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# Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Tests for error handling in PB.

from twisted.trial import unittest

from twisted.spread import pb, flavors, jelly
from twisted.internet import reactor, defer
from twisted.python import log

# test exceptions
class AsynchronousException(Exception):
    Helper used to test remote methods which return Deferreds which fail with
    exceptions which are not L{pb.Error} subclasses.

class SynchronousException(Exception):
    Helper used to test remote methods which raise exceptions which are not
    L{pb.Error} subclasses.

class AsynchronousError(pb.Error):
    Helper used to test remote methods which return Deferreds which fail with
    exceptions which are L{pb.Error} subclasses.

class SynchronousError(pb.Error):
    Helper used to test remote methods which raise exceptions which are
    L{pb.Error} subclasses.

#class JellyError(flavors.Jellyable, pb.Error): pass
class JellyError(flavors.Jellyable, pb.Error, pb.RemoteCopy):

class SecurityError(pb.Error, pb.RemoteCopy):

pb.setUnjellyableForClass(JellyError, JellyError)
pb.setUnjellyableForClass(SecurityError, SecurityError)

# server-side
class SimpleRoot(pb.Root):
    def remote_asynchronousException(self):
        Fail asynchronously with a non-pb.Error exception.
        return defer.fail(AsynchronousException("remote asynchronous exception"))

    def remote_synchronousException(self):
        Fail synchronously with a non-pb.Error exception.
        raise SynchronousException("remote synchronous exception")

    def remote_asynchronousError(self):
        Fail asynchronously with a pb.Error exception.
        return defer.fail(AsynchronousError("remote asynchronous error"))

    def remote_synchronousError(self):
        Fail synchronously with a pb.Error exception.
        raise SynchronousError("remote synchronous error")

    def remote_unknownError(self):
        Fail with error that is not known to client.
        class UnknownError(pb.Error):
        raise UnknownError("I'm not known to client!")

    def remote_jelly(self):

    def remote_security(self):

    def remote_deferredJelly(self):
        d = defer.Deferred()
        return d

    def remote_deferredSecurity(self):
        d = defer.Deferred()
        return d

    def raiseJelly(self, results=None):
        raise JellyError("I'm jellyable!")

    def raiseSecurity(self, results=None):
        raise SecurityError("I'm secure!")

class SaveProtocolServerFactory(pb.PBServerFactory):
    A L{pb.PBServerFactory} that saves the latest connected client in
    protocolInstance = None

    def clientConnectionMade(self, protocol):
        Keep track of the given protocol.
        self.protocolInstance = protocol

class PBConnTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    unsafeTracebacks = 0

    def setUp(self):

    def _setUpServer(self):
        self.serverFactory = SaveProtocolServerFactory(SimpleRoot())
        self.serverFactory.unsafeTracebacks = self.unsafeTracebacks
        self.serverPort = reactor.listenTCP(0, self.serverFactory, interface="")

    def _setUpClient(self):
        portNo = self.serverPort.getHost().port
        self.clientFactory = pb.PBClientFactory()
        self.clientConnector = reactor.connectTCP("", portNo, self.clientFactory)

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.serverFactory.protocolInstance is not None:
        return defer.gatherResults([

    def _tearDownServer(self):
        return defer.maybeDeferred(self.serverPort.stopListening)

    def _tearDownClient(self):
        return defer.succeed(None)

class PBFailureTest(PBConnTestCase):
    compare = unittest.TestCase.assertEquals

    def _exceptionTest(self, method, exceptionType, flush):
        def eb(err):
            self.compare(err.traceback, "Traceback unavailable\n")
            if flush:
                errs = self.flushLoggedErrors(exceptionType)
                self.assertEqual(len(errs), 1)
            return (err.type, err.value, err.traceback)
        d = self.clientFactory.getRootObject()
        def gotRootObject(root):
            d = root.callRemote(method)
            return d
        return d

    def test_asynchronousException(self):
        Test that a Deferred returned by a remote method which already has a
        Failure correctly has that error passed back to the calling side.
        return self._exceptionTest(
            'asynchronousException', AsynchronousException, True)

    def test_synchronousException(self):
        Like L{test_asynchronousException}, but for a method which raises an
        exception synchronously.
        return self._exceptionTest(
            'synchronousException', SynchronousException, True)

    def test_asynchronousError(self):
        Like L{test_asynchronousException}, but for a method which returns a
        Deferred failing with an L{pb.Error} subclass.
        return self._exceptionTest(
            'asynchronousError', AsynchronousError, False)

    def test_synchronousError(self):
        Like L{test_asynchronousError}, but for a method which synchronously
        raises a L{pb.Error} subclass.
        return self._exceptionTest(
            'synchronousError', SynchronousError, False)

    def _success(self, result, expectedResult):
        self.assertEquals(result, expectedResult)
        return result

    def _addFailingCallbacks(self, remoteCall, expectedResult, eb):
        remoteCall.addCallbacks(self._success, eb,
        return remoteCall

    def _testImpl(self, method, expected, eb, exc=None):
        Call the given remote method and attach the given errback to the
        resulting Deferred.  If C{exc} is not None, also assert that one
        exception of that type was logged.
        rootDeferred = self.clientFactory.getRootObject()
        def gotRootObj(obj):
            failureDeferred = self._addFailingCallbacks(obj.callRemote(method), expected, eb)
            if exc is not None:
                def gotFailure(err):
                    self.assertEquals(len(self.flushLoggedErrors(exc)), 1)
                    return err
            return failureDeferred
        return rootDeferred

