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Python: package gdata.books
Data Models for books.service
All classes can be instantiated from an xml string using their FromString
class method.
* Book.title displays the first dc:title because the returned XML
repeats that datum as atom:title.
There is an undocumented gbs:openAccess element that is not parsed.
Classes |
| |
- gdata.GDataEntry(atom.Entry, gdata.LinkFinder)
- Book(_AtomFromString, gdata.GDataEntry)
- gdata.GDataFeed(atom.Feed, gdata.LinkFinder)
- BookFeed(_AtomFromString, gdata.GDataFeed)
- _AtomFromString(atom.AtomBase)
- Book(_AtomFromString, gdata.GDataEntry)
- BookFeed(_AtomFromString, gdata.GDataFeed)
- Creator
- Date
- Description
- Embeddability
- Format
- Identifier
- Publisher
- Rating
- Review
- Subject
- Title
- Viewability
class Book(_AtomFromString, gdata.GDataEntry) |
Represents an <entry> from either a search, annotation, library, or single
item feed. Note that dc_title attribute is the proper title of the volume,
title is an atom element and may not represent the full title. |
- Method resolution order:
- Book
- _AtomFromString
- gdata.GDataEntry
- atom.Entry
- atom.FeedEntryParent
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- gdata.LinkFinder
- atom.LinkFinder
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- GetAnnotationLink(self)
- Returns the atom.Link object representing the Annotation URI.
Note that the use of www.books in the href of this link seems to make
this information useless. Using books.service.ANNOTATION_FEED and
BOOK_SERVER to construct your URI seems to work better.
- GetInfoLink(self)
- Returns the atom.Link object representing the human-readable info URI.
- GetPreviewLink(self)
- Returns the atom.Link object representing the preview URI.
- GetThumbnailLink(self)
- Returns the atom.Link object representing the thumbnail URI.
- __init__(self, creator=None, date=None, description=None, format=None, author=None, identifier=None, publisher=None, subject=None, dc_title=None, viewability=None, embeddability=None, review=None, rating=None, category=None, content=None, contributor=None, atom_id=None, link=None, published=None, rights=None, source=None, summary=None, title=None, control=None, updated=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None)
- clean_annotations(self)
- Clear all annotations from an item. Useful for taking an item from
another user's library/annotation feed and adding it to the
authenticated user's library without adopting annotations.
- get_google_id(self)
- Get Google's ID of the item.
- get_label(self)
- Get users label for the item as a string
- remove_label(self)
- Clear the user's label for the item
- set_label(self, term)
- Clear pre-existing label for the item and set term as the label.
- set_rating(self, value)
- Set user's rating. Must be an integral string between 1 nad 5
- set_review(self, text, type='text', lang='en')
- Set user's review text
- to_dict(self)
- Returns a dictionary of the book's available metadata. If the data
cannot be discovered, it is not included as a key in the returned dict.
The possible keys are: authors, embeddability, date, description,
format, identifiers, publishers, rating, review, subjects, title, and
* Plural keys will be lists
* Singular keys will be strings
* Title, despite usually being a list, joins the title and subtitle
with a space as a single string.
* embeddability and viewability only return the portion of the URI
after #
* identifiers is a list of tuples, where the first item of each tuple
is the type of identifier and the second item is the identifying
string. Note that while doing dict() on this tuple may be possible,
some items may have multiple of the same identifier and converting
to a dict may resulted in collisions/dropped data.
* Rating returns only the user's rating. See Rating class for precise
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from gdata.GDataEntry:
- GetMediaURL(self)
- Returns the URL to the media content, if the entry is a media entry.
Otherwise returns None.
- IsMedia(self)
- Determines whether or not an entry is a GData Media entry.
Data descriptors inherited from gdata.GDataEntry:
- id
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from gdata.LinkFinder:
- GetAclLink(self)
- GetEditLink(self)
- GetEditMediaLink(self)
- The Picasa API mistakenly returns media-edit rather than edit-media, but
this may change soon.
- GetFeedLink(self)
- GetHtmlLink(self)
- Find the first link with rel of alternate and type of text/html
An atom.Link or None if no links matched
- GetNextLink(self)
- GetPostLink(self)
- Get a link containing the POST target URL.
The POST target URL is used to insert new entries.
A link object with a rel matching the POST type.
