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Python: module
DocsClient extends gdata.client.GDClient to streamline DocList API calls.
Classes |
| |
- gdata.client.GDClient(atom.client.AtomPubClient)
- DocsClient
- gdata.client.Query(__builtin__.object)
- DocsQuery
class DocsClient(gdata.client.GDClient) |
Client extension for the Google Documents List API. |
- Method resolution order:
- DocsClient
- gdata.client.GDClient
- atom.client.AtomPubClient
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- Copy = copy(self, source_entry, title, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Create = create(self, doc_type, title, folder_or_id=None, writers_can_invite=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Download = download(self, entry_or_id_or_url, file_path, extra_params=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Export = export(self, entry_or_id_or_url, file_path, gid=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- GetAclPermissions = get_acl_permissions(self, resource_id, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- GetDoc = get_doc(self, resource_id, etag=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- GetDocList = get_doclist(self, uri=None, limit=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- GetEverything = get_everything(self, uri=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- GetFileContent = get_file_content(self, uri, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- GetRevisions = get_revisions(self, resource_id, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Move = move(self, source_entry, folder_entry=None, keep_in_folders=False, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Upload = upload(self, media, title, folder_or_uri=None, content_type=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- __init__(self, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Constructs a new client for the DocList API.
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: The other parameters to pass to gdata.client.GDClient constructor.
- copy(self, source_entry, title, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Copies a native Google document, spreadsheet, or presentation.
Note: arbitrary file types and PDFs do not support this feature.
source_entry: An object representing the source
title: str A title for the new document.
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to post().
A of the duplicated document.
- create(self, doc_type, title, folder_or_id=None, writers_can_invite=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Creates a new item in the user's doclist.
doc_type: str The type of object to create. For example: 'document',
'spreadsheet', 'folder', 'presentation'.
title: str A title for the document.
folder_or_id: or str (optional) Folder entry or
the resouce id of a folder to create the object under. Note: A valid
resource id for a folder is of the form: folder%3Afolder_id.
writers_can_invite: bool (optional) False prevents collaborators from
being able to invite others to edit or view the document.
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to post().
Returns: containing information newly created item.
- download(self, entry_or_id_or_url, file_path, extra_params=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Downloads a file from the Document List to local disk.
Note: to download a file in memory, use the GetFileContent() method.
entry_or_id_or_url: or string representing a
resource id or URL to download the document from (such as the content
src link).
file_path: str The full path to save the file to.
extra_params: dict (optional) A map of any further parameters to control
how the document is downloaded/exported. For example, exporting a
spreadsheet as a .csv: extra_params={'gid': 0, 'exportFormat': 'csv'}
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to _download_file().
gdata.client.RequestError if the download URL is malformed or the server's
response was not successful.
ValueError if entry_or_id_or_url was a resource id for a filetype
in which the download link cannot be manually constructed (e.g. pdf).
- export(self, entry_or_id_or_url, file_path, gid=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Exports a document from the Document List in a different format.
entry_or_id_or_url: or string representing a
resource id or URL to download the document from (such as the content
src link).
file_path: str The full path to save the file to. The export
format is inferred from the the file extension.
gid: str (optional) grid id for downloading a single grid of a
spreadsheet. The param should only be used for .csv and .tsv
spreadsheet exports.
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to download().
gdata.client.RequestError if the download URL is malformed or the server's
response was not successful.
- get_acl_permissions(self, resource_id, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Retrieves a the ACL sharing permissions for a document.
resource_id: str The document/item's resource id. Example for pdf:
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to get_feed().
A object representing the document's ACL entries.
ValueError if the resource_id is not a valid format.
- get_doc(self, resource_id, etag=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Retrieves a particular document given by its resource id.
resource_id: str The document/item's resource id. Example spreadsheet:
etag: str (optional) The document/item's etag value to be used in a
conditional GET. See
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to get_entry().
A object representing the retrieved entry.
ValueError if the resource_id is not a valid format.
