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import random
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase
from import Store from axiom.item import Item from axiom.attributes import integer
from axiom.queryutil import overlapping, AttributeTuple
class Segment(Item): typeName = 'test_overlap_segment' schemaVersion = 1
x = integer() y = integer()
def __repr__(self): return 'Segment<%d,%d>' % (self.x, self.y)
class ABC(Item): typeName = 'test_tuple_queries' schemaVersion = 1
a = integer(allowNone=False) b = integer(allowNone=False) c = integer(allowNone=False)
class TestQueryUtilities(TestCase):
def testBetweenQuery(self): # From a drawn copy of the docstring:
s = Store()
G = 3 K = 4 H = C = 5 A = 8 D = 11 E = 17 B = 20 F = I = 22 L = 23 J = 24
AB = Segment(store=s, x=A, y=B) CD = Segment(store=s, x=C, y=D) EF = Segment(store=s, x=E, y=F) GH = Segment(store=s, x=G, y=H) IJ = Segment(store=s, x=I, y=J) KL = Segment(store=s, x=K, y=L)
AL = Segment(store=s, x=A, y=L) CB = Segment(store=s, x=C, y=B)
CA = Segment(store=s, x=C, y=A) BL = Segment(store=s, x=B, y=L)
self.assertEquals( list(s.query(Segment, overlapping(Segment.x, Segment.y, A, B), sort=Segment.storeID.asc)), [AB, CD, EF, KL, AL, CB, CA, BL], )
('(((A > 2)) ' 'OR ((A == 2) AND (B > 3)) ' 'OR ((A == 2) AND (B == 3) AND (C >= 4)))')
def testTupleQueryWithTuples(self): s = Store() s.transact(self._dotestTupleQueryWithTuples, s)
def _dotestTupleQueryWithTuples(self, s): L = [] for x in range(3): for y in range(3): for z in range(3): L.append((x, y, z)) shuffledL = L[:] random.shuffle(shuffledL) for a, b, c in shuffledL: ABC(a=a, b=b, c=c, store=s)
at = AttributeTuple(ABC.a, ABC.b, ABC.c) for comparee in L: qobj = s.query(ABC, at > comparee, sort=[ABC.a.ascending, ABC.b.ascending, ABC.c.ascending]) self.assertEquals( L[L.index(comparee) + 1:], [(o.a, o.b, o.c) for o in qobj])
for comparee in L: qobj = s.query(ABC, at >= comparee, sort=[ABC.a.ascending, ABC.b.ascending, ABC.c.ascending]) self.assertEquals( L[L.index(comparee):], [(o.a, o.b, o.c) for o in qobj])
for comparee in L: qobj = s.query(ABC, at == comparee, sort=[ABC.a.ascending, ABC.b.ascending, ABC.c.ascending]) self.assertEquals( [comparee], [(o.a, o.b, o.c) for o in qobj])
for comparee in L: qobj = s.query(ABC, at != comparee, sort=[ABC.a.ascending, ABC.b.ascending, ABC.c.ascending]) self.assertEquals( L[:L.index(comparee)] + L[L.index(comparee) + 1:], [(o.a, o.b, o.c) for o in qobj])
for comparee in L: qobj = s.query(ABC, at < comparee, sort=[ABC.a.ascending, ABC.b.ascending, ABC.c.ascending]) self.assertEquals( L[:L.index(comparee)], [(o.a, o.b, o.c) for o in qobj])
for comparee in L: qobj = s.query(ABC, at <= comparee, sort=[ABC.a.ascending, ABC.b.ascending, ABC.c.ascending]) self.assertEquals( L[:L.index(comparee) + 1], [(o.a, o.b, o.c) for o in qobj])