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# Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Divmod. # See LICENSE for details.
import os
from twisted.trial import unittest, util
from nevow import context from nevow import flat from nevow.flat.flatstan import _PrecompiledSlot from nevow import loaders from nevow import tags as t
class TestDocFactories(unittest.TestCase):
def _preprocessorTest(self, docFactory): def preprocessor(uncompiled): self.assertEquals(len(uncompiled), 1) uncompiled = uncompiled[0] self.assertEquals(uncompiled.tagName, 'div') self.assertEquals(len(uncompiled.children), 2) self.assertEquals(uncompiled.children[0].tagName, 'span') self.assertEquals(uncompiled.children[0].children, ['Hello']) self.assertEquals(uncompiled.children[1].tagName, 'span') self.assertEquals(uncompiled.children[1].children, ['world']) return t.div['goodbye.'] doc = docFactory.load(preprocessors=[preprocessor]) self.assertEquals(doc, ['<div>goodbye.</div>'])
def test_stanPreprocessors(self): """ Test that the stan loader properly passes uncompiled documents to preprocessors it is given. """ factory = loaders.stan( t.div[t.span['Hello'], t.span['world']]) return self._preprocessorTest(factory)
def test_stan(self): doc = t.ul(id='nav')[['one'],['two'],['three']] df = loaders.stan(doc) self.assertEquals(df.load()[0], '<ul id="nav"><li>one</li><li>two</li><li>three</li></ul>')
def test_stanPrecompiled(self): """ Test that a stan loader works with precompiled documents.
(This behavior will probably be deprecated soon, but we need to test that it works right until we remove it.) """ doc = flat.precompile(t.ul(id='nav')[['one'],['two'], t.slot('three')]) df = loaders.stan(doc) loaded = df.load() self.assertEqual(loaded[0], '<ul id="nav"><li>one</li><li>two</li>') self.failUnless(isinstance(loaded[1], _PrecompiledSlot)) self.assertEqual(loaded[1].name, 'three') self.assertEqual(loaded[2], '</ul>')
def test_htmlstr(self): doc = '<ul id="nav"><li>a</li><li>b</li><li>c</li></ul>' df = loaders.htmlstr(doc) self.assertEquals(df.load()[0], doc) test_htmlstr.suppress = [ util.suppress(message= r"\[v0.8\] htmlstr is deprecated because it's buggy. " "Please start using xmlfile and/or xmlstr.")]
def test_htmlfile(self): doc = '<ul id="nav"><li>a</li><li>b</li><li>c</li></ul>' temp = self.mktemp() f = file(temp, 'w') f.write(doc) f.close() df = loaders.htmlfile(temp) self.assertEquals(df.load()[0], doc) test_htmlfile.suppress = [ util.suppress(message= r"\[v0.8\] htmlfile is deprecated because it's buggy. " "Please start using xmlfile and/or xmlstr.")]
def test_htmlfile_slots(self): doc = '<nevow:slot name="foo">Hi there</nevow:slot>' temp = self.mktemp() f = file(temp, 'w') f.write(doc) f.close() df = loaders.htmlfile(temp) self.assertEquals(df.load()[0].children, ['Hi there']) test_htmlfile_slots.suppress = [ util.suppress(message= r"\[v0.8\] htmlfile is deprecated because it's buggy. " "Please start using xmlfile and/or xmlstr.")]