- get_doclist(self, uri=None, limit=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Retrieves the main doclist feed containing the user's items.
uri: str (optional) A URI to query the doclist feed.
limit: int (optional) A maximum cap for the number of results to
return in the feed. By default, the API returns a maximum of 100
per page. Thus, if you set limit=5000, you will get <= 5000
documents (guarenteed no more than 5000), and will need to follow the
feed's next links (feed.GetNextLink()) to the rest. See
get_everything(). Similarly, if you set limit=50, only <= 50
documents are returned. Note: if the max-results parameter is set in
the uri parameter, it is chosen over a value set for limit.
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to get_feed().
Returns: feed.
- get_everything(self, uri=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Retrieves the user's entire doc list.
The method makes multiple HTTP requests (by following the feed's next links)
in order to fetch the user's entire document list.
uri: str (optional) A URI to query the doclist feed with.
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to GetDocList().
A list of objects representing the retrieved
- get_file_content(self, uri, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Fetches the file content from the specified uri.
This method is useful for downloading/exporting a file within enviornments
like Google App Engine, where the user does not have the ability to write
the file to a local disk.
uri: str The full URL to fetch the file contents from.
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to request().
The binary file content.
gdata.client.RequestError: on error response from server.
- get_revisions(self, resource_id, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Retrieves the revision history for a document.
resource_id: str The document/item's resource id. Example for pdf:
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to get_feed().
A representing the document's revisions.
ValueError if the resource_id is not a valid format.
- move(self, source_entry, folder_entry=None, keep_in_folders=False, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Moves an item into a different folder (or to the root document list).
source_entry: An object representing the source
folder_entry: (optional) An object representing
the destination folder. If None, set keep_in_folders to
True to remove the item from all parent folders.
keep_in_folders: boolean (optional) If True, the source entry
is not removed from any existing parent folders it is in.
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to post().
A of the moved entry or True if just moving the
item out of all folders (e.g. Move(source_entry)).
- upload(self, media, title, folder_or_uri=None, content_type=None, auth_token=None, **kwargs)
- Uploads a file to Google Docs.
media: A object containing the file to be
uploaded or a string of the filepath.
title: str The title of the document on the server after being
folder_or_uri: or str (optional) An object with
a link to the folder or the uri to upload the file to.
Note: A valid uri for a folder is of the form:
content_type: str (optional) The file's mimetype. If not provided, the
one in the media source object is used or the mimetype is inferred
from the filename (if media is a string). When media is a filename,
it is always recommended to pass in a content type.
auth_token: (optional) gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken, AuthSubToken, or
OAuthToken which authorizes this client to edit the user's data.
kwargs: Other parameters to pass to post().
A containing information about uploaded doc.
Data and other attributes defined here:
- api_version = '3.0'
- auth_scopes = ('', '')
- auth_service = 'writely'
- host = ''
Methods inherited from gdata.client.GDClient:
- ClientLogin = client_login(self, email, password, source, service=None, account_type='HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE', auth_url=<atom.http_core.Uri object at 0xbdf9d0>, captcha_token=None, captcha_response=None)
- Performs an auth request using the user's email address and password.
In order to modify user specific data and read user private data, your
application must be authorized by the user. One way to demonstrage
authorization is by including a Client Login token in the Authorization
HTTP header of all requests. This method requests the Client Login token
by sending the user's email address, password, the name of the
application, and the service code for the service which will be accessed
by the application. If the username and password are correct, the server
will respond with the client login code and a new ClientLoginToken
object will be set in the client's auth_token member. With the auth_token
set, future requests from this client will include the Client Login
For a list of service names, see
For more information on Client Login, see:
email: str The user's email address or username.
password: str The password for the user's account.
source: str The name of your application. This can be anything you
like but should should give some indication of which app is
making the request.
service: str The service code for the service you would like to access.
