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# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_usage -*- # Copyright (c) 2001-2007 Twisted Matrix Laboratories. # See LICENSE for details.
""" twisted.python.usage is a module for parsing/handling the command line of your program.
For information on how to use it, see U{}, or doc/howto/options.html in your Twisted directory. """
# System Imports import os import sys import getopt from os import path
# Sibling Imports from twisted.python import reflect, text, util
class UsageError(Exception): pass
error = UsageError
class CoerceParameter(object): """ Utility class that can corce a parameter before storing it. """ def __init__(self, options, coerce): """ @param options: parent Options object @param coerce: callable used to coerce the value. """ self.options = options self.coerce = coerce self.doc = getattr(self.coerce, 'coerceDoc', '')
def dispatch(self, parameterName, value): """ When called in dispatch, do the coerce for C{value} and save the returned value. """ if value is None: raise UsageError("Parameter '%s' requires an argument." % (parameterName,)) try: value = self.coerce(value) except ValueError, e: raise UsageError("Parameter type enforcement failed: %s" % (e,))
self.options.opts[parameterName] = value
class Options(dict): """ An option list parser class
C{optFlags} and C{optParameters} are lists of available parameters which your program can handle. The difference between the two is the 'flags' have an on(1) or off(0) state (off by default) whereas 'parameters' have an assigned value, with an optional default. (Compare '--verbose' and '--verbosity=2')
optFlags is assigned a list of lists. Each list represents a flag parameter, as so::
| optFlags = [['verbose', 'v', 'Makes it tell you what it doing.'], | ['quiet', 'q', 'Be vewy vewy quiet.']]
As you can see, the first item is the long option name (prefixed with '--' on the command line), followed by the short option name (prefixed with '-'), and the description. The description is used for the built-in handling of the --help switch, which prints a usage summary.
C{optParameters} is much the same, except the list also contains a default value::
| optParameters = [['outfile', 'O', 'outfile.log', 'Description...']]
A coerce function can also be specified as the last element: it will be called with the argument and should return the value that will be stored for the option. This function can have a C{coerceDoc} attribute which will be appended to the documentation of the option.
subCommands is a list of 4-tuples of (command name, command shortcut, parser class, documentation). If the first non-option argument found is one of the given command names, an instance of the given parser class is instantiated and given the remainder of the arguments to parse and self.opts[command] is set to the command name. For example::
| subCommands = [ | ['inquisition', 'inquest', InquisitionOptions, | 'Perform an inquisition'], | ['holyquest', 'quest', HolyQuestOptions, | 'Embark upon a holy quest'] | ]
In this case, C{"<program> holyquest --horseback --for-grail"} will cause C{HolyQuestOptions} to be instantiated and asked to parse C{['--horseback', '--for-grail']}. Currently, only the first sub-command is parsed, and all options following it are passed to its parser. If a subcommand is found, the subCommand attribute is set to its name and the subOptions attribute is set to the Option instance that parses the remaining options. If a subcommand is not given to parseOptions, the subCommand attribute will be None. You can also mark one of the subCommands to be the default.
| defaultSubCommand = 'holyquest'
In this case, the subCommand attribute will never be None, and the subOptions attribute will always be set.
If you want to handle your own options, define a method named C{opt_paramname} that takes C{(self, option)} as arguments. C{option} will be whatever immediately follows the parameter on the command line. Options fully supports the mapping interface, so you can do things like C{'self["option"] = val'} in these methods.
Advanced functionality is covered in the howto documentation, available at U{}, or doc/howto/options.html in your Twisted directory. """
subCommand = None defaultSubCommand = None parent = None def __init__(self): super(Options, self).__init__()
self.opts = self self.defaults = {}
# These are strings/lists we will pass to getopt self.longOpt = [] self.shortOpt = '' = {} self.synonyms = {} self._dispatch = {}
collectors = [ self._gather_flags, self._gather_parameters, self._gather_handlers, ]
for c in collectors: (longOpt, shortOpt, docs, settings, synonyms, dispatch) = c() self.longOpt.extend(longOpt) self.shortOpt = self.shortOpt + shortOpt
self.opts.update(settings) self.defaults.update(settings)
self.synonyms.update(synonyms) self._dispatch.update(dispatch)
def __hash__(self): """ Define a custom hash function so that Options instances can be used as dictionary keys. This is an internal feature used to implement the parser. Do not rely on it in application code. """ return int(id(self) % sys.maxint)
def opt_help(self): """ Display this help and exit. """ print self.__str__() sys.exit(0)
def opt_version(self): from twisted import copyright print "Twisted version:", copyright.version sys.exit(0)
#opt_h = opt_help # this conflicted with existing 'host' options.
