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# Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" Test for L{twisted.web.proxy}. """
from twisted.trial.unittest import TestCase from twisted.test.proto_helpers import StringTransportWithDisconnection from twisted.test.proto_helpers import MemoryReactor
from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.web.server import Site from twisted.web.proxy import ReverseProxyResource, ProxyClientFactory from twisted.web.proxy import ProxyClient, ProxyRequest, ReverseProxyRequest from twisted.web.test.test_web import DummyRequest
class ReverseProxyResourceTestCase(TestCase): """ Tests for L{ReverseProxyResource}. """
def _testRender(self, uri, expectedURI): """ Check that a request pointing at C{uri} produce a new proxy connection, with the path of this request pointing at C{expectedURI}. """ root = Resource() reactor = MemoryReactor() resource = ReverseProxyResource("", 1234, "/path", reactor) root.putChild('index', resource) site = Site(root)
transport = StringTransportWithDisconnection() channel = site.buildProtocol(None) channel.makeConnection(transport) # Clear the timeout if the tests failed self.addCleanup(channel.connectionLost, None)
channel.dataReceived("GET %s HTTP/1.1\r\nAccept: text/html\r\n\r\n" % (uri,))
# Check that one connection has been created, to the good host/port self.assertEquals(len(reactor.tcpClients), 1) self.assertEquals(reactor.tcpClients[0][0], "") self.assertEquals(reactor.tcpClients[0][1], 1234)
# Check the factory passed to the connect, and its given path factory = reactor.tcpClients[0][2] self.assertIsInstance(factory, ProxyClientFactory) self.assertEquals(, expectedURI) self.assertEquals(factory.headers["host"], "")
def test_render(self): """ Test that L{ReverseProxyResource.render} initiates a connection to the given server with a L{ProxyClientFactory} as parameter. """ return self._testRender("/index", "/path")
def test_renderWithQuery(self): """ Test that L{ReverseProxyResource.render} passes query parameters to the created factory. """ return self._testRender("/index?foo=bar", "/path?foo=bar")
def test_getChild(self): """ The L{ReverseProxyResource.getChild} method should return a resource instance with the same class as the originating resource, forward port, host, and reactor values, and update the path value with the value passed. """ reactor = MemoryReactor() resource = ReverseProxyResource("", 1234, "/path", reactor) child = resource.getChild('foo', None) # The child should keep the same class self.assertIsInstance(child, ReverseProxyResource) self.assertEquals(child.path, "/path/foo") self.assertEquals(child.port, 1234) self.assertEquals(, "") self.assertIdentical(child.reactor, resource.reactor)
def test_getChildWithSpecial(self): """ The L{ReverseProxyResource} return by C{getChild} has a path which has already been quoted. """ resource = ReverseProxyResource("", 1234, "/path") child = resource.getChild(' /%', None) self.assertEqual(child.path, "/path/%20%2F%25")
class DummyChannel(object): """ A dummy HTTP channel, that does nothing but holds a transport and saves connection lost.
@ivar transport: the transport used by the client. @ivar lostReason: the reason saved at connection lost. """
def __init__(self, transport): """ Hold a reference to the transport. """ self.transport = transport self.lostReason = None
def connectionLost(self, reason): """ Keep track of the connection lost reason. """ self.lostReason = reason
class ProxyClientTestCase(TestCase): """ Tests for L{ProxyClient}. """
def _parseOutHeaders(self, content): """ Parse the headers out of some web content.
@param content: Bytes received from a web server. @return: A tuple of (requestLine, headers, body). C{headers} is a dict of headers, C{requestLine} is the first line (e.g. "POST /foo ...") and C{body} is whatever is left. """ headers, body = content.split('\r\n\r\n') headers = headers.split('\r\n') requestLine = headers.pop(0) return ( requestLine, dict(header.split(': ') for header in headers), body)
def makeRequest(self, path): """ Make a dummy request object for the URL path.
@param path: A URL path, beginning with a slash. @return: A L{DummyRequest}. """ return DummyRequest(path)
def makeProxyClient(self, request, method="GET", headers=None, requestBody=""): """ Make a L{ProxyClient} object used for testing.
@param request: The request to use. @param method: The HTTP method to use, GET by default. @param headers: The HTTP headers to use expressed as a dict. If not provided, defaults to {'accept': 'text/html'}. @param requestBody: The body of the request. Defaults to the empty string. @return: A L{ProxyClient} """ if headers is None: headers = {"accept": "text/html"} path = '/' + request.postpath return ProxyClient( method, path, 'HTTP/1.0', headers, requestBody, request)
def connectProxy(self, proxyClient): """ Connect a proxy client to a L{StringTransportWithDisconnection}.
@param proxyClient: A L{ProxyClient}. @return: The L{StringTransportWithDisconnection}. """ clientTransport = StringTransportWithDisconnection() clientTransport.protocol = proxyClient proxyClient.makeConnection(clientTransport) return clientTransport
def assertForwardsHeaders(self, proxyClient, requestLine, headers): """ Assert that C{proxyClient} sends C{headers} when it connects.