For example, 'cp' for contacts, 'cl' for calendar. For a full
list see
If you are using a subclass of the gdata.client.GDClient, the
service will usually be filled in for you so you do not need
to specify it. For example see BloggerClient,
SpreadsheetsClient, etc.
account_type: str (optional) The type of account which is being
authenticated. This can be either 'GOOGLE' for a Google
Account, 'HOSTED' for a Google Apps Account, or the
default 'HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE' which will select the Google
Apps Account if the same email address is used for both
a Google Account and a Google Apps Account.
auth_url: str (optional) The URL to which the login request should be
captcha_token: str (optional) If a previous login attempt was reponded
to with a CAPTCHA challenge, this is the token which
identifies the challenge (from the CAPTCHA's URL).
captcha_response: str (optional) If a previous login attempt was
reponded to with a CAPTCHA challenge, this is the
response text which was contained in the challenge.
A RequestError or one of its suclasses: BadAuthentication,
BadAuthenticationServiceURL, ClientLoginFailed,
ClientLoginTokenMissing, or CaptchaChallenge
- Delete = delete(self, entry_or_uri, auth_token=None, force=False, **kwargs)
- GetAccessToken = get_access_token(self, request_token, url='')
- Exchanges an authorized OAuth request token for an access token.
Contacts the Google OAuth server to upgrade a previously authorized
request token. Once the request token is upgraded to an access token,
the access token may be used to access the user's data.
For more details, see the Google Accounts OAuth documentation:
request_token: An OAuth token which has been authorized by the user.
url: (optional) The URL to which the upgrade request should be sent.
Defaults to:
- GetEntry = get_entry(self, uri, auth_token=None, converter=None, desired_class=<class ''>, etag=None, **kwargs)
- GetFeed = get_feed(self, uri, auth_token=None, converter=None, desired_class=<class ''>, **kwargs)
- GetNext = get_next(self, feed, auth_token=None, converter=None, desired_class=None, **kwargs)
- Fetches the next set of results from the feed.
When requesting a feed, the number of entries returned is capped at a
service specific default limit (often 25 entries). You can specify your
own entry-count cap using the max-results URL query parameter. If there
are more results than could fit under max-results, the feed will contain
a next link. This method performs a GET against this next results URL.
A new feed object containing the next set of entries in this feed.
- GetOAuthToken = get_oauth_token(self, scopes, next, consumer_key, consumer_secret=None, rsa_private_key=None, url='')
- Obtains an OAuth request token to allow the user to authorize this app.
Once this client has a request token, the user can authorize the request
token by visiting the authorization URL in their browser. After being
redirected back to this app at the 'next' URL, this app can then exchange
the authorized request token for an access token.
For more information see the documentation on Google Accounts with OAuth:
scopes: list of strings or atom.http_core.Uri objects which specify the
URL prefixes which this app will be accessing. For example, to access
the Google Calendar API, you would want to use scopes:
next: str or atom.http_core.Uri object, The URL which the user's browser
should be sent to after they authorize access to their data. This
should be a URL in your application which will read the token
information from the URL and upgrade the request token to an access
consumer_key: str This is the identifier for this application which you
should have received when you registered your application with Google
to use OAuth.
consumer_secret: str (optional) The shared secret between your app and
Google which provides evidence that this request is coming from you
application and not another app. If present, this libraries assumes
you want to use an HMAC signature to verify requests. Keep this data
a secret.
rsa_private_key: str (optional) The RSA private key which is used to
generate a digital signature which is checked by Google's server. If
present, this library assumes that you want to use an RSA signature
to verify requests. Keep this data a secret.
url: The URL to which a request for a token should be made. The default
is Google's OAuth request token provider.
- ModifyRequest = modify_request(self, http_request)
- Adds or changes request before making the HTTP request.
This client will add the API version if it is specified.
Subclasses may override this method to add their own request
modifications before the request is made.
