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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright (c) 2008 David JL <> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, # and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the # Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL # THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING # FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
""" Jamendo totem plugin (
TODO: - store thumbnails in relevant XDG directories (?) - cleanup the notebook code - interface with jamendo write API (not documented yet): favorites, comments, etc... """
import os import totem import gconf import gobject import gtk import pango import socket import threading import time import urllib import urllib2 from xml.sax.saxutils import escape try: import json except ImportError: try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: dlg = gtk.MessageDialog( type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK ) dlg.set_markup(_('You need to install the Python simplejson module.')) dlg.destroy() raise
socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) gobject.threads_init() gconf_key = '/apps/totem/plugins/jamendo'
class JamendoPlugin(totem.Plugin): """ Jamendo totem plugin GUI. """ SEARCH_CRITERIA = ['artist_name', 'tag_idstr'] AUDIO_FORMATS = ['ogg2', 'mp31'] TAB_RESULTS = 0 TAB_POPULAR = 1 TAB_LATEST = 2
def __init__(self): totem.Plugin.__init__(self) self.debug = True self.gstreamer_plugins_present = True self.totem = None self.gconf = gconf.client_get_default() self.init_settings()
def activate(self, totem_object): """ Plugin activation. """ # Initialise the interface self.builder = self.load_interface("jamendo.ui", True, totem_object.get_main_window(), self) self.config_dialog = self.builder.get_object('config_dialog') self.popup = self.builder.get_object('popup_menu') container = self.builder.get_object('container') self.notebook = self.builder.get_object('notebook') self.search_entry = self.builder.get_object('search_entry') self.search_combo = self.builder.get_object('search_combo') self.search_combo.set_active(0) self.album_button = self.builder.get_object('album_button') self.previous_button = self.builder.get_object('previous_button') self.next_button = self.builder.get_object('next_button') self.progressbars = [ self.builder.get_object('results_progressbar'), self.builder.get_object('popular_progressbar'), self.builder.get_object('latest_progressbar'), ] self.treeviews = [ self.builder.get_object('results_treeview'), self.builder.get_object('popular_treeview'), self.builder.get_object('latest_treeview'), ] self.setup_treeviews()
# Set up signals self.builder.get_object('search_button').connect('clicked', self.on_search_button_clicked) self.search_entry.connect('activate', self.on_search_entry_activate) self.notebook.connect('switch-page', self.on_notebook_switch_page) self.previous_button.connect('clicked', self.on_previous_button_clicked) self.next_button.connect('clicked', self.on_next_button_clicked) self.album_button.connect('clicked', self.on_album_button_clicked) self.builder.get_object('cancel_button').connect('clicked', self.on_cancel_button_clicked) self.builder.get_object('ok_button').connect('clicked', self.on_ok_button_clicked) self.builder.get_object('add_to_playlist').connect('activate', self.on_add_to_playlist_activate) self.builder.get_object('jamendo_album_page').connect('activate', self.on_open_jamendo_album_page_activate)
self.totem = totem_object self.reset() container.show_all() self.totem.add_sidebar_page("jamendo", _("Jamendo"), container)
def deactivate(self, totem_object): """ Plugin deactivation. """ totem_object.remove_sidebar_page("jamendo")
def create_configure_dialog(self, *args): """ Plugin config dialog. """ format = self.gconf.get_string('%s/format' % gconf_key) num_per_page = self.gconf.get_int('%s/num_per_page' % gconf_key) combo = self.builder.get_object('preferred_format_combo') combo.set_active(self.AUDIO_FORMATS.index(format)) spinbutton = self.builder.get_object('album_num_spinbutton') spinbutton.set_value(num_per_page) self.config_dialog.set_default_response(gtk.RESPONSE_OK) return self.config_dialog