@param proxyClient: A L{ProxyClient}. @param requestLine: The request line we expect to be sent. @param headers: A dict of headers we expect to be sent. @return: If the assertion is successful, return the request body as bytes. """ self.connectProxy(proxyClient) requestContent = proxyClient.transport.value() receivedLine, receivedHeaders, body = self._parseOutHeaders( requestContent) self.assertEquals(receivedLine, requestLine) self.assertEquals(receivedHeaders, headers) return body
def makeResponseBytes(self, code, message, headers, body): lines = ["HTTP/1.0 %d %s" % (code, message)] for header, values in headers: for value in values: lines.append("%s: %s" % (header, value)) lines.extend(['', body]) return '\r\n'.join(lines)
def assertForwardsResponse(self, request, code, message, headers, body): """ Assert that C{request} has forwarded a response from the server.
@param request: A L{DummyRequest}. @param code: The expected HTTP response code. @param message: The expected HTTP message. @param headers: The expected HTTP headers. @param body: The expected response body. """ self.assertEquals(request.responseCode, code) self.assertEquals(request.responseMessage, message) receivedHeaders = list(request.responseHeaders.getAllRawHeaders()) receivedHeaders.sort() expectedHeaders = headers[:] expectedHeaders.sort() self.assertEquals(receivedHeaders, expectedHeaders) self.assertEquals(''.join(request.written), body)
def _testDataForward(self, code, message, headers, body, method="GET", requestBody="", loseConnection=True): """ Build a fake proxy connection, and send C{data} over it, checking that it's forwarded to the originating request. """ request = self.makeRequest('foo') client = self.makeProxyClient( request, method, {'accept': 'text/html'}, requestBody)
receivedBody = self.assertForwardsHeaders( client, '%s /foo HTTP/1.0' % (method,), {'connection': 'close', 'accept': 'text/html'})
self.assertEquals(receivedBody, requestBody)
# Fake an answer client.dataReceived( self.makeResponseBytes(code, message, headers, body))
# Check that the response data has been forwarded back to the original # requester. self.assertForwardsResponse(request, code, message, headers, body)
# Check that when the response is done, the request is finished. if loseConnection: client.transport.loseConnection()
# Even if we didn't call loseConnection, the transport should be # disconnected. This lets us not rely on the server to close our # sockets for us. self.assertFalse(client.transport.connected) self.assertEquals(request.finished, 1)
def test_forward(self): """ When connected to the server, L{ProxyClient} should send the saved request, with modifications of the headers, and then forward the result to the parent request. """ return self._testDataForward( 200, "OK", [("Foo", ["bar", "baz"])], "Some data\r\n")
def test_postData(self): """ Try to post content in the request, and check that the proxy client forward the body of the request. """ return self._testDataForward( 200, "OK", [("Foo", ["bar"])], "Some data\r\n", "POST", "Some content")
def test_statusWithMessage(self): """ If the response contains a status with a message, it should be forwarded to the parent request with all the information. """ return self._testDataForward( 404, "Not Found", [], "")
def test_contentLength(self): """ If the response contains a I{Content-Length} header, the inbound request object should still only have C{finish} called on it once. """ data = "foo bar baz" return self._testDataForward( 200, "OK", [("Content-Length", [str(len(data))])], data)
def test_losesConnection(self): """ If the response contains a I{Content-Length} header, the outgoing connection is closed when all response body data has been received. """ data = "foo bar baz" return self._testDataForward( 200, "OK", [("Content-Length", [str(len(data))])], data, loseConnection=False)
def test_headersCleanups(self): """ The headers given at initialization should be modified: B{proxy-connection} should be removed if present, and B{connection} should be added. """ client = ProxyClient('GET', '/foo', 'HTTP/1.0', {"accept": "text/html", "proxy-connection": "foo"}, '', None) self.assertEquals(client.headers, {"accept": "text/html", "connection": "close"})
def test_keepaliveNotForwarded(self): """ The proxy doesn't really know what to do with keepalive things from the remote server, so we stomp over any keepalive header we get from the client. """ headers = { "accept": "text/html", 'keep-alive': '300', 'connection': 'keep-alive', } expectedHeaders = headers.copy() expectedHeaders['connection'] = 'close' del expectedHeaders['keep-alive'] client = ProxyClient('GET', '/foo', 'HTTP/1.0', headers, '', None) self.assertForwardsHeaders( client, 'GET /foo HTTP/1.0', expectedHeaders)
def test_defaultHeadersOverridden(self): """ L{server.Request} within the proxy sets certain response headers by default. When we get these headers back from the remote server, the defaults are overridden rather than simply appended. """ request = self.makeRequest('foo') request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders('server', ['old-bar']) request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders('date', ['old-baz']) request.responseHeaders.setRawHeaders('content-type', ["old/qux"]) client = self.makeProxyClient(request, headers={'accept': 'text/html'}) self.connectProxy(client) headers = { 'Server': ['bar'], 'Date': ['2010-01-01'], 'Content-Type': ['application/x-baz'], } client.dataReceived( self.makeResponseBytes(200, "OK", headers.items(), '')) self.assertForwardsResponse( request, 200, 'OK', headers.items(), '')
