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#! /usr/bin/python2.6 #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Total Control Software # All Rights Reserved #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Module Name: # # Description: A reimplementation of the standard that # forces the use of cPickle, and DB. # # Creation Date: 11/3/97 3:39:04PM # # License: This is free software. You may use this software for any # purpose including modification/redistribution, so long as # this header remains intact and that you do not claim any # rights of ownership or authorship of this software. This # software has been tested, but no warranty is expressed or # implied. # # 13-Dec-2000: Updated to be used with the new bsddb3 package. # Added DBShelfCursor class. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Manage shelves of pickled objects using bsddb database files for the storage. """
import cPickle import sys
import sys absolute_import = (sys.version_info[0] >= 3) if absolute_import : # Because this syntaxis is not valid before Python 2.5 exec("from . import db") else : import db
#At version 2.3 cPickle switched to using protocol instead of bin if sys.version_info[:3] >= (2, 3, 0): HIGHEST_PROTOCOL = cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL # In python 2.3.*, "cPickle.dumps" accepts no # named parameters. "pickle.dumps" accepts them, # so this seems a bug. if sys.version_info[:3] < (2, 4, 0): def _dumps(object, protocol): return cPickle.dumps(object, protocol) else : def _dumps(object, protocol): return cPickle.dumps(object, protocol=protocol)
else: HIGHEST_PROTOCOL = None def _dumps(object, protocol): return cPickle.dumps(object, bin=protocol)
try: from UserDict import DictMixin except ImportError: # DictMixin is new in Python 2.3 class DictMixin: pass
def open(filename, flags=db.DB_CREATE, mode=0660, filetype=db.DB_HASH, dbenv=None, dbname=None): """ A simple factory function for compatibility with the standard module. It can be used like this, where key is a string and data is a pickleable object:
from bsddb import dbshelve db =
db[key] = data
db.close() """ if type(flags) == type(''): sflag = flags if sflag == 'r': flags = db.DB_RDONLY elif sflag == 'rw': flags = 0 elif sflag == 'w': flags = db.DB_CREATE elif sflag == 'c': flags = db.DB_CREATE elif sflag == 'n': flags = db.DB_TRUNCATE | db.DB_CREATE else: raise db.DBError, "flags should be one of 'r', 'w', 'c' or 'n' or use the bsddb.db.DB_* flags"
d = DBShelf(dbenv), dbname, filetype, flags, mode) return d
class DBShelveError(db.DBError): pass
class DBShelf(DictMixin): """A shelf to hold pickled objects, built upon a bsddb DB object. It automatically pickles/unpickles data objects going to/from the DB. """ def __init__(self, dbenv=None): self.db = db.DB(dbenv) self._closed = True if HIGHEST_PROTOCOL: self.protocol = HIGHEST_PROTOCOL else: self.protocol = 1
def __del__(self): self.close()
def __getattr__(self, name): """Many methods we can just pass through to the DB object. (See below) """ return getattr(self.db, name)
#----------------------------------- # Dictionary access methods
def __len__(self): return len(self.db)
def __getitem__(self, key): data = self.db[key] return cPickle.loads(data)
def __setitem__(self, key, value): data = _dumps(value, self.protocol) self.db[key] = data
def __delitem__(self, key): del self.db[key]
def keys(self, txn=None): if txn is not None: return self.db.keys(txn) else: return self.db.keys()
def open(self, *args, **kwargs):*args, **kwargs) self._closed = False
def close(self, *args, **kwargs): self.db.close(*args, **kwargs) self._closed = True
def __repr__(self): if self._closed: return '<DBShelf @ 0x%x - closed>' % (id(self)) else: return repr(dict(self.iteritems()))
def items(self, txn=None): if txn is not None: items = self.db.items(txn) else: items = self.db.items() newitems = []
for k, v in items: newitems.append( (k, cPickle.loads(v)) ) return newitems
def values(self, txn=None): if txn is not None: values = self.db.values(txn) else: values = self.db.values()
return map(cPickle.loads, values)
#----------------------------------- # Other methods
def __append(self, value, txn=None): data = _dumps(value, self.protocol) return self.db.append(data, txn)
def append(self, value, txn=None): if self.get_type() == db.DB_RECNO: return self.__append(value, txn=txn) raise DBShelveError, "append() only supported when dbshelve opened with filetype=dbshelve.db.DB_RECNO"
def associate(self, secondaryDB, callback, flags=0): def _shelf_callback(priKey, priData, realCallback=callback): # Safe in Python 2.x because expresion short circuit if sys.version_info[0] < 3 or isinstance(priData, bytes) : data = cPickle.loads(priData) else : data = cPickle.loads(bytes(priData, "iso8859-1")) # 8 bits return realCallback(priKey, data)
return self.db.associate(secondaryDB, _shelf_callback, flags)
#def get(self, key, default=None, txn=None, flags=0): def get(self, *args, **kw): # We do it with *args and **kw so if the default value wasn't # given nothing is passed to the extension module. That way # an exception can be raised if set_get_returns_none is turned # off. data = self.db.get(*args, **kw) try: return cPickle.loads(data) except (EOFError, TypeError, cPickle.UnpicklingError): return data # we may be getting the default value, or None, # so it doesn't need unpickled.
