Software: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian). PHP/5.3.3-7+squeeze19 uname -a: Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Tue May 13 16:34:35 UTC uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data) Safe-mode: OFF (not secure) /usr/share/cups/doc-root/help/ drwxr-xr-x |
Viewing file: Select action/file-type: CGI API
OverviewThe CGI API provides Common Gateway Interface functions for CUPS. FunctionscgiCheckVariablesCheck for the presence of "required" variables.
int cgiCheckVariables ( ParametersReturn Value1 if all variables present, 0 otherwise DiscussionNames may be separated by spaces and/or commas. cgiClearVariablesClear all form variables. void cgiClearVariables (void); cgiCompileSearchCompile a search string.
void *cgiCompileSearch ( ParametersReturn ValueSearch context cgiCopyTemplateFileCopy a template file and replace all the '{variable}' strings with the variable value.
void cgiCopyTemplateFile ( ParameterscgiCopyTemplateLangCopy a template file using a language...
void cgiCopyTemplateLang ( ParameterscgiDoSearchDo a search of some text.
int cgiDoSearch ( ParametersReturn ValueNumber of matches cgiEndHTMLEnd a HTML page. void cgiEndHTML (void); cgiEndMultipartEnd the delivery of a multipart web page. void cgiEndMultipart (void); cgiFormEncodeEncode a string as a form variable.
char *cgiFormEncode ( ParametersReturn ValueDestination string cgiFreeSearchFree a compiled search context.
void cgiFreeSearch ( ParameterscgiGetArrayGet an element from a form array.
const char *cgiGetArray ( ParametersReturn ValueElement value or NULL cgiGetAttributesGet the list of attributes that are needed by the template file.
void cgiGetAttributes ( ParameterscgiGetCookieGet a cookie value.
const char *cgiGetCookie ( ParametersReturn ValueValue or NULL cgiGetFileGet the file (if any) that was submitted in the form. const cgi_file_t *cgiGetFile (void); Return ValueAttached file or NULL cgiGetIPPObjectsGet the objects in an IPP response.
cups_array_t *cgiGetIPPObjects ( ParametersReturn ValueArray of objects cgiGetSizeGet the size of a form array value.
int cgiGetSize ( ParametersReturn ValueNumber of elements cgiGetTemplateDirGet the templates directory... char *cgiGetTemplateDir (void); Return ValueTemplate directory cgiGetVariableGet a CGI variable from the database.
const char *cgiGetVariable ( ParametersReturn ValueValue of variable DiscussionReturns NULL if the variable doesn't exist. If the variable is an array of values, returns the last element. cgiInitializeInitialize the CGI variable "database". int cgiInitialize (void); Return ValueNon-zero if there was form data cgiIsPOSTDetermine whether this page was POSTed. int cgiIsPOST (void); Return Value1 if POST, 0 if GET cgiMoveJobsMove one or more jobs.
void cgiMoveJobs ( ParametersDiscussionAt least one of dest or job_id must be non-zero/NULL. cgiPrintCommandPrint a CUPS command job.
void cgiPrintCommand ( ParameterscgiPrintTestPagePrint a test page.
void cgiPrintTestPage ( ParameterscgiRewriteURLRewrite a printer URI into a web browser URL...
char *cgiRewriteURL ( ParametersReturn ValueNew URL cgiSetArraySet array element N to the specified string.
void cgiSetArray ( ParametersDiscussionIf the variable array is smaller than (element + 1), the intervening elements are set to NULL. cgiSetCookieSet a cookie value.
void cgiSetCookie ( ParameterscgiSetIPPObjectVarsSet CGI variables from an IPP object.
ipp_attribute_t *cgiSetIPPObjectVars ( ParametersReturn ValueNext object cgiSetIPPVarsSet CGI variables from an IPP response.
int cgiSetIPPVars ( ParametersReturn ValueMaximum number of elements cgiSetServerVersionSet the server name and CUPS version... void cgiSetServerVersion (void); cgiSetSizeSet the array size.
void cgiSetSize ( ParameterscgiSetVariableSet a CGI variable in the database.
void cgiSetVariable ( ParametersDiscussionIf the variable is an array, this truncates the array to a single element. cgiShowIPPErrorShow the last IPP error message.
void cgiShowIPPError ( ParametersDiscussionThe caller must still call cgiStartHTML() and cgiEndHTML(). cgiShowJobsShow print jobs.
void cgiShowJobs ( ParameterscgiStartHTMLStart a HTML page.
void cgiStartHTML ( ParameterscgiStartMultipartStart a multipart delivery of a web page. void cgiStartMultipart (void); cgiSupportsMultipartDoes the browser support multi-part documents? int cgiSupportsMultipart (void); Return Value1 if multi-part supported, 0 otherwise cgiTextReturn localized text.
const char *cgiText ( ParametersReturn ValueLocalized message helpDeleteIndexDelete an index, freeing all memory used.
void helpDeleteIndex ( ParametershelpFindNodeFind a node in an index.
help_node_t *helpFindNode ( ParametersReturn ValueNode pointer or NULL helpLoadIndexLoad a help index from disk.
help_index_t *helpLoadIndex ( ParametersReturn ValueIndex pointer or NULL helpSaveIndexSave a help index to disk.
int helpSaveIndex ( ParametersReturn Value0 on success, -1 on error helpSearchIndexSearch an index.
help_index_t *helpSearchIndex ( ParametersReturn ValueSearch index Data Typescgi_file_tUploaded file data typedef struct cgi_file_s cgi_file_t; help_index_tHelp index structure typedef struct help_index_s help_index_t; help_node_tHelp node structure... typedef struct help_node_s help_node_t; help_word_tHelp word structure... typedef struct help_word_s help_word_t; Structurescgi_file_sUploaded file data struct cgi_file_s { Membershelp_index_sHelp index structure struct help_index_s { Membershelp_node_sHelp node structure... struct help_node_s { Membershelp_word_sHelp word structure... struct help_word_s { Members |
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