- GetPrevLink(self)
- GetSelfLink(self)
- Find the first link with rel set to 'self'
An atom.Link or none if none of the links had rel equal to 'self'
Methods inherited from atom.LinkFinder:
- GetAlternateLink(self)
- GetLicenseLink(self)
class BookFeed(_AtomFromString, gdata.GDataFeed) |
Represents a feed of entries from a search. |
- Method resolution order:
- BookFeed
- _AtomFromString
- gdata.GDataFeed
- atom.Feed
- atom.Source
- atom.FeedEntryParent
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- gdata.LinkFinder
- atom.LinkFinder
- __builtin__.object
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from gdata.GDataFeed:
- __init__(self, author=None, category=None, contributor=None, generator=None, icon=None, atom_id=None, link=None, logo=None, rights=None, subtitle=None, title=None, updated=None, entry=None, total_results=None, start_index=None, items_per_page=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None, text=None)
- Constructor for Source
author: list (optional) A list of Author instances which belong to this
category: list (optional) A list of Category instances
contributor: list (optional) A list on Contributor instances
generator: Generator (optional)
icon: Icon (optional)
id: Id (optional) The entry's Id element
link: list (optional) A list of Link instances
logo: Logo (optional)
rights: Rights (optional) The entry's Rights element
subtitle: Subtitle (optional) The entry's subtitle element
title: Title (optional) the entry's title element
updated: Updated (optional) the entry's updated element
entry: list (optional) A list of the Entry instances contained in the
text: String (optional) The text contents of the element. This is the
contents of the Entry's XML text node.
(Example: <foo>This is the text</foo>)
extension_elements: list (optional) A list of ExtensionElement instances
which are children of this element.
extension_attributes: dict (optional) A dictionary of strings which are
the values for additional XML attributes of this element.
Data descriptors inherited from gdata.GDataFeed:
- generator
- id
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Methods inherited from gdata.LinkFinder:
- GetAclLink(self)
- GetEditLink(self)
- GetEditMediaLink(self)
- The Picasa API mistakenly returns media-edit rather than edit-media, but
this may change soon.
- GetFeedLink(self)
- GetHtmlLink(self)
- Find the first link with rel of alternate and type of text/html
An atom.Link or None if no links matched
- GetNextLink(self)
- GetPostLink(self)
- Get a link containing the POST target URL.
The POST target URL is used to insert new entries.
A link object with a rel matching the POST type.
- GetPrevLink(self)
- GetSelfLink(self)
- Find the first link with rel set to 'self'
An atom.Link or none if none of the links had rel equal to 'self'
Methods inherited from atom.LinkFinder:
- GetAlternateLink(self)
- GetLicenseLink(self)
class Creator(_AtomFromString) |
The <dc:creator> element identifies an author-or more generally, an entity
responsible for creating the volume in question. Examples of a creator
include a person, an organization, or a service. In the case of
anthologies, proceedings, or other edited works, this field may be used to
indicate editors or other entities responsible for collecting the volume's
This element appears as a child of <entry>. If there are multiple authors or
contributors to the book, there may be multiple <dc:creator> elements in the
volume entry (one for each creator or contributor). |
- Method resolution order:
- Creator
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # The deprecated_function wraps the actual call to f.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Date(_AtomFromString) |
The <dc:date> element indicates the publication date of the specific volume
in question. If the book is a reprint, this is the reprint date, not the
original publication date. The date is encoded according to the ISO-8601
standard (and more specifically, the W3CDTF profile).
The <dc:date> element can appear only as a child of <entry>.
Usually only the year or the year and the month are given.
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD TZD = -hh:mm or +hh:mm |
- Method resolution order:
- Date
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # The deprecated_function wraps the actual call to f.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Description(_AtomFromString) |
The <dc:description> element includes text that describes a book or book
result. In a search result feed, this may be a search result "snippet" that
contains the words around the user's search term. For a single volume feed,
this element may contain a synopsis of the book.
The <dc:description> element can appear only as a child of <entry> |
- Method resolution order:
- Description
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # The deprecated_function wraps the actual call to f.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Embeddability(_AtomFromString) |
Many of the books found on Google Book Search can be embedded on third-party
sites using the Embedded Viewer. The <gbs:embeddability> element indicates
whether a particular book result is available for embedding. By definition,
a book that cannot be previewed on Book Search cannot be embedded on third-
party sites.
The <gbs:embeddability> element can appear only as a child of <entry>.
The value attribute will take on one of the following URIs:
not embeddable: |
- Method resolution order:
- Embeddability
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, value=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None)
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Format(_AtomFromString) |
The <dc:format> element describes the physical properties of the volume.
Currently, it indicates the number of pages in the book, but more
information may be added to this field in the future.