def test_xmlstr(self): doc = '<ul id="nav"><li>a</li><li>b</li><li>c</li></ul>' df = loaders.xmlstr(doc) self.assertEquals(df.load()[0], doc)
def test_xmlstrPreprocessors(self): """ Test that the xmlstr loader properly passes uncompiled documents to preprocessors it is given. """ factory = loaders.xmlstr( '<div><span>Hello</span><span>world</span></div>') return self._preprocessorTest(factory)
def test_xmlfile(self): doc = '<ul id="nav"><li>a</li><li>b</li><li>c</li></ul>' temp = self.mktemp() f = file(temp, 'w') f.write(doc) f.close() df = loaders.xmlfile(temp) self.assertEquals(df.load()[0], doc)
def test_xmlfilePreprocessors(self): """ Test that the xmlstr loader properly passes uncompiled documents to preprocessors it is given. """ xmlFile = self.mktemp() f = file(xmlFile, 'w') f.write('<div><span>Hello</span><span>world</span></div>') f.close() factory = loaders.xmlfile(xmlFile) return self._preprocessorTest(factory)
def test_patterned(self): """Test fetching a specific part (a pattern) of the document. """ doc = t.div[t.p[t.span(pattern='inner')['something']]] df = loaders.stan(doc, pattern='inner') self.assertEquals(df.load()[0].tagName, 'span') self.assertEquals(df.load()[0].children[0], 'something')
def test_ignoreDocType(self): doc = '''<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">\n<html><body><p>Hello.</p></body></html>''' df = loaders.xmlstr(doc, ignoreDocType=True) self.assertEquals(flat.flatten(df), '<html><body><p>Hello.</p></body></html>')
def test_ignoreComment(self): doc = '<!-- skip this --><p>Hello.</p>' df = loaders.xmlstr(doc, ignoreComment=True) self.assertEquals(flat.flatten(df), '<p>Hello.</p>')
class TestDocFactoriesCache(unittest.TestCase):
doc = ''' <div> <p nevow:pattern="1">one</p> <p nevow:pattern="2">two</p> </div> '''
nsdoc = ''' <div xmlns:nevow=""> <p nevow:pattern="1">one</p> <p nevow:pattern="2">two</p> </div> '''
stan = t.div[t.p(pattern='1')['one'],t.p(pattern='2')['two']]
def test_stan(self):
loader = loaders.stan(self.stan) self.assertEquals( id(loader.load()), id(loader.load()) )
loader = loaders.stan(self.stan, pattern='1') self.assertEquals( id(loader.load()), id(loader.load()) )
l1 = loaders.stan(self.stan, pattern='1') l2 = loaders.stan(self.stan, pattern='1') self.assertNotEqual( id(l1.load()), id(l2.load()) )
l1 = loaders.stan(self.stan, pattern='1') l2 = loaders.stan(self.stan, pattern='2') self.assertNotEqual( id(l1.load()), id(l2.load()) )
def test_htmlstr(self): loader = loaders.htmlstr(self.doc) self.assertEquals( id(loader.load()), id(loader.load()) )
loader = loaders.htmlstr(self.doc, pattern='1') self.assertEquals( id(loader.load()), id(loader.load()) )
l1 = loaders.htmlstr(self.doc, pattern='1') l2 = loaders.htmlstr(self.doc, pattern='1') self.assertNotEqual( id(l1.load()), id(l2.load()) )
l1 = loaders.htmlstr(self.doc, pattern='1') l2 = loaders.htmlstr(self.doc, pattern='2') self.assertNotEqual( id(l1.load()), id(l2.load()) ) test_htmlstr.suppress = [ util.suppress(message= r"\[v0.8\] htmlstr is deprecated because it's buggy. " "Please start using xmlfile and/or xmlstr.")]
def test_htmlfile(self): temp = self.mktemp() f = file(temp, 'w') f.write(self.doc) f.close()
loader = loaders.htmlfile(temp) self.assertEquals( id(loader.load()), id(loader.load()) )
l1 = loaders.htmlfile(temp, pattern='1') l2 = loaders.htmlfile(temp, pattern='1') self.assertNotEqual( id(l1.load()), id(l2.load()) )
l1 = loaders.htmlfile(temp, pattern='1') l2 = loaders.htmlfile(temp, pattern='2') self.assertNotEqual( id(l1.load()), id(l2.load()) ) test_htmlfile.suppress = [ util.suppress(message= r"\[v0.8\] htmlfile is deprecated because it's buggy. " "Please start using xmlfile and/or xmlstr.")]
def test_htmlfileReload(self): temp = self.mktemp() f = file(temp, 'w') f.write(self.doc) f.close()
loader = loaders.htmlfile(temp) r = loader.load() self.assertEquals(id(r), id(loader.load())) os.utime(temp, (os.path.getatime(temp), os.path.getmtime(temp)+5)) self.assertNotEqual(id(r), id(loader.load())) test_htmlfileReload.suppress = [ util.suppress(message= r"\[v0.8\] htmlfile is deprecated because it's buggy. " "Please start using xmlfile and/or xmlstr.")]