class ProxyClientFactoryTestCase(TestCase): """ Tests for L{ProxyClientFactory}. """
def test_connectionFailed(self): """ Check that L{ProxyClientFactory.clientConnectionFailed} produces a B{501} response to the parent request. """ request = DummyRequest(['foo']) factory = ProxyClientFactory('GET', '/foo', 'HTTP/1.0', {"accept": "text/html"}, '', request)
factory.clientConnectionFailed(None, None) self.assertEquals(request.responseCode, 501) self.assertEquals(request.responseMessage, "Gateway error") self.assertEquals( list(request.responseHeaders.getAllRawHeaders()), [("Content-Type", ["text/html"])]) self.assertEquals( ''.join(request.written), "<H1>Could not connect</H1>") self.assertEquals(request.finished, 1)
def test_buildProtocol(self): """ L{ProxyClientFactory.buildProtocol} should produce a L{ProxyClient} with the same values of attributes (with updates on the headers). """ factory = ProxyClientFactory('GET', '/foo', 'HTTP/1.0', {"accept": "text/html"}, 'Some data', None) proto = factory.buildProtocol(None) self.assertIsInstance(proto, ProxyClient) self.assertEquals(proto.command, 'GET') self.assertEquals(, '/foo') self.assertEquals(, 'Some data') self.assertEquals(proto.headers, {"accept": "text/html", "connection": "close"})
class ProxyRequestTestCase(TestCase): """ Tests for L{ProxyRequest}. """
def _testProcess(self, uri, expectedURI, method="GET", data=""): """ Build a request pointing at C{uri}, and check that a proxied request is created, pointing a C{expectedURI}. """ transport = StringTransportWithDisconnection() channel = DummyChannel(transport) reactor = MemoryReactor() request = ProxyRequest(channel, False, reactor) request.gotLength(len(data)) request.handleContentChunk(data) request.requestReceived(method, '' % (uri,), 'HTTP/1.0')
self.assertEquals(len(reactor.tcpClients), 1) self.assertEquals(reactor.tcpClients[0][0], "") self.assertEquals(reactor.tcpClients[0][1], 80)
factory = reactor.tcpClients[0][2] self.assertIsInstance(factory, ProxyClientFactory) self.assertEquals(factory.command, method) self.assertEquals(factory.version, 'HTTP/1.0') self.assertEquals(factory.headers, {'host': ''}) self.assertEquals(, data) self.assertEquals(, expectedURI) self.assertEquals(factory.father, request)
def test_process(self): """ L{ProxyRequest.process} should create a connection to the given server, with a L{ProxyClientFactory} as connection factory, with the correct parameters: - forward comment, version and data values - update headers with the B{host} value - remove the host from the URL - pass the request as parent request """ return self._testProcess("/foo/bar", "/foo/bar")
def test_processWithoutTrailingSlash(self): """ If the incoming request doesn't contain a slash, L{ProxyRequest.process} should add one when instantiating L{ProxyClientFactory}. """ return self._testProcess("", "/")
def test_processWithData(self): """ L{ProxyRequest.process} should be able to retrieve request body and to forward it. """ return self._testProcess( "/foo/bar", "/foo/bar", "POST", "Some content")
def test_processWithPort(self): """ Check that L{ProxyRequest.process} correctly parse port in the incoming URL, and create a outgoing connection with this port. """ transport = StringTransportWithDisconnection() channel = DummyChannel(transport) reactor = MemoryReactor() request = ProxyRequest(channel, False, reactor) request.gotLength(0) request.requestReceived('GET', '', 'HTTP/1.0')
# That should create one connection, with the port parsed from the URL self.assertEquals(len(reactor.tcpClients), 1) self.assertEquals(reactor.tcpClients[0][0], "") self.assertEquals(reactor.tcpClients[0][1], 1234)
class DummyFactory(object): """ A simple holder for C{host} and C{port} information. """
def __init__(self, host, port): = host self.port = port
class ReverseProxyRequestTestCase(TestCase): """ Tests for L{ReverseProxyRequest}. """
def test_process(self): """ L{ReverseProxyRequest.process} should create a connection to its factory host/port, using a L{ProxyClientFactory} instantiated with the correct parameters, and particulary set the B{host} header to the factory host. """ transport = StringTransportWithDisconnection() channel = DummyChannel(transport) reactor = MemoryReactor() request = ReverseProxyRequest(channel, False, reactor) request.factory = DummyFactory("", 1234) request.gotLength(0) request.requestReceived('GET', '/foo/bar', 'HTTP/1.0')
# Check that one connection has been created, to the good host/port self.assertEquals(len(reactor.tcpClients), 1) self.assertEquals(reactor.tcpClients[0][0], "") self.assertEquals(reactor.tcpClients[0][1], 1234)
# Check the factory passed to the connect, and its headers factory = reactor.tcpClients[0][2] self.assertIsInstance(factory, ProxyClientFactory) self.assertEquals(factory.headers, {'host': ''})