    def test_jellyFailure(self):
        Test that an exception which is a subclass of L{pb.Error} has more
        information passed across the network to the calling side.
        def failureJelly(fail):
            self.failIf(isinstance(fail.type, str))
            self.failUnless(isinstance(fail.value, fail.type))
            return 43
        return self._testImpl('jelly', 43, failureJelly)

    def test_deferredJellyFailure(self):
        Test that a Deferred which fails with a L{pb.Error} is treated in
        the same way as a synchronously raised L{pb.Error}.
        def failureDeferredJelly(fail):
            self.failIf(isinstance(fail.type, str))
            self.failUnless(isinstance(fail.value, fail.type))
            return 430
        return self._testImpl('deferredJelly', 430, failureDeferredJelly)

    def test_unjellyableFailure(self):
        An non-jellyable L{pb.Error} subclass raised by a remote method is
        turned into a Failure with a type set to the FQPN of the exception
        def failureUnjellyable(fail):
                fail.type, 'twisted.test.test_pbfailure.SynchronousError')
            return 431
        return self._testImpl('synchronousError', 431, failureUnjellyable)

    def test_unknownFailure(self):
        Test that an exception which is a subclass of L{pb.Error} but not
        known on the client side has its type set properly.
        def failureUnknown(fail):
                fail.type, 'twisted.test.test_pbfailure.UnknownError')
            return 4310
        return self._testImpl('unknownError', 4310, failureUnknown)

    def test_securityFailure(self):
        Test that even if an exception is not explicitly jellyable (by being
        a L{pb.Jellyable} subclass), as long as it is an L{pb.Error}
        subclass it receives the same special treatment.
        def failureSecurity(fail):
            self.failIf(isinstance(fail.type, str))
            self.failUnless(isinstance(fail.value, fail.type))
            return 4300
        return self._testImpl('security', 4300, failureSecurity)

    def test_deferredSecurity(self):
        Test that a Deferred which fails with a L{pb.Error} which is not
        also a L{pb.Jellyable} is treated in the same way as a synchronously
        raised exception of the same type.
        def failureDeferredSecurity(fail):
            self.failIf(isinstance(fail.type, str))
            self.failUnless(isinstance(fail.value, fail.type))
            return 43000
        return self._testImpl('deferredSecurity', 43000, failureDeferredSecurity)

    def test_noSuchMethodFailure(self):
        Test that attempting to call a method which is not defined correctly
        results in an AttributeError on the calling side.
        def failureNoSuch(fail):
            self.compare(fail.traceback, "Traceback unavailable\n")
            return 42000
        return self._testImpl('nosuch', 42000, failureNoSuch, AttributeError)

    def test_copiedFailureLogging(self):
        Test that a copied failure received from a PB call can be logged

        Note: this test needs some serious help: all it really tests is that
        log.err(copiedFailure) doesn't raise an exception.
        d = self.clientFactory.getRootObject()

        def connected(rootObj):
            return rootObj.callRemote('synchronousException')

        def exception(failure):
            errs = self.flushLoggedErrors(SynchronousException)
            self.assertEquals(len(errs), 2)

        return d

class PBFailureTestUnsafe(PBFailureTest):
    compare = unittest.TestCase.failIfEquals
    unsafeTracebacks = 1

class DummyInvoker(object):
    A behaviorless object to be used as the invoker parameter to
    serializingPerspective = None

class FailureJellyingTests(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests for the interaction of jelly and failures.
    def test_unjelliedFailureCheck(self):
        An unjellied L{CopyableFailure} has a check method which behaves the
        same way as the original L{CopyableFailure}'s check method.
        original = pb.CopyableFailure(ZeroDivisionError())
            original.check(ZeroDivisionError), ZeroDivisionError)
        self.assertIdentical(original.check(ArithmeticError), ArithmeticError)
        copied = jelly.unjelly(jelly.jelly(original, invoker=DummyInvoker()))
            copied.check(ZeroDivisionError), ZeroDivisionError)
        self.assertIdentical(copied.check(ArithmeticError), ArithmeticError)

    def test_twiceUnjelliedFailureCheck(self):
        The object which results from jellying a L{CopyableFailure}, unjellying
        the result, creating a new L{CopyableFailure} from the result of that,
        jellying it, and finally unjellying the result of that has a check
        method which behaves the same way as the original L{CopyableFailure}'s
        check method.
        original = pb.CopyableFailure(ZeroDivisionError())
            original.check(ZeroDivisionError), ZeroDivisionError)
        self.assertIdentical(original.check(ArithmeticError), ArithmeticError)
        copiedOnce = jelly.unjelly(
            jelly.jelly(original, invoker=DummyInvoker()))
        derivative = pb.CopyableFailure(copiedOnce)
        copiedTwice = jelly.unjelly(
            jelly.jelly(derivative, invoker=DummyInvoker()))
            copiedTwice.check(ZeroDivisionError), ZeroDivisionError)
            copiedTwice.check(ArithmeticError), ArithmeticError)

:: Command execute ::


:: Search ::
  - regexp 

:: Upload ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Make Dir ::
[ Read-Only ]
:: Make File ::
[ Read-Only ]

:: Go Dir ::
:: Go File ::

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