def reset(self): """ XXX this will be refactored asap. """ self.current_page = { self.TAB_RESULTS: 1, self.TAB_POPULAR: 1, self.TAB_LATEST : 1 } self.running_threads = { self.TAB_RESULTS: False, self.TAB_POPULAR: False, self.TAB_LATEST : False } self.pages = { self.TAB_RESULTS: [], self.TAB_POPULAR: [], self.TAB_LATEST : [] } self.album_count = [0, 0, 0] for tv in self.treeviews: tv.get_model().clear() self._update_buttons_state()
def init_settings(self): """ Initialize plugin settings. """ format = self.gconf.get_string('%s/format' % gconf_key) if not format: format = 'ogg2' self.gconf.set_string('%s/format' % gconf_key, format) num_per_page = self.gconf.get_int('%s/num_per_page' % gconf_key) if not num_per_page: num_per_page = 10 self.gconf.set_int('%s/num_per_page' % gconf_key, num_per_page) JamendoService.AUDIO_FORMAT = format JamendoService.NUM_PER_PAGE = num_per_page
def setup_treeviews(self): """ Setup the 3 treeview: result, popular and latest """ self.current_treeview = self.treeviews[0] for w in self.treeviews: w.get_selection().set_mode(gtk.SELECTION_MULTIPLE)
# build pixbuf column cell = gtk.CellRendererPixbuf() col = gtk.TreeViewColumn() col.pack_start(cell, True) col.set_attributes(cell, pixbuf=1) w.append_column(col)
# build description column cell = gtk.CellRendererText() cell.set_property('wrap-mode', pango.WRAP_WORD) cell.set_property('wrap-width', 30) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn() col.pack_start(cell, True) col.set_attributes(cell, markup=2) col.set_expand(True) w.append_column(col) w.connect_after('size-allocate', self.on_treeview_size_allocate, col, cell)
# duration column cell = gtk.CellRendererText() cell.set_property('xalign', 1.0) cell.set_property('size-points', 8) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn() col.pack_start(cell, True) col.set_attributes(cell, markup=3) col.set_alignment(1.0) w.append_column(col)
# configure the treeview w.set_show_expanders(False) # we manage internally expand/collapse w.set_tooltip_column(4) # set the tooltip column
# Connect signals w.connect("button-press-event", self.on_treeview_row_clicked) w.connect("row-activated", self.on_treeview_row_activated)
def add_treeview_item(self, treeview, album): if not isinstance(album['image'], gtk.gdk.Pixbuf): # album image pixbuf is not yet built try: pb = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(album['image']) os.unlink(album['image']) album['image'] = pb except: # do not fail for this, just display a dummy pixbuf album['image'] = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, 1, 1) # format title title = '<b>%s</b>\n' % self._format_str(album['name']) title += _('Artist: %s') % self._format_str(album['artist_name']) # format duration dur = self._format_duration(album['duration']) # format tooltip try: # Translators: this is the release date of an album in Python strptime format release = time.strptime(album['dates']['release'][0:10], _('%Y-%m-%d')) # Translators: this is the release time of an album in Python strftime format release = time.strftime(_('%x'), release) except: release = '' tip = '\n'.join([ '<b>%s</b>' % self._format_str(album['name']), _('Artist: %s') % self._format_str(album['artist_name']), _('Genre: %s') % self._format_str(album['genre']), _('Released on: %s') % release, _('License: %s') % self._format_str(album['license'][0]), ]) # append album row parent = treeview.get_model().append(None, [album, album['image'], title, dur, tip] ) # append track rows icon = gtk.gdk.Pixbuf(gtk.gdk.COLORSPACE_RGB, True, 8, 1, 1) for i, track in enumerate(album['tracks']): # track title # Translators: this is the title of a track in Python format # (first argument is the track number, second is the track title) tt = ('<small>%s</small>' % _('%02d. %s')) % \ (i+1, self._format_str(track['name'])) # track duration td = self._format_duration(track['duration']) # track tooltip tip = '\n'.join([ '<b>%s</b>' % self._format_str(track['name']), _('Album: %s') % self._format_str(album['name']), _('Artist: %s') % self._format_str(album['artist_name']), _('Duration: %s') % td, ]) # append track treeview.get_model().append(parent, [track, icon, tt, td, tip]) # update current album count pindex = self.treeviews.index(treeview) self.album_count[pindex] += 1
