, mechanize takes over this task from urllib2) adds some headers to Request objects automatically - see the next section for details.

Changing the automatically-added headers (User-Agent)

OpenerDirector automatically adds a User-Agent header to every Request.

To change this and/or add similar headers, use your own OpenerDirector:

import mechanize
cookies = mechanize.CookieJar()
opener = mechanize.build_opener(mechanize.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookies))
opener.addheaders = [("User-agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MyProgram/0.1)"),
                     ("From", "responsible.person@example.com")]

Again, to use urlopen(), install your OpenerDirector globally:

r = mechanize.urlopen("http://acme.com/")

Also, a few standard headers (Content-Length, Content-Type and Host) are added when the Request is passed to urlopen() (or OpenerDirector.open()). You shouldn't need to change these headers, but since this is done by AbstractHTTPHandler, you can change the way it works by passing a subclass of that handler to build_opener() (or, as always, by constructing an opener yourself and calling .add_handler()).

Initiating unverifiable transactions

This section is only of interest for correct handling of third-party HTTP cookies. See below for an explanation of 'third-party'.

First, some terminology.

An unverifiable request (defined fully by RFC 2965) is one whose URL the user did not have the option to approve. For example, a transaction is unverifiable if the request is for an image in an HTML document, and the user had no option to approve the fetching of the image from a particular URL.

The request-host of the origin transaction (defined fully by RFC 2965) is the host name or IP address of the original request that was initiated by the user. For example, if the request is for an image in an HTML document, this is the request-host of the request for the page containing the image.

mechanize knows that redirected transactions are unverifiable, and will handle that on its own (ie. you don't need to think about the origin request-host or verifiability yourself).

If you want to initiate an unverifiable transaction yourself (which you should if, for example, you're downloading the images from a page, and 'the user' hasn't explicitly OKed those URLs):

request = Request(origin_req_host="www.example.com", unverifiable=True)

RFC 2965 handling

RFC 2965 handling is switched off by default, because few browsers implement it, so the RFC 2965 protocol is essentially never seen on the internet. To switch it on, see here.


First, a few common problems. The most frequent mistake people seem to make is to use mechanize.urlopen(), and the .extract_cookies() and .add_cookie_header() methods on a cookie object themselves. If you use mechanize.urlopen() (or OpenerDirector.open()), the module handles extraction and adding of cookies by itself, so you should not call .extract_cookies() or .add_cookie_header().

Are you sure the server is sending you any cookies in the first place? Maybe the server is keeping track of state in some other way (HIDDEN HTML form entries (possibly in a separate page referenced by a frame), URL-encoded session keys, IP address, HTTP Referer headers)? Perhaps some embedded script in the HTML is setting cookies (see below)? Maybe you messed up your request, and the server is sending you some standard failure page (even if the page doesn't appear to indicate any failure). Sometimes, a server wants particular headers set to the values it expects, or it won't play nicely. The most frequent offenders here are the Referer [sic] and / or User-Agent HTTP headers (see above for how to set these). The User-Agent header may need to be set to a value like that of a popular browser. The Referer header may need to be set to the URL that the server expects you to have followed a link from. Occasionally, it may even be that operators deliberately configure a server to insist on precisely the headers that the popular browsers (MS Internet Explorer, Mozilla/Netscape, Opera, Konqueror/Safari) generate, but remember that incompetence (possibly on your part) is more probable than deliberate sabotage (and if a site owner is that keen to stop robots, you probably shouldn't be scraping it anyway).

When you .save() to or .load()/.revert() from a file, single-session cookies will expire unless you explicitly request otherwise with the ignore_discard argument. This may be your problem if you find cookies are going away after saving and loading.

import mechanize
cj = mechanize.LWPCookieJar()
opener = mechanize.build_opener(mechanize.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
r = mechanize.urlopen("http://foobar.com/")
cj.save("/some/file", ignore_discard=True, ignore_expires=True)

If none of the advice above solves your problem quickly, try comparing the headers and data that you are sending out with those that a browser emits. Often this will give you the clue you need. Of course, you'll want to check that the browser is able to do manually what you're trying to achieve programatically before minutely examining the headers. Make sure that what you do manually is exactly the same as what you're trying to do from Python - you may simply be hitting a server bug that only gets revealed if you view pages in a particular order, for example. In order to see what your browser is sending to the server (even if HTTPS is in use), see the General FAQ page. If nothing is obviously wrong with the requests your program is sending and you're out of ideas, you can try the last resort of good old brute force binary-search debugging. Temporarily switch to sending HTTP headers (with httplib). Start by copying Netscape/Mozilla or IE slavishly (apart from session IDs, etc., of course), then begin the tedious process of mutating your headers and data until they match what your higher-level code was sending. This will at least reliably find your problem.