def get_both(self, key, value, txn=None, flags=0): data = _dumps(value, self.protocol) data = self.db.get(key, data, txn, flags) return cPickle.loads(data)
def cursor(self, txn=None, flags=0): c = DBShelfCursor(self.db.cursor(txn, flags)) c.protocol = self.protocol return c
def put(self, key, value, txn=None, flags=0): data = _dumps(value, self.protocol) return self.db.put(key, data, txn, flags)
def join(self, cursorList, flags=0): raise NotImplementedError
#---------------------------------------------- # Methods allowed to pass-through to self.db # # close, delete, fd, get_byteswapped, get_type, has_key, # key_range, open, remove, rename, stat, sync, # upgrade, verify, and all set_* methods.
class DBShelfCursor: """ """ def __init__(self, cursor): self.dbc = cursor
def __del__(self): self.close()
def __getattr__(self, name): """Some methods we can just pass through to the cursor object. (See below)""" return getattr(self.dbc, name)
def dup(self, flags=0): c = DBShelfCursor(self.dbc.dup(flags)) c.protocol = self.protocol return c
def put(self, key, value, flags=0): data = _dumps(value, self.protocol) return self.dbc.put(key, data, flags)
def get(self, *args): count = len(args) # a method overloading hack method = getattr(self, 'get_%d' % count) method(*args)
def get_1(self, flags): rec = self.dbc.get(flags) return self._extract(rec)
def get_2(self, key, flags): rec = self.dbc.get(key, flags) return self._extract(rec)
def get_3(self, key, value, flags): data = _dumps(value, self.protocol) rec = self.dbc.get(key, flags) return self._extract(rec)
def current(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_CURRENT) def first(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_FIRST) def last(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_LAST) def next(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_NEXT) def prev(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_PREV) def consume(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_CONSUME) def next_dup(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_NEXT_DUP) def next_nodup(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_NEXT_NODUP) def prev_nodup(self, flags=0): return self.get_1(flags|db.DB_PREV_NODUP)
def get_both(self, key, value, flags=0): data = _dumps(value, self.protocol) rec = self.dbc.get_both(key, flags) return self._extract(rec)
def set(self, key, flags=0): rec = self.dbc.set(key, flags) return self._extract(rec)
def set_range(self, key, flags=0): rec = self.dbc.set_range(key, flags) return self._extract(rec)
def set_recno(self, recno, flags=0): rec = self.dbc.set_recno(recno, flags) return self._extract(rec)
set_both = get_both
def _extract(self, rec): if rec is None: return None else: key, data = rec # Safe in Python 2.x because expresion short circuit if sys.version_info[0] < 3 or isinstance(data, bytes) : return key, cPickle.loads(data) else : return key, cPickle.loads(bytes(data, "iso8859-1")) # 8 bits
#---------------------------------------------- # Methods allowed to pass-through to self.dbc # # close, count, delete, get_recno, join_item