- Post = post(self, entry, uri, auth_token=None, converter=None, desired_class=None, **kwargs)
- Request = request(self, method=None, uri=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, converter=None, desired_class=None, redirects_remaining=4, **kwargs)
- Make an HTTP request to the server.
See also documentation for atom.client.AtomPubClient.request.
If a 302 redirect is sent from the server to the client, this client
assumes that the redirect is in the form used by the Google Calendar API.
The same request URI and method will be used as in the original request,
but a gsessionid URL parameter will be added to the request URI with
the value provided in the server's 302 redirect response. If the 302
redirect is not in the format specified by the Google Calendar API, a
RedirectError will be raised containing the body of the server's
The method calls the client's modify_request method to make any changes
required by the client before the request is made. For example, a
version 2 client could add a GData-Version: 2 header to the request in
its modify_request method.
method: str The HTTP verb for this request, usually 'GET', 'POST',
'PUT', or 'DELETE'
uri: atom.http_core.Uri, str, or unicode The URL being requested.
auth_token: An object which sets the Authorization HTTP header in its
modify_request method. Recommended classes include
gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken and gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken
among others.
http_request: (optional) atom.http_core.HttpRequest
converter: function which takes the body of the response as it's only
argument and returns the desired object.
desired_class: class descended from atom.core.XmlElement to which a
successful response should be converted. If there is no
converter function specified (converter=None) then the
desired_class will be used in calling the
atom.core.parse function. If neither
the desired_class nor the converter is specified, an
HTTP reponse object will be returned.
redirects_remaining: (optional) int, if this number is 0 and the
server sends a 302 redirect, the request method
will raise an exception. This parameter is used in
recursive request calls to avoid an infinite loop.
Any additional arguments are passed through to
An HTTP response object (see atom.http_core.HttpResponse for a
description of the object's interface) if no converter was
specified and no desired_class was specified. If a converter function
was provided, the results of calling the converter are returned. If no
converter was specified but a desired_class was provided, the response
body will be converted to the class using
- RequestClientLoginToken = request_client_login_token(self, email, password, source, service=None, account_type='HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE', auth_url=<atom.http_core.Uri object at 0xbdf990>, captcha_token=None, captcha_response=None)
- RevokeToken = revoke_token(self, token=None, url=<atom.http_core.Uri object at 0xbdfa50>)
- Requests that the token be invalidated.
This method can be used for both AuthSub and OAuth tokens (to invalidate
a ClientLogin token, the user must change their password).
True if the server responded with a 200.
A RequestError if the server responds with a non-200 status.
- Update = update(self, entry, auth_token=None, force=False, **kwargs)
- Edits the entry on the server by sending the XML for this entry.
Performs a PUT and converts the response to a new entry object with a
matching class to the entry passed in.
force: boolean stating whether an update should be forced. Defaults to
False. Normally, if a change has been made since the passed in
entry was obtained, the server will not overwrite the entry since
the changes were based on an obsolete version of the entry.
Setting force to True will cause the update to silently
overwrite whatever version is present.
A new Entry object of a matching type to the entry which was passed in.
- UpgradeToken = upgrade_token(self, token=None, url=<atom.http_core.Uri object at 0xbdfa10>)
- Asks the Google auth server for a multi-use AuthSub token.
For details on AuthSub, see:
token: gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken or gdata.gauth.SecureAuthSubToken
(optional) If no token is passed in, the client's auth_token member
is used to request the new token. The token object will be modified
to contain the new session token string.
url: str or atom.http_core.Uri (optional) The URL to which the token
upgrade request should be sent. Defaults to:
The upgraded gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken object.
- client_login(self, email, password, source, service=None, account_type='HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE', auth_url=<atom.http_core.Uri object at 0xbdf9d0>, captcha_token=None, captcha_response=None)
- Performs an auth request using the user's email address and password.