This element can appear only as a child of <entry>. |
- Method resolution order:
- Format
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # The deprecated_function wraps the actual call to f.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Identifier(_AtomFromString) |
The <dc:identifier> element provides an unambiguous reference to a
particular book.
* Every <entry> contains at least one <dc:identifier> child.
* The first identifier is always the unique string Book Search has assigned
to the volume (such as s1gVAAAAYAAJ). This is the ID that appears in the
book's URL in the Book Search GUI, as well as in the URL of that book's
single item feed.
* Many books contain additional <dc:identifier> elements. These provide
alternate, external identifiers to the volume. Such identifiers may
include the ISBNs, ISSNs, Library of Congress Control Numbers (LCCNs),
and OCLC numbers; they are prepended with a corresponding namespace
prefix (such as "ISBN:").
* Any <dc:identifier> can be passed to the Dynamic Links, used to
instantiate an Embedded Viewer, or even used to construct static links to
Book Search.
The <dc:identifier> element can appear only as a child of <entry>. |
- Method resolution order:
- Identifier
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # The deprecated_function wraps the actual call to f.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Publisher(_AtomFromString) |
The <dc:publisher> element contains the name of the entity responsible for
producing and distributing the volume (usually the specific edition of this
book). Examples of a publisher include a person, an organization, or a
This element can appear only as a child of <entry>. If there is more than
one publisher, multiple <dc:publisher> elements may appear. |
- Method resolution order:
- Publisher
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # The deprecated_function wraps the actual call to f.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Rating(_AtomFromString) |
All attributes must take an integral string between 1 and 5.
The min, max, and average attributes represent 'community' ratings. The
value attribute is the user's (of the feed from which the item is fetched,
not necessarily the authenticated user) rating of the book. |
- Method resolution order:
- Rating
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, min=None, max=None, average=None, value=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None)
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Review(_AtomFromString) |
When present, the <gbs:review> element contains a user-generated review for
a given book. This element currently appears only in the user library and
user annotation feeds, as a child of <entry>.
type: text, html, xhtml
xml:lang: id of the language, a guess, (always two letters?) |
- Method resolution order:
- Review
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, type=None, lang=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None)
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Subject(_AtomFromString) |
The <dc:subject> element identifies the topic of the book. Usually this is
a Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH) or Book Industry Standards
and Communications Subject Heading (BISAC).
The <dc:subject> element can appear only as a child of <entry>. There may
be multiple <dc:subject> elements per entry. |
- Method resolution order:
- Subject
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # The deprecated_function wraps the actual call to f.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Title(_AtomFromString) |
The <dc:title> element contains the title of a book as it was published. If
a book has a subtitle, it appears as a second <dc:title> element in the book
result's <entry>. |
- Method resolution order:
- Title
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # The deprecated_function wraps the actual call to f.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
class Viewability(_AtomFromString) |
Google Book Search respects the user's local copyright restrictions. As a
result, previews or full views of some books are not available in all
locations. The <gbs:viewability> element indicates whether a book is fully
viewable, can be previewed, or only has "about the book" information. These
three "viewability modes" are the same ones returned by the Dynamic Links
The <gbs:viewability> element can appear only as a child of <entry>.
The value attribute will take the form of the following URIs to represent
the relevant viewing capability:
Full View:
Limited Preview:
Snippet View/No Preview:
Unknown view: |
- Method resolution order:
- Viewability
- _AtomFromString
- atom.AtomBase
- atom.ExtensionContainer
- __builtin__.object
Methods defined here:
- __init__(self, value=None, text=None, extension_elements=None, extension_attributes=None)
Class methods inherited from _AtomFromString:
- FromString(cls, s) from __builtin__.type
- #@classmethod
Methods inherited from atom.AtomBase:
- ToString(self, string_encoding='UTF-8')
- Converts the Atom object to a string containing XML.
- __str__(self)
Methods inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- FindExtensions(self, tag=None, namespace=None)
- Searches extension elements for child nodes with the desired name.
Returns a list of extension elements within this object whose tag
and/or namespace match those passed in. To find all extensions in
a particular namespace, specify the namespace but not the tag name.
If you specify only the tag, the result list may contain extension
elements in multiple namespaces.
tag: str (optional) The desired tag
namespace: str (optional) The desired namespace
A list of elements whose tag and/or namespace match the parameters
Data descriptors inherited from atom.ExtensionContainer:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
| |
Data |
| |
NO_VIEW = ''
__author__ = 'James Sams <>'
__copyright__ = 'Apache License v2.0' |
Author |
| |
James Sams <> |