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Courier MySQL authentication module
Courier MySQL authentication module
This module allows authentication information to be stored in a MySQL
- Supports both physical and virtual mail accounts.
- Can be configured to use either crypted or cleartext passwords (or
both). Cleartext passwords allow CRAM-MD5 authentication to be
When authmysql is installed, a default configuration file,
authmysqlrc will be installed too. You must edit this file to
set up your MySQL authentication.
Edit authmysqlrc , and initialize the following variables:
MYSQL_SERVER - MySQL server name (required).
MYSQL_PORT - server port where MySQL accepts
MYSQL_SOCKET - If MySQL is running on the same machine and
can accept connections from a filesystem socket, enter the path to the
filesystem socket here, and do not initialize SERVER/PORT.
MYSQL_USERNAME - MySQL username with log in with
MYSQL_PASSWORD - MySQL password with log in with
MYSQL_DATABASE - MySQL database to log in to
MYSQL_SSL_KEY - name of the field containing a SSL key path
MYSQL_SSL_CERT - name of the field containing a SSL
certificate path (optional).
MYSQL_SSL_CACERT - name of the field containing a SSL CA
certificate (optional).
MYSQL_SSL_CAPATH - name of the filend containing a name to a
directory that contains trusted SSL CA certificates in pem format. (optional).
MYSQL_SSL_CIPHER - name of the field containing a SSL
cipher list (optional).
MYSQL_USER_TABLE - name of the MySQL with the
authentication information (see below) (required).
MYSQL_LOGIN_FIELD - field that contains the login id for
this account.
MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD - name of the field containing the
crypt-ed password (either MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD or
MYSQL_CLEAR_PWFIELD is required). NOTE: this
password must be crypt-ed using the operating system's crypt function,
NOT MySQL's crypt function. MySQL's crypt() function is non-standard and
is not generally compatible with the operating system's crypt
MYSQL_CLEAR_PWFIELD - name of the field containing the
cleartext password (either MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD or
MYSQL_UID_FIELD - field that contains the system userid
for this account.
MYSQL_GID_FIELD - field that contains the system groupid
for this account.
MYSQL_MAILDIR_FIELD - name of the field containing a
non-default location of the account's system mailbox (optional).
MYSQL_DEFAULTDELIVERY - default mail delivery instructions
for the Courier mail server. If this field in the record is not empty,
its contents supercede the DEFAULTDELIVERY setting.
MYSQL_QUOTA_FIELD - name of the field containing a maildir
quota (optional).
MYSQL_AUXOPTIONS - auxiliary options. This field, if
defined, should consist of a VARCHAR consisting of a
comma-separate list of "IDENTIFIER=VALUE " pairs, that
specify per-account options. See INSTALL's description of the "Account
OPTIONS" setting for more information.
DEFAULT_DOMAIN - if the user logs in without specifying
@domain , use the following domain (in this case the id field
must always contain user@host ) (optional).
MYSQL_WHERE_CLAUSE - optional freeform SQL that is
appended to the SQL query string.
Here's a recommended definition of MYSQL_USER_TABLE :
id char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
crypt char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
clear char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
name char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
uid int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '65534' NOT NULL,
gid int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '65534' NOT NULL,
home char(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
maildir char(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
defaultdelivery char(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
quota char(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
options char(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
KEY id (id(128))
Observe that a valid SQL expression may be used in place of any field
setting, since all that happens is that the contents of the settings are
inserted into an SQL SELECT statement. Specifically, the options
field may be replaced by several normal fields, such as
"disablepop3 ", "disableimap ",
"disablewebmail ", and "sharedgroup "; then
MYSQL_AUXOPTIONS would be set to:
This results in the expected comma-delimited options list, which is built
up from individual table fields.