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# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Foundation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""Test the new API for making and checking interface declarations

$Id: test_declarations.py 106268 2009-12-08 08:29:06Z wosc $
import unittest
from zope.interface import *
from zope.testing.doctestunit import DocTestSuite
from zope.interface import Interface

class I1(Interface): pass
class I2(Interface): pass
class I3(Interface): pass
class I4(Interface): pass
class I5(Interface): pass

class A(object):
class B(object):
class C(A, B):

class COnly(A, B):

class COnly_old(A, B):
    __implemented__ = I3
class D(COnly):
def test_ObjectSpecification_Simple():
    >>> c = C()
    >>> directlyProvides(c, I4)
    >>> [i.__name__ for i in providedBy(c)]
    ['I4', 'I3', 'I1', 'I2']

def test_ObjectSpecification_Simple_w_only():
    >>> c = COnly()
    >>> directlyProvides(c, I4)
    >>> [i.__name__ for i in providedBy(c)]
    ['I4', 'I3']

def test_ObjectSpecification_Simple_old_style():
    >>> c = COnly_old()
    >>> directlyProvides(c, I4)
    >>> [i.__name__ for i in providedBy(c)]
    ['I4', 'I3']

class Test(unittest.TestCase):

    # Note that most of the tests are in the doc strings of the
    # declarations module.

    def test_backward_compat(self):

        class C1(object): __implemented__ = I1
        class C2(C1): __implemented__ = I2, I5
        class C3(C2): __implemented__ = I3, C2.__implemented__

        self.assert_(C3.__implemented__.__class__ is tuple)

            [i.getName() for i in providedBy(C3())],
            ['I3', 'I2', 'I5'],

        class C4(C3):

            [i.getName() for i in providedBy(C4())],
            ['I4', 'I3', 'I2', 'I5'],

            [i.getName() for i in C4.__implemented__],
            ['I4', 'I3', 'I2', 'I5'],

        # Note that C3.__implemented__ should now be a sequence of interfaces
            [i.getName() for i in C3.__implemented__],
            ['I3', 'I2', 'I5'],
        self.failIf(C3.__implemented__.__class__ is tuple)

    def test_module(self):
        import zope.interface.tests.m1
        import zope.interface.tests.m2

    def test_builtins(self):
        # Setup

        intspec = implementedBy(int)
        olddeclared = intspec.declared
        classImplements(int, I1)
        class myint(int):

        x = 42
        self.assertEqual([i.getName() for i in providedBy(x)],

        x = myint(42)
        directlyProvides(x, I3)
        self.assertEqual([i.getName() for i in providedBy(x)],
                         ['I3', 'I2', 'I1'])

        # cleanup
        intspec.declared = olddeclared

        x = 42
        self.assertEqual([i.getName() for i in providedBy(x)],

def test_signature_w_no_class_interfaces():
    >>> from zope.interface import *
    >>> class C(object):
    ...     pass
    >>> c = C()
    >>> list(providedBy(c))
    >>> class I(Interface):
    ...    pass
    >>> directlyProvides(c, I)
    >>> list(providedBy(c))  == list(directlyProvidedBy(c))

def test_classImplement_on_deeply_nested_classes():
    """This test is in response to a bug found, which is why it's a bit

    >>> from zope.interface import *
    >>> class B1(object):
    ...     pass
    >>> class B2(B1):
    ...     pass
    >>> class B3(B2):
    ...     pass
    >>> class D(object):
    ...     implements()
    >>> class S(B3, D):
    ...     implements()

    This failed due to a bug in the code for finding __providedBy__
    descriptors for old-style classes.


def test_pickle_provides_specs():
    >>> from pickle import dumps, loads
    >>> a = A()
    >>> I2.providedBy(a)
    >>> directlyProvides(a, I2)
    >>> I2.providedBy(a)
    >>> a2 = loads(dumps(a))
    >>> I2.providedBy(a2)

def test_that_we_dont_inherit_class_provides():
    >>> class X(object):
    ...     classProvides(I1)
    >>> class Y(X):
    ...     pass
    >>> [i.__name__ for i in X.__provides__]
    >>> Y.__provides__
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: __provides__

def test_that_we_dont_inherit_provides_optimizations():

    When we make a declaration for a class, we install a __provides__
    descriptors that provides a default for instances that don't have
    instance-specific declarations:
    >>> class A(object):
    ...     implements(I1)

    >>> class B(object):
    ...     implements(I2)

    >>> [i.__name__ for i in A().__provides__]
    >>> [i.__name__ for i in B().__provides__]

    But it's important that we don't use this for subclasses without
    declarations.  This would cause incorrect results:

    >>> class X(A, B):
    ...     pass

    >>> X().__provides__
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AttributeError: __provides__

    However, if we "induce" a declaration, by calling implementedBy
    (even indirectly through providedBy):

    >>> [i.__name__ for i in providedBy(X())]
    ['I1', 'I2']

    then the optimization will work:
    >>> [i.__name__ for i in X().__provides__]
    ['I1', 'I2']

def test_classProvides_before_implements():
    """Special descriptor for class __provides__

    The descriptor caches the implementedBy info, so that
    we can get declarations for objects without instance-specific
    interfaces a bit quicker.