def parseOptions(self, options=None): """ The guts of the command-line parser. """
if options is None: options = sys.argv[1:] try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(options, self.shortOpt, self.longOpt) except getopt.error, e: raise UsageError(str(e))
for opt, arg in opts: if opt[1] == '-': opt = opt[2:] else: opt = opt[1:]
optMangled = opt if optMangled not in self.synonyms: optMangled = opt.replace("-", "_") if optMangled not in self.synonyms: raise UsageError("No such option '%s'" % (opt,))
optMangled = self.synonyms[optMangled] if isinstance(self._dispatch[optMangled], CoerceParameter): self._dispatch[optMangled].dispatch(optMangled, arg) else: self._dispatch[optMangled](optMangled, arg)
if (getattr(self, 'subCommands', None) and (args or self.defaultSubCommand is not None)): if not args: args = [self.defaultSubCommand] sub, rest = args[0], args[1:] for (cmd, short, parser, doc) in self.subCommands: if sub == cmd or sub == short: self.subCommand = cmd self.subOptions = parser() self.subOptions.parent = self self.subOptions.parseOptions(rest) break else: raise UsageError("Unknown command: %s" % sub) else: try: self.parseArgs(*args) except TypeError: raise UsageError("Wrong number of arguments.")
def postOptions(self): """ I am called after the options are parsed.
Override this method in your subclass to do something after the options have been parsed and assigned, like validate that all options are sane. """
def parseArgs(self): """ I am called with any leftover arguments which were not options.
Override me to do something with the remaining arguments on the command line, those which were not flags or options. e.g. interpret them as a list of files to operate on.
Note that if there more arguments on the command line than this method accepts, parseArgs will blow up with a getopt.error. This means if you don't override me, parseArgs will blow up if I am passed any arguments at all! """
def _generic_flag(self, flagName, value=None): if value not in ('', None): raise UsageError("Flag '%s' takes no argument." " Not even \"%s\"." % (flagName, value))
self.opts[flagName] = 1
def _gather_flags(self): """ Gather up boolean (flag) options. """
longOpt, shortOpt = [], '' docs, settings, synonyms, dispatch = {}, {}, {}, {}
flags = [] reflect.accumulateClassList(self.__class__, 'optFlags', flags)
for flag in flags: long, short, doc = util.padTo(3, flag) if not long: raise ValueError("A flag cannot be without a name.")
docs[long] = doc settings[long] = 0 if short: shortOpt = shortOpt + short synonyms[short] = long longOpt.append(long) synonyms[long] = long dispatch[long] = self._generic_flag
return longOpt, shortOpt, docs, settings, synonyms, dispatch
def _gather_parameters(self): """ Gather options which take a value. """ longOpt, shortOpt = [], '' docs, settings, synonyms, dispatch = {}, {}, {}, {}
parameters = []
reflect.accumulateClassList(self.__class__, 'optStrings', parameters) if parameters: import warnings warnings.warn("Options.optStrings is deprecated, " "please use optParameters instead.", stacklevel=2)
reflect.accumulateClassList(self.__class__, 'optParameters', parameters)
synonyms = {}
for parameter in parameters: long, short, default, doc, paramType = util.padTo(5, parameter) if not long: raise ValueError("A parameter cannot be without a name.")
docs[long] = doc settings[long] = default if short: shortOpt = shortOpt + short + ':' synonyms[short] = long longOpt.append(long + '=') synonyms[long] = long if paramType is not None: dispatch[long] = CoerceParameter(self, paramType) else: dispatch[long] = CoerceParameter(self, str)
return longOpt, shortOpt, docs, settings, synonyms, dispatch
def _gather_handlers(self): """ Gather up options with their own handler methods. """
longOpt, shortOpt = [], '' docs, settings, synonyms, dispatch = {}, {}, {}, {}
dct = {} reflect.addMethodNamesToDict(self.__class__, dct, "opt_")
for name in dct.keys(): method = getattr(self, 'opt_'+name)
takesArg = not flagFunction(method, name)
prettyName = name.replace('_', '-') doc = getattr(method, '__doc__', None) if doc: ## Only use the first line. #docs[name] = doc.split('\n')[0] docs[prettyName] = doc else: docs[prettyName] =
synonyms[prettyName] = prettyName
# A little slight-of-hand here makes dispatching much easier # in parseOptions, as it makes all option-methods have the # same signature. if takesArg: fn = lambda name, value, m=method: m(value) else: # XXX: This won't raise a TypeError if it's called # with a value when it shouldn't be. fn = lambda name, value=None, m=method: m()
dispatch[prettyName] = fn
if len(name) == 1: shortOpt = shortOpt + name if takesArg: shortOpt = shortOpt + ':' else: if takesArg: prettyName = prettyName + '=' longOpt.append(prettyName)
reverse_dct = {} # Map synonyms for name in dct.keys(): method = getattr(self, 'opt_' + name) if method not in reverse_dct: reverse_dct[method] = [] reverse_dct[method].append(name)
cmpLength = lambda a, b: cmp(len(a), len(b))
for method, names in reverse_dct.items(): if len(names) < 2: continue names_ = names[:] names_.sort(cmpLength) longest = names_.pop() for name in names_: synonyms[name] = longest