def add_album_to_playlist(self, mode, album): """ Add an album to the playlist, mode can be: replace, enqueue or enqueue_and_play. """ for i, track in enumerate(album['tracks']): if mode in ('replace', 'enqueue_and_play'): if i == 0: # play first track self.add_track_to_playlist(mode, track) else: # and enqueue other tracks self.add_track_to_playlist('enqueue', track) else: self.add_track_to_playlist('enqueue', track)
def add_track_to_playlist(self, mode, t): """ Add a track to the playlist, mode can be: replace, enqueue or enqueue_and_play. """ if mode == 'replace': self.totem.action_remote(totem.REMOTE_COMMAND_REPLACE, t['stream']) elif mode == 'enqueue': self.totem.action_remote(totem.REMOTE_COMMAND_ENQUEUE, t['stream'])
def fetch_albums(self, pn=1): """ Initialize the fetch thread. """ tab_index = self.treeviews.index(self.current_treeview) if tab_index == self.TAB_POPULAR: params = {'order': 'rating_desc'} elif tab_index == self.TAB_LATEST: params = {'order': 'date_desc'} else: value = self.search_entry.get_text() if not value: return prop = self.SEARCH_CRITERIA[self.search_combo.get_active()] params = {'order': 'date_desc', prop: value} params['pn'] = pn self.current_treeview.get_model().clear() self.previous_button.set_sensitive(False) self.next_button.set_sensitive(False) self.album_button.set_sensitive(False) self.progressbars[tab_index].show() self.progressbars[tab_index].set_fraction(0.0) self.progressbars[tab_index].set_text( _('Fetching albums, please wait...') ) lcb = (self.on_fetch_albums_loop, self.current_treeview) dcb = (self.on_fetch_albums_done, self.current_treeview) ecb = (self.on_fetch_albums_error, self.current_treeview) thread = JamendoService(params, lcb, dcb, ecb) thread.start() self.running_threads[tab_index] = True
def on_fetch_albums_loop(self, treeview, album): """ Add an album item and its tracks to the current treeview. """ self.add_treeview_item(treeview, album) # pulse progressbar pindex = self.treeviews.index(treeview) self.progressbars[pindex].set_fraction( float(self.album_count[pindex]) / float(JamendoService.NUM_PER_PAGE) )
def on_fetch_albums_done(self, treeview, albums, save_state=True): """ Called when the thread finished fetching albums. """ pindex = self.treeviews.index(treeview) model = treeview.get_model() if save_state and len(albums): self.pages[pindex].append(albums) self.current_page[pindex] = len(self.pages[pindex]) self._update_buttons_state() self.progressbars[pindex].set_fraction(0.0) self.progressbars[pindex].hide() self.album_count[pindex] = 0 self.running_threads[pindex] = False
def on_fetch_albums_error(self, treeview, exc): """ Called when an error occured in the thread. """ self.reset() pindex = self.treeviews.index(treeview) self.progressbars[pindex].set_fraction(0.0) self.progressbars[pindex].hide() self.running_threads[pindex] = False dlg = gtk.MessageDialog( type=gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, buttons=gtk.BUTTONS_OK ) dlg.set_markup( '<b>%s</b>' % _('An error occurred while fetching albums.') ) # managing exceptions with urllib is a real PITA... :( if hasattr(exc, 'reason'): try: reason = exc.reason[1] except: try: reason = exc.reason[0] except: reason = str(exc) reason = reason.capitalize() msg = _('Failed to connect to Jamendo server.\n%s.') % reason elif hasattr(exc, 'code'): msg = _('The Jamendo server returned code %s.') % exc.code else: msg = str(exc) dlg.format_secondary_text(msg) dlg.destroy()
def on_search_entry_activate(self, *args): """ Called when the user typed <enter> in the search entry. """ return self.on_search_button_clicked()