In order to modify user specific data and read user private data, your
application must be authorized by the user. One way to demonstrage
authorization is by including a Client Login token in the Authorization
HTTP header of all requests. This method requests the Client Login token
by sending the user's email address, password, the name of the
application, and the service code for the service which will be accessed
by the application. If the username and password are correct, the server
will respond with the client login code and a new ClientLoginToken
object will be set in the client's auth_token member. With the auth_token
set, future requests from this client will include the Client Login
For a list of service names, see
For more information on Client Login, see:
email: str The user's email address or username.
password: str The password for the user's account.
source: str The name of your application. This can be anything you
like but should should give some indication of which app is
making the request.
service: str The service code for the service you would like to access.
For example, 'cp' for contacts, 'cl' for calendar. For a full
list see
If you are using a subclass of the gdata.client.GDClient, the
service will usually be filled in for you so you do not need
to specify it. For example see BloggerClient,
SpreadsheetsClient, etc.
account_type: str (optional) The type of account which is being
authenticated. This can be either 'GOOGLE' for a Google
Account, 'HOSTED' for a Google Apps Account, or the
default 'HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE' which will select the Google
Apps Account if the same email address is used for both
a Google Account and a Google Apps Account.
auth_url: str (optional) The URL to which the login request should be
captcha_token: str (optional) If a previous login attempt was reponded
to with a CAPTCHA challenge, this is the token which
identifies the challenge (from the CAPTCHA's URL).
captcha_response: str (optional) If a previous login attempt was
reponded to with a CAPTCHA challenge, this is the
response text which was contained in the challenge.
A RequestError or one of its suclasses: BadAuthentication,
BadAuthenticationServiceURL, ClientLoginFailed,
ClientLoginTokenMissing, or CaptchaChallenge
- delete(self, entry_or_uri, auth_token=None, force=False, **kwargs)
- get_access_token(self, request_token, url='')
- Exchanges an authorized OAuth request token for an access token.
Contacts the Google OAuth server to upgrade a previously authorized
request token. Once the request token is upgraded to an access token,
the access token may be used to access the user's data.
For more details, see the Google Accounts OAuth documentation:
request_token: An OAuth token which has been authorized by the user.
url: (optional) The URL to which the upgrade request should be sent.
Defaults to:
- get_entry(self, uri, auth_token=None, converter=None, desired_class=<class ''>, etag=None, **kwargs)
- get_feed(self, uri, auth_token=None, converter=None, desired_class=<class ''>, **kwargs)
- get_next(self, feed, auth_token=None, converter=None, desired_class=None, **kwargs)
- Fetches the next set of results from the feed.
When requesting a feed, the number of entries returned is capped at a
service specific default limit (often 25 entries). You can specify your
own entry-count cap using the max-results URL query parameter. If there
are more results than could fit under max-results, the feed will contain
a next link. This method performs a GET against this next results URL.
A new feed object containing the next set of entries in this feed.
- get_oauth_token(self, scopes, next, consumer_key, consumer_secret=None, rsa_private_key=None, url='')
- Obtains an OAuth request token to allow the user to authorize this app.
Once this client has a request token, the user can authorize the request
token by visiting the authorization URL in their browser. After being
redirected back to this app at the 'next' URL, this app can then exchange
the authorized request token for an access token.
For more information see the documentation on Google Accounts with OAuth:
scopes: list of strings or atom.http_core.Uri objects which specify the
URL prefixes which this app will be accessing. For example, to access
the Google Calendar API, you would want to use scopes:
next: str or atom.http_core.Uri object, The URL which the user's browser
should be sent to after they authorize access to their data. This
should be a URL in your application which will read the token
information from the URL and upgrade the request token to an access
consumer_key: str This is the identifier for this application which you
should have received when you registered your application with Google
to use OAuth.
consumer_secret: str (optional) The shared secret between your app and
Google which provides evidence that this request is coming from you
application and not another app. If present, this libraries assumes
you want to use an HMAC signature to verify requests. Keep this data
a secret.
rsa_private_key: str (optional) The RSA private key which is used to
generate a digital signature which is checked by Google's server. If
present, this library assumes that you want to use an RSA signature
to verify requests. Keep this data a secret.
url: The URL to which a request for a token should be made. The default
is Google's OAuth request token provider.
