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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_application,twisted.test.test_cooperator -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Reactor-based Services
Here are services to run clients, servers and periodic services using the reactor.
This module (dynamically) defines various Service subclasses that let you represent clients and servers in a Service hierarchy.
They are as follows::
TCPServer, TCPClient, UNIXServer, UNIXClient, SSLServer, SSLClient, UDPServer, UDPClient, UNIXDatagramServer, UNIXDatagramClient, MulticastServer
These classes take arbitrary arguments in their constructors and pass them straight on to their respective reactor.listenXXX or reactor.connectXXX calls.
For example, the following service starts a web server on port 8080: C{TCPServer(8080, server.Site(r))}. See the documentation for the reactor.listen/connect* methods for more information.
Maintainer: Moshe Zadka """
import warnings
from twisted.python import log from twisted.application import service from twisted.internet import task
class _VolatileDataService(service.Service):
volatile = []
def __getstate__(self): d = service.Service.__getstate__(self) for attr in self.volatile: if attr in d: del d[attr] return d
class _AbstractServer(_VolatileDataService): """ @cvar volatile: list of attribute to remove from pickling. @type volatile: C{list}
@ivar method: the type of method to call on the reactor, one of B{TCP}, B{UDP}, B{SSL} or B{UNIX}. @type method: C{str}
@ivar reactor: the current running reactor. @type reactor: a provider of C{IReactorTCP}, C{IReactorUDP}, C{IReactorSSL} or C{IReactorUnix}.
@ivar _port: instance of port set when the service is started. @type _port: a provider of C{IListeningPort}. """
volatile = ['_port'] method = None reactor = None
_port = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args if 'reactor' in kwargs: self.reactor = kwargs.pop("reactor") self.kwargs = kwargs
def privilegedStartService(self): service.Service.privilegedStartService(self) self._port = self._getPort()
def startService(self): service.Service.startService(self) if self._port is None: self._port = self._getPort()
def stopService(self): service.Service.stopService(self) # TODO: if startup failed, should shutdown skip stopListening? # _port won't exist if self._port is not None: d = self._port.stopListening() del self._port return d
def _getPort(self): """ Wrapper around the appropriate listen method of the reactor.
@return: the port object returned by the listen method. @rtype: an object providing L{IListeningPort}. """ if self.reactor is None: from twisted.internet import reactor else: reactor = self.reactor return getattr(reactor, 'listen%s' % (self.method,))( *self.args, **self.kwargs)
class _AbstractClient(_VolatileDataService): """ @cvar volatile: list of attribute to remove from pickling. @type volatile: C{list}
@ivar method: the type of method to call on the reactor, one of B{TCP}, B{UDP}, B{SSL} or B{UNIX}. @type method: C{str}
@ivar reactor: the current running reactor. @type reactor: a provider of C{IReactorTCP}, C{IReactorUDP}, C{IReactorSSL} or C{IReactorUnix}.
@ivar _connection: instance of connection set when the service is started. @type _connection: a provider of C{IConnector}. """ volatile = ['_connection'] method = None reactor = None
_connection = None
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args if 'reactor' in kwargs: self.reactor = kwargs.pop("reactor") self.kwargs = kwargs
def startService(self): service.Service.startService(self) self._connection = self._getConnection()
def stopService(self): service.Service.stopService(self) if self._connection is not None: self._connection.disconnect() del self._connection
def _getConnection(self): """ Wrapper around the appropriate connect method of the reactor.
@return: the port object returned by the connect method. @rtype: an object providing L{IConnector}. """ if self.reactor is None: from twisted.internet import reactor else: reactor = self.reactor return getattr(reactor, 'connect%s' % (self.method,))( *self.args, **self.kwargs)
_doc={ 'Client': """Connect to %(tran)s
Call reactor.connect%(method)s when the service starts, with the arguments given to the constructor. """, 'Server': """Serve %(tran)s clients
Call reactor.listen%(method)s when the service starts, with the arguments given to the constructor. When the service stops, stop listening. See twisted.internet.interfaces for documentation on arguments to the reactor method. """, }
import new for tran in 'TCP UNIX SSL UDP UNIXDatagram Multicast'.split(): for side in 'Server Client'.split(): if tran == "Multicast" and side == "Client": continue base = globals()['_Abstract'+side] method = {'Generic': 'With'}.get(tran, tran) doc = _doc[side]%vars() klass = new.classobj(tran+side, (base,), {'method': method, '__doc__': doc}) globals()[tran+side] = klass
class GenericServer(_AbstractServer): """ Serve Generic clients
Call reactor.listenWith when the service starts, with the arguments given to the constructor. When the service stops, stop listening. See twisted.internet.interfaces for documentation on arguments to the reactor method.
This service is deprecated (because reactor.listenWith is deprecated). """ method = 'With'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( 'GenericServer was deprecated in Twisted 10.1.', category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) _AbstractServer.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
class GenericClient(_AbstractClient): """ Connect to Generic.
Call reactor.connectWith when the service starts, with the arguments given to the constructor.
This service is deprecated (because reactor.connectWith is deprecated). """ method = 'With'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( 'GenericClient was deprecated in Twisted 10.1.', category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) _AbstractClient.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
class TimerService(_VolatileDataService):
"""Service to periodically call a function
Every C{step} seconds call the given function with the given arguments. The service starts the calls when it starts, and cancels them when it stops. """
volatile = ['_loop']
def __init__(self, step, callable, *args, **kwargs): self.step = step = (callable, args, kwargs)
def startService(self): service.Service.startService(self) callable, args, kwargs = # we have to make a new LoopingCall each time we're started, because # an active LoopingCall remains active when serialized. If # LoopingCall were a _VolatileDataService, we wouldn't need to do # this. self._loop = task.LoopingCall(callable, *args, **kwargs) self._loop.start(self.step, now=True).addErrback(self._failed)
def _failed(self, why): # make a note that the LoopingCall is no longer looping, so we don't # try to shut it down a second time in stopService. I think this # should be in LoopingCall. -warner self._loop.running = False log.err(why)
def stopService(self): if self._loop.running: self._loop.stop() return service.Service.stopService(self)
class CooperatorService(service.Service): """ Simple L{service.IService} which starts and stops a L{twisted.internet.task.Cooperator}. """ def __init__(self): = task.Cooperator(started=False)
def coiterate(self, iterator): return
def startService(self):
def stopService(self):
__all__ = (['TimerService', 'CooperatorService', 'MulticastServer'] + [tran+side for tran in 'Generic TCP UNIX SSL UDP UNIXDatagram'.split() for side in 'Server Client'.split()])