def on_search_button_clicked(self, *args): """ Called when the user clicked on the search button. """ if not self.search_entry.get_text(): return if self.current_treeview != self.treeviews[self.TAB_RESULTS]: self.current_treeview = self.treeviews[self.TAB_RESULTS] self.notebook.set_current_page(self.TAB_RESULTS) else: self.on_notebook_switch_page(new_search=True)
def on_notebook_switch_page(self, nb=None, tab=None, tab_num=0, new_search=False): """ Called when the changed a notebook page. """ self.current_treeview = self.treeviews[int(tab_num)] self._update_buttons_state() model = self.current_treeview.get_model() # fetch popular and latest albums only once if self.running_threads[int(tab_num)] == True or \ (not new_search and len(model)): return if new_search: self.current_page[self.TAB_RESULTS] = 1 self.pages[self.TAB_RESULTS] = [] self.album_count[self.TAB_RESULTS] = 0 self._update_buttons_state() model.clear() self.fetch_albums()
def on_treeview_row_activated(self, tv, path, column): """ Called when the user double-clicked on a treeview element. """ try: item = self._get_selection()[0] # first item selected except: return if len(path) == 1: self.add_album_to_playlist('replace', item) else: self.add_track_to_playlist('replace', item)
def on_treeview_row_clicked(self, tv, evt): """ Called when the user clicked on a treeview element. """ try: if evt.button == 3: path = tv.get_path_at_pos(int(evt.x), int(evt.y)) sel = tv.get_selection() rows = sel.get_selected_rows() if path[0] not in rows[1]: sel.unselect_all() sel.select_path(path[0]) tv.grab_focus() self.popup.popup(None, None, None, evt.button, evt.time) return True coords = evt.get_coords() path, c, x, y = tv.get_path_at_pos(int(coords[0]), int(coords[1])) if (len(path) == 1): if tv.row_expanded(path): tv.collapse_row(path) else: tv.expand_row(path, False) self.album_button.set_sensitive(True) except: pass
def on_treeview_size_allocate(self, tv, allocation, col, cell): """ Hack to autowrap text of the title colum. """ cols = (c for c in tv.get_columns() if c != col) w = allocation.width - sum(c.get_width() for c in cols) if cell.props.wrap_width == w or w <= 0: return cell.props.wrap_width = w
def on_previous_button_clicked(self, *args): """ Called when the user clicked the previous button. """ self._update_buttons_state() model = self.current_treeview.get_model() model.clear() pindex = self.treeviews.index(self.current_treeview) self.current_page[pindex] -= 1 albums = self.pages[pindex][self.current_page[pindex]-1] for album in albums: self.add_treeview_item(self.current_treeview, album) self.on_fetch_albums_done(self.current_treeview, albums, False)
def on_next_button_clicked(self, *args): """ Called when the user clicked the next button. """ self._update_buttons_state() model = self.current_treeview.get_model() model.clear() pindex = self.treeviews.index(self.current_treeview) if self.current_page[pindex] == len(self.pages[pindex]): self.fetch_albums(self.current_page[pindex]+1) else: self.current_page[pindex] += 1 albums = self.pages[pindex][self.current_page[pindex]-1] for album in albums: self.add_treeview_item(self.current_treeview, album) self.on_fetch_albums_done(self.current_treeview, albums, False)
def on_album_button_clicked(self, *args): """ Called when the user clicked on the album button. """ try: url = self._get_selection(True)[0]['url'] os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, "xdg-open", "xdg-open", url) except: pass
def on_cancel_button_clicked(self, *args): """ Called when the user clicked cancel in the config dialog. """ self.config_dialog.hide()
def on_ok_button_clicked(self, *args): """ Called when the user clicked ok in the config dialog. """ combo = self.builder.get_object('preferred_format_combo') spinbutton = self.builder.get_object('album_num_spinbutton') format = self.AUDIO_FORMATS[combo.get_active()] self.gconf.set_string('%s/format' % gconf_key, format) num_per_page = int(spinbutton.get_value()) self.gconf.set_int('%s/num_per_page' % gconf_key, num_per_page) self.init_settings() self.config_dialog.hide() try: self.reset() except: pass