You can turn on display of HTTP headers:

import mechanize
hh = mechanize.HTTPHandler()  # you might want HTTPSHandler, too
opener = mechanize.build_opener(hh)
response = opener.open(url)

Alternatively, you can examine your individual request and response objects to see what's going on. Note, though, that mechanize upgrades urllib2.Request objects to mechanize.Request, so you won't see any headers that are added to requests by handlers unless you use mechanize.Request in the first place. In addition, requests may involve "sub-requests" in cases such as redirection, in which case you will also not see everything that's going on just by examining the original request and final response. mechanize's responses can be made to have .seek() and .get_data() methods. It's often useful to use the .get_data() method during debugging (see above).

Also, note HTTPRedirectDebugProcessor (which prints information about redirections) and HTTPResponseDebugProcessor (which prints out all response bodies, including those that are read during redirections). NOTE: as well as having these processors in your OpenerDirector (for example, by passing them to build_opener()) you have to turn on logging at the INFO level or lower in order to see any output.

If you would like to see what is going on in mechanize's tiny mind, do this:

import sys, logging
# logging.DEBUG covers masses of debugging information,
# logging.INFO just shows the output from HTTPRedirectDebugProcessor,
logger = logging.getLogger("mechanize")

The DEBUG level (as opposed to the INFO level) can actually be quite useful, as it explains why particular cookies are accepted or rejected and why they are or are not returned.

One final thing to note is that there are some catch-all bare except: statements in the module, which are there to handle unexpected bad input without crashing your program. If this happens, it's a bug in mechanize, so please mail me the warning text.

Embedded script that sets cookies

It is possible to embed script in HTML pages (sandwiched between <SCRIPT>here</SCRIPT> tags, and in javascript: URLs) - JavaScript / ECMAScript, VBScript, or even Python - that causes cookies to be set in a browser. See the General FAQs page for what to do about this.

Parsing HTTP date strings

A function named str2time is provided by the package, which may be useful for parsing dates in HTTP headers. str2time is intended to be liberal, since HTTP date/time formats are poorly standardised in practice. There is no need to use this function in normal operations: CookieJar instances keep track of cookie lifetimes automatically. This function will stay around in some form, though the supported date/time formats may change.

Dealing with bad HTML

XXX Intro

XXX Test me

import copy
import mechanize
class CommentCleanProcessor(mechanize.BaseProcessor):
      def http_response(self, request, response):
          if not hasattr(response, "seek"):
              response = mechanize.response_seek_wrapper(response)
          new_response = copy.copy(response)
              re.sub("<!-([^-]*)->", "<!--\1-->", response.read()))
          return new_response
      https_response = http_response

XXX TidyProcessor: mxTidy? tidylib? tidy?

Note about cookie standards

The various cookie standards and their history form a case study of the terrible things that can happen to a protocol. The long-suffering David Kristol has written a paper about it, if you want to know the gory details.

Here is a summary.

The Netscape protocol (cookie_spec.html) is still the only standard supported by most browsers (including Internet Explorer and Netscape). Be aware that cookie_spec.html is not, and never was, actually followed to the letter (or anything close) by anyone (including Netscape, IE and mechanize): the Netscape protocol standard is really defined by the behaviour of Netscape (and now IE). Netscape cookies are also known as V0 cookies, to distinguish them from RFC 2109 or RFC 2965 cookies, which have a version cookie-attribute with a value of 1.

RFC 2109 was introduced to fix some problems identified with the Netscape protocol, while still keeping the same HTTP headers (Cookie and Set-Cookie). The most prominent of these problems is the 'third-party' cookie issue, which was an accidental feature of the Netscape protocol. When one visits www.bland.org, one doesn't expect to get a cookie from www.lurid.com, a site one has never visited. Depending on browser configuration, this can still happen, because the unreconstructed Netscape protocol is happy to accept cookies from, say, an image in a webpage (www.bland.org) that's included by linking to an advertiser's server (www.lurid.com). This kind of event, where your browser talks to a server that you haven't explicitly okayed by some means, is what the RFCs call an 'unverifiable transaction'. In addition to the potential for embarrassment caused by the presence of lurid.com's cookies on one's machine, this may also be used to track your movements on the web, because advertising agencies like doubleclick.net place ads on many sites. RFC 2109 tried to change this by requiring cookies to be turned off during unverifiable transactions with third-party servers - unless the user explicitly asks them to be turned on. This clashed with the business model of advertisers like doubleclick.net, who had started to take advantage of the third-party cookies 'bug'. Since the browser vendors were more interested in the advertisers' concerns than those of the browser users, this arguably doomed both RFC 2109 and its successor, RFC 2965, from the start. Other problems than the third-party cookie issue were also fixed by 2109. However, even ignoring the advertising issue, 2109 was stillborn, because Internet Explorer and Netscape behaved differently in response to its extended Set-Cookie headers. This was not really RFC 2109's fault: it worked the way it did to keep compatibility with the Netscape protocol as implemented by Netscape. Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) was very new when the standard was designed, but was starting to be very popular when the standard was finalised. XXX P3P, and MSIE & Mozilla options

XXX Apparently MSIE implements bits of RFC 2109 - but not very compliant (surprise). Presumably other browsers do too, as a result. mechanize already does allow Netscape cookies to have max-age and port cookie-attributes, and as far as I know that's the extent of the support present in MSIE. I haven't tested, though!

