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# Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
# from twisted.conch.ssh.transport import SSHClientTransport, SSHCiphers from twisted.python import usage
import sys
class ConchOptions(usage.Options):
optParameters = [['user', 'l', None, 'Log in using this user name.'], ['identity', 'i', None], ['ciphers', 'c', None], ['macs', 'm', None], ['port', 'p', None, 'Connect to this port. Server must be on the same port.'], ['option', 'o', None, 'Ignored OpenSSH options'], ['host-key-algorithms', '', None], ['known-hosts', '', None, 'File to check for host keys'], ['user-authentications', '', None, 'Types of user authentications to use.'], ['logfile', '', None, 'File to log to, or - for stdout'], ]
optFlags = [['version', 'V', 'Display version number only.'], ['compress', 'C', 'Enable compression.'], ['log', 'v', 'Enable logging (defaults to stderr)'], ['nox11', 'x', 'Disable X11 connection forwarding (default)'], ['agent', 'A', 'Enable authentication agent forwarding'], ['noagent', 'a', 'Disable authentication agent forwarding (default)'], ['reconnect', 'r', 'Reconnect to the server if the connection is lost.'], ] zsh_altArgDescr = {"connection-usage":"Connection types to use"} #zsh_multiUse = ["foo", "bar"] zsh_mutuallyExclusive = [("agent", "noagent")] zsh_actions = {"user":"_users", "ciphers":"_values -s , 'ciphers to choose from' %s" % " ".join(SSHCiphers.cipherMap.keys()), "macs":"_values -s , 'macs to choose from' %s" % " ".join(SSHCiphers.macMap.keys()), "host-key-algorithms":"_values -s , 'host key algorithms to choose from' %s" % " ".join(SSHClientTransport.supportedPublicKeys), #"user-authentications":"_values -s , 'user authentication types to choose from' %s" % # " ".join(???), } #zsh_actionDescr = {"logfile":"log file name", "random":"random seed"} # user, host, or user@host completion similar to zsh's ssh completion zsh_extras = ['1:host | user@host:{_ssh;if compset -P "*@"; then _wanted hosts expl "remote host name" _ssh_hosts && ret=0 elif compset -S "@*"; then _wanted users expl "login name" _ssh_users -S "" && ret=0 else if (( $+opt_args[-l] )); then tmp=() else tmp=( "users:login name:_ssh_users -qS@" ) fi; _alternative "hosts:remote host name:_ssh_hosts" "$tmp[@]" && ret=0 fi}']
def __init__(self, *args, **kw): usage.Options.__init__(self, *args, **kw) self.identitys = [] self.conns = None
def opt_identity(self, i): """Identity for public-key authentication""" self.identitys.append(i)
def opt_ciphers(self, ciphers): "Select encryption algorithms" ciphers = ciphers.split(',') for cipher in ciphers: if not SSHCiphers.cipherMap.has_key(cipher): sys.exit("Unknown cipher type '%s'" % cipher) self['ciphers'] = ciphers
def opt_macs(self, macs): "Specify MAC algorithms" macs = macs.split(',') for mac in macs: if not SSHCiphers.macMap.has_key(mac): sys.exit("Unknown mac type '%s'" % mac) self['macs'] = macs
def opt_host_key_algorithms(self, hkas): "Select host key algorithms" hkas = hkas.split(',') for hka in hkas: if hka not in SSHClientTransport.supportedPublicKeys: sys.exit("Unknown host key type '%s'" % hka) self['host-key-algorithms'] = hkas
def opt_user_authentications(self, uas): "Choose how to authenticate to the remote server" self['user-authentications'] = uas.split(',')
# def opt_compress(self): # "Enable compression" # self.enableCompression = 1 # SSHClientTransport.supportedCompressions[0:1] = ['zlib']