def on_add_to_playlist_activate(self, *args): """ Called when the user clicked on the add to playlist button of the popup menu. """ items = self._get_selection() for item in items: if 'tracks' in item: # we have an album self.add_album_to_playlist('enqueue', item) else: # we have a track self.add_track_to_playlist('enqueue', item)
def on_open_jamendo_album_page_activate(self, *args): """ Called when the user clicked on the jamendo album page button of the popup menu. """ return self.on_album_button_clicked()
def _get_selection(self, root=False): """ Shortcut method to retrieve the treeview items selected. """ ret = [] sel = self.current_treeview.get_selection() model, rows = sel.get_selected_rows() for row in rows: if root: it = model.get_iter((row[0],)) else: it = model.get_iter(row) elt = model.get(it, 0)[0] if elt not in ret: ret.append(elt) return ret
def _update_buttons_state(self): """ Update the state of the previous and next buttons. """ sel = self.current_treeview.get_selection() model, rows = sel.get_selected_rows() try: it = model.get_iter(rows[0]) except: it = None pindex = self.treeviews.index(self.current_treeview) self.previous_button.set_sensitive(self.current_page[pindex] > 1) self.next_button.set_sensitive(len(model)==JamendoService.NUM_PER_PAGE) self.album_button.set_sensitive(it is not None)
def _format_str(self, st, truncate=False): """ Escape entities for pango markup and force the string to utf-8. """ if not st: return '' try: return escape(st.encode('utf8')) except: return st
def _format_duration(self, secs): """ Format the given number of seconds to a human readable duration. """ try: secs = int(secs) if secs >= 3600: # Translators: time formatting (in Python strftime format) for the Jamendo plugin # for times longer than an hour return time.strftime(_('%H:%M:%S'), time.gmtime(secs)) # Translators: time formatting (in Python strftime format) for the Jamendo plugin # for times shorter than an hour return time.strftime(_('%M:%S'), time.gmtime(secs)) except: return ''
class JamendoService(threading.Thread): """ Class that requests the jamendo REST service. """
def __init__(self, params, loop_cb, done_cb, error_cb): self.params = params self.loop_cb = loop_cb self.done_cb = done_cb self.error_cb = error_cb self.lock = threading.Lock() threading.Thread.__init__(self)
def run(self): url = '%s/id+name+duration+image+genre+dates+url+artist_id+' \ 'artist_name+artist_url/album/json/?n=%s&imagesize=50' % \ (self.API_URL, self.NUM_PER_PAGE) if len(self.params): url += '&%s' % urllib.urlencode(self.params) try: self.lock.acquire() albums = json.loads(self._request(url)) ret = [] for i, album in enumerate(albums): fname, headers = urllib.urlretrieve(album['image']) album['image'] = fname album['tracks'] = json.loads(self._request( '%s/id+name+duration+stream/track/json/?album_id=%s'\ '&order=numalbum_asc' % (self.API_URL, album['id']) )) album['license'] = json.loads(self._request( '%s/name/license/json/album_license/?album_id=%s'\ % (self.API_URL, album['id']) )) # Translators: If Jamendo supports your language, replace "en" with the language code, enclosed # in slashes, used to view pages in your language on the Jamendo website. e.g. For French, "en" # would be translated to "fr", as Jamendo uses that in its URLs: # # Compared to: # # If Jamendo doesn't support your language, *do not translate this string*! album['url'] = album['url'].replace('/en/', '/' + _('en') + '/') gobject.idle_add(self.loop_cb[0], self.loop_cb[1], album) gobject.idle_add(self.done_cb[0], self.done_cb[1], albums) except Exception, exc: gobject.idle_add(self.error_cb[0], self.error_cb[1], exc) finally: self.lock.release()
def _request(self, url): opener = urllib2.build_opener() opener.addheaders = [('User-agent', 'Totem Jamendo plugin')] handle = data = handle.close() return data