RFC 2965 attempted to fix the compatibility problem by introducing two new headers, Set-Cookie2 and Cookie2. Unlike the Cookie header, Cookie2 does not carry cookies to the server - rather, it simply advertises to the server that RFC 2965 is understood. Set-Cookie2 does carry cookies, from server to client: the new header means that both IE and Netscape completely ignore these cookies. This prevents breakage, but introduces a chicken-egg problem that means 2965 may never be widely adopted, especially since Microsoft shows no interest in it. XXX Rumour has it that the European Union is unhappy with P3P, and might introduce legislation that requires something better, forming a gap that RFC 2965 might fill - any truth in this? Opera is the only browser I know of that supports the standard. On the server side, Apache's mod_usertrack supports it. One confusing point to note about RFC 2965 is that it uses the same value (1) of the Version attribute in HTTP headers as does RFC 2109.

Most recently, it was discovered that RFC 2965 does not fully take account of issues arising when 2965 and Netscape cookies coexist, and errata were discussed on the W3C http-state mailing list, but the list traffic died and it seems RFC 2965 is dead as an internet protocol (but still a useful basis for implementing the de-facto standards, and perhaps as an intranet protocol).

Because Netscape cookies are so poorly specified, the general philosophy of the module's Netscape cookie implementation is to start with RFC 2965 and open holes where required for Netscape protocol-compatibility. RFC 2965 cookies are always treated as RFC 2965 requires, of course!

FAQs - pre install

  • Doesn't the standard Python library module, Cookie, do this?

    No: Cookie.py does the server end of the job. It doesn't know when to accept cookies from a server or when to pass them back.

  • Is urllib2.py required?

    No. You probably want it, though.

  • Where can I find out more about the HTTP cookie protocol?

    There is more than one protocol, in fact (see the docs for a brief explanation of the history):

    • The original Netscape cookie protocol - the standard still in use today, in theory (in reality, the protocol implemented by all the major browsers only bears a passing resemblance to the protocol sketched out in this document).
    • RFC 2109 - obsoleted by RFC 2965.
    • RFC 2965 - the Netscape protocol with the bugs fixed (not widely used - the Netscape protocol still dominates, and seems likely to remain dominant indefinitely, at least on the Internet). RFC 2964 discusses use of the protocol. Errata to RFC 2965 are currently being discussed on the http-state mailing list (update: list traffic died months ago and hasn't revived).
    • A paper by David Kristol setting out the history of the cookie standards in exhausting detail.
    • HTTP cookies FAQ.
  • Which protocols does mechanize support?

    Netscape and RFC 2965. RFC 2965 handling is switched off by default.

  • What about RFC 2109?

    RFC 2109 cookies are currently parsed as Netscape cookies, and treated by default as RFC 2965 cookies thereafter if RFC 2965 handling is enabled, or as Netscape cookies otherwise. RFC 2109 is officially obsoleted by RFC 2965. Browsers do use a few RFC 2109 features in their Netscape cookie implementations (port and max-age), and mechanize knows about that, too.

FAQs - usage

  • Why don't I have any cookies?

    Read the debugging section of this page.

  • My response claims to be empty, but I know it's not!

    Did you call response.read() (eg., in a debug statement), then forget that all the data has already been read? In that case, you may want to use mechanize.response_seek_wrapper.

  • How do I download only part of a response body?

    Just call .read() or .readline() methods on your response object as many times as you need. The .seek() method (which is not always present, see above) still works, because mechanize caches read data.

  • What's the difference between the .load() and .revert() methods of CookieJar?

    .load() appends cookies from a file. .revert() discards all existing cookies held by the CookieJar first (but it won't lose any existing cookies if the loading fails).

  • Is it threadsafe?

    No. Tested patches welcome. Clarification: As far as I know, it's perfectly possible to use mechanize in threaded code, but it provides no synchronisation: you have to provide that yourself.

  • How do I do <X>

    The module docstrings are worth reading if you want to do something unusual.

  • What's this "processor" business about? I knew urllib2 used "handlers", but not these "processors".

    This Python library patch contains an explanation. Processors are now a standard part of urllib2 in Python 2.4.

  • How do I use it without urllib2.py?
    from mechanize import CookieJar
    print CookieJar.extract_cookies.__doc__
    print CookieJar.add_cookie_header.__doc__

I prefer questions and comments to be sent to the mailing list rather than direct to me.

John J. Lee, December 2008.

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019] maintained by KaizenLouie | C99Shell Github | Generation time: 0.0128 ]--