Software: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian). PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze19 uname -a: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue May 13 16:34:35 UTC uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/share/cups/doc-root/help/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: Select action/file-type: Driver API
OverviewThe driver API provides common dithering, color conversion, and utility functions for CUPS drivers. FunctionscupsCMYKDeleteDelete a color separation.
void cupsCMYKDelete ( ParameterscupsCMYKDoBlackDo a black separation...
void cupsCMYKDoBlack ( ParameterscupsCMYKDoCMYKDo a CMYK separation...
void cupsCMYKDoCMYK ( ParameterscupsCMYKDoGrayDo a grayscale separation...
void cupsCMYKDoGray ( ParameterscupsCMYKDoRGBDo an sRGB separation...
void cupsCMYKDoRGB ( ParameterscupsCMYKLoadLoad a CMYK color profile from PPD attributes.
cups_cmyk_t *cupsCMYKLoad ( ParametersReturn ValueCMYK color separation cupsCMYKNewCreate a new CMYK color separation.
cups_cmyk_t *cupsCMYKNew ( ParametersReturn ValueNew CMYK separation or NULL cupsCMYKSetBlackSet the transition range for CMY to black.
void cupsCMYKSetBlack ( ParameterscupsCMYKSetCurveSet a color transform curve using points.
void cupsCMYKSetCurve ( ParameterscupsCMYKSetGammaSet a color transform curve using gamma and density.
void cupsCMYKSetGamma ( ParameterscupsCMYKSetInkLimitSet the limit on the amount of ink.
void cupsCMYKSetInkLimit ( ParameterscupsCMYKSetLtDkSet light/dark ink transforms.
void cupsCMYKSetLtDk ( ParameterscupsCheckBytesCheck to see if all bytes are zero.
int cupsCheckBytes ( ParametersReturn Value1 if they match cupsCheckValueCheck to see if all bytes match the given value.
int cupsCheckValue ( ParametersReturn Value1 if they match cupsDitherDeleteFree a dithering buffer.
void cupsDitherDelete ( ParametersDiscussionReturns 0 on success, -1 on failure. cupsDitherLineDither a line of pixels...
void cupsDitherLine ( ParameterscupsDitherNewCreate an error-diffusion dithering buffer.
cups_dither_t *cupsDitherNew ( ParametersReturn ValueNew state array cupsFindAttrFind a PPD attribute based on the colormodel, media, and resolution.
ppd_attr_t *cupsFindAttr ( ParametersReturn ValueMatching attribute or NULL cupsLutDeleteFree the memory used by a lookup table.
void cupsLutDelete ( ParameterscupsLutLoadLoad a LUT from a PPD file.
cups_lut_t *cupsLutLoad ( ParametersReturn ValueNew lookup table cupsLutNewMake a lookup table from a list of pixel values.
cups_lut_t *cupsLutNew ( ParametersReturn ValueNew lookup table DiscussionReturns a pointer to the lookup table on success, NULL on failure. cupsPackHorizontalPack pixels horizontally...
void cupsPackHorizontal ( ParameterscupsPackHorizontal2Pack 2-bit pixels horizontally...
void cupsPackHorizontal2 ( ParameterscupsPackHorizontalBitPack pixels horizontally by bit...
void cupsPackHorizontalBit ( ParameterscupsPackVerticalPack pixels vertically...
void cupsPackVertical ( ParameterscupsRGBDeleteDelete a color separation.
void cupsRGBDelete ( ParameterscupsRGBDoGrayDo a grayscale separation...
void cupsRGBDoGray ( ParameterscupsRGBDoRGBDo a RGB separation...
void cupsRGBDoRGB ( ParameterscupsRGBLoadLoad a RGB color profile from a PPD file.
cups_rgb_t *cupsRGBLoad ( ParametersReturn ValueNew color profile cupsRGBNewCreate a new RGB color separation.
cups_rgb_t *cupsRGBNew ( ParametersReturn ValueNew color separation or NULL Data Typescups_cmyk_tSimple CMYK lookup table typedef struct cups_cmyk_s cups_cmyk_t; cups_dither_tDithering State typedef struct cups_dither_s cups_dither_t; cups_lut_tLookup Table for Dithering typedef struct cups_lut_s cups_lut_t; cups_rgb_tColor separation lookup table typedef struct cups_rgb_s cups_rgb_t; cups_sample_tColor sample point typedef struct cups_sample_s cups_sample_t; Structurescups_cmyk_sSimple CMYK lookup table struct cups_cmyk_s { Memberscups_dither_sDithering State struct cups_dither_s { Memberscups_lut_sLookup Table for Dithering struct cups_lut_s { Memberscups_rgb_sColor separation lookup table struct cups_rgb_s { Memberscups_sample_sColor sample point struct cups_sample_s { MembersVariablescups_scmy_lut[256]sRGB gamma lookup table (inverted) extern const unsigned char cups_scmy_lut[256]; cups_srgb_lut[256]sRGB gamma lookup table extern const unsigned char cups_srgb_lut[256]; |
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