def test_xmlstr(self):
loader = loaders.xmlstr(self.nsdoc) self.assertEquals( id(loader.load()), id(loader.load()) )
loader = loaders.xmlstr(self.nsdoc, pattern='1') self.assertEquals( id(loader.load()), id(loader.load()) )
l1 = loaders.xmlstr(self.nsdoc, pattern='1') l2 = loaders.xmlstr(self.nsdoc, pattern='1') self.assertNotEqual( id(l1.load()), id(l2.load()) )
l1 = loaders.xmlstr(self.nsdoc, pattern='1') l2 = loaders.xmlstr(self.nsdoc, pattern='2') self.assertNotEqual( id(l1.load()), id(l2.load()) )
def test_xmlSlotDefault(self): """ An I{nevow:slot} tag in an XML template may have a I{default} attribute specifying a value for the slot if it is not otherwise given one. """ slotsdoc = ''' <div xmlns:nevow=""> <nevow:slot name="1" /> <nevow:slot name="2" default="3" /> </div> ''' loader = loaders.xmlstr(slotsdoc) loaded = loader.load() self.assertEquals(loaded[1].default, None) self.assertEquals(loaded[3].default, "3")
def test_xmlfile(self):
temp = self.mktemp() f = file(temp, 'w') f.write(self.nsdoc) f.close()
loader = loaders.xmlfile(temp) self.assertEquals( id(loader.load()), id(loader.load()) )
loader = loaders.xmlfile(temp, pattern='1') self.assertEquals( id(loader.load()), id(loader.load()) )
l1 = loaders.xmlfile(temp, pattern='1') l2 = loaders.xmlfile(temp, pattern='1') self.assertNotEqual( id(l1.load()), id(l2.load()) )
l1 = loaders.xmlfile(temp, pattern='1') l2 = loaders.xmlfile(temp, pattern='2') self.assertNotEqual( id(l1.load()), id(l2.load()) )
def test_xmlfileReload(self):
temp = self.mktemp() f = file(temp, 'w') f.write(self.nsdoc) f.close()
loader = loaders.xmlfile(temp) r = loader.load() self.assertEquals(id(r), id(loader.load())) os.utime(temp, (os.path.getatime(temp), os.path.getmtime(temp)+5)) self.assertNotEqual(id(r), id(loader.load()))
def test_reloadAfterPrecompile(self): """ """ # Get a filename temp = self.mktemp()
# Write some content f = file(temp, 'w') f.write('<p>foo</p>') f.close()
# Precompile the doc ctx = context.WovenContext() doc = loaders.htmlfile(temp) pc = flat.precompile(flat.flatten(doc), ctx)
before = ''.join(flat.serialize(pc, ctx))
# Write the file with different content and make sure the # timestamp changes f = file(temp, 'w') f.write('<p>bar</p>') f.close() os.utime(temp, (os.path.getatime(temp), os.path.getmtime(temp)+5))
after = ''.join(flat.serialize(pc, ctx))
self.assertIn('foo', before) self.assertIn('bar', after) self.failIfEqual(before, after) test_reloadAfterPrecompile.todo = \ 'Fix so that disk templates are reloaded even after a precompile. ' \ 'Probably just a matter of making the DocSerializer really lazy'
class TestContext(unittest.TestCase): """Check that each of the standard loaders supports load with and without a context. """
def test_stan(self): doc = t.p['hello'] self._withAndWithout(loaders.stan(doc))
def test_xmlstr(self): doc = '<p>hello</p>' self._withAndWithout(loaders.xmlstr(doc))
def test_xmlfile(self): temp = self.mktemp() f = file(temp, 'w') f.write('<p>hello</p>') f.close() self._withAndWithout(loaders.xmlfile(temp))
def test_htmlstr(self): doc = '<p>hello</p>' self._withAndWithout(loaders.htmlstr(doc)) test_htmlstr.suppress = [ util.suppress(message= r"\[v0.8\] htmlstr is deprecated because it's buggy. " "Please start using xmlfile and/or xmlstr.")]
def test_htmlfile(self): temp = self.mktemp() f = file(temp, 'w') f.write('<p>hello</p>') f.close() self._withAndWithout(loaders.htmlfile(temp)) test_htmlfile.suppress = [ util.suppress(message= r"\[v0.8\] htmlfile is deprecated because it's buggy. " "Please start using xmlfile and/or xmlstr.")]
def _withAndWithout(self, loader): ctx = context.WovenContext() self.assertEquals(loader.load(), ['<p>hello</p>']) self.assertEquals(loader.load(ctx), ['<p>hello</p>'])
class TestParsing(unittest.TestCase):
def test_missingSpace(self): doc = '<p xmlns:nevow=""><nevow:slot name="foo"/> <nevow:slot name="foo"/></p>' ## This used to say htmlstr, and this test failed because microdom ignores whitespace; ## This test passes fine using xmlstr. I am not going to fix this because microdom is too ## hard to fix. If you need this, switch to xmlstr. result = loaders.xmlstr(doc).load() # There should be a space between the two slots self.assertEquals(result[2], ' ')