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 * Tests for the Divmod object model.

// import Divmod.UnitTest

Divmod.Test.TestObject.TestObject = Divmod.UnitTest.TestCase.subclass('TestObject');

    function test_class(self) {
        var Eater = Divmod.Class.subclass('Eater');

            function __init__(self, foodFactory) {
                self.food = foodFactory();

            function doEat(self) {
                return self.food + 1;

        Eater.classCounter = 0;

        Eater.classIncr = function() {
            this.classCounter += 1;

        var BetterEater = Eater.subclass('BetterEater');

            function __init__(self, foodFactory) {
                BetterEater.upcall(self, "__init__", foodFactory);
                self.food += 10;

        var makeFood = function() {
            return 100;

        var be = new BetterEater(makeFood);


        self.assert(be.doEat() == 111, "explode");

        self.assert(Eater.classCounter == 3, 'classmethod fuckup');
        self.assert(BetterEater.classCounter == 2, 'classmethod fuckup');

     * Using the 2-parameter subclass method creates a subclass and adds the
     * subclass name to the global namespace.
    function test_twoParamSubclass(self) {
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass(Divmod.Test.TestObject, 'InheritTest');
        try {
            self.assertIdentical(Divmod.Test.TestObject.InheritTest, cls);
            self.assertIdentical(cls.__name__, 'Divmod.Test.TestObject.InheritTest');
        } finally {
            delete Divmod.Test.TestObject.InheritTest;

     * Modules have a __name__ attribute which gives their name.
    function test_moduleName(self) {
        var mod = Divmod.Test.TestObject;
        self.assertIdentical(mod.__name__, 'Divmod.Test.TestObject');

     * Test that Divmod.Class subclasses have a __name__ attribute which gives
     * their name.
    function test_className(self) {
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass("test_object.test_className.cls");
        self.assertIdentical(cls.__name__, "test_object.test_className.cls");

        /* Make sure subclasses don't inherit __name__ from their superclass.
        var subcls = cls.subclass("test_object.test_className.subcls");
        self.assertIdentical(subcls.__name__, "test_object.test_className.subcls");

     * Test that instances of Divmod.Class have a __class__ attribute which refers
     * to their class.
    function test_instanceClassReference(self) {
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass("test_object.test_instanceClassReference.cls");
        var instance;

        instance = cls();
        self.assertIdentical(instance.__class__, cls);

        instance = new cls();
        self.assertIdentical(instance.__class__, cls);

        instance = cls.apply(null, []);
        self.assertIdentical(instance.__class__, cls);

        instance = cls.call(null);
        self.assertIdentical(instance.__class__, cls);

     * Calling C{toString} on a L{Divmod.Class} should return something
     * informative.
    function test_classToString(self) {
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass('test_classToString');
        self.assertIdentical(cls.toString(), '<Class test_classToString>');

     * Calling C{toString} on a L{Divmod.Class} instance should return
     * something informative.
    function test_instanceToString(self) {
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass('test_instanceToString');
            cls().toString(), '<"Instance" of test_instanceToString>');

     * Like L{test_classToString}, but for unnamed L{Divmod.Class} subclasses.
    function test_unnamedClassToString(self) {
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass();
        var classDebugCounter = Divmod.__classDebugCounter__;
            cls.toString(), '<Class #' + classDebugCounter + '>');

     * Like L{test_instanceToString} but for instances of unnamed
     * L{Divmod.Class} subclasses.
    function test_unnamedInstanceToString(self) {
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass();
        var classDebugCounter = Divmod.__classDebugCounter__;
            '<"Instance" of #' + classDebugCounter + '>');

     * Test that L{Divmod.__instanceCounter__} is not incremented when a new
     * *class* is created.
    function test_instanceCounterNoInstances(self) {
        var instanceCounter = Divmod.__instanceCounter__;
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass('test_instanceCounterNoInstances');

     * Test that L{Divmod.__instanceCounter__} is incremented when a class is
     * instantiated.
    function test_instanceCounterIncremented(self) {
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass('test_instanceCounterIncremented');
        var instanceCounter = Divmod.__instanceCounter__;
            Divmod.__instanceCounter__, instanceCounter + 1);
            Divmod.__instanceCounter__, instanceCounter + 2);

     * Like L{test_instanceCounterIncremented}, but using the C{new} statement
     * to instantiate classes.
    function test_instanceCounterIncrementedNew(self) {
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass('test_instanceCounterIncremented');
        var instanceCounter = Divmod.__instanceCounter__;
        new cls();
            Divmod.__instanceCounter__, instanceCounter + 1);
        new cls();
            Divmod.__instanceCounter__, instanceCounter + 2);