        For example::

          >>> from zope.interface import Interface
          >>> class IFooFactory(Interface):
          ...     pass
          >>> class IFoo(Interface):
          ...     pass
          >>> class C(object):
          ...     classProvides(IFooFactory)
          ...     implements(IFoo)
          >>> [i.getName() for i in C.__provides__]

          >>> [i.getName() for i in C().__provides__]

def test_getting_spec_for_proxied_builtin_class():

    In general, we should be able to get a spec
    for a proxied class if someone has declared or
    asked for a spec before.

    We don't want to depend on proxies in this (zope.interface)
    package, but we do want to work with proxies.  Proxies have the
    effect that a class's __dict__ cannot be gotten. Further, for
    built-in classes, we can't save, and thus, cannot get, any class
    attributes.  We'll emulate this by treating a plain object as a class:

      >>> cls = object()

    We'll create an implements specification:

      >>> import zope.interface.declarations
      >>> impl = zope.interface.declarations.Implements(I1, I2)

    Now, we'll emulate a declaration for a built-in type by putting
    it in BuiltinImplementationSpecifications:

      >>> zope.interface.declarations.BuiltinImplementationSpecifications[
      ...   cls] = impl

    Now, we should be able to get it back:

      >>> implementedBy(cls) is impl

    Of course, we don't want to leave it there. :)

      >>> del zope.interface.declarations.BuiltinImplementationSpecifications[
      ...   cls]


def test_declaration_get():
    We can get definitions from a declaration:

        >>> import zope.interface
        >>> class I1(zope.interface.Interface):
        ...    a11 = zope.interface.Attribute('a11')
        ...    a12 = zope.interface.Attribute('a12')
        >>> class I2(zope.interface.Interface):
        ...    a21 = zope.interface.Attribute('a21')
        ...    a22 = zope.interface.Attribute('a22')
        ...    a12 = zope.interface.Attribute('a212')
        >>> class I11(I1):
        ...    a11 = zope.interface.Attribute('a111')

        >>> decl = Declaration(I11, I2)
        >>> decl.get('a11') is I11.get('a11')
        >>> decl.get('a12') is I1.get('a12')
        >>> decl.get('a21') is I2.get('a21')
        >>> decl.get('a22') is I2.get('a22')
        >>> decl.get('a')
        >>> decl.get('a', 42)

    We get None even with no interfaces:

        >>> decl = Declaration()
        >>> decl.get('a11')
        >>> decl.get('a11', 42)

    We get new data if e change interface bases:

        >>> decl.__bases__ = I11, I2
        >>> decl.get('a11') is I11.get('a11')

def test_classImplements_after_classImplementsOnly_issue_402():

>>> from zope.interface import *
>>> class I1(Interface):
...     pass
>>> class I2(Interface):
...     pass
>>> class C:
...     implements(I1)
>>> class C2:
...     implementsOnly(I2)
>>> class I3(Interface):
...     pass

>>> [i.__name__ for i in providedBy(C2()).__iro__]
['I2', 'Interface']

>>> classImplements(C2, I3)
>>> [i.__name__ for i in providedBy(C2()).__iro__]
['I2', 'I3', 'Interface']

>>> class I4(Interface):
...     pass
>>> classImplements(C2, I4)
>>> [i.__name__ for i in providedBy(C2()).__iro__]
['I2', 'I3', 'I4', 'Interface']


def test_picklability_of_implements_specifications():

    Sometimes, we need to pickle implements specs.  We should be able
    to do so as long as the class is picklable.

    >>> import pickle
    >>> pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(implementedBy(C))) is implementedBy(C)

def test_provided_by_with_slots():

    This is an edge case: if the __slots__ of a class contain '__provides__',
    using providedBy() on that class should still work (this occurs, for
    example, when providing an adapter for a concrete class.)

    >>> import zope.interface
    >>> class Slotted(object):
    ...     __slots__ = ('__provides__')
    >>> class IFoo(zope.interface.Interface):
    ...     pass
    >>> IFoo.providedBy(Slotted)


def test_suite():
    suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    return suite

if __name__ == '__main__':

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

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