Postfix 2.0 supports ``virtual alias domains'', essentially what used to be
called ``Postfix-style virtual domains'' in earlier Postfix versions. To make
virtual alias domains work with Mailman, you need to do some setup in both
Postfix and Mailman. Mailman will write all virtual alias mappings to a file
called, by default, /usr/local/mailman/data/virtual-mailman. It will
also use postmap to create the virtual-mailman.db file
that Postfix will actually use.
First, you need to set up the Postfix virtual alias domains as described in
the Postfix documentation (see Postfix's virtual(5) manpage). Note
that it's your responsibility to include the virtual-alias.domain
anything line as described manpage; Mailman will not include this line in
virtual-mailman. You are highly encouraged to make sure your virtual
alias domains are working properly before integrating with Mailman.
Next, add a path to Postfix's virtual_alias_maps variable, pointing to
the virtual-mailman file, e.g.:
virtual_alias_maps = <your normal virtual alias files>,
assuming you've installed Mailman in the default location. If you're using an
older version of Postfix which doesn't have the virtual_alias_maps
variable, use the virtual_maps variable instead.
Next, in your file, you will want to set the variable
POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS to the list of virtual domains that Mailman
should update. This may not be all of the virtual alias domains that your
Postfix installation supports! The values in this list will be matched
against the host_name attribute of mailing lists objects, and must be an
exact match.
Here's an example. Say that Postfix is configured to handle the virtual
domains dom1.ain, dom2.ain, and dom3.ain, and further
that in your file you've got the following settings:
If in your virtual-dom1 file, you've got the following lines:
dom1.ain IGNORE
@dom1.ain @mail.dom1.ain
this tells Postfix to deliver anything addressed to dom1.ain to the
same mailbox at, its default destination.
In this case you would not include dom1.ain in
POSTFIX_STYLE_VIRTUAL_DOMAINS because otherwise Mailman will write
entries for mailing lists in the dom1.ain domain as
mylist@dom1.ain mylist
mylist-request@dom1.ain mylist-request
# and so on...
The more specific entries trump your more general entries, thus breaking the
delivery of any dom1.ain mailing list.
However, you would include dom2.ain and dom3.ain in
Now, any list that Mailman creates in either of those two domains, will have
the correct entries written to /usr/local/mailman/data/virtual-mailman.
As above with the data/aliases* files, you want to make sure that both
data/virtual-mailman and data/virtual-mailman.db are user and
group owned by mailman.