After you have completed the integration of Mailman and your mail server, you
need to create a ``site-wide'' mailing list. This is the one that password
reminders will appear to come from, and it is required for proper Mailman
operation. Usually this should be a list called mailman, but if you
need to change this, be sure to change the MAILMAN_SITE_LIST variable in You can create the site list with this command, following
the prompts:
% bin/newlist mailman
Now configure your site list. There is a convenient template for a generic
site list in the installation directory, under data/sitelist.cfg which
can help you with this. You should review the configuration options in the
template, but note that any options not named in the sitelist.cfg file
won't be changed.
The template can be applied to your site list by
% bin/config_list -i data/sitelist.cfg mailman
After applying the sitelist.cfg options, be sure you review the
site list's configuration via the admin pages.
You should also subscribe yourself to the site list.