A dictionary with details about the feed image. A feed image can be a logo, banner, or a picture of the author.
Comes from
- /rss/channel/image
- /rdf:RDF/rdf:image
The alternate text of the feed image, which would go in the alt attribute if you rendered the feed image as an HTML img element.
The URL of the feed image itself, which would go in the src attribute if you rendered the feed image as an HTML img element.
If this is a relative URI, it is resolved according to a set of rules.
The URL which the feed image would point to. If you rendered the feed image as an HTML img element, you would wrap it in an a element and put this in the href attribute.
If this is a relative URI, it is resolved according to a set of rules.
The width of the feed image, which would go in the width attribute if you rendered the feed image as an HTML img element.
The height of the feed image, which would go in the height attribute if you rendered the feed image as an HTML img element.
A short description of the feed image, which would go in the title attribute if you rendered the feed image as an HTML img element. This element is rare; it was available in Netscape RSS 0.91 but was dropped from Userland RSS 0.91.
This is a feed image:
<image> <title>Feed logo</title> <url>http://example.org/logo.png</url> <link>http://example.org/</link> <width>80</width> <height>15</height> <description>Visit my home page</description> </image>
This feed image could be rendered in HTML as this:
<a href="http://example.org/"> <img src="http://example.org/logo.png" width="80" height="15" alt="Feed logo" title="Visit my home page"> </a>