- modify_request(self, http_request)
- Adds or changes request before making the HTTP request.
This client will add the API version if it is specified.
Subclasses may override this method to add their own request
modifications before the request is made.
- post(self, entry, uri, auth_token=None, converter=None, desired_class=None, **kwargs)
- request(self, method=None, uri=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, converter=None, desired_class=None, redirects_remaining=4, **kwargs)
- Make an HTTP request to the server.
See also documentation for atom.client.AtomPubClient.request.
If a 302 redirect is sent from the server to the client, this client
assumes that the redirect is in the form used by the Google Calendar API.
The same request URI and method will be used as in the original request,
but a gsessionid URL parameter will be added to the request URI with
the value provided in the server's 302 redirect response. If the 302
redirect is not in the format specified by the Google Calendar API, a
RedirectError will be raised containing the body of the server's
The method calls the client's modify_request method to make any changes
required by the client before the request is made. For example, a
version 2 client could add a GData-Version: 2 header to the request in
its modify_request method.
method: str The HTTP verb for this request, usually 'GET', 'POST',
'PUT', or 'DELETE'
uri: atom.http_core.Uri, str, or unicode The URL being requested.
auth_token: An object which sets the Authorization HTTP header in its
modify_request method. Recommended classes include
gdata.gauth.ClientLoginToken and gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken
among others.
http_request: (optional) atom.http_core.HttpRequest
converter: function which takes the body of the response as it's only
argument and returns the desired object.
desired_class: class descended from atom.core.XmlElement to which a
successful response should be converted. If there is no
converter function specified (converter=None) then the
desired_class will be used in calling the
atom.core.parse function. If neither
the desired_class nor the converter is specified, an
HTTP reponse object will be returned.
redirects_remaining: (optional) int, if this number is 0 and the
server sends a 302 redirect, the request method
will raise an exception. This parameter is used in
recursive request calls to avoid an infinite loop.
Any additional arguments are passed through to
An HTTP response object (see atom.http_core.HttpResponse for a
description of the object's interface) if no converter was
specified and no desired_class was specified. If a converter function
was provided, the results of calling the converter are returned. If no
converter was specified but a desired_class was provided, the response
body will be converted to the class using
- request_client_login_token(self, email, password, source, service=None, account_type='HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE', auth_url=<atom.http_core.Uri object at 0xbdf990>, captcha_token=None, captcha_response=None)
- revoke_token(self, token=None, url=<atom.http_core.Uri object at 0xbdfa50>)
- Requests that the token be invalidated.
This method can be used for both AuthSub and OAuth tokens (to invalidate
a ClientLogin token, the user must change their password).
True if the server responded with a 200.
A RequestError if the server responds with a non-200 status.
- update(self, entry, auth_token=None, force=False, **kwargs)
- Edits the entry on the server by sending the XML for this entry.
Performs a PUT and converts the response to a new entry object with a
matching class to the entry passed in.
force: boolean stating whether an update should be forced. Defaults to
False. Normally, if a change has been made since the passed in
entry was obtained, the server will not overwrite the entry since
the changes were based on an obsolete version of the entry.
Setting force to True will cause the update to silently
overwrite whatever version is present.
A new Entry object of a matching type to the entry which was passed in.
- upgrade_token(self, token=None, url=<atom.http_core.Uri object at 0xbdfa10>)
- Asks the Google auth server for a multi-use AuthSub token.
For details on AuthSub, see:
token: gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken or gdata.gauth.SecureAuthSubToken
(optional) If no token is passed in, the client's auth_token member
is used to request the new token. The token object will be modified
to contain the new session token string.
url: str or atom.http_core.Uri (optional) The URL to which the token
upgrade request should be sent. Defaults to:
The upgraded gdata.gauth.AuthSubToken object.