return longOpt, shortOpt, docs, settings, synonyms, dispatch
def __str__(self): return self.getSynopsis() + '\n' + self.getUsage(width=None)
def getSynopsis(self): """ Returns a string containing a description of these options and how to pass them to the executed file. """
default = "%s%s" % (path.basename(sys.argv[0]), (self.longOpt and " [options]") or '') if self.parent is None: default = "Usage: %s%s" % (path.basename(sys.argv[0]), (self.longOpt and " [options]") or '') else: default = '%s' % ((self.longOpt and "[options]") or '') synopsis = getattr(self, "synopsis", default)
synopsis = synopsis.rstrip()
if self.parent is not None: synopsis = ' '.join((self.parent.getSynopsis(), self.parent.subCommand, synopsis))
return synopsis
def getUsage(self, width=None): # If subOptions exists by now, then there was probably an error while # parsing its options. if hasattr(self, 'subOptions'): return self.subOptions.getUsage(width=width)
if not width: width = int(os.environ.get('COLUMNS', '80'))
if hasattr(self, 'subCommands'): cmdDicts = [] for (cmd, short, parser, desc) in self.subCommands: cmdDicts.append( {'long': cmd, 'short': short, 'doc': desc, 'optType': 'command', 'default': None }) chunks = docMakeChunks(cmdDicts, width) commands = 'Commands:\n' + ''.join(chunks) else: commands = ''
longToShort = {} for key, value in self.synonyms.items(): longname = value if (key != longname) and (len(key) == 1): longToShort[longname] = key else: if longname not in longToShort: longToShort[longname] = None else: pass
optDicts = [] for opt in self.longOpt: if opt[-1] == '=': optType = 'parameter' opt = opt[:-1] else: optType = 'flag'
optDicts.append( {'long': opt, 'short': longToShort[opt], 'doc':[opt], 'optType': optType, 'default': self.defaults.get(opt, None), 'dispatch': self._dispatch.get(opt, None) })
if not (getattr(self, "longdesc", None) is None): longdesc = self.longdesc else: import __main__ if getattr(__main__, '__doc__', None): longdesc = __main__.__doc__ else: longdesc = ''
if longdesc: longdesc = ('\n' + '\n'.join(text.wordWrap(longdesc, width)).strip() + '\n')
if optDicts: chunks = docMakeChunks(optDicts, width) s = "Options:\n%s" % (''.join(chunks)) else: s = "Options: None\n"
return s + longdesc + commands
#def __repr__(self): # XXX: It'd be cool if we could return a succinct representation # of which flags and options are set here.
def docMakeChunks(optList, width=80): """ Makes doc chunks for option declarations.
Takes a list of dictionaries, each of which may have one or more of the keys 'long', 'short', 'doc', 'default', 'optType'.
Returns a list of strings. The strings may be multiple lines, all of them end with a newline. """
# XXX: sanity check to make sure we have a sane combination of keys.
maxOptLen = 0 for opt in optList: optLen = len(opt.get('long', '')) if optLen: if opt.get('optType', None) == "parameter": # these take up an extra character optLen = optLen + 1 maxOptLen = max(optLen, maxOptLen)
colWidth1 = maxOptLen + len(" -s, -- ") colWidth2 = width - colWidth1 # XXX - impose some sane minimum limit. # Then if we don't have enough room for the option and the doc # to share one line, they can take turns on alternating lines.
colFiller1 = " " * colWidth1
optChunks = [] seen = {} for opt in optList: if opt.get('short', None) in seen or opt.get('long', None) in seen: continue for x in opt.get('short', None), opt.get('long', None): if x is not None: seen[x] = 1
optLines = [] comma = " " if opt.get('short', None): short = "-%c" % (opt['short'],) else: short = ''
if opt.get('long', None): long = opt['long'] if opt.get("optType", None) == "parameter": long = long + '='
long = "%-*s" % (maxOptLen, long) if short: comma = "," else: long = " " * (maxOptLen + len('--'))
if opt.get('optType', None) == 'command': column1 = ' %s ' % long else: column1 = " %2s%c --%s " % (short, comma, long)
if opt.get('doc', ''): doc = opt['doc'].strip() else: doc = ''
if (opt.get("optType", None) == "parameter") \ and not (opt.get('default', None) is None): doc = "%s [default: %s]" % (doc, opt['default'])
if (opt.get("optType", None) == "parameter") \ and opt.get('dispatch', None) is not None: d = opt['dispatch'] if isinstance(d, CoerceParameter) and d.doc: doc = "%s. %s" % (doc, d.doc)
if doc: column2_l = text.wordWrap(doc, colWidth2) else: column2_l = ['']
optLines.append("%s%s\n" % (column1, column2_l.pop(0)))
for line in column2_l: optLines.append("%s%s\n" % (colFiller1, line))
return optChunks
def flagFunction(method, name=None): reqArgs = method.im_func.func_code.co_argcount if reqArgs > 2: raise UsageError('Invalid Option function for %s' % (name or method.func_name)) if reqArgs == 2: # argName = method.im_func.func_code.co_varnames[1] return 0 return 1
def portCoerce(value): """ Coerce a string value to an int port number, and checks the validity. """ value = int(value) if value < 0 or value > 65535: raise ValueError("Port number not in range: %s" % (value,)) return value portCoerce.coerceDoc = "Must be an int between 0 and 65535."