     * Verify that the C{__id__} attribute is not the same for two instances
     * of the same L{Divmod.Class}.
    function test_uniqueID(self) {
        var cls = Divmod.Class.subclass('test_uniqueID');
        if(cls().__id__ === cls().__id__) {
            self.fail('__id__ attribute not unique');

    function test_newlessInstantiation(self) {
         * Test that Divmod.Class subclasses can be instantiated without using
         * `new', as well as using .apply() and .call().
        var SomeClass = Divmod.Class.subclass("SomeClass");
            function __init__(self, x, y) {
                self.x = x;
                self.y = y;

        var a = SomeClass(1, 2);
        self.assert(a.x == 1, "Normal instantiation without new lost an argument");
        self.assert(a.y == 2, "Normal instantiation without new lost an argument");

        var b = SomeClass.apply(null, [1, 2]);
        self.assert(b.x == 1, ".apply() instantiation lost an argument");
        self.assert(b.y == 2, ".apply() instantiation lost an argument");

        var c = SomeClass.call(null, 1, 2);
        self.assert(c.x == 1, ".call() instantiation lost an argument");
        self.assert(c.y == 2, ".call() instantiation lost an argument");

    function test_namedAny(self) {
        self.assert(Divmod.namedAny('not.a.real.package.or.name') == undefined);
        self.assert(Divmod.namedAny('Divmod') == Divmod);
        self.assert(Divmod.namedAny('Divmod.namedAny') == Divmod.namedAny);

        var path = [];
        self.assert(Divmod.namedAny('Divmod', path) == Divmod);
        self.assert(path.length == 0);

        self.assert(Divmod.namedAny('Divmod.namedAny', path) == Divmod.namedAny);
        self.assert(path.length == 1);
        self.assert(path[0] == Divmod);

     * Test that L{Divmod.objectify} properly zips two lists into an object with
     * properties from the first list bound to the objects from the second.
    function test_objectify(self) {
        var keys = ["one", "two", "red", "blue"];
        var values = [1, 2, [255, 0, 0], [0, 0, 255]];
        var obj = Divmod.objectify(keys, values);
        self.assertIdentical(obj.one, 1);
        self.assertIdentical(obj.two, 2);
        self.assertArraysEqual(obj.red, [255, 0, 0]);
        self.assertArraysEqual(obj.blue, [0, 0, 255]);

         * Test that it fails loudly on invalid input, too.
        var msg = "Lengths of keys and values must be the same.";
        var error;

        error = self.assertThrows(Error, function() { Divmod.objectify([], ["foo"]); });
        self.assertIdentical(error.message, msg);

        error = self.assertThrows(Error, function() { Divmod.objectify(["foo"], []); });
        self.assertIdentical(error.message, msg);

    function test_method(self) {
        var MethodClassTest = Divmod.Class.subclass('MethodClassTest');

        /* Backwards compatibility test - this usage is deprecated
            "foo", function(self) {
                return function () {
                    return self;

        /* This is the real way to do it
        MethodClassTest.method(function bar(self) {
                return function() {
                    return self;

            function quux(self) {
                return function() { return self; };
            function corge(self) {
                return function() { return self; };

        var mct = new MethodClassTest();

        self.assert(mct.foo()() === mct);
        self.assert(mct.bar()() === mct);
        self.assert(mct.quux()() === mct);
        self.assert(mct.corge()() === mct);

    function test_logger(self) {
        // calling this now will remove any erroneous log observers, allowing
        // the test below to behave deterministically.
        Divmod.msg('flushing log');

        var logEvents = [];

        var removeObserver = Divmod.logger.addObserver(
            function(event) { logEvents.push(event); });

        var logmsg = "(logging system test error) Hello, world";

        self.assert(logEvents.length == 1);
        self.assert(logEvents[0].isError == false);
        self.assert(logEvents[0].message == logmsg);

        logEvents = [];

        var logerr = "(logging system test error) Doom, world.";
        Divmod.err(new Error(logerr), logmsg);

        self.assert(logEvents.length == 1);
        self.assert(logEvents[0].isError == true);
        self.assert(logEvents[0].error instanceof Error);
        self.assert(logEvents[0].error.message == logerr);
        self.assert(logEvents[0].message == logmsg);

        logEvents = [];
        self.assert(logEvents.length == 0);

        var observererr = "(logging system test error) Observer had a bug.";
        Divmod.logger.addObserver(function(event) { throw new Error(observererr); });
        Divmod.logger.addObserver(function(event) { logEvents.push(event); });

        self.assert(logEvents.length == 3, "Incorrect number of events logged");
        self.assert(logEvents[0].isError == false, "First event should not have been an error");
        self.assert(logEvents[0].message == logmsg, "First event had wrong message");
        self.assert(logEvents[1].isError == true, "Second event should have been an error");
        self.assert(logEvents[1].error.message == observererr, "Second event had wrong message");
        self.assert(logEvents[2].isError == false, "Third event should not have been an error");
        self.assert(logEvents[2].message == logerr, "Third event had wrong message");


:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

--[ c99shell v. 2.0 [PHP 7 Update] [25.02.2019] maintained by KaizenLouie | C99Shell Github | Generation time: 0.0086 ]--