Methods inherited from atom.client.AtomPubClient:
- Get = get(self, uri=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, **kwargs)
- Performs a request using the GET method, returns an HTTP response.
- Put = put(self, uri=None, data=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, **kwargs)
- Sends data using the PUT method, returns an HTTP response.
- get(self, uri=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, **kwargs)
- Performs a request using the GET method, returns an HTTP response.
- put(self, uri=None, data=None, auth_token=None, http_request=None, **kwargs)
- Sends data using the PUT method, returns an HTTP response.
Data descriptors inherited from atom.client.AtomPubClient:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes inherited from atom.client.AtomPubClient:
- auth_token = None
- ssl = False
class DocsQuery(gdata.client.Query) |
| |
- Method resolution order:
- DocsQuery
- gdata.client.Query
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- ModifyRequest = modify_request(self, http_request)
- __init__(self, title=None, title_exact=None, opened_min=None, opened_max=None, edited_min=None, edited_max=None, owner=None, writer=None, reader=None, show_folders=None, show_deleted=None, ocr=None, target_language=None, source_language=None, convert=None, **kwargs)
- Constructs a query URL for the Google Documents List API.
title: str (optional) Specifies the search terms for the title of a
document. This parameter used without title_exact will only
submit partial queries, not exact queries.
title_exact: str (optional) Meaningless without title. Possible values
are 'true' and 'false'. Note: Matches are case-insensitive.
opened_min: str (optional) Lower bound on the last time a document was
opened by the current user. Use the RFC 3339 timestamp
format. For example: opened_min='2005-08-09T09:57:00-08:00'.
opened_max: str (optional) Upper bound on the last time a document was
opened by the current user. (See also opened_min.)
edited_min: str (optional) Lower bound on the last time a document was
edited by the current user. This value corresponds to the
edited.text value in the doc's entry object, which
represents changes to the document's content or metadata.
Use the RFC 3339 timestamp format. For example:
edited_max: str (optional) Upper bound on the last time a document was
edited by the user. (See also edited_min.)
owner: str (optional) Searches for documents with a specific owner. Use
the email address of the owner. For example:
writer: str (optional) Searches for documents which can be written to
by specific users. Use a single email address or a comma
separated list of email addresses. For example:
reader: str (optional) Searches for documents which can be read by
specific users. (See also writer.)
show_folders: str (optional) Specifies whether the query should return
folders as well as documents. Possible values are 'true'
and 'false'. Default is false.
show_deleted: str (optional) Specifies whether the query should return
documents which are in the trash as well as other
documents. Possible values are 'true' and 'false'.
Default is false.
ocr: str (optional) Specifies whether to attempt OCR on a .jpg, .png, or
.gif upload. Possible values are 'true' and 'false'. Default is
false. See OCR in the Protocol Guide:
target_language: str (optional) Specifies the language to translate a
document into. See Document Translation in the Protocol
Guide for a table of possible values:
source_language: str (optional) Specifies the source language of the
original document. Optional when using the translation
service. If not provided, Google will attempt to
auto-detect the source language. See Document
Translation in the Protocol Guide for a table of
possible values (link in target_language).
convert: str (optional) Used when uploading arbitrary file types to
specity if document-type uploads should convert to a native
Google Docs format. Possible values are 'true' and 'false'.
The default is 'true'.
- modify_request(self, http_request)
Data descriptors inherited from gdata.client.Query:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| |
Data |
| |
ACL_FEED_TEMPLATE = '/feeds/default/private/full/%s/acl'
DOCLIST_FEED_URI = '/feeds/default/private/full/'
FOLDERS_FEED_TEMPLATE = '/feeds/default/private/full/%s/contents'
REVISIONS_FEED_TEMPLATE = '/feeds/default/private/full/%s/revisions'
__author__ = 'e.bidelman (Eric Bidelman)' |
Author |
| |
e.bidelman